Great crowd signs

After seeing a "Is Chris Jericho Bon Jovi?" sign on Raw the other night it inspired me to make a thread about great signs you have seen in the past. If you want you can include a sign that you thought of or give an idea for one that somebody could use for a future show.

Here's two of my favorites that I remember. The first one was from Slamboree 98, the main event of the night was Piper and Savage vs. Hogan and Hart. So as Hogan and Hart were making there way to the ring the camera zooms in on a sign that says "Welcome to Jurassic Park" with Piper, Savage, Bret and Hogan in each corner of the sign. I thought that was simply priceless especially since the cameraman actually zoomed in on it, he probably got reemed at for doing that.

I can't remember the exact show but it was during Eugene's entrance, the sign says "I parked in Eugene's space" with a handicap sign in the middle of it. I got a kick out of that one as tasteless as it might have been.
Back before everybody started doing it, "The Guy Behind Me Can't See" was hilarious.

WORST repetitive sign has to be "Just a Big Loser". My god, that just reminds me of little 4 year olds that say "you're a poopy head" and stuff.

I laughed a lot when I saw a sign once that said "Umaga ate my sign" and the side of it was ripped off to look like teeth marks had bitten into it.
I saw that Jericho/Bon Jovi sign and chuckled too, but my fave is still from WM18 with Edge v Booker which was a rivalry that started over a Japanese hair product endorsement that Edge got and Booker didn't.

They had a quality Booker promo jsut after Taker/Flair, then he came out, Edge came out and got a huge ovation because it was in Toronto that year, and then the crowd were super amped up and as a result so was i, and then i noticed just to the right of the middle of the screen a sign that read 'they're fighting over shampoo!' and i pissed myself laughing, and it managed to undermine everything that had happened up until that point.

'I Love Grapes' was a favourite as well.
"Jazz is my dad"
"X-Pax = Piss Break"
"Hogan's so old he farts dust" (Immature I know, but made me chuckle)
"I'm only here because I couldn't get WWF tickets" (on an episode of Nitro)
One I keep seeing now which I enjoy seeing because of the Botchamania youtube series is

Botchmania (number) = This Match

I always like giving kudos to those that do drawings, some of them show alot of effort put in, there was a brilliant one of Rock and Stone Cold at Royal Rumble 2001 and a great one of Vince, Shane & Steph at Wrestlemania 2000
I forget what show it was but one sign this year made me laugh so hard it said

"We've Cena Nuff."

I'm not one of them Cena Haters or am I a fan of his just in the middle but I loved this sign. I think it got taken away from the guy who had it thought.
I once had a great sign for a tna show here in texas. it was only a house show, but it got me to the backstage area and i got to meet kurt angle (swooooon)

"i just had day surgery 7 hours ago, but i'm still here to see Kurt Angle"

some guy plucked me from the crowd and took me backstage to meet kurt. he was like..are you serious? and i was like..yup. i showed him my hospital bracelets that i was still wearing (4 in all) and he was like..damn..hardcore huh? i got all kinds a shit and a kiss. so it paid off :)
David Arquettes "Former WCW champ" one was funny.
Signs I've made:
"Sign Maker In Training"
"No, I'm gonna win the royal rumble" (during a promor of The Rock where he hypes the Royal Rumble)
"Wrestle Me, Trish!"
"RVD Got RKOwned"
I'm not big into the making signs thing, as I just think it's stupid and rude to the people behind you. However, if I were to make one, I'd probably go with:

"I was Owen Hart in a former life."

"The guy behind me can't see...and the guy in front of me is a prick."

"I was Orlando Jordan's personal assistant. On your knees before me!"
I found "I'M SURROUNDED BY MARKS!" pretty funny. Course, then the security guy took it away from him.
It was on last week's RAW, I think.

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