Goldust. One Of Wrestlings Losers.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Goldust was scheduled to return to WWE as a full-time performer, but it looks like that idea is out the window now.

On Friday, May 25, Dustin Rhodes agreed to make an appearance at the SNME taping the very next Monday. As you saw on Raw, WWE did a major advertising spot for it, but without Dustin's final commitment. However, Dustin called WWE soon after back (after they made the advertising spot no less) and cancelled, saying that he had a prior booking on Monday, May 28, the same day as the SNME taping. He also said that his chronic bad back was giving him too much trouble. Dustin also cancelled his appearance at the Bad News Brown tribute show on May 25. Dusty Rhodes was asked to intervene in the situation, but he said he didn't want to mix business with family.

When Vince McMahon heard about Dustin backing out, he got mad and decided that he didn't want any non-contracted people appearing on the show. When Vince was making the decision, Mike Bucci was talking to Kamala. Kamala was originally advertised to wrestle in the "freaks" match at the SNME taping, but due to all this, he lost his place on the show.

Dustin picked a bad time to back out, or if his injury was that severe, it couldn't have come at a worse time. Raw writer Brian Gewirtz had gotten approval for Dustin Rhodes to get a full-time WWE contract and for him to return to the company as Goldust. He would have gone back to his original persona when he was a major heel, but with a few adaptations due to the changing of the times. And due to the lack of depth on Raw, he was going to be a major heel this time around.

In fact, WWE had plans for him to feud with Santino Marella to help get him over in a high-profile feud. There were also tentative plans for Goldust to work with both Triple H and John Cena by the end of the year. Although, that was dependent on him getting his heel persona over. Unfortunately, all of these possibilities look to be out the window because Goldust backed out of appearing at the Saturday Night's Main Event taping after he agreed to.

Seriously he's like Marty Jannety. He gets given oppertunity after oppertunity for no particular reason. And he fucks up yet again. So WWE want to put him in high profile feuds with the two top stars on Raw. Runnels decides that's not for him. He'll just struggle to make money in the indys, playing Goldustin.
Goldust could be one of the biggest heels in the WWE right now, as his character would fit perfectly. It is a damn shame he has to go and fuck it up. I've always been a proud supporter of Goldust. (Although his shit with Booker was a little off the wall and fucked up.)
Jake I think you jinxed it with your Goldust opinion thread you make a couple weeks ago. Seriously I wouldn't have minded Goldust coming back if they could've modified his character enough to look fairly modern. He has a lot of talent, but as a wrestler and on the mic, it would've probably worked really well.

Oh well.
He's been wrestling for as long as I can remember. He wasn't always in the WWE though. But, I do agree that he is a bit of a let-down. Considering the fact that his dad was the ''greatest talker in the history of the business'', and that his little brother is becoming a real good wrestler down in OVW, You'd think that Dustin would be a bit better well-known.

I don't think you can say that his situation is like Jannetty's though. Jannetty was always a fuck-up. He'd get hired and fired a week later. Rhodes hasn't messed up that bad. Has he? I don't think so. He had a longer run in the WWE I think. While Jannetty was doing that stupid ''New Rockers'' tag team, Goldust was feuding for the IC Title.*Shrug* Is he a mess-up? Sometimes. But he's done more things in the WWE than a lot of people. Would I've liked to see him come back? Sure. But with a back problem, it's kinda hard to be a top heel in a promotion where you work 6 days a week. Do I see them offering him another contract? No.
Dustin is great at Goldust but when he was in WCW he never got over just being Dustin as his whole gimmick sucked. But him turning this down is really shocking as he had the chance to return and be in the spotlight due to all the injuries that have taken place. But apprently Dustin didnt feel up to and thats a damn shame as he has skill and can work a mathc and i always though that his early days as a heel was some of his best days and with a twist it could have really worked in today world. Shame he didnt but oh well we move but you have to say this is the end for any Goldust as i dont think he will ever wrestle in WWE again
Damn, what a shame. If Goldust was brought back now, and used properly, it would help the WWE out greatly. Here you have a guy that can play a damn convincing heel, and can creep the shit out of you. He would be filling a much needed role right now as head heel on Raw, head freaking heel on Raw, and he turns it down.

Needless to say, Goldust either is hooked on something, very depressed, or is in a lot of pain. All he needs is one good run left, and he can probably bank for the rest of his life. If he is in trouble, I would love to see him get into some sort of rehab, because the last thing any of us want tos ee is an "In Loving Memory" image to start a Raw in the near future.
I was quite intrigued by this article on Goldust. As good a wrestler I think he is, would we be able to take him a serious contender for the WWE title? Maybe if it was the original incarnation of Goldust, but we've had several since then and him being basically a comedy character for his last two runs (Odd job with Snitsky anyone?). Most people would just remember his latest character of Goldust rather than the original (and by far the best!)
goldust sucked, his character was a one time deal in the wwe that succeeded for abit, they should have let it go after that.

i wouldn't want to see him as a main eventer ever in wwe with the goldust gimmick....especially when the young talent would be better as heels...ex carlito, benjamin, nitro even masters
What an idiot! I am working part time now, and I'd kill for a full time job! I always liked Dust, even when he was doing his gay thing, not that there's anything wrong with that, but it was done to draw heat. I thought the Gold Dust character was good, funny and different. I think he would have added a lot to RAW. I have read that a lot of the stuff Dustin did during his Gold Dust years was just to spite his father. Don't know about that. Wasn't this the same guy who begged to be kept on and offered to work for free, or am I going nuts?
I've always been high on Goldust,his wrestling is pretty good for a big guy and to me has always had an interesting gimmick.I'd have loved to have seen him come back and be a proper heel as we all cans see wwe is seriously lacking these days and im sure he could have filled a gap but for him to turn it down just baffles me completely! he's gave up a great opportunity.
I dont blame Dustin for not wanting to play Goldust anymore. although It did get him over and got him fame. I mean you can only play the gay freak for so long.
Its a shame that a guy with as much talent as Dustin could just turn down a top spot at the last second. I think someone on here said it best that he is either hooked on something which is my guess or else is seriously hurting.

Personally I miss the Goldust character because there for awhile especially in the beginning it was very good and intriguing.

I especially enjoyed his Artist formerly known as Goldust character where he was everything thing under the sun but Goldust but every character name ended with Dust. For example MarylinDust a parody of Marylin Manson, DustyDust a knock on his dad complete with polkadot tights, etc. It was very funny and it pushed his over the top character even further. But I sorta hated his teaming with Booker T where he had turrets but it made for some funny interviews though :)
Dustin is an awesome performer and it is sad to see things go the way they are for him. If the Goldust character were used to the extent that it has the potential for, he could easily be considered a very serious challenger. Fans watching nowadays don't remember Tourette's Goldust anyway.

I know Dustin's body, like a lot of guys who have been around as long as him, is most likely completely shot. I remember an incident where he messed up a bulldog a few years ago and most of the tendons in his hand tore. A ruined back sounds competely reasonable.

Here's hoping he gets an umpteenth chance, because we could sure use him right now.
I dont blame Dustin for not wanting to play Goldust anymore. although It did get him over and got him fame. I mean you can only play the gay freak for so long.

Goldust wasn't really gay, he just tried to convince his oppents he was. I liked goldust and would have liked to seem him back in his true heel form, not the silly one with Booker T as his partner, but the attitude era one. Sad he won't be back for one last run.
I remember Goldust's official PPV debut in like 1995 or 1996 against Razor Ramon or 123 Kid. There was such a build up and he pulled it off. He was a top heel in his time and could really get the crowd going even when him and Booker T had that tag team. He's a talented guy and I've said it before that if he should of had the heavyweight title by now.
I don't know. I have a feeling that all they told him was about his role for SNME and after that they'd let him know that he was to become a major heel. I can't see Dustin turning down the opportunity to become what he's been working for his entire career. I would've loved to see him come back as the Goldust from the 90's but, unfortunately that's probably not gonna happen now.
goldust have the title by now????? are u kidding me RYANAN????

if he lost the goldust character and proved that he was talented enough to make it w/o that character maybe...juss maybe he could have gone on.. but i see no way of him being champ ever especially since h pulled the lil stunt on SNME.
I meant it as if he had stayed the course since his WWE debut, he would have made a good champ.
I remember Goldust's official PPV debut in like 1995 or 1996 against Razor Ramon or 123 Kid. There was such a build up and he pulled it off. He was a top heel in his time and could really get the crowd going even when him and Booker T had that tag team. He's a talented guy and I've said it before that if he should of had the heavyweight title by now.

Actually, his first PPV match was against Marty Jannetty in October 1995 at In Your House. An das talented as he was/ is, I don't know about him being World Champion or WWE Champion. That may be a stretch my friend.
I always liked Goldust so seeing him again would have been cool and if the reports are true that they were going to put him in the world title picture I'd be happy but he would be one of those guys that would go after the world title, but never actually get it, kind of like Scott Hall or Roddy Piper. I'm also not sure if I can picture Goldust as THE top heel. His character just doesn't seem like top heel material to me, not something the baby face would be afraid of. He was good as a mid card heel back in the 90's but I just don't think it would work today. Now this isn't to say that he won't get another chance. I think that once Bret Hart settled his score with Vince for the HOF, that opened doors IMO for guys to come back and maybe have a chance.

Ah well, maybe we'll see Goldust back sometime, but who knows.
I wish for goldust to come back. i used to love him when i was young. i wonder if the newer fans would know who he was.
Dustin was once an extremely impressive, talented, and entertaining wrestler. For those that remember him as 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, you remember that the name was extremely fitting. He was a natural, and had WWE kept with that sort of character he would've been twice the star his father once was. Unfortunately, WWE came up with some sort of living homosexual Oscar statue that was about as entertaining as a kick in the teeth. Granted it produced some memorable moments, but 'Goldust' was NEVER championship material. Dustin Rhodes on the other hand, could've been a goldmine.

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