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Giving to Charity

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Depending on many circumstances giving to charity can be viewed as something people do more then often or something done not at all. Generally or statistically speaking those who have more tend to give more although not saying somebody who doesn't have much funds can't be a charitble person. The question I am asking is what is your stance on chairty?

Personally me and charity don't really go hand in hand. I enjoy volunteering if I feel I will get something out of it but personally will not give funds to others. I personally believe that charities can ultimately be very annoying, altough personally I feel this is something I could work.
I would love to give everyone in need some help but that's not too realistic. I'll be honest, I've never really given to any type of charity. It's not because I don't want to, it's because I don't trust giving my money to them. No matter the organization. I won't donate. However, I will donate to anyone who is in need or someone who asks.

I was walking in downtown Philidelphia and that place was littered with what looked like homeless men. I was quite shoked. This scruffy, older, dirty looking dude came up to me and gave me a flower. It was quite weird. However, while my friends simply laughed, I gave him the six bucks I had in my pocket. Now I don't know if he was bullshittin, I don't know if he was Bill Gates under a mask but dammit, it felt good to give someone in need a couple bucks. Who knows,he could've spent the money on beer, but that doesn't change the fact that I felt I was doing a great thing.

Overall, I'll donate my left nut to someone I believe is in need before I'll donate it to a charity organization.
I was walking in downtown Philidelphia and that place was littered with what looked like homeless men. I was quite shoked. This scruffy, older, dirty looking dude came up to me and gave me a flower. It was quite weird. However, while my friends simply laughed, I gave him the six bucks I had in my pocket. Now I don't know if he was bullshittin, I don't know if he was Bill Gates under a mask but dammit, it felt good to give someone in need a couple bucks. Who knows,he could've spent the money on beer, but that doesn't change the fact that I felt I was doing a great thing.

Hamler I know exactly what you are talking about when you mentione Philly. I lived there for three years and there are poor people spewed all over the town. And you truly do want to help everyone but you know you can't I think that is the worst feeling in that someone gives you the puppy dog eyes and you just have to say No. From my experience people in Philly who are trying to make money are the ones who know how to spend it properly, it is the poor people saying give me a dollar who sit on the side of the curb doing jack shit who are the drugees.
Depending on many circumstances giving to charity can be viewed as something people do more then often or something done not at all.
Fa'FuxSake what does that sentence really even mean? Seriously. Re-read it and really think about it. It's pretty much gibberish. Do people even proof read their writing before pressing 'submit'? I wonder…
Generally or statistically speaking those who have more tend to give more although not saying somebody who doesn't have much funds can't be a charitble person. The question I am asking is what is your stance on chairty?
The question I'm asking is where do you get your statistics from? It's not even that I don't believe it. It would seem to make sense but I just want some proof.
Personally me and charity don't really go hand in hand. I enjoy volunteering if I feel I will get something out of it but personally will not give funds to others. I personally believe that charities can ultimately be very annoying, altough personally I feel this is something I could work.
Personally I think you use the word 'personally' a bit too much. Personally, I volunteer time (and money) if and when I can, and sometimes even when I can't. Being as personable as I am I'm personally a big fan of charity, per se. In fact, I'd like to think I'm pretty perceptive to the plight of the poor. Penniless and poorly positioned, these people are probably pretty pissed-off with their present predicament, past problems, and possibly (nay probable!) poisonous prospects. Prevention via the proposition of pecuniary patronage presents a pronounced potential for progressive permutation. Personally, I put stock in the proverb "To whom much is given much is expected". I've not been given tremendous wealth, but I have some knowledge, I some have time, I have my health, and I have compassion. I also have a blatant self-righteous pomposity (but I would think that's fairly obvious)
Well yeah, if you want to help the poor or weak, you'll find a way to do so. Charity is a good thing where governments or public organizations fail. I think I already explained it in another topic, but I believe that 100$ can be better used in let's say Africa where it can save people's lives or help to establish a slightly more balanced world and give them independence than in my pocket where it can create some smiles while I bunker thousands on my bank account at the same time. So I think charity is a matter of course for anyone who has money reserves and takes "making the world a better place" seriously. It honestly pisses me off when I hear people complain about how unjust the world is all the time and then do nothing against it when they clearly could. Like Gandhi said, live how you want the world to be.
I'm from Portugal and we have people living in the poorest ways... Without money to pay their bills...
It is sad, but poverty is everywhere in the world...

Well I try to be a role-model for my little 10 year old brother and i know that he looks up to me, so every time something about charity appears in the news, I ask him to pay attention...

Here in Portugal we have "Food Bank" - I Dont Know if that organization is international, but in the begging of 2011, after school I usually went help people gather food for people that needs it more than anything...
I was a volunteer in the program since my early 15, and I always helped this organization...
I spent over 50€ in food to give it this January... It is a nice thing that i like to do, but i know people that happens to live in Social Neighborhoods, that lives with the minimum income and spend their lives in the coffee discussing other ones life, and it sickens me to know that they are using the food that people give for free, when they literally don't want to work!!

That Bitches!! Ohh i really hate them..

Sorry for all spelling errors, but as I said I am Portuguese and I'm trying to improve my English.
I try to be as charitable as possible. However, I'm angered that it's needed. I feel that so much money is wasted, when it could help house every poor person in this country. It could create so many jobs and educate so many. It genuinely bothers me.

Still, I occasionally give my time and I give as much as I can when I'm asked. I tend to avoid giving to beggers, as I simply feel that they treat it too much like a job. However, I give to orphanages every year and I give a few hundred bucks around Christmas time.

My stance on it is simple. People in need are not less than I am and I feel that some deserve the help. Not all, but certainly some. I can stand back and say that the ones that don't deserve it shouldn't get any of it so I shouldn't donate. However, I don't. I don't because if I give 100 dollars and 99 dollars go to a family that can't use it or don't REALLY need it, I'm hopeful that the final dollar helps or impacts a decent persons life.

Just my thoughts.
Someone wise once said that if you give to charity that's like making a small dam to stop a flood, and that if you instead give to advocacy groups that's like finding the source of the flood and putting a stop to it. Sure it feels good to donate to charities, but there is a stigma attatched to them. People do not want to be a charity, for some reason. Advocacy groups on the other hand are out there fighting for causes they believe in and actually want to put a stop to that particular problem completely. I like to do my part and make a positive difference in the lives of people less fortunate than me, but charities are not the answer and they have never been. Stop the source of the problem (support advocacy groups) rather than find a temporary solution (donating spare change to charities), you will make more of a difference that way.
Charity is about a big of joke as churches.

99% of charities take a profit, and that defeats whe entire purpose, and completely contradicts itself.
Charity is about a big of joke as churches.

99% of charities take a profit, and that defeats whe entire purpose, and completely contradicts itself.

Well, you need to run the organization, dont you?

I dont think I need to go into my charity habits, as anyone who knows much about me on here is well aware of my involvement.

People come up with lots of excuses to not give, simply out of selfishness, in reality. So fucking what if that bum is just going to go buy a 40oz with that money, he lives in a fucking refridgerator box, maybe he could use a buzz.

Surely the 5 dollars will mean more to him than you. Doesn't matter what happens with it after that, as your intentions were good. You never know how actis of kindness may effect people.

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