Going to find it hard..

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Going to Raw on July 18th..

Going to find it hard to sit back and see Michael Cole without strangling him.

If CM Punk is done with WWE... if Michael Cole continues to be "The Voice of the WWE that talks more about his broadcast partners than the match" ...

I am going to quit watching. I can't handle Michael Cole anymore.. I just can't. And the WWE product isn't good enough to sit through Michael Cole talking for 2 hours every Friday and Monday Night.

At least on Raw he is a little more focused.. but on Smackdown.. I think he looks at Booker T more than he looks at the monitor or in the ring.. because that's defiantly what his focus is on.
Are you sitting right behind Michael Cole? Quit getting your panties in a bunch, make a creative WZ sign and hold it when the camera is facing the announce table. Life is too short to harbor hatred for someone you don't even know.
At some point it's going to be nice to see Booker T come acrossed the announcers table and choke the shit out of Cole, with all the shit Cole talks to him it's going to happen eventually. Can't wait till that day comes.

Enjoy the show!

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