Great. Now The TNA Section Is Full Of Idiots


Lord And Master
Staff member
Some gems:
you TNA marks are nothing but a bunch of tnabots! and why we WWE fans call you idiots TNABOTS? because you smarks are being PROGRAMMED by Dixie,hogan,bitchoff,Russo,and jarrett! we WWE fans already knew that it was the undertaker behind the 2-21-11 promo but the IWC and their so-called "expert" mentality think thought it was sting?!? childish... I think so!

"you TNA marks call us WWE fans "marks,shareholders,and Vince McMahon koolaid drinkers but we call idiots like you TNA sympathizers and TNABOTS! because you sympathize with anything and everything Dixie throws at you and you bots are PROGRAMMED to cheer, boo, and act like a bunch fucking morons by hogan, bitch off,russo and jarrett!

what TNA did was a ripoff of the WWE! but hell TNA always copies WWE! LOL! and I heard that only 3,000 bots showed up at that 2nd rate arena in north cackalacky ( north Carolina) while more than 10,000 true fans showed up to see taker return and it gave WWE a 3.9 rating!!! better than fleaNA's 1.2 crappy rating!! Lol! TNA... Total Nonsense Abomination! TNA ratings will go up slightly while WWE ratings will go between a 3.0-4.1!!! BANK ON IT!!! crusher mania 1592

I've never seen so much ignorance and hypocrisy in one place.

let's hit some youtube stats

Wwe official channel downloaded videos:154 182 263
Tna official channel downloaded videos:320 480 211
Apparently Youtube hits warrant success.

if ted got TNA i think with the money and expose give or take a few years it would rivil WWE

:lol: Dude, that is so ridiculous!!! It would ultimately, be sold to Vince!! Ted Turner learned before with WCW!!! Yes, they got hot and then lost their asses, just like TNA did when they showed up on Monday Nights, they lost their asses!! Hogan and Company know this and that is why they are back on Thursday Nights!! Hell, FCW Television is 10 times better than the shit TNA puts on

it would be pretty good if they pushed the right guys,style should be the face of the company and idk why sabin hasnt been given a major push
Nah, but it seems they come in flocks now. First it was the WWE section then the WM section, now TNA.
I cannot understand how someone would hope for TNA to fail. They stink, it's terrible. That doesn't mean I'm hoping for failure. The late 90's were amazing, not because of the Attitude Era, or the nWo, but a combination of both. Two solid shows will always be greater than one.
Some gems:

I've never seen so much ignorance and hypocrisy in one place.

Apparently Youtube hits warrant success.


I maintain that that's how the TNA section has always been, ever since my days of lurking that started in 2006 it has been pretty much the same.
I made a response in there last night and have been at war with some random dude ever since because he keeps accusing me of things that I address in my posts (for instance, believing every word of dirt sheets as gospel when I started my first post off by saying you can't trust anything anyone says in the wrestling business).

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