Goodbye All

I just wanted to make it public knowledge that I have officially resigned from my position as Admin at the forums. There is nothing sinister going on, there is no ill feeling between me and anyone else on this board it is purely a decision I have taken on my own because I simply do not have time for this place anymore. I don’t have the time to put a lot of effort into running this place and I feel now is the best time for me to step aside and let someone else have a go at doing my job.

I want to say thanks to every staff member that has ever worked with me, to all the members for making this place so much fucking fun it’s not even funny. I’m not leaving the boards all together, but you will see considerably less of me than you have in the past but I am not leaving the boards. I’ll probably get drunk one day and come do one of my Bar Room raids for your amusement.
Aw, damn, Jonny this sucks. You're a big part of the place.

But, it's your decision, and we can't fault you for making it. We'll miss ya man. Hope you still come around from time to time.
Jonny you will be missed. I'd just like to thank you for all the hard work you have done for these forums. Thanks man.

I hope to still see you on from time to time.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't get to worked up over your 4th or 5th notice of you resigning your position. ;)

I appreciate all you have done for the forum, and I hope that you don't go cold turkey on WZ.
4th or 5th? This is actually the first... your counting skills suck.

I remember you and Jake getting into it during the Meilichia thread...and you telling people you were going to resign.

I remember you saying another time that you were going to quit.

I'd go back and look it up, but I'm way to lazy. But, it's at least three, and I'm quite certain it's been mentioned one other time.
You did a great job Jonny, at least in my eyes. Hope to see you around. If whoever follows you is half as good as you were, we'll be fine.
Good lord, will someone please pull out a rug in this thread?

Because I imagine that people's knees are probably getting tired. After all, all this Jonny dick sucking has to be tiring.

But, you're still cool in my book Jonny. :)
You'll have to excuse me if I don't get to worked up over your 4th or 5th notice of you resigning your position.

You said it was the 4th or 5th time I have given notice of my resignation.


I remember you and Jake getting into it during the Meilichia thread...and you telling people you were going to resign.

I remember you saying another time that you were going to quit.

I'd go back and look it up, but I'm way to lazy. But, it's at least three, and I'm quite certain it's been mentioned one other time.

I have never announced on the boards that I was officially leaving... I have thought and even mentioned it in passing that I was contemplating leaving.

It's cool though because it doesn't really matter, it is official, this thread wasn't a way for me to get people to suck up to me, it was to stop the place going off when my names changes from Bold/Italics to just regular.
You said it was the 4th or 5th time I have given notice of my resignation.

I have never announced on the boards that I was officially leaving... I have thought and even mentioned it in passing that I was contemplating leaving.
Same difference.

It's cool though because it doesn't really matter, it is official, this thread wasn't a way for me to get people to suck up to me, it was to stop the place going off when my names changes from Bold/Italics to just regular.
Oh I know. People would be threatening to leave the forums, threatening Cash with homemade bombs and everything else.

The sad part is I'm not being sarcastic, that is actually what would happen.
Jonny it will be a shame to see you leave but I understand why you are going. I hope that you get things in order and maybe just maybe you can come back one day and admin again

*Enforcer stands up and begins a chant*

Thank you Jonny! Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap. Thank you Jonny! Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap.
I was looking back at some archive threads(sometimes you get a laugh) and saw what a a mess this place used to be.Its amazing how far this place has come and you really have to thank Johnny for that.Thank Johnny.You were (Sniff) AWESOME!

Please god don't let Disco become Admin.:(
Not really, this has involved a PM to Chris telling him I am leaving.

I see.

By the way, as funny as I found the joke to be, do you think you can remove the ip ban you just did? It's so much nicer typing on my computer in the living room? I'd appreciate it.
Jonny will definately be missed. Fact is, he fought a great deal for these forums wherever possible. Couldn't have been an easy decision.
Wow, this sucks. Jonny you definitely pulled you're weight around these forums. You're admin work will be missed, hopefully you wont leave all together though.
Jonny, we've argued more than once, you've thrown me in prison, and I've bitched about it too. Bad times.

But we've been cool too. I'll never forget the We Hate Jake Fan Club. The only 2 members it ever had - Jonny B and Colamania. Good times.

We'll miss you man. I think Enforcer put it best.

Thank you Jonny! Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap
A retirement related to wrestling that actually means something this year, take that Dick Flair.

Long Live Jonny B.

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