Goodness Gracious

I don't think I'll be able to use my feet again till I'm at least 25. :lol2:

Just came back from- BLACK FRIDAY (it deserves CAPS) shopping. Shoud be renamed Black Friday marathon or something because that's what it felt like. Woke up at 5AM, shopped till I dropped (which took about 9 hours), fended off crazy shoppers who thought I was stealing their clothes (how is it my fault that I grabbed the same shirt they did?), and heard horror stories about a woman getting trampled in Best Buy (they're worse than animals when it comes to electronic stuff). All in all, had an awsome day, and I got some GREAT bargains (50% off! Amazing). :)

What did everyone else do on this wonderful, slightly dangerous day known as Black Friday?

Flames Out
I don't think I'll be able to use my feet again till I'm at least 25. :lol2:

Just came back from- BLACK FRIDAY (it deserves CAPS) shopping. Shoud be renamed Black Friday marathon or something because that's what it felt like. Woke up at 5AM, shopped till I dropped (which took about 9 hours), fended off crazy shoppers who thought I was stealing their clothes (how is it my fault that I grabbed the same shirt they did?), and heard horror stories about a woman getting trampled in Best Buy (they're worse than animals when it comes to electronic stuff). All in all, had an awsome day, and I got some GREAT bargains (50% off! Amazing). :)

What did everyone else do on this wonderful, slightly dangerous day known as Black Friday?

Flames Out

I slept! I s-l-e-p-t. My family doesn't care enough about X-Mas to shop for anyone, lmao.
I might go tomorrow to Wal mart to get a PS3 with 10 FREE Blu Ray Movies of my choice
I slept! I s-l-e-p-t. My family doesn't care enough about X-Mas to shop for anyone, lmao.

You SLEPT on Black Friday of all days? It's the day of bargains and cheap prices! How can you sleep through that? I reserve Saturday for sleeping underneath all my new stuff. :D

Flames Out
I am work...thanks for rubbing it in!!! Although, I would not venture out to any store on Black Friday. I cannot effectively shop when it's elbows-to-assholes in every store.
Black Friday? Im from Canada and I dont think we have it?? What is???SOme sort of shopping spree??
Black Friday? Im from Canada and I dont think we have it?? What is???SOme sort of shopping spree??

Well it's like this day after Thanksgiving where everything becomes super cheap and everyone goes out and shops (usually for Christmas).

Ahh, and sorry about having to work on Black Friday RVDgurl, but hey the sales are still on Saturday, and without all the psycho shoppers.

Flames Out
Hashahaah I went shopping too. It is God awful, but in a way exciting. Except for the trampling part and that you can't turn around without headbutting somebody.
I worked from 9:00 till about 3:30, and got paid triple time for it:headbanger:

I would never even think about going shopping today, I worked at Shopko one year on Black Friday, and it sucked, I won't even venture near any store (other than the grocery store, cause I need food) this week end, I hate shopping this time of year, you got lines stupid people, and parking is always a bitch, and besides most of the people I buy X-Mas crap for live away from me, so I'd have to mail it to them, and that's a pain, they're getting gift cards this year, it's so much easier
What did everyone else do on this wonderful, slightly dangerous day known as Black Friday?

Flames Out

I slept through most of the day too. I felt like crap after that horrible, horrible festival of food known as Thanksgiving. It felt incredibly good to sleep through a day again.

I slept! I s-l-e-p-t. My family doesn't care enough about X-Mas to shop for anyone, lmao.

Yeah, I'm falling in the same boat. Its not that my Family doesn't care enough about Christmas to shop.. but its the fact that none of us have hundreds of dollars to blow on gifts. So our Christmas' normally suck.

You SLEPT on Black Friday of all days? It's the day of bargains and cheap prices! How can you sleep through that? I reserve Saturday for sleeping underneath all my new stuff. :D

Flames Out

Very easily, actually. I thought I was going to be woke up by my Daughter.. but after she was done playing, she came & laid down with me to take a nap. So I slept from like Noon-30, until about 7p.m. -- good stuff.

And I'm unemployed, so I don't have the ability to buy gifts, whether they're on sell or not. :icon_sad: Yeah, it makes me feel like shit.. but noone will hire me, so what am I gonna do?

Besides all that, Christmas has almost all but ALWAYS sucked for me. There has only been a select few years where something even worse than normal hasn't happened. I dispise this time of the year, & Thanksgiving is like the last "rain fall" before the "big storm."
And I'm unemployed, so I don't have the ability to buy gifts, whether they're on sell or not. :icon_sad: Yeah, it makes me feel like shit.. but noone will hire me, so what am I gonna do?
meh, dont feel bad, i got into a fight with my assistant manager, and the dude swung at me, so i moved and threw his ass to the ground, put my knee to his back then left.

Besides all that, Christmas has almost all but ALWAYS sucked for me. There has only been a select few years where something even worse than normal hasn't happened. I dispise this time of the year, & Thanksgiving is like the last "rain fall" before the "big storm."
My Christmas sucked last year, i had a spinal tap and was like demobilized the whole entire week, i was sick as all he**. Other than that though it was alright/
i went too work, and quit. I would never go out too any stores, it is simply crazy, and i hate shopping when there is a little bit of a crowd, let a lone a huge crowd. I was never much of the shopping person, unless it is for myself. Sorry , i can't shop for others, so since they don't lower the prices to a gift card, i stay home on this day.
My Christmas sucked last year, i had a spinal tap and was like demobilized the whole entire week, i was sick as all he**. Other than that though it was alright/

Yeah, last year was at least good "present wise" & it was my Daughter's first Christmas. But the downside was, during that time of the year, I was rehabbing a fallen arch. (foot)

I've had so much crap happen over the course of After Thanksgiving, to New Year's, its like an unofficial curse.

My Wife had a miscarriage. I've lost a fiancee'. (left me) My Mother & Father have had serious heart conditions & ended up in the hospital. We were once forced to move out of one house, to another one. Lost the greatest job I ever had, cause that store went out of business. All that has been left & right on TOP of seemingly never having enough money to afford anything for anyone.
Yeah, last year was at least good "present wise" & it was my Daughter's first Christmas. But the downside was, during that time of the year, I was rehabbing a fallen arch. (foot)

I've had so much crap happen over the course of After Thanksgiving, to New Year's, its like an unofficial curse.

My Wife had a miscarriage. I've lost a fiancee'. (left me) My Mother & Father have had serious heart conditions & ended up in the hospital. We were once forced to move out of one house, to another one. Lost the greatest job I ever had, cause that store went out of business. All that has been left & right on TOP of seemingly never having enough money to afford anything for anyone.

Damn that sucks, sounds like you've gone through alot of shit, I can see why your not to fond of this time of year
Damn that sucks, sounds like you've gone through alot of shit, I can see why your not to fond of this time of year

I seriously don't unintentionally even mean to bring any of it up. Its the past, & the past is where it is. Unchangable, unavoidable.. but over with none the less.

The only sad thing I ever feel, is when I see so many people happy & buying everything in sight.. when I don't even have enough money in my pockets to fricken buy food at a McDonald's at times. It only gets to me, when I think of how much I could be a disappointment to my Daughter, or my Wife.

Neither of them deserve someone that can't provide a stable, financial life-style for them. And as much as it has & does suck to have shitty holidays, I'd rather "I" had them alone.. then have to see either of them, or my other Family members get drug through them miserably as well.

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