GORE! GORE! GORE! "The War Machine" Rhino is Back in TNA!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

@RockstarSpud: @IMPACTWRESTLING Every family needs a family pet...And we? @EthanCarter TNA WE HAVE A RHINO!!!! #IMPACTLive​


For those living under a cave (that'd include those of you who have somehow avoided all the spoilers — which mind you, are still not to be posted here), long-time TNA wrestler and spearing extraordinaire, "The War Machine" Rhino (with an 'i', not a 'y' — that shit was for WWE) returned last night, effectively swerving the PA IMPACT crowd by spearing Bully Ray, not Rockstar Spud, in interfering in ECIII and Bully's tables match.

Not sure I agree that the best return for him is aligning with Carter & Co, but I'm just glad Rhino is back. No matter how great or gross the feud, he can always be counted on to give you a solid match effort.
I've always liked Rhino. I might be a little biased though, since he's from the Detroit area. I even saw him at a Tiger's game a few years ago, in the concession area. He was signing autographs for a few fans, but I managed to get him to answer a question. I asked how he liked working for TNA, and his answer was pretty standard. He said that the best part about working for TNA is/was the schedule, and that it was a lot easier than having to deal with working all those dates for the WWE. I'm not sure how long he stayed there with the fans, answering questions and signing autographs (there were only 10 or 15, so I'm sure it wasn't too bad for him that day). I walked away after a few minutes, I didn't want to add to the spectacle. He was obviously at Comerica Park to watch a baseball game; he wasn't there in a professional capacity. Seemed like a great guy though, he definitely could have tried to ignore everyone and walk away. Not every wrestler would be willing to do an impromptu Q&A, and sign (free) autographs while he's supposed to have a relaxing day at the ball park. I don't mean to sound like a mark for Rhino, but again: he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

I hope this return to TNA for Rhino is a meaningful one. I'm not saying he should win the World Title or anything, but i hope they have something in the cards for him (other than just being EC3's "hired gun"). Hearing "GORE! GORE! GORE!" before his music hit, and he ran down to the ring was a bit of a mark-out moment for me. It was a bit cliché, to have Rhino attack Bully instead of EC3 and/or Spud...but at least he's back. Besides, Spud's reaction(s) to Rhino's surprise appearance was great. Almost all of Spud's facial expressions crack me up, especially when he's acting cowardly. I don't know if Rhino has signed a "real" contract (or if he's on a per-appearance deal), but I hope he sticks around through the Fall. It would be great to see Rhino have a one-on-one match at BFG this year.

It's pretty easy to see where this is leading. EC3 & Rhino (with Spud in tow) will attack Bully again and again, possibly leading to a handicap match at some point. Bully will eventually need a partner to counter-balance their attack(s), so we might see Bully do some recruiting over the next few weeks. Inevitably, this will lead to Devon's return - and a Team 3D reunion. With Team 3D being TNA's 2014 Hall of Fame inductees, is it really that hard to see the writing on the wall?

Again - after Team Dixie is done "paying off" Rhino, I hope The War Machine sticks around for a bit as a singles competitor. Rhino could get involved with Tommy Dreamer's feud with Dixie as well, if they decide to continue that story (Rhino would work well as a heel or face in that angle). At the very least, we should see a decent series of matches over the Summer between Rhino & Bully, and then the inevitable Team 3D reunion. Once it was announced that Team 3D would be this year's HoF inductees, it didn't take a genius to figure out that there will be at least one more tag match with them coming out on top...I just didn't expect that Rhino would be involved. Looking at the big picture, this is a great way to get Team 3D back together. Rhino definitely can look like an "unstoppable brute", and it will be easy for TNA to make it seem that the only way to stop him (and EC3/Team Dixie) is the return of "the most decorated Tag Team of all time"! Lol. I'd imagine Bully will also have another table with Rhino's name on it pretty soon. Maybe it will be Rhino (or even EC3) that's finally put through a table with an old-school Dudley-Death-Drop. Rhino's history with both Bully & Devon will make for great story fodder to round out TNA's Summer mid-card/tag-division. Either way, I'm looking forward to some great in-ring action from Rhino in the near-future, and I hope they can find something else for him to do after his involvement with Team Dixie comes to an end.
Meh. I feel about Rhino the way KJ feels about Devon. The guy never really did it for me. Mind you he's not a bad wrestler, I just never saw the appeal in him. But he's a mercenary these days, much like he was with SCUM in ROH. He probably will only be around for a few weeks, at least that's what I'm hoping.
I'm happy that he's back. He's one of the few guys that relies on his power more than anything to make his statement. He could never speak and I'd still be a fan of him.

I avoided the spoilers so when he came out last night I was genuinely surprised. Plus I didn't expect him to gore Bully. Maybe I should have in hindsight but I didn't so it was interesting to see.

I hope he's around for a little bit at least. And if he isn't then I'm glad I was watching when he came out.
I was just thinking about Rhino's appearance again on iMPACT last night, and was (again) thinking about Rhino & EC3 vs. a reformed Team 3D. Just a disclaimer: I haven't read any "official" TNA spoilers for the next few weeks, but (in interest of full-disclosure) I do know a little about what's coming up in the World Title scene - because the WZ main page kind of spoiled it for me with one of their headlines last week(ish). Still, I don't know what's coming up for the midcard and/or tag scene (it just seems obvious that Team 3D will reform, given their HoF induction this year & Rhino's involvement with Team Dixie). I normally try to stay away from spoilers all-together, and I'm sure this happens to everyone who tries to consciously avoid spoilers: sometimes you accidentally read something you don't realize is a spoiler until after you're done reading it. Oh well, at least I don't know everything, and it's not like that sort of thing happens all that often anyway.

Having got that out of the way, I was thinking it might be great if Spike Dudley returned to feud with Spud. I know that most people won't care about that at all, but I think that would be awesome. I know that TNA has to call him "Brother Runt", which is ridiculous in its own right...but I'd love to see Spike/Runt have at least one match with Spud. There's a guy who is Spud's size, speed, weight, etc. Besides, I'm probably one of the only ones that actually enjoys watching Spud work (I could do without his elastic bow tie with no shirt, however). With the way Spud's been presented on TNA TV (since his arrival to the main roster), there's no way they're ever going to get him over fighting "regular" wrestlers...that's prett much gone for good now, but here's a chance to give Spud a solid 5 to 7 minute one-on-one match on a PPV, and actually let the fans see him get his ass kicked (which is what they want every time he's out there). When Spud has had matches before, he's just hit with a power-move/finisher...then he's done. It would be great for them to get a believable opponent for him to at least have a one-off match with, and Spike would be perfect. I guess Amazing Red might give Spud a good little match too, but Spike's connection to Devon & Bully is just too perfect right now. Plus, Spike could return and get a relatively decent pop right away. They might have to "re-familiarize" the TNA audience as to who in the blue hell Amazing Red (or a reasonable facsimile, ie: Sharkboy) actually is.

Odds are that if Runt is brought back for this storyline, he'll just be in Team 3D's "corner" (to counterbalance Spud being in the corner of EC3 & Rhino). If it happens, we'd probably just see one old-school Acid Drop on Spud when he jumps in the ring to distract the ref or something. Still, here's an opportunity (and I can't really think of a lot of these opportunities) for Spud to shine in a one-on-one match, even if he ultimately loses. Not only that, but if this is actually is the last time we'll see Bully & Devon tag together then who better than Spike to return to help send them off? Just a thought. I'd love to see Spike run past Rhino & EC3 and "get his hands on" Spud. Maybe he doesn't take bookings anymore, but again - I'd mark out for that.
Im sorry but rhino back in TNA doesn't really help anyone...A short fued or a job her or there but really Rhino should of stayed away..EC3 i understand what they are tryin to do with the Kid and blankly he doesn't need it..he is a heel..he is someone we don't like he doesn't need rhino...Now i think Rhino should of gored EY or Joe..or Aries, someone who needed a fued right now.
I'm glad rhino is back. I just hope they use him right. And I know this is off subject but I wish tna would start doing impact wrestling live instead of taping them weeks or even months in advanced. I try not to read spoilers but it usually don't work out for me
I'm glad he's back but I'm also a bit biased since I too am from Detroit. Plus, he wrestles locally at XICW so I get to see him quite a bit. He's genuinely one of the nicest wrestlers I've come across. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he's booked on one of those local shows tonight in addition to it being Petey William's last match. So I'll probably head to that and check out the show anyway.

That said, I don't know if he's going to help TNA persay, but he certainly couldn't hurt. He looks like he hasn't aged a bit!
Rhino is awesome! I always loved that guy. He's always been solid. Not too good, not too bad, just a guy you can expect to deliver. One of the most consistent wrestlers of the past 20 years, for sure. Great look, great gimmick (or whatever it is), cool moves and he knows how to do it all his way. Love Rhino, so happy he's back (at least for a while). There are some awesome things they can do with him if they put their mind into it.
Maybe Rhino can team with Abyss full time.

Abyss is lost without Willow if Matt stays so why not a good power team who can work a little?
Rhino is awesome! I always loved that guy. He's always been solid. Not too good, not too bad, just a guy you can expect to deliver. One of the most consistent wrestlers of the past 20 years, for sure. Great look, great gimmick (or whatever it is), cool moves and he knows how to do it all his way. Love Rhino, so happy he's back (at least for a while). There are some awesome things they can do with him if they put their mind into it.

I agree with this totally. While Rhino is unlikely to deliver you a HBK v Undertaker level classic, he rarely has a bad match. He's very consistent and can be relied upon to deliver. I'm really glad he's back in TNA, I've always been a fan and even just a couple of weeks ago I posted on this forum saying it's ridiculous he wasnt signed to WWE or TNA, so this is excellent news.

Rhino is still in fantastic shape, and I think he'd have been a great candidate for a TV title run, had TNA not stupidly decided to make the title inactive. I'd definitely like to see him stick around, and wouldn't be against seeing him in the TNA World Title picture. A battle of the Spears with Lashley perhaps?

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