Goodbye, Folks


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Hey everyone... So, I don't usually get much of a chance to speak to everyone here too much, and I don't like to come to the world with my problems. However, tonight I come to you, not as Tenta, or The Tenta, or a nWZo member, nor as the JTMFTG guy. No, tonight, I come to you all as Billy, a man who is not very strong, admittedly, nor very brave.

For those of you that have kept up with me over the past month, you know that my mother is sick, and there's no too much medicine is doing to help her. Those of you that know my past also know that my father passed away at an early age, and that my mother means the world to me. I have made the decision to drive down from Boston to Atlanta once more, and have decided to stay there for the rest of my summer. Thankfully, school does not start for a while, at least until Labor Day, so I'm no longer missing actual school time. But the time has come for me to make what's most important in my life priority number one. I have to be there for my mother, if indeed this is the twilight of her life. It pains me to even fucking write that now, but I have to accept what may be inevitable. Naturally, I won't be able to spend nearly as much time on these forums as I used to. I plan on devoting all of my time and energy to my mother, to at least do my best to give her some happy times. Sadly, I'm pretty sure that means I'll be sacrificing a lot of time on these forums... Perhaps, well, all of the time I'd spent on the forums. Now, I will be back, though I'm not sure when. I'll be back, I assure you, when I'm fully at peace, and when I feel as though I've done enough to help my mother. I've told Miss Tenta last night... We hung out one last night together, just her and I, for I'm not sure when I'll be back in Boston. I feel really good about this woman, but at this time, it's not really fair to limit her on my schedule, and what I must do. She says she'll wait, but I want her to be happy. This is all I really want of her.

Words can't describe how much I love these forums. You all have done so much for me, to provide friendship and comraderie the likes of which I don't get often. You all have broken me out of my shell so much... I feel I owe so much to you all. I hate to get sappy like this, but I have do share a couple of feelings to a few folks.

X- Thank you for everything. Not only do I consider myself a follower of your word, I consider you a friend. When I needed someone to talk about this situation with, you were right there to help me so much, man. I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you were there man. Thank you for everything, buddy. I swear, we will go get that beer some day. I'm going to make a point of it.

Doc and Dave- You two have been such great friends to me. Thank you for the glorious ride, folks. Dave, you'll still be getting letters from me, don't worry. And Doc, when I do start up that Facebook, you will know, first and foremost, out of everyone. You two are such good friends to me, and I consider you nothing less then outstanding friends

48.7 and Razor- Ah, kindred spirits amongst me. Razor, you and I are likened souls to the college world. We think alike, and we're very philosophical. More than anything else, I consider you a friend, and a great one at that. 48.7, though you are young in age, you are still wise in knowledge, and mature in soul. I have a feeling you're going to grow to be a terrific human being, man. Thank you for your friendship.

NorCal- Thank you. You always give me such great advice, and are able to help me out of most jams. You are a wise soul, and though you may not like to admit it, you have a heart of gold, man. I wish more people were like you in this world, man. I really do.

KB- You are the man I model my posts after. Thank you, man. I've also come to learn you are a terrific human being. Thank you for your words of wisdom. When I do sign on, it will be merely to look at your History reviews, and to watch greatness.

Lariat, Savage- I'm going to miss you two wacky bastards. You all are some fun ass dudes, and it's a pleasure to know you boys. Thank you for the memories.

FTS- Thank you for everything, man. I consider you one of my absolute favorite posters. You are a great man, and believe me, I'm going to miss the Cigar Lounge, indeed

Ty- I promise, one of these days, I'll post more in the Hip Hop Thread :lmao: Congrats on being a new father man. I'm proud of you.

To the nWZo- You all have so much fucking potential, it's amazing. All of you can become terrific posters. Follow X, Savage, and the like.... They will guide you. Hardymark, Steve, Paradox, just keep posting your brains out, boys. And keep this nWZo thing alive. I want to see this thing at the top of the Bar Room when I get back, ya hear me? Don't let it go, keep on hustling. You all have the potential. Follow it up, boys

Alas, I'll be back, in due time. I can't predict when or where I'll return. If someone wants to do the JTMFTG, I'm fully supportive of it. Though I'd love it to be a committee of posters, all of whom do their posts in the JTMFTG. It's really up to you all to decide, really. But some day, I'll be back, and promise, you'll get the same Tenta you always had.

Alas, I leave yo folks on a sappy note, giving a song that I personally love, and was what I thought of during the entire drive up. I hope you enjoy it... I personally love it. Good night, folks. I promise, I'll be back soon.

nWZo 4 Lyfe!

I am sorry to here this Tenta. I wish your mother strength and your family strength as well. Good luck brother.
Tenta man it's sad to hear that you'll be leaving us, even sadder to hear that your mom's condition isn't getting better. I got a lot of respect for ya to move from what you're used to in Boston down to Atlanta to help her out. I wish the best for ya man, and best be known we'll keep ya spot on the forums warmed up for ya. Just do what ya gotta do man, we'll be here still.

Much love and blessings Tenta, and of course, take it eazy.
It's cool, man. Hopefully, your mother makes it. My prayers are with you and your family, Tenta. I'm sorry. Dude, you're one of the most intelligent posters on this forum, and without you, we wouldn't have this awesome faction war going on. Again, my prayers are with you.
Your Mum and Yourself will be in my prayers for sure Tenta. I hope you get a chance to pop back from time to time as you are one of my favourite posters. But I wish you and your mother all the best.
Well, I am going to miss you but you have to do what is best. So, all in all go do what you have to do and when it is time for you to return, you'll know where to find us. Be safe man and enjoy your trip. I don't pray man, but I hope your mother gets well.
I'm sorry to hear about this buddy, hopefully you're mom feels better now that you're going be by her side. I wish you and you're mom the best.
Damn Tenta, I'm sorry to hear that. I can say without hesitation that you are definitely one of the most intelligent, humorous, and downright good people that I've ever encountered on my decade of using forums. You're a jack of all trades man, and there wasn't a single topic I couldn't talk to you about. More than that, you're a genuinely good guy who always tries to do the right thing, and that's exactly what you're doing here.

I not only don't blame you for leaving, I'd implore you to do exactly that. There are many things more important than this forum (crazy, I know?) and family is certainly one of them. Go out there and do what needs to be done brother, we will always be here waiting for you.

Good luck Tenta, you're going to be sorely missed during your absence. One day you'd better return though mate! Until than, farewell and so long friend.

I lost my dad when I was 16, so I know how it feels to lose a parent. Not much else I can say, other than I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. Other than that, all I can offer is a song that helps me get through the tough times when I can't help but think of my dad.
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I wish you the best, man. I cannot fathom what you're going through right now. I teared up reading it. I could not imagine going through it. Be strong.
I'm sorry to hear about your Mom, and I hope that she can pull through and recover. If you need to talk, feel free to PM or even e-mail me. In the end, I give my best wishes and deepest thoughts in hoping everything turns out for the best.
My best to you, Tenta. Thanks for the time educating us and making us laugh and I look forward to your return. Make sure to get everything in order and that you are at peace when the time comes.

We'll miss you til then.
What is there to say what everyone else hasn't... I hope Mother Nature & Father Time are on your side in aiding you & your mother through this difficult time. We shall all pray for your mother's wellbeing & hope she gets better. Wish you & your mother all the best... keep strong man, keep strong.
Damn, mate! I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts, man. You were one of the dudes I always wanted to read on the posts and threads. And remember this: You got the nWo by your side, be it through msn, FB, PM, email, telegraph, telephone, whatever. Throw up one of these.

And we're fuckin' there.
If you wanna talk to someone apart from NSL, I'll be here keeping the faction alive, man.
Sorry to hear about this Tenta. I'll definately keep you and yours in my thoughts, bro. I know what you're going through, and if you ever need to talk hit me up anywhere you can. Much like everyone else, I hope everything works out for the best.
Stay strong Tenta. I know that you and me don't know each other well, just through the nWZo basically. But I hope that can change when you are ready to come back. Your mother is who needs you, I would do the same thing for mine. Go in peace man.
Three things

1. I thank you all so fucking much for this. I love these forums, and I thank you all so much for words of encouragement.

2. NorCal, your phone be ringing.... Thank you, man

3. I have one last post in me.... mosds, please keep the "biast" thread open... I want one last piece of magic
Three things

1. I thank you all so fucking much for this. I love these forums, and I thank you all so much for words of encouragement.

2. NorCal, your phone be ringing.... Thank you, man

3. I have one last post in me.... mosds, please keep the "biast" thread open... I want one last piece of magic

a word of warning, I get no service while at work. Sunday, monday, and teusday be the days off big guy

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