Going to see TNA in Wembley this Saturday, and I couldn't be any less excited...

When I got those tickets almost a year ago, I loved TNA! Going to see the UK tour was a no-brainer. I used to watch TNA religiously in 2012, I'd say that was my favourite year in the company's history! And I really liked the first half of 2013. I would always be defending TNA and discussing it passionately. But so much has changed, TNA has really gone downhill IMO and I barely watch it now.

I think for me it started when Sabin won the title. It was a nice moment and I like Sabin, all the storylines going at the time were fantastic, Aries being Suicide, AJ Styles, Bully as the top heel, loved it! But creative just seemed to go way downhill after that. You had all this crap with Tito and Rampage that achieved absolutely nothing. The way the BFG Series ended was such a disappointment, then AJ leaves with the belt which is fine but there was literally no other storyline to hold me. Big fan of Magnus but Dixie bores me to tears, same with Spud and sadly EC3 as well.

Then of course AJ is gone, as is Sting, and Angle won't be on the tour. I just really hope they go all out for this UK tour to rekindle my interest in TNA! My seats are near the front so it's possible I'll be on TV too :p

Anyone else going to see TNA in the UK?
A friend of mine went to see them in Dublin last night, I haven't spoken to him about it but I did see him post a couple photos on Facebook, one of Kurt Angle making his way down the aisle and the other of the arena from a balcony - which I could easily take and make an attendance joke but I think TNA is becoming too easy to ridicule at this stage - and he posted a status saying, "TNA wasn't all that bad. Not great but I didn't buy the tics so not that bad."

He won the tickets from a radio station like two weeks ago.
Any chance I can get tickets now? I've tried Ticketmaster and the Wembley arena site, bot seem to be out of tickets...
Go watch it as a wrestling fan and you'll like it, no matter if AJ Styles or Hogan is there. Their roster is completely competent as far as putting out a good show for you to enjoy it. It's also an experience. Where I live there isn't many "major" promotions performing so believe me, watching TNA is a satisfying thing.

Enjoy the show man. Hope someday you can get a ticket to go watch Wrestle Kingdom at Japan ahah.
As far as timing, TNA is in a downswing right now trying to elevate a midcarder into the main event. At least he will have home field advantage there, it may help his reception in the arena. I would go if I were there, even though TNA is subpar it will still be a decent show.
I don't know man I think TNA has generally been on an upswing since August. Save for a few weeks here and there those shows have been consistently better than RAW or Smackdown. My only grievance with the product now is the lack of AJ Styles other than that I'd possibly argue TNA is better now than it was in the first half of 2013 when you bought the tickets.
I've always wondered what they do in the non-wrestling segments at house shows since they tape like a month's worth of angles in one night.

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