Goldeneye Wii


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
In case you've been living under a rock when E3 occurred, this is the trailer for the Activision brand's re-make of the Rare Classic from the Nintendo64.


As to go by the single player synopsis

The Goldeneye story comes to life once again with an updated single player storyline featuring Daniel Craig as James Bond and written by Bruce Feirstein, the screenwriter for the original movie. Surprise enemies convertly or engage in a full on firefight and use Bond's latest gadget to uncover intel in augmented reality as you relive all the classic Goldeneye movie moments. Infiltrate the dam and destroy the facility; chasve Ourumov in the tank through the streets of St. Petersburg; and investigate the secret jungle base.

As going by these two, it's a remake following the plot but updated due to likeness and cause of Rare still having a grip on the original layout and plot. Remember the key point of this game is that it is a re-make, much like Never Say Never Again was a remake of Thunderball, so there will be obvious differences at hand.

Here's some early screenshots and concept arts of what the game looks like:

Dam (as if you didn't know it was)



Surface 1 I assume



So this is what we currently regarding the game as we are just around the 4 month mark before it is released EXCLUSIVELY to Wii. Main reception so far has been met with good response and negative, the main one being the graphics quality not to mention some significant differences in how levels look and will assumingly play out (one for example, the famous bungie jump will now be a paracute dive). For me, despite still owning my N64 and original Goldeneye game, I am looking forward to it to seeing how much they maintained of the original (legally and intentionally) while also having the ability to play the awesome multiplayer online (Dave...Lee ;) ), but I think my main fear is regarding layout design, given Dam seems to look promising, I can only hope they keep to that, Facility is the biggest one I to keep as original as possible.

The other issue I have is how much of certain aspects of gameplay will remain in this outing. One of the key parts for Goldeneye was the simplicity of gameplay combined with simply arming yourself with the key item and using Z to trigger it to start the action. I hope that they don't overlook that by using hefty animations, while games like Nightfire, Everything or Nothing and the World Is Not Enough added to those, it was the lack of these elements that kept Goldeneye unique, simply put it was a shooter with options to stealth it out or go guns blazing without too much complexity of the Bond aspects playing a role except that the game was focused on what I consider a brilliant movie.

With just 4 months remaining to launch, what your expectations of this remake? What are your concerns in regards to keeping with the original? What do you want intact? How do you expect this game to do?
I have high hopes for this game. Goldeneye and OOT was pretty much all I played between 97-98.

I'm also hoping this ties in with a re-release of the N64 version of Goldeneye, either included on disc, or more likely as a downloadable game on the Wii.
Re-release of the original isn't going to happen for a number of reasons, in fact it is why this game is being released.

Firstly, you have the ongoing trouble between Nintendo and Microsoft, since Microsoft bought out Rare a few years ago, it means that an agreement has to be made between both companies for the game to be released and neither Microsoft or Nintendo will budge on that one, which is why Activision took it up with Nintendo to come up with the re-make to trump Microsoft effectively.

Secondly, the other problem is regarding likeness, Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean, among the other actors only signed to use their likeness for the original game and that's contracted under it's original release. Brosnan's likeness passed over to Craig and Bean's being only limited to Goldeneye 64, re-releasing the original would be breaking the original contract and limitations and both companies would face a lawsuit for breaking contract and abusing likeness. So a re-release of the original game would only happen with heavy changes anyway, so the remake is effectively Nintendo and Activision's way out of making Goldeneye without legal troubles from Rare and the actors of the original film and game.

So far from what I've seen, the multiplayer looks badass and I will be looking forward to seeing how it bodes well when it comes out. Certainly looking forward to online multiplayer.

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