Great Moments In WWE History That Are Not Well Remembered?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion

Allow me to re-phrase. Moments in WWE history that are just not AS remembered as others.

Everyone remembers things like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin returning to the WWE after being out a year after having surgery, everyone remembers the hug between Benoit and Eddie at the end of Mania XX, and everyone remembers the night The Rock returned to one of the biggest ovations I have ever heard.

But what about the nights that people remember less often. My personal pick for the idea for this thread was from WWE Smackdown on the 5th June 2003, in which Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy MAIN EVENTED the episode for the Cruiserweight Championship in Rey's home state of California. The match went a good 15-20 minutes and ended with Rey capturing the gold. I remember it fondly and still look back on it to this day as one of his finest moments.

Can you think of any other great moments in WWE history that are not so remembered?

Why did they stick with you personally?
Christian V swaggar for the ecw title just after Christian returned in 2009 on feb 24th. A jiz tastic singles match for free to air, this is still one of my favourite of the singles free to air matches Ive seen.
Eric Bischoff showing up on Raw and hugging Vince McMahon. Something me and a lot of other never thought would ever happen.
I rarely hear anything about Rob Van Dam winning the WWE Title back in 2006. To me was definitely one of those holy shit moments, especially with heyman coming out at the end, kinda like vince/austin.
I always wondered why CM Punk making the Undertaker submit for the first and only time his career, has never been a benchmark / highlight. Sure, it was under dubious circumstances, but it's in the history books.

CM Punk can ride that horse like Jericho rides his undisputed title.


Trish's retirement match- Everyone knew this was her last match It was in her hometown of Toronto. It was against her biggest rival, Lita. It was for the Women's title. The crowd was amazing. The match was the perfect length. A pretty good match. And the ending was absolutely perfect, with Trish using the rarely seen Sharpshooter in Canada. And winning the title, nobody thought she would win because of her retirement. You can feel the emotion from Trish throughout and after the match. It's a rare tear-jerker in wrestling.
The ones that pop to mind mainly feature people currently in TNA so that plays a part in why they are not mentioned I'm sure.

The Undertaker v Jeff Hardy ladder match for the WWE title was incredible, and it did look like Hardy could cause the upset. I never expected those guys to put on such a good match.

Evan Bourne v Jericho Fatal $ Way 2010. Another brilliant match. Never mentioned on WWE TV today, Bourne is never given a chance yet he's beaten the "Best in the World". When he come back I hope that Bourne gets a push. He puts on great matches when given the chance. Even when he loses he doesn't look weak.

Jericho v Goldust on Superstars. This was when Superstars wasn't full of the lower card talent and the matches were said to be dawn at random. Just an absolute classic was voted as one of the matches of the year.

Cena v HBK Raw at Earls Court 2007. My first an only WWE live event. Was just incredible. They went the best part of an hour. This was the WWE match of the year, and personally I'm glad that I was there live.
How about "Mr. McMahon" being blown up in a limo, only to be overshadowed by the Benoit tragedy a week later? Although it's far from a 'great moment in WWE history', it's gotta be the most epic fail that won't be well remembered. A footnote to a bad week, unfortunately.
When Stone COld Saved Stephanie From the undertaker and his 'evil wedding'. It was corny as fuck, but the crowd was insane, from others like the big show trying to save her, and when he did, the crowd went fucking nuts, and when she hugged him, they just popped again. Like I said, it was corny as fuck, and pure soap opera drivel, but everyone loved it, and it was pretty cool.
Bret Hart (c) VS 1-2-3 Kid for the WWF/E title in 1994 on Raw.

This was one of the best pure wrestling matches I have ever seen on TV. What made it so great was that EVERYONE was putting 110% into it; from Bret, to Sean, to the commentators (JR and Macho Man.) Usually, commentators tell stories and deliberately ignore the match in the process. Not so in this case. You could feel the energy and passion through the entire match as they called virtually every single move. Waltman had arguably the best match of his entire career and Bret went out of his way to put him in that spotlight.
I agree about 1-2-3 Kid vs Hitman, one of the all time greatest matches in Raw's 1,000 episode history, possibly the best. I wouldn't argue against it being the best match in Raw history. I love the psychology involved in it. Perfect performances from both men as well.

Judging from all of the IWC that think The Attitude Era began at Wrestlemania XIV, I'd say everyone has forgotten about the Brian Pillman vs Steve Austin "Pillman's got a gun!" episode of Raw in late 96. That was such an extrememly violent moment that it really kind of blows my mind that it ever happened on WWE TV. Austin pretty much commited a home invasion on Raw, and almost got shot in the process.

Attitude era began at KOR 96. Russo lost his mind with the shit in mid to late 98 on into the worst year of WWE history, 1999. Fall of 96 to WM XIV was the Attitude Era to me. It was big budget ECW. The rest was a Russo jackoff session.

The success they achieved after WM XIV was based off of what they worked to establish from Fall of 96 up to WM XIV.

Another Great forgotten moment was the interview in late 96 when Stone Cold called out Vince Mcmahon in an interview as being the man that "Pulled the strings here in the WWF". Austin was doing what CM Punk did one night on pretty much a nightly basis from the Fall of 96/Early 97 when they were establishing the "Stone Cold" character, people just kind of forgot about a lot of it.
Jeff Hardy winning the WWE Championship at Armageddon a few years back is still the best moment for me in WWE history. I know how hated he is on the internet but as a big fan I will always remember that moment fondly.
Lets step into a time machine and go back to May 1994. Earthquake vs. Yokozuna Sumo match. Yokozuna was the company's top heel at the time, having just lost the Heavyweight Championship to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania X. Yokozuna, the sumo wrestler, fighting against Earthquake, who legitimately competed in sumo wrestling. Too bad the WWF did not capitalize on the momentum Earthquake picked up from that. It was the loudest pop I ever heard him get in his career.
The 16th of November 2009.

Raw was hyped to the moon as a triple tag match between DX, Jeri-Show and John Cena/The Undertaker. However, one moment on Raw included Randy Orton pummelling on Kofi Kingston, to only have Kofi turn around and kick the crap out of Orton. At this moment, Kofi Kingston 'Boom Dropped' Randy Orton through an announce table, from one of the banisters. One of the least remembered moments in history, but absolutely amazing.

Unfortunately Kofi's push ran into no-where. I hope that WWE give him another chance soon.
I'm going to have to say Punk's first title win when he cashed in MITB and beat Edge after Batista destroyed Edge. Punk cashing in was something that I hadn't thought about and remember sitting there after the PPV and into Raw thinking "What does Raw do for a title now?". In my head I'm thinking a tournament of sorts to crown a RAW champion with Edge/HHH battling for a Smackdown title. Punk's music hit and I jumped out of my seat. That was one of the few times in my life that Wrestling made me jump out of my seat in excitement. Sadly Punk's lackluster reign in which his main feud was with JBL leaves that title win as one of the least well known wins.
How about at fully loaded 2000 when rikishi jumped off the cage onto val venis granted weve seen cage jumps several times but that was insane seeing a 400 pound man jump off the top and splash onto someone. Ive never really heard that being talked about/seen besides on my vhs tape or youtube.
I have no idea how well this is remembered, but I'll always remember the time Rhyno GORED Chris Jericho through the Smackdown sign on the stage back in 2001. Then a couple of years later he GORED Chris Benoit through a door backstage. That same year Goldberg speared Rosey (or was it Jamal?) through the barricade at ringside. All of those were cool moments to witness.

I also remember Austin Appreciation Night from the night after SummerSlam 2001. I remember various members of the Alliance (Especially Shawn Stasiak) talking about why they appreciated Stone Cold Steve Austin. This episode, of course, was concluded with the Alliance singing "Wind Beneath My Ring" to SCSA and Kurt Angle spraying down everyone with milk. IMO, that was one of the greatest Raw episodes of all time.

Some other great moments:

-ABA Undertaker throwing Big Show off the ramp after wrapping his biker chain around Show's neck.
-Rhyno pinning the likes of Chris Jericho, Big Show and Kane to win the Hardcore Championship.
-RVD perched on the top turnbuckle with Kurt Angle and SCSA lying in the ring. On Raw, he hit Angle with the 5 Star Frog Splash, but on Smackdown, he hit Austin with the move.
-DDP's series of vignettes and promos in late 2001 where he helped me like! This gimmick was actually what made me a big fan of DDP and the guy was perfect in this role!
-RVD winning the Undisputed WWE Championship from Big Evil Undertaker only to have the decision reversed by Ric Flair. (As I recall, he had Taker pinned after a Rolling Thunder, but Taker's foot was on the rope.)
JBL's retirement is one of my personal favorite moments. His match with Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania XXV was nothing to home phone about, though he did lose the Intercontinental Championship in record fashion. The aftermath of the match is what I remember so fondly. How rarely do you see a great heel, get a chance to retire as a heel? That's what was so great about this for me, as it was sort of the ultimate heel thing to do -- even in retirement, he went out the way he'd had his greatest success, by yelling at the fans and just being a coward, in general. There wasn't a big speech, there wasn't any great fandom, just JBL throwing a fit and yelling out "I QUIT!", after being outclassed by Rey Mysterio, in a match he had vowed to win. It's such a unique way to go out, we may never see anything like it again.

An honorable mention goes to Bret Hart getting his revenge on Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26. Yeah, the match was pretty awful and it was sad to see "The Hitman" unable to recapture his past glory in the ring, but it was only fitting that he'd be able to humiliate Vince, as a payback for the Montreal Screwjob. Hell, the entire Hart family really got to lay into Vince. To Vince's credit, he took it all, though. Vince swallowed his pride and allowed Bret to have some measure of his pride back, which really showed the fans that the relationship had been mended.
How about stone cold vs the rock the night after survivor series deadly games tournament. The crowd was absolutely insane during the match. I was sure austin was going to win until shamrock pulled the ref out and undertaker decked stone cold with a shovel.
I have to agree with the poster that mentioned the Pillman's got a gun episode of RAW. I remember watching that episode of Raw with my friends, and knowing full well at the time that wrestling was scripted we still were like holy shit I can't believe they are doing this. Just a crazy over the top segment on Raw that was very entertaining. I also gotta say the Bret Hart/123 kid match from raw. Just an epic epic match that is never talked about today.
1) ECW's first partnership with WWF. I remember that was how I was first introduced to Rob Van Dam. That's when they started calling him "Mr. Monday Night." I forget what year that was....

2) The Macho Man being bitten by the snake in the ring. That scared me as a kid.

3)Stacy Keibler any time she walked in front of the camera.....just sayin.
Hardy vs Taker! One of JR's best nights on the mic and the tease at the end still gives me chills Hardy was so close to the belt .And for Raw it was a PPV level match. Taker also broke the 4th wall and held up Hardy hand and you knew this guy was next in line. Its a shame what drugs did to that family.
What about Austin throwing Dlo Brown onto the hood of his pick up truck and then hitting him with the Stunner on it's roof... the WWE always shows the beer bath and the zamboni, or the concrete being poured into Vince's sports car etc etc. But we rarely see this moment which was completely bad ass. Not sure if it is because it was before his feud with McMahon/ becoming WWF Champion or if Dlo was a lower tier talent and not an important attack that a Rock or Vince is..

But the visuals were amazing seeing him do it, in the arena no less!
Forgotten moments? Well, I'd have to say Kai Entai trying to castrate Val Venis with a katana, the ropes breaking when Yokozuna returned even heavier and was going for the Bonzai Drop, the lead up to the Bret/ Jerry Kiss my Foot match where Jerry was showing how he was making his feet as disusting as possible walking in piles of various disgusting waste, Sable in the painted handprints for a bikini, and so many others.
Shelton Benjamin vs Shawn Michaels. It was May 2, 2005 I think. The night after Backlash on Raw, for the Gold Rush tournament to determine the #1 contender. One of the greatest Raw matches ever. Felt like a Wrestlemania match and the crowd was really into.
When Vince was pleading with Mankind to get the Union and just leave with Mankind responding "can you give us a ride?'' - 9/20/98

almost no one has or had the type of chemistry with Vince where even he was often caught off guard and had to improvise to keep the bit rolling. Mick tells in one of his books that after this Vince told him to never tell him what he was going to do but to just surprise him. That says a lot about Vince's trust in people like Mick. I'm not so sure he'd give present day stars that freedom

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