Goodbye Matt Hardy Push

So, here I sit, watching RAW. I just finished the Matt Hardy/Kofi Kingston match in which Matt just lost.

What happened to Matt's push? Matt wrestling against protest due to his broken hand is brilliant, and he should be getting the dirty win in EVERY match.

When Kofi went for a pin attemp half way through the match, it would've been the perfect opportunity for Matt to punch him in the head with the cast causing Kofi to release the pin and fall backways. Matt Hardy then capitolizes and pins Kofi for the win.

Is it too hard to ask?!

It's just one match. There is nothing to be up in arms about. It's not like he's going to do anything in the time being. Looks like Regal and MVP are going feud. One loss doesn't signal the end of a push.
My God. I'm the biggest Matt Hardy fan in the world and even I'm not complaining about this loss. It's one friggin' match against someone who is about on part of Matt AND Matt has a cast preventing him from wrestling anywhere near 100%.

You're really overreacting if you think this one match has any effect on Matt's overall push.
yea really. the whole point was he is being forced to wrestle. he wont win every match he is in.
But he SHOULD be winning each match. And he SHOULD be winning due to a cheap shot with the cast.

This is the best way Matt Hardy would be able to get the instant heat and keep his push going strong. Stronger than not using the cast.
This is just another example of people freaking out without seeing where things are going/without looking at the entire match. Yeah, Hardy lost the match...but he got his revenge post-match. Thus, he got his heat back. Remember how Matt is a heel? Heels do cheap stuff after they lose cleanly to faces. Kofi shouldn't get buried in order to put Matt over unless absolutely necessary. was not necessary to bury Kofi.

Good call, WWE.
i have to agree that it seems a little bit of an overreaction to think that matt's push is just over, especially since he knocked kofi out cold after the bell. this might even set up a nice little raw feud between the two. it'll be nice for kofi to actually have a solo feud with someone who can really make it work and build story. it'll actually benefit both of them. matt can talk about how he has "made" yet another star and draw further heat, while kofi can move on to someone else, say new us, er uk champ william regal?
I thought the same thing when I first saw it, but Matt IS injured. It's a legit injury and to push him with that injury could be costly to his future. Kofi is a credible wrestler and needed the win. Matt can call foul because of his arm for a few weeks, and lose no credibility.

And he got his revenge on Kofi post match. Matt's still a heel. Matt's still going to be pushed, it'll just be delayed for a little while.
When people chant 'Joe's gonna kill you' do you guys lean closer to the television with hopes that Joe will ACTUALLY kill someone?

Because thats how you are acting to my saying that Matt Hardy's push is completely done.

I just feel that it would've been a great thing for the WWE to have Matt win matchs for the next 'x' amont of months using the cast. I dont want them to 'Cowboy Bob' the cast, but while he is out, and it should be used.

And as for: was not necessary to bury Kofi.

I don't think it would've buried Kofi if he lost a match due to being hit with a cast. It would've built to the Matt Hardy Push. And Kofi could state that it was due to the cast that he lost, and get another shot at Matt Hardy later on. Hell, even next week, and at Judgement Day if they wanted.

I wasn't 'freaking out before I saw where things are going' when Matt lost the match, but I do believe that this move didn't add what it could have added to Matt Hardy's character.
The ending put over both wrestlers. Matt Hardy earned more heat by knocking out Kofi after the bell and Kofi was kept strong with the victory. A win/win for both wrestlers.
i wouldent say he's over reacting because lets be honest it is time for matt to get his main event push, and kofi loosing to matt hardy is not a loss, because like kerkley said he would have won by cheating, meening kofi could have had his rematch, + it probably isnt gonna be some HUGE setback but it will be a little one,

When people chant 'Joe's gonna kill you' do you guys lean closer to the television with hopes that Joe will ACTUALLY kill someone?

Because thats how you are acting to my saying that Matt Hardy's push is completely done.

this comeback made me LOL
The ending put over both wrestlers. Matt Hardy earned more heat by knocking out Kofi after the bell and Kofi was kept strong with the victory. A win/win for both wrestlers.

Couldn't have said it better myself. But, a few more things to add...

Did Matt need the victory here? No.

Do we still look at him like a total crybaby ass hole? Yes.

Are you still hoping that his next opponent will kick the living crap out of him? Yes.

Did Kofi get the win over a top heel (that he needed to gain more credibility)? Yes.

All the pieces fit here. Kudos to the WWE writing team.
His push isn't over. He lost to one of the top performers on RAW whilst wrestling with a broken hand. He kept his heat with the post match attack. IF he had won this match it would have lost any credibility that Kofi had gotten himself lately and people would have been complaining about that.

Results aren't that important. This gives him something else to complain about "I lost whilst wrestling under protest so it doesn't count" blah blah blah. The story is still going.
His push is just beginning!
He attacked Kofi after the match, which will put him more over as heel. And that is the point of a push, right? To make people more over? Apologies if I'm wrong....

And this might even lead to some sort of feud between the two. That could only help Matt Hardy, if he beats the hell out of some beloved young face at the extreme rules PPV or something. Hey, maybe he can even break Kofi's hand! Now THAT would give him some real heat.
I think that his push was for midcard not main event since its obvious that he failed as a face durring his last singles pushes. They are now pushing him as a midcard heel to se if hes capable of being a main event heel, so far I really dont see enough to prove that he deserves a spot as a edge like main eventer because thats all he will be. He didn't get the rub from his brother in the fued he had with him so I really dont know how he can get pushed from anyone lower then jeff since i think at this point only HBK will be the only one to put him over and I think they have other plans for him when he returns since he will return when cena is out for the movie so that will work out well
I was really upset with Raw tonight. Big midcard argument between MVP and Regal and then Matt comes out complaining and then talking about challenging for the US title. AH! I remember the edge/matt/lita scenario and Matt had HUGE, BEYOND HUGE support and that would have been a great time to push him up...even for a test run. Not only that, but during and after the Jeff fued (which was short) Matt got BOO'ED HUGE! But for SOME REASON, he's still upper-midcard. It drives me nuts. It seems Vince and maybe this Johnny Ace person that seems to cause drama have a complex about pushing 1 person in a tag team and leaving the other to the midcard or worse...permanently. Matt, to me, deserves it more than Jeff. Matt, Jeff, Edge, and Christian all have the skill-set. The only reasons, I can see, that Matt is held back is either because of the Vince complex of 1 person push...or Matt has pissed people off backstage (HHH?) but his popularity keeps him on the edge of Main Event...or theres just not enough room with all the elderlies hanging around (HHH, HBK, Taker, Batista, etc).

Also, I wonder if this MAY BE Matt's final test run and he will be up in the Main Event's just that the Orton/Legacy/Batista/McMahon schpeel is still going on. And Cena/Show has no appropriate room for anyone else. They had to give Matt something. Hell, he broke his hand and instead of taking time lots of Main Eventers do...Matt is doing what he has always done, worked as much as possible (2008 he was on every show each week...crazy!) and work with what he's got.

ONE DAY i believe he will get his chance. It may be this year...someday.
I've NEVER liked Matt. Still don't, really, but I have to admit he's doing a GREAT job with this new whiny gimmick he's doing. I'm glad they didn't put him over Kofi, but that's just personal preference as I like Kofi more in general, but I think Matt will get his due.

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