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Give the fans what they want-- give them HBK vs Taker at Mania 26

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Pre-Show Stalwart
They get my hopes up and I start thinking that a "magic moment" may happen on WWE tv and that the Show Stopper might do as he's famous for doing and defy the odds and win the big one. It's mega drama. It's what wrestling is all about. But.. they never deliver.

Don't get me wrong, HBK wins little matches on Raw here and there, but when it comes to the big matches, the guy who is known for going the distance always comes up short. He just did it in the rumble tonight. My God, Jim Ross himself said he personally wanted to see Michaels win because it would mean Shawn vs. Taker at Mania! I mean, I'm obviously a Michaels fan but it gets hard to watch after a while. I thought for SURE he'd beat Cena at Mania a few years back since Cena was at the point where people were disgusted by him for not being a real wrestler and he was going up against arguably the greatest of all time. It seemed like a good time for the WWE to make a statement and acknowledge the fans' desire to see talent rewarded.

Years later, I thought "God, let HBK win this match" when he fought Jericho for the world title in a ladder match. Good match, Michaels lost. Again.

Really, how many times does Michaels yell "HBK IS BACK!" and then lose? Every single time. My brother, who doesn't even watch wrestling, says "Michaels is my favorite but he never wins. It gets old." I get putting over young guys. I really do. But after a while, how much more can you hold the most talented guy down? Now all the nerds will go on about future talent, guys like Miz or Kofi who the average person doesn't care about, or the veterans not working houseshows, but the bottom line is this: The man entertains like no other when the need arises.

When Shawn Michaels dove off the ladder onto Vince McMahon at Mania, my friend Clint said "Why the f*ck is this guy not the champion?" He's not a Michaels-obsessed fanboy. He asks that question because HBK had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand and hanging on to his every move. HBK is so good, that it's hard to care abotu whatever follows him on PPV. Really. The "boyhood dream" is dead. I know he's 44 years old, bald, cross eyed, and skinny as hell... but somehow he still manages to be the best. Give the fans what they're screaming for. Give us HBK vs. Taker. Break the rules. Break the streak. Give us that last huge magic moment where Shawn Michaels shocked us all. It's what he's famous for.
I know it can be frustrating that HBK hasn't won the title in a while, but at the same time I always respected him whether win or lose because, quite simply, he is one of the best in ring performers of all time. I cite his match with Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 21. Yes, he lost the match, but that didn't matter, because the match alone, not matter who won or lost, left you thinking you were watching two of the greatest mat technicians on the planet. The same goes with last year's match with The Undertaker. Yes, he lost, but the match MY GOD, it was so unbelievable that I found myself awe struck. I didn't even want it to end. That's what HBK does. Yes, he does lose often when main eventing. But that doesn't matter. And as for Wreslemania, I was almost certain Mysterio was going to win the title tonight. I even would have bet money on it. Outside interference by Batista, HBK, or something. Simply because Taker/Michaels II is pretty much a definite. But now well, I think that quite maybe we could be seeing main event at Wresltemania as The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michael. But this time, it's going to be for the title. And for some reason, I don't think the odds will be as strong for The Undertaker to win. I think this might be the year the streak ends. If not, well...it'll still be one HELL of a match.
I totally agree.

I started watching wrestling in 2001. Shawn Michaels was "retired" at that point. To me, he was only a name in wrestling lore. When he came out of retirement for "one more match" against Triple H at Summerslam 2002, I was really excited because I now would finally get to see what had everyone else so excited. Boy, he didn't disappoint me then and since then, he has yet to let me down.

Time after time, he has given me a reason to follow wrestling. Eddie Guerrero had passed. Chris Benoit had passed. Kurt Angle had moved on. Chris Jericho was involved elsewhere. John Cena was still there.

But Shawn was still there, putting on quality match after quality match.

-The very first Elimination Chamber in 2002 at Survivor Series
-Wrestlemania 19 against Chris Jericho
-Last Raw of the year in 2003 against Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship (the one where he had the title won and taken from him by Eric Bischoff)
-Wrestlemania 21 against Kurt Angle
-The rematch at Vengeance
-Wrestlemania 22 against Vince
-Wrestlemania 23 against John Cena
-The rematch in London against Cena
-His impressive showing in the 2008 Royal Rumble against Undertaker
-Wrestlemania 24 against Ric Flair.
-Of course, the classic against Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25

Shawn Michaels made me react to wrestling matches so many time. He made be believe in wrestling. He gave me a reason to. And hopefully, this year when I hope to attend my 2nd Wrestlemania, I will see for myself, the Showstopping performance that only he is capable of.
I say don't give the fans what they want for this main reason...NOTHING can be done just as great as it was done the first time. Hogan Vs. Flair..Sting Vs. Flair Undertaker Vs. Foley Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels..the first was always the best and the rest just left a sour taste in your mouth looking for more to hit the sweet spot.
Leave it alone. Get away from it as fast as you can
The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels should be treated like the hot chick with herpes . It was incredible the first time and left you with a lifetime memory, but if repeated it falls short cause you already know the end result.

Shawn isn't going to beat Undertaker at Mania, no one probably will, BUT if Undertaker does allow someone to beat him. It's not going to be some guy who is on his way out as well. I personally believe it will be someone who is going to be the face of the WWE for years to come, maybe someone like I dunno...THE LEGEND KILLER RANDY ORTON
I say don't give the fans what they want for this main reason...NOTHING can be done just as great as it was done the first time. Hogan Vs. Flair..Sting Vs. Flair Undertaker Vs. Foley Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels..the first was always the best and the rest just left a sour taste in your mouth looking for more to hit the sweet spot.
Leave it alone. Get away from it as fast as you can
The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels should be treated like the hot chick with herpes . It was incredible the first time and left you with a lifetime memory, but if repeated it falls short cause you already know the end result.

.....Dude you are a ****** some of the best matches in history have been repeat matches. Bret hart vs stone cold wrestlemania 13 was after thier survivor series match and was way better.Undertaker Shawn have fought numerous matches all good, did you forget about hell in a cell, royal rumble casket match. Shit shawn and kurts rematch at vengence was just as good as thier wrestlemania one. So your saying just cause 2 people fought each other once they shouldnt fight again cause it will suck. Well i guess you havent watched wrestling for that long. Do i think they should fight at wrestlemania though yes but it needs to be a triple threat match with hhh. I still think alone they could have a great match still but with the current storyline hhh needs to get throw in.
I love how it seems that people around here think that last year was the first time Taker and HBK wrestled. True it was their first time at Wrestlemania, but I prefer that Hell in a Cell match 10 times out of 10 over their Wrestlemania match. I don't think if they fought again it would be as good because I didn't think it was great last year. This year's card looks to be more stacked than last year's so it wouldn't stick out like it did last year. If HBK couldn't break the streak last year, what makes you think it's going to happen again? The same result will happen and HBK will lose. He doesn't need to break the streak and he doesn't need to face Taker this year.
When Shawn Michaels dove off the ladder onto Vince McMahon at Mania, my friend Clint said "Why the f*ck is this guy not the champion?" He's not a Michaels-obsessed fanboy. He asks that question because HBK had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand and hanging on to his every move. HBK is so good, that it's hard to care abotu whatever follows him on PPV. Really. The "boyhood dream" is dead. I know he's 44 years old, bald, cross eyed, and skinny as hell... but somehow he still manages to be the best. Give the fans what they're screaming for. Give us HBK vs. Taker. Break the rules. Break the streak. Give us that last huge magic moment where Shawn Michaels shocked us all. It's what he's famous for.

Magic moments aren't just about your favourite wrestler winning a match. I don't see the fans 'screaming' for Taker v. Michaels, I know I don't want to see it again.
1, They are both 1 year older, and to top last years match given that would be extremely difficult.
2, If Taker wins then it's like, what's the point, Michaels has lost to him in consecutive Mania's.
3, If Michaels wins... it ends Taker's streak, the one thing that is the Undertaker's legacy, IMO his streak should stay intact, whether he faces Michaels, Cena, Orton, Edge, whoever.
4, As has already been pointed out, Cena v. Batista, Edge v. Jericho, Bret Hart v. Vince McMahon, this card is stacked, and Michaels v. Taker won't steal the show. The magic moment of Mania will be Vince tapping out to the sharpshooter, the match of the night will be Edge v. Jericho, IMO it will be just another match, unless Michaels wins and ends the streak, but that is the one thing that while it would be shocking, should not happen.
I liked Lawlers point about that not being their first match. They had AMAZING matches, even better than the one at Mania, at Ground Zero and Badd Blood (first hell in the cell) in 1997, and then again at Royal Rumble 98.

I am not really sure the title to this thread is on point. Not EVERYONE wants to see this match again. I love when these two tangle, but not two Manias in a row. Both of these guys have the ability to put on great matches with just about anyone, so I would love for them to be split up this year. Plus, both of them have nagging injuries and it would be a shame for this match to be of less quality than last years epic battle.

And if this match DOES happen, it would be a terrible idea to have Shawn win. Undertaker needs this streak, in my opinion, for his legacy. This is the one thing he has all to himself. Both of these guys will be remembered as two of the greatest of all time, but Taker, IMO, needs this streak to solidify his legacy as one of the top ten guys to EVER wrestle.
I don't want it to happen. They can't re-create last year's match, Michaels doesn't like to do gimmick matches anymore like ladders and such, and you know Shawn will lose. The only way I'd want to see this match is if Shawn wins. If the WWE does this its because they want buys, buys, buys. Its the one match that will draw people to the show. If he loses, the match will be pointless because you have Bret Hart returning, Cena v Batista, and Edge returning to PPV for the first time in a long time against his rival.
Exactly. I hope WWE doesn't try to be unpredictable for the sake of being unpredictable. Sometimes, it is okay to give people what they know what is going to happen; and that's fine if that's what they want. And while most of the smarks on the internet don't want it, (which is crazy, but then again most internet smarks are.) the majority of people who watch WWE, including myself, want it. I've said it before; this is the best WrestleMania build since Batista/Triple H at WrestleMania 21. For how well it is doing building up the inevitable match, it would hurt more than help buyrates for WrestleMania if they gave us anything other than.

Also, it isn't like a rematch is going to hurt Taker/Michaels. Every big match they've has (Hell in a Cell, Casket, WrestleMania 25) was memorable in it's own way. What makes people think it will hurt the legacy is silly. To be quite honest, both of the rematches after Hell in a Cell were not as good as the first, (although both still excellent) and those didn't hurt the legacy of the first. But whatever, internet smarks will always complain.

Magic moments aren't just about your favourite wrestler winning a match. I don't see the fans 'screaming' for Taker v. Michaels, I know I don't want to see it again.
1, They are both 1 year older, and to top last years match given that would be extremely difficult.
2, If Taker wins then it's like, what's the point, Michaels has lost to him in consecutive Mania's.
3, If Michaels wins... it ends Taker's streak, the one thing that is the Undertaker's legacy, IMO his streak should stay intact, whether he faces Michaels, Cena, Orton, Edge, whoever.
4, As has already been pointed out, Cena v. Batista, Edge v. Jericho, Bret Hart v. Vince McMahon, this card is stacked, and Michaels v. Taker won't steal the show. The magic moment of Mania will be Vince tapping out to the sharpshooter, the match of the night will be Edge v. Jericho, IMO it will be just another match, unless Michaels wins and ends the streak, but that is the one thing that while it would be shocking, should not happen.
That's a silly reason for not having it. If you have the biggest wrestling event of the year, stack the damn card with the best matches possible. Give people a reason to remember the event for the rest of their life.

I don't want it to happen. They can't re-create last year's match, Michaels doesn't like to do gimmick matches anymore like ladders and such, and you know Shawn will lose. The only way I'd want to see this match is if Shawn wins. If the WWE does this its because they want buys, buys, buys. Its the one match that will draw people to the show. If he loses, the match will be pointless because you have Bret Hart returning, Cena v Batista, and Edge returning to PPV for the first time in a long time against his rival.
Of course they want buys, it's a business. Which is exactly why Michaels/Taker is gonna happen.
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