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Giving Blood


Turn Bayley heel
I gave blood earlier today, and a few thing of interest were brought to my attention. Firstly, here in the UK you are not allowed to give blood if you have ever had any form of sexual contact with a man ever. Even once. This still strikes me as odd, especially when I know that this isn't the case in Europe. The reasons given is because gay people are something like 6 times more likely to be infected with one of HIV, Hepititis and Syphilis.

But does that mean that they shouldn't give blood? All blood is screened for these diseases, and you'd have to be a pretty stupid person to try and donate blood if you thought you'd caught any diseases. I don't understand why they can't at least test the blood, especially of men who have only hd one gay experience about 20 years ago or who are in longterm relationships. Especially when you consider that there is a blood shortage...

Which brings me on to my next point. The nurse said that hardly any young people or men donated blood. Asmost of the people on here fall into one or both of those categories, I thought I'd ask if anyone here did give, and if not why not? Is it a simple case of inconveinience or fear? Or is there more moral objections out there? I know there is religous objection to blood transfusion, but is there objection to donation? What are your views?
Giving blood is just not on young people's minds I do believe. In Canada you are not paid to give blood, so that is a further means of taking giving blood of young people's minds. I am not sure how it is in the UK, but I do believe that in America, correct me if I am wrong, but you are paid for blood, and blood plasma donations? I believe that in UK, if they do not, or in Canada, if they want young people to donate blood, first off they have to advertise for it, and create awareness, second off, they need to give people a cash incentive. Students need money, giving blood would be a relative no strings attached means to get money.
Hey now TM, that's not true. Yours truely has given blood before.

In Australia, we do not get any money from our blood, what we do get however is a sort of free lunch from the Red Cross cafe or whatever. It's usually a sausage roll or pie, juice or milkshake or water, and then a small bag of Jelly Beans (Which taste really bad).

Yeah, there are some weird reasons why you can't give blood but I would say they just dont want to waste time and resources just to get some blood which is infected and then it goes to waste.

Also, around here, young people giving blood is no problem actually, the schools around my area compete in what's called 'The Vampire Shield' and it's a competition where the schools get students over 16 to donate blood and which ever school records most donations at the end of the year wins the competition. Our school usually gets second or third.
Well didn't mean all students do not give blood, but most don't. The program your school runs is actually a neat one, it gets young people the chance to become aware about giving blood. Awareness needs to happen to allow people who would never have the chance to know to donate blood, that chance.

When it comes to issues such as gay men giving blood, I am not sure how to react. Do they not use condoms to prevent the spread of STIs and AIDS? As I am sure, and hope, all blood is screened, to prevent contamination.
Now you see, that is exactly the sort of thing they should do. I only gave blood today because they came to my school, but they only came because it was the only place in the locality. They rarely come to schools here, and there is no incentives, except a free kit kat and a bag of crisps. Which wouldn't get me down the blood bank.

On the STI front, they specifically say that even if they've always used condoms, gay people can't give blood. I understand the possible time wasting, but it's not as if you would have no idea you might have a disease, and if you did, you wouldn't go.
Wow, thats crazy. over here, all blood is screened before its given to anyone else. So I dont see why you cant do it if you have banged, or your gay. There is a questionaire you fill out, asking when was the last time you unprotected sex, used needles, or got a tattoo. I have given blood at least 20 times in my life, but have to wait six months after I get new tattoos. besides that, there isnt really any limitations. I give blood becuase it helps others, plain and simple. I dont knw why anyone ever wouldnt, its not like it hurts you, but it can help save someone elses life, in some cases, directly.
That really is weird. I know around here a lot of my friends or people I know give blood because they get paid I believe $50 a time to do so. In that case, why not? It's not like you're not going to replenish it. As for the sexual aspect, I've never heard of that before. That seems a bit ridiculous indeed. If they screen your blood and you're clean, why not allow it to be donated? If there's something like a .000001% chance of it being contaminated, I'd think that someone who is dying would take those odds over the prospect of dying or living in a weakened condition. The payment aspect helps a lot as there's an incentive to donate. I thought that's how it was worldwide.
I think it's good to give blood. It's an easy thing to do and can save a life so why not? If you dieing and need blood you would sure hope someone would give it to you. "Most" youth(18-26) really don't donate as much as they should. I think alot of it has to do with the, it doesn't affect me so there is no point. But really such a easy thing to do and relatively painless everyone should do. But here in Canada you do not get paid for donating blood. While it would be nice to get some money and it would encourage more people to give, it makes you wonder what kind of people we are that we have to get paid for us to want to help save people's life. We are selfish pricks.

As for the not being able to donate blood if your gay or been with the same sex, I'm pretty sure it's like this in Canada. I remember a while back there was some controvery because gay's argued that they have the right to donate blood. And like Norcal said they should be doing screening with the blood after so it shouldn't make a difference. But I guess if they don't screen and if there really is that big of risk they maybe gay people shouldn't just for safety reasons.
Yea ive never been paid, and I have never even HEARD of people getting paid. thats nuts to me LOL, I had no idea. people should do it for the love of fellow man, to save others. as I said earlier, its is of zero cost to you, and can save someone. Apparently there are VARIOUS different ways this goes, all over the world, and even in different sections of my own country. crazy.
I also was unaware that they ever paid you for blood. I think that it is a shame that in places where they do pay you, there is obviously such a lack of desire to do it for free that they have to. Personally, I did it because I can, and all it took me was an hour, and that hour could have put years on someone else's life, which is more than a fair trade, I think.

As for the gay thing, this is the postion statement of the UK National Blood Service on why they don't allow it. They say that they have given HIV to 3 people in donations ever, but to be honest with blood supplies as low as they are, and when the amount of transfusions annually is taken into account, are those odds worth risking? In my opinion, they are.
I'm incredibly surprised we haven't heard more about this from 'Gay rights' activists, as this is as discriminatory as you can get. Beng homosexual doesn't mean you have any 'diseases' and if you do, they'll be found when you donate blood and the blood will not be used. I think it should be that simple. Saying someone cannot help save a life because they're gay is stupid. Anyone can suffer from a disease such as AIDS, but as long as all blood is properly screened it shouldn't be a problem.
I think the main reason young people don't donate blood is basically fear of the unknown. I know that if I was eligible, I wouldn't donate blodd because I was afraid of it. I don't really like the idea of someone taking blood out of your body. I understand why some people would do it, and if it was to save someone I knew I would definately donate blood. And also, sometimes people are just too busy and they can't fit a time in as they feel its not that important, or they just simply aren't eligible. THere are a number of reasons why young people or men do not donate blood, and these reasons are more often than not justifiable. But some just cannot be bothered, but its still your choice to give blood.
A few months ago, they did a blood drive at my school, and personally, I gave, I don;t see WHY you wouldn't if you are eligible and healthy. Its for the good of others, plus, hell, it didn't hurt, nor did I faint from blood loss. One cool thing they did was about 2 months later, I got a card with a 10 year old blood cancer patient with the message "Your Donation saved my Life. Thank you." Now, I know this is just an automated card that they send out, but I felt that it was a nice touch, and when they come back to my school, I personally will have no issue with giving again.
I have never given blood but i will within the next six months, as after then i will never ever be able to do it again due to getting a tattoo becouse other here your not allowed to if you have a tattoo. I have nothing wrong with donating blood, i would if i have the time. but i work all day everyday. but if i was to be given the day off just to have it done and didnt have other things to do i would. i wouldnt be scared there is no point. its just a needle.
I think the aspect of being paid to donate blood is problematic as it appeals to what I am going to describe as 'lower' levels of society. Basically drug addicts wanting to get money for their next fix. Now there is no denying that intravenous drug users are more likely to contract certain blood borne disease from direct blood contact. The same way homosexual males are more likely due to the high risk of bleeding during anal sex.

Ok... I don't believe it's fair that all homosexual men are refused rights to donate blood as it discriminates against them compared to anyone who has had or participated in anal sex. But from what I understand it was put in place in the UK because men were using the system to get free HIV/Hep A/B testing on a regular basis.

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