Going To TNA Tonight

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Out of the blue I got a text from a friend who works at The Sears Center box office. He said he left a few tickets for the tonight's TNA event at will call for me. This was a nice surprise since I didn't ask for them or even know TNA was in town. I don't follow TNA much so can someone tell me what I'm going to? I didn't think TNA traveled for house shows. Could I be going to an Impact taping? If it is a house show can I expect to see the bigger names like Hogan, Flair, and Angle?
If it's out of Orlando then it's a house show which are really great from my personal experience of being at one last year.
Their house shows are awesome. You probably won't see Flair or Angle, but Hardy and Anderson should be there as well as the normal guys.
TNA house shows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWE house shows in my opinion, make sure to bring your camera, TNA is VERY fan friendly with their talent, so you'll likely be able to get lots of pictures with wrestlers
TNA are very welcoming at house shows and alot of times they give backstage passes to some people. But you will not see Hogan, Bishoff or Flair definitely but you might see Angle
Check the main page. There's a couple of fan reports there that just make TNA house shows sound like Wrestlemania. It's obviously exaggerated, but at least it sounds promising.

By the way, I envy you. Not even TNA comes to my place and I don't feel like going to WWE house shows here. If they've aired a damn PPV here, why not a taping then?
It's a house show. iMPACT tapings are only done on Monday and Tuesday.

Definitely bring your camera, and some extra cash to get autographs/pictures.
Yeah, I'm curious as well to know what you thought. I would love to go to a TNA house show. I doubt there would be all the talking, and 2-5 minute matches.
Honestly I was a bit disappointed. I can't complain about a free ticket, but I was expecting more. No Hardy, No AJ, No Anderson (he had a brief botched run in in the main event), no Angle, no Burke. I knew not to expect Hogan or Flair, but I figured some of the bigger names would be there.

The main event was Abyss vs. Tommy Dreamer. I don't think Dreamer should be the main event of a show in 2010. There was a really bizzare tag match. It was Eric Young & Orlando Jordan vs. Beer Money Inc. Young was switching sides. He would be in against Beer Money and suddenly start wrestling his own partner even trying to pin him. Then he would go back to Beer Money. He even wrestled against the ref. There were other weird things like a criss cross that went on forever. The match was obviously meant for comedy but it was too weird for me.

Not much of a crowd. The fans that were there were into it but there were a lot of empty seats. I had great seats right on the aisle. The entrance was literally six feet from me. It was a fun time, but TNA just isn't my thing. I don't criticize anyone who prefers TNA, but WWE is for me.
Wait a minute, that's the same results from the fan report I alluded to earlier. So, basically TNA runs the same exact show for the week? Damn.
It's pretty common for a promotion to run the same show in different towns. Before the internet no one ever realized it. Years ago I thought it was a big deal when I got to see Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bossman in a cage at a house show. At the time I wasn't aware they did the same match throughout the country many times before getting to me. That doesn't make it any less enjoyable though.
YEah Young at the moment has a concussion so he's crazy.

I can't see anything POSSIBLY sounding bad out of this storyline can you?
I guess it would have helped if I knew the story going in. Either way it was pretty lame and it just made Beer Money look bad too.
With all the concern about concussions in the NFL lately it's probably not the best idea to have a concussion comedy angle.

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