"Go Out and Make Yourself Relevant"

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Triple H appeared on Busted Open, which airs every Monday and Wednesday on Sirius 92 and XM 207 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

Midcard talent possibly being affected by WWE's rebranding: "Well I don't think the end of the brands is here at all. I think it's for a period of time, it's trying to give the best shows that we can. If I was a mid-card guy or lower end, certainly I would look at that and go "Oh man, the spot that could have been mine is now Randy Orton's". To me, I'm a big believer, You know everyone thinks we make the stars. The guys make themselves. We follow what the fans want. Make yourself relevant. Go out and make yourself relevant. If you have been doing the same thing for years, and you have been getting the same reaction, and you're in the same spot, change. We tell the guys that all the time and yet they don't do it. We try to help them.

"There is just a different mentality, guys have to be willing and I think a lot of them think that they do, but they have to be willing to go out there and take it. They got to be willing to step on toes. They got to be willing to jump ahead. It's a business. Be willing to step up and not take no for an answer. I have been a big believer that if you're good enough, the cream rises to the top and you will get the spot."

Who in the WWE mid-card is relevant right now? Just curious to see what people think, not the guys like Punk, Cena etc, but the actual mid-card of the WWE.
My reaction to his comments are what about someone like Ryder who HAS gone out and made himself relevant on his own time. He HAS done things to change himself. Look at where he was one or two years ago and look at him now. So where's that backstage support for him now?
DirtyJosé;3399488 said:
My reaction to his comments are what about someone like Ryder who HAS gone out and made himself relevant on his own time. He HAS done things to change himself. Look at where he was one or two years ago and look at him now. So where's that backstage support for him now?

Well ignoring the wrestlers which have universally been all for him they've given him three times the amount of merchandice he had before, given him regular TV time on both brands, let him film his skits at Raw and live events and just this week he was given a video package before working with Lawler for the express purpose of putting him over. Clearly management cannot stand him.
Ok, let me take back the sentiment I may have put forward that creative has all but abandoned him (his shirt was just pulled though, fyi). Where is he in the card? Where is he on the matches? Letting him get himself over with their tools is neat and all, but to get that to stick, to get that message out to the casual fan, he needs slightly more airtime.

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