Gold Rush: Kagura Ohzora (c) vs. elegANT (Elite X Title)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Ever since Constantine completed the Elite X gauntlet (and subsequently losing the title shortly after), the Elite X Championship has bounced from one competitor to the next. Kagura Ohzora was the latest to capture the championship and has promised to do her best to be a proud, fighting champion. Her first challenge comes in the form of elegANT, the gentlemANT who earned his spot by defeating the monstrous Beard after falling short in the semi-finals of the Gold Rush tournament. elegANT looks to capture the title but also wishes to give the fans a very competitive, sporting match.

Will Kagura be the first champion in the last few weeks to successfully defend the title or will elegANT charm his way to victory?

Special Gold Rush PPV Deadline is Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Hello, my friends. For those who may not be aware, my name is elegANT and I am the number one contender to the WZCW Elite X Championship.

elegANT stands on a small stage behind a small podium, addressing a group of what looks to be middle school children. Out of the hundred or so kids, about half seem to know elegANT while the rest look on with a look of utter confusion as to who or what is standing in front of them.

Now, let me begin by telling you that I am, in fact, quite a bit nervous. You see, I’ve been asked to tell stories from my life. Stories that help to explain how I have arrived at where I am now. However, I have convinced myself, for better or for worse, that I would do little more than bore you all with that. The short version is this: I was not born into wealth, but I worked hard, got a bit lucky, and I now am fortunate enough to live comfortably.

He pauses to take a sip of water from a cup atop the podium.

That often leads to a big misconception about why I joined WZCW. Since I am not doing it for the money, many assume I do it because of I have some sort of fascination with hurting people. This could not be further from the truth and, in fact, leads to the main lesson I want to try and instill upon you today.

As a professional grappler, I am in the combat business, but all of us in WZCW are also in the entertainment business. We go out there and do our best to give the fans the best show we can. How many of you have been to one of our shows?

About a third or so of the kids raise their hands with varying degrees of eagerness.

How many of you had a wonderful time?

All the same kids raise their hands.

That’s what we strive for! And that is what drew me to WZCW. I am very fortunate to have everything that I do and to give back, I try my hardest to share with others. I love to make people happy and by performing in the ring, I can reach more people than I could ever imagine. Hearing the crowd cheer when I come through the curtain is the greatest thing I have ever experienced. At Gold Rush, I fight for the Elite X Championship. My opponent, Kagura Ohzora, fights to both improve her craft and earn money for her family, which I respect. However, she is mostly fighting for herself. I fight for the happiness of every single person in the arena and watching at home.

elegANT takes another drink of water.

Kids, what I want you to understand is that nothing in life is more important than happiness. Making others happy is what makes me happy, so that’s what I have dedicated my life to. Young lady, may I ask what makes you happy?

A blonde girl in the front row jumps a bit, surprised to be put on the spot. She thinks for a moment before answering.

I like coloring and drawing pictures!

Then, my dear, commit yourself to your art and I look forward to seeing your work in a gallery someday. What about you, sir?

A black-haired boy jumps to his feet as he is called on.

I love hockey, Mr. elegANT!

As do I! Hopefully you’ll remember this lowly ant when you are a superstar in the National Hockey League. You see, kids, there are very few things you can control in your life, but you can do your best to surround yourself by things that make you happy. Now I am going to do just that. I have reserved a section of the Allstate Arena for all of you and your parents.

The kids all start jumping up and down and cheering. Once it dies down a bit, elegANT speaks once more.

I had so much fun today getting to talk to all of you, and as Elite X Champion, I would get to meet so many more people just like you as a true ambassador of WZCW. At Gold Rush, with everyone in this room cheering me on, I will become the new Elite X Champion. Thank you for your support!

The kids cheer again as the scene fades to black.
I thought I knew what it took to be a champion. I really did. A week ago I would have explained that in order to be a champion you had to have a certain look, while projecting your image with a certain aura of pride and honor. Even though I had lost some matches recently I was still a proud champion. I was going to walk into Gold Rush with my head held high and give it my all in my quest to keep the Elite X championship. But after a chance encounter I was not so sure I had what it took. And as I stared into the sea of people as I walked down the ramp with the title in my hands I wondered if I really was the champion this title deserved.

In order for me to explain things properly I have to take you back a short while ago….

Gozaburo-san and I had arrived for the pay per view early. In order to promote the show I had done a local talk show. I did not know until afterwards, but the host was looking forward to having me because of the cultural flare I would provide. I assumed they wanted to talk about my journey as champion, so I showed up in my normal suit and tie carrying myself with dignity like a champion should. I did not realize until I was there they had expected me to show up in full ceremonial garb. The host wanted me to talk about my experiences as a shrine maiden. I left most of my tools in St. Louis and did not get down to Chicago with anything except for my gohei, which I still used during my entrances.

The producer worked with me and we changed the script at the last minute. But I could tell the host was disappointed. What was so great about a shrine maiden? That not what I was. I was the Elite X champion. I had worked hard to win this title, and regaling the tales of courage and strength of chasing the belt, beating Victor Makarov, and fighting Cerberus to me felt more interesting. But it wasn’t this encounter which had me second guessing myself. But I suppose I should at least have seen the “red flag” as the expression goes.


A door opened filling a dark room with light, outlining the silhouette of a man. He was tall and muscular. He appeared to be older than middle aged, but still retained some rugged handsomeness. He entered the room and closed the door. It was dark until the man lit up a cigarette. The light from the stick was the only thing illuminating the sea of darkness like a lone sun in the vastness of space. He took a deep breath and inhaled the smoke into his lungs before slowly blowing it out.

“When this all started did I not say that I would bring in a revolutionary that would change WZCW? She was Kagura. The woman born to chase away all the dark clouds brought on by man’s evil desires. Black boxes filled with every sin imaginable, she smashed them one by one until she reached a pinnacle of this industry by becoming one of its champions.”

In the background the voices of thousands of fans chanting one name. The name of a small town girl from the Japanese countryside, whose destiny was to stand in the face of evil, and become a light of hope for those that no longer believed that goals could be accomplished through hard work and determination.

“And now she faces her first defense. ElegAnt is a charmer. He’s the exact opposite of Kagura, at least as far as upbringing goes. Rich, privileged, and well educated he is exactly the type of man [or ant] that should be a champion. Fate is an ugly thing, because in an alternate world these two could have been comrades. But now they are opponents. Kagura will not take him lightly. She has trained day in and day out to be the best fighter she possibly can.”

Sasuke took a drag on his cigarette as the light gradually filled up the rest of the room, revealing his face.

“Kagura is a fighting champion. Her role in the company is to continue to be a beacon of inspiration to those that need someone to look up to. Think of her as a super woman.”

Sasuke flung the stick to the ground and stepped on the tip, extinguishing the flame.

“Fitting since ElegANT wants to play the role of a super hero. From what I know of American comics heroes have fought one another numerous time, usually over some minor miscommunication. Sometimes heroes fight each other over their emotions or their allies get in the way. Other times one slips into darkness and has to be stopped.”

In the background we see a video of Kagura and ElegANT facing off against different opponents.

“That isn’t the case here. For what reason does ElegANT have to fight Kagura, other than to test his abilities?”

Kagura is shown coming up short against Eve Taylor, while ElegANT is shown turning back a challenge from the mighty Beard.

“Some people might call Kagura the underdog, and that she doesn’t have what it takes to retain the championship. Well I say those people do not know this girl. She doesn’t have to prove a single thing to anyone. She did that when she defeated Victor Makarov. All Kagura needs to do is continue to show that she is a fighting champion. The losses that she has suffered over the last few weeks have all come from current champions. To what level could ElegANT elevate the standing of the Elite X title that Kagura can not?”

The lights in the room began to flicker. The video in the background concludes with Kagura and ElegANT facing each other.

“At the Gold Rush pay per view, two heroes will face each other. But Kagura will not be the one that falls. The Elite X title has grown accustomed to Kagura’s waist. She has not accomplished her goal just yet. And until she does she will never relinquish that belt.”

The lights flickered and burned out, leaving the room in darkness once again. Like a thief in the night Sasuke disappeared, leaving the reminder of Kagura’s determination behind him.


Gozaburo-san had a way with words that I did not. My English was still mediocre. If I had the ability to express the feelings that I had in the tongue of this country I would. But for now I had to rely on him. At that moment the wheels were turning for a chance encounter that would shake my resolution to the core.


Allstate Arena
Chicago, Illinois
1 hour before the start of the show

Ceberus is shown walking backstage. Tonight the three headed beast would face its biggest tests to date. Flex Mussel and Ramparte would fight Hard Metal Penetration in a ladder match for the tag team titles, while Eve Taylor would face Theron Daggershield for the Eurasian title. All three were riding a wave of momentum that hadn’t been felt in the company in years.

Eve Taylor led the group. Her long blond hair glistened as brightly as the title she carried over her shoulder. Giving her teammates some words of encouragement, as well as stroking her own ego as the greatest female wrestler in WZCW history, all three stopped as soon as they rounded the next corner. Eve put her hand to her mouth, like her voice was suddenly caught in her throat, while Ramparte s******ed behind her.

“The greatest female wrestler in all of WZCW history, huh?” said a voice in front of them.

“You might be Eurasian champion, but you have a ways to go before catching up to my level.”

Eve threw up her hands, “Celeste Crimson!”

Celeste smirked, eyeing the French blond up and down. The Cerberus members turned to catch an eyeful of Celeste’s husband, former WZCW champion Steve Holmes. Two legends deadlocked in a meeting of the minds between WZCW’s arguably most dominant force to date.

“And Steven Holmes. What brings the two of you to Chicago?”

“The Gold Rush. We’re invited guests of Kenneth Banks,” Celeste replied.

“The Elite is entering their final chapter tonight. And I would like to see how it ends,” said Steven.

The couple eyed Cerberus. The group of former and current champions building tension so thick it could be cut with a knife.

“Things have changed since you two left. Of course I meant no disrespect when I said I was the greatest woman in WZCW history, but merely that I am the greatest right now.”

Celeste narrowed her eyes. “Oh?”

“There are two female champions now. We both accomplished something that you could not, and that’s hold singles gold.”

Eve held the Eurasian title in front of the woman’s face as proof.

“I defeated Kagura Ohzora. Thus I am the greatest,” she stated after finding some of her pride.

“Unless you’d like to test me?”

Celeste laughed. “The only reason that I was never champion was that nobody would have been able to beat me if I had. But I suppose if crushing you will prove a point…”

Eve backed off wanting no part of the legendary female grappler. “I was only joking.”

Celeste smiled and held out her hand, “You’ve got allot of spunk, kid. I like that. You want to call yourself the greatest as of this moment? I say you’ve earned it.”

Eve reached out and shook the woman’s hand with earnest, as if the woman’s words were all that were needed to cement her greatness. And with that the three headed beast and the legendary tag team and power couple went their separate ways. How cruel fate could be to those that weren’t prepared.


That was where I found myself an hour ago, staring in front of WZCW’s legendary female wrestler Celeste Crimson. With two female champions in the company it was only a matter of time before the mother of all female grapplers returned to cast her shadow. Even though she was currently retired her reputation preceded itself.

Unlike Eve Taylor she did not have the same words of encouragement. When Gozaburo-san and I saw her she spoke to me briefly before realizing that I did not speak English.

“Funny, you don’t look like a miko,” Celeste said in rudimentary Japanese.

This woman was formidable. Gozaburo-san frowned. His legendary status as an old school grappler gave him an aura of accomplishment that Steven Holmes and Celeste Crimson respected. But me? Maybe I had drawn her ire when I had defeated one of her countrymen for the Elite X title. I analyzed what she had said before Gozaburo-san answered for me.

“The championship has no business being around the waist of someone that doesn’t look like a champion.”

The blond frowned. “I believe I asked her that. Not you.”

She narrowed her gaze level with mine, “You came from Japan looking for opportunity right? Instead of embracing what made you special it seems as if you’ve done your best to assimilate into an outdated culture.”

Gozaburo-san growled a warning at her, but the woman did not falter. “I still follow the company. You have guts, but you should have not thrown your identity away.”

She referenced my business attire. “This look does not suit Kagura Ohzora. You had a look that made you special and unique, but now you’ve conformed.”

Steven Holmes looked uninterested. Perhaps his wife sought me out because she wanted to see the girls that accomplished what she could not; or perhaps she wanted to remind me that I was currently living a lie.

I had to admit that it was the truth. I had conformed. The formal clothes, the regal pose, the false aura of a prideful champion didn’t suit me at all. And then I realized my mistake. What a fool I had been. As she walked away I realized that I no longer deserved to be champion.

Who was I? Really.
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