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Goldberg "Can't Really Say Anything Positive" About Working for McMahon

That seems like a stretch. Not the carny part. Or the ego part. But I'm sure the money was a positive.
He has huge expectations, that's for sure. Defeating almost every main eventer on the roster in a year sure seems like nothing big to him.
I can understand that he may not have liked the atmosphere of working there but at the same time I find it sad that he can't find anything good about it.

Say what you want but WWE made Goldberg look like Gold during his 1 year tenure in the WWE. His first match he was put over by The Rock, that's a pretty big rub to start with if you ask me. He got to end Rodney Mack's undefeated streak in impressive fashion (remember they were pushing Rodney Mack HARD at this point), made him look unstoppable in the Elimination Chamber at SS, gave him a World Title run where he pinned HHH at 3 consecutive PPV's and was given a match against Brock Lesnar (at the time their "Next Big Thing") at WM20.

You can say that he wasn't pushed correctly but I would say WWE did a hell of a lot to make Goldberg a star again, it wasn't their fault Goldberg was a 1 trick pony who was limited at best.

Yes the WWE schedule is tough and frankly you don't exactly get treated like a prince working there but that's the wrestling business. Goldberg got treated better than most and frankly I don't know what he expected because it seems to me he was treated fairly well considering the company and business he was in.

Besides, who is Goldberg to talk about Ego, this guy thinks he would have been the biggest wrestler of all time if he stayed undefeated without realizing his lack of skill and eventually he would have to evolve to survive in wrestling.
Well we're sure to see Goldberg in TNA now for sure. I mean, he's already stated that he is returning to wrestling this year. And if he doesn't want to work for a "carnie who is only driven by his ego", I'm sure he's going to love the order, organization, and consistency that is the very essence of TNA.

And I guess we can forget all about the rumors of Goldberg leading the nWo version 3.

Do us all a favor, Bill. Stay retired. And STFU.
I really can't imagine what Goldberg had to complain about. A shit load of money, complete domination, a HUGE WrestleMania match (which completely sucked). Sounds like a baby.
Goldberg and Matt Hardy should be book club buddies, does anyone really give a shit?

Goldberg made so much money wrestling he never has to do anything again, and he wasn't even a good wrestler. Hell he isn't really good at anything but crying.
Well, after getting all pissy at him, he did get his ass kicked by Chris Jericho.

Hardly anything to get overly upset about. What did he expect, to never lose t anyone? Ever?

I think the guy got pushed to the moon while he was there. Just because he found the lifestyle and the demands too difficult for him hardly means he was mismanaged or mistreated while he was there.
In a backstage fight which lead to a whole load of people losing respect for Bill.

Yeah, forgot about that, point taken.

Even still though, Goldberg was treated like a huge deal throughout his days in WWE, yet he didn't even have enough respect for them to leave the organization with a little more class. That match with Lesnar should have been a classic. Instead, it was an epic fail and a huge disappointment and he deserves at least 50% of the blame for it. Lots of guys have come and gone from WWE and most of the other guys who have left have done so with more respect and class. I cannot imagine how this guy dares to speak so negatively of his time there after the way he left there.
Is this because Chris Jericho beat him up in the locker room?

Edit: Look, someone already mentioned it. Here I was thinking I was the only one that made it through the sea of mediocrity that was Chris Jericho's second book.
I was watching the Rise & Fall of WCW yet again last night and realized how little Goldberg actually knows about the business. They'd have guys like JR and Jericho talking about something like celebs in wrestling being ok right up until they are in matches, and how things like that wear at what little credibility wrestling has, and then they cut to Goldberg talking about how all publicity is good publicity and how it makes sense. They go back to JR and others talking about how something like David Arquette being a champion broke WCW's back, and Goldberg says something like it didn't matter, that it wasn't a big deal.

With that put out there, I'm not surprised he didn't like his run in the WWE. He wasn't the golden boy like he was in WCW. And yes, Jericho put him on his ass and made him humble. Goldberg: neat wrestler, certainly a phenomenon, but also a bit of a jackass.
In the "let's rip off Ultimate Warrior and upgrade it for the 90's" neat. Like, I get it. Some folk like constant 40 second matches, generic big white guys, and tribal tattoos.
How come people treat the opinion of legends disgruntled with TNA like the bible and completely dismiss the opinions of those disgruntled with anything WWE?
Well realistically, there's no credence to the idea that he was mistreated creatively just based on what we saw on-screen. But I can certainly buy his characterization of Vince.
How come people treat the opinion of legends disgruntled with TNA like the bible and completely dismiss the opinions of those disgruntled with anything WWE?

Legends, disgruntled with TNA? Come on, SD, that's crazy talk!

In fairness, most of the "disgruntled" guys who have left TNA have been pretty gracious about it. I've seen a few Mick Foley interviews over the last couple of days, and while he has been somewhat critical of TNA, he was quite polite and complimentary of his time there. I cannot recall too many former WWE guys who have gone to TNA and left there and been overly critical of them. Most of the criticism comes from guys who say they would never be caught going there in the first place.

I think people are dismissive over guys who are disgruntled with WWE when their accounts of their time there are ridiculous. You know, guys like Goldberg who claim he was mismanaged while there, even though they pushed him to the moon like a powerhouse when he was there. Or guys like Angle who criticize WWE, the company that made him in the first place, without whom people would not even know he exists. Or guys like the Hardys who claim the WWE was an oppressive place to work, with too stringent rules, whose live go in the shitter as soon as they are released from these restrictions and controls.
They made him, thus they're off limits?

No, I wouldn't only say this. I guess I just have a problem with Angle complaining about the way he was used in WWE, and when he wasn't the centre of their universe, taking the attitude of "taking his ball and going home". Here is a guy who held all of the major hardware, was always front and centre in their story lines, and was always a focal point of whatever brand he was representing, even in a non wrestling capacity when he was injured, yet he still complained about the way he was used. And then after leaving, he complained about the rigors of the schedule. I guess he wanted to have all the perks of the company, without putting in the time in the same sort of way that a John Cena does. When a "legend" like this complains about his ime in WWE, it just comes across sounding like sour grapes to me.
Well for all he was given, he really never got to be THE man. I can understand wanting to take that last big step.
Well for all he was given, he really never got to be THE man. I can understand wanting to take that last big step.

Fair enough, but he definitely got to be one of the main MEN. I get it that he was probably frustrated by that, but he accomplished pretty much everything there is to accomplish. I mean, as long as John Cena is on RAW, he's going to be THE man on that show, but you don't see the rest of the roster bitching and moaning and running from the company because of it, burning bridges along the way. He didn't deserve to be THE man, as he was never the number one guy on the brand he was featured on. One has to wonder with the main event shaping up for BFG 2011 as it appears, is he THE main man even now?
CM Punk bitched and was prepared to run from the company and everyone loved him for it.

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