going to the US soon

Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
I've got my Scottish accent, incredible ego, game, looks (my ego tells me this) so do I have a good chance at getting some of the amazing American babes? What will work on them?

I'll be in New York but then I'm going to Canada for a couple of days. Will I get babes in Canada too? Any tips?

Also any recommendations as to what I should do in NYC.

Cheers bros

(This post was written by the legendary cm_punk12)
There is hotter chicks in France tho. Fukin babes over there whats in the water there

(This post was written by the legendary cm_punk12)
Possible but not probable. A tip though, American women seem to love it if you introduce yourself while whispering in their ear from behind. The accent should help.
sounds like a plan.

u US guys seem to be a bit metro with your long hair and abercrombie. us scots are fukin loud and arrogant as fuk and we would never act like idiots to get a chick. could this help me? Basically I think women are going to melt for me.

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