Go-Home Smackdown Post..


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last year and now this year, the final Smackdown before Wrestlemania is not a full on usual show, it has and will be different. Now, it has got me thinking, on Smackdown, you most of the time don't have the top main event stars like Cena, Rock, HHH, Taker, Punk etc on the show so it gives other top stars like Orton, Sheamus and Dolph to take centre stage. Now, with that being the thing about Smackdown, this is my question to you.

"Should the Go-Home Smackdown Show before Wrestlemania be a regular show and give the other guys to push the feud that bit extra?"

Here's my answer:
YES. Simple reason is that when you have Cena, Rock, HHH, Taker and Punk on RAW, you have other feuds such as Shield vs Orton/Sheamus/Show, Del Rio/Swagger and Kane/Bryan vs Ziggler/Langston that are now often an afterthought so with Smackdown being where they are mostly used, it would be the perfect opportunity to give that final push of their feuds before going into Mania. I know i'm going back to the brand extension situation, but I honestly think that WWE should reinstate the division of RAW and Smackdown, for the simple fact that it gives guys the opportunity to be a main event player on their show, take example, Del Rio. He, as a babyface hasn't worked for him so having the brand extension in place, it'll allow him to grow and work on his babyface and help them to push his feuds.
I think that the lasting image before Mania should be on Raw. Raw is the A-show. You can't have Cena/Rock Punk/Taker or HHH/Brock doing something new on the smackdown. They would have to use the other superstars like you are suggesting; however, Jack Swagger/Del Rio should never be the last thing we see before the biggest show of the year
SmackDown just isn't as important as it used to be. People watch RAW more than SmackDown, and it would just be a waste of time and effort IMO.

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think it'll happen. It would be fine for any other pay-per-view, but not for WrestleMania.

RAW is where the major storylines start, grow, and flourish. SmackDown is just background music. That's the show they hype as the final sell before a major pay-per-view. SmackDown is just not in the ball park.
I don't see the harm in it, actually. It's not like it's going to deter people from watching WrestleMania. Why not give the second-tier feuds a couple hours to remind people that WM is a jam-packed show and not just three matches? Plus, I'm a SmackDown watcher. My Friday nights just ain't what they used to be. So, for poor schlubs like me, and for the lower level Superstars, make the go-home SmackDown a worthwhile show. Nothing to lose by doing it.
YES YES YES. Smackdown for too long now has been a shell of its former self. Giving 2 hours to further build Del Rio/Swagger, Shield/Super Friends V3 and Miz/Barrett is never a bad thing.
I'm OK with it, especially since the brand split is done. The WHC is definitely the Smackdown belt, but the occasional appearance on Raw has been cool. All year Smackdown puts on a show usually on par with or better than Raw (depending on taste, personally I find myself enjoying Smackdown more than Raw pretty often). The "break" show where they focus on WrestleMania Axcess is fun to watch if you're not going to the show but are curious to see what it's like. I've never been to a 'Mania but when I go I know what I want to check out. Also that show has one or two matches sometimes that were taped beforehand.

Since 'Mania and the Raw afterwards are such huge shows, I understand. Also, they're trying to be extra careful lately about not hurting anyone before the big show.
Smackdown, in my honest opinion, should be pretty much what it is.....a SECOND weekly episodic WWE program. A place where the Dolph Zigglers and Wade Barretts of the world can hone their craft a little as WWE figures out whether or not they're truly top of the card worthy.

The only thing I'd really change goes as follows; Title unifications. First of all, merge the WWE & WHC belts to end the brand split outright. Then, do the same with the IC & US Titles. This leaves only 4 championships (WWE Heavyweight, IC, Tag and Divas) as opposed to the 6 we have currently. In losing a secondary top dog championship (it's stupid having 2 heavyweight champions within the same company no matter how you slice it) AND a secondary mid card championship that has been pointless for the vast majority of it's time being "showcased" in the company, you're left with a golden opportunity to once again introduce a cruiserweight/light heavyweight championship, which ultimately gives the WWE a reason to employ guys like Evan Bourne, Sin Cara, etc. I know it's a dead horse topic, but it remains logical no matter how many times people bring it up. The guys like Heath Slater have nothing to compete for, outside of becoming tag team champions....and that's a shame.

So, basically....I have no problem with the "go home" Smackdown being filled to the brim with RAW recaps and throw away matches. Why? Because I see the secondary heavyweight title and one of the mid card titles as being worthless in the first place. It really boils down to this. The WHC and the US Title are WCW championships.....and WCW has not existed for over a decade at this point. Furthermore, the "brand split" no longer exists either. Unify the friggin' titles already and FINALLY give the smaller guys a championship of their own. Having 2 heavyweight titles as well as 2 mid card titles does nothing but inflate the VERY inaccurate belief that guys such as Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger are legitimate heavyweight championship material.

I could continue typing, but I'll only say the same 2 or 3 statements ad nauseam. Admittedly, it's a tired argument, but it's a situation that should have been rectified LONG ago. Why have a worthless WHC and a worthless US Championship when a large portion of the roster is filled by guys who aren't believable as anything other than lightweight champions?

Hell, I'd even take it one step further than this. Being that there is no brand split, RAW is now a 3 hour show and WWE has Saturday Morning Slam and Main Event.....Smackdown itself is sorta pointless. I could argue that the show should showcase nothing but cruiserweight & IC level matches. I buy Swagger as the ONLY midcard champ in the WWE....but a headlining WORLD or COMPANY branded champion he is not.

Smackdown is on a less prominent channel at a worse time than Raw. That's why there is a decline in the show's quality. That's why SD guys are now on Raw. It's about exposure. No, you shouldn't do anything significant with your biggest stars on that show. Announcements and really good in ring action, yes.
I like what they do with Smackdown before Mania. It kind of lets everything fall into place and sink in one last time before the big show. A few live segments, and a lot of wrap up. Raw is the show that should be remembered the most as it is the number one show. Smackdown shows that Mania axcess stuff, and it really got me in the mood for Mania. I don't mind that they do this as there really isn't much left to do after Raw anyway.
I think they definitely should do something big with Smackdown before WM with the mid/upper tier guys. Cena/Rock/Punk etc. isn't going to be able to headline forever. There isn't enough room for some of these guys currently on RAW so Smackdown could be used as a gateway to be a bigger player in the game.

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