Gimmick or Character changes


Dark Match Winner
The title pretty much says it all, I want to know who you think needs a change in WWE. This doesn't mean it has to be the classic face/heel turn, because some gimmicks just need tweaked. So give me , let's say, five WWE gimmicks or characters you would like to see changed and a new idea for them.

Randy Orton - This is a no-brainer Orton definitely needs to be a heel and WWE needs Orton as a heel, he is just more entertaining as a heel. And PLEASE lose the viper thing.

Kofi Kingston-Kofi is such a talent in the ring that it kills me that he hasn't received a better gimmick. Maybe the new "AJ Styles" character could fit Kofi , that silent loner who knows that he can out perform you.

Drew McIntyre- I have always been a fan of McIntyre and I believe he has what it takes to be a player in the company. This is a stretch I know,but I would love to see Drew become a Heyman guy.During a Mahal/Slater tag match have Heyman walk out and give Drew his card tell him he is better than this and walk away.

Shames- I have always felt Shames' best work has came as a heel, a guy who doesn't say much. The "monster" heel (ala Mark Henry)

John Cena [- I almost didn't go here because I know everybody has a Cena opinion.I will keep mine short and to the point, WWE doesn't need Cena to be "the face" of the company anymore.Guys like Punk,Bryan and Ziggler can do it if they let them. A Cena heel turn if done right could be just as big if not bigger then the Hogan heel turn.With the current Vince/HHH feud going where it looks like Vince is going to be the heel, this could be the perfect time for Cena to attack HHH and align himself with Vince.He could say it is because of his "loyalty" to Vince and the WWE that he helped usher in. If they felt they needed to they could even bring back the Corporation adding more guys that would be loyal to Vince and acknowledge Cena as the "True" face of the company not a HHH guy (ala Punk/Bryan)

Let me know what you guys think.
I agree with your choice of Drew and SHEAMUS (not shames).

With John Cena however, I feel the major problem with what you suggested is that regardless of who Cena sides with, the kids and the ladies are going to cheer him. Just like the males are staunch supporters of Punk regarding his face/heel status, so are the kids/ladies for Cena.

I feel the PrimeTime Players need to split and their gimmicks need to be worked upon. Rhodes also needs a huge tweak, and Miz should go back to being heel. Also, apart from the top 2 superstars , the better half of the NXT prospects should debut in tag teams.
It's hard to care given how WWE ruins almost every character. It's so difficult for them to keep a wrestler's momentum. One day he's on a winning streak and the next is jobbing to the current guy on the winning streak. And so it goes on and on.

But to keep this on topic:

Cody Rhodes: Excellent perfomer but very generic character.

Sheamus: Awful as a face, doing mostly heelish stuff and smiling all the time.

Randy Orton: I agree that the viper thing is terrible. Make him a heel, a role he thrives in.

Daniel Bryan: Hottest thing going but ffs loose the beard. Can't take him seriously when he looks like a hobo.

Wade Barrett: A bare knuckle brawler who comes out wearing a coat with a rose? He should have a Fight Club type gimmick, as in the promos hyping his return.

Won't even bother with John Cena. He can retire already.
The title pretty much says it all, I want to know who you think needs a change in WWE. This doesn't mean it has to be the classic face/heel turn, because some gimmicks just need tweaked. So give me , let's say, five WWE gimmicks or characters you would like to see changed and a new idea for them.

Randy Orton - This is a no-brainer Orton definitely needs to be a heel and WWE needs Orton as a heel, he is just more entertaining as a heel. And PLEASE lose the viper thing.

Kofi Kingston-Kofi is such a talent in the ring that it kills me that he hasn't received a better gimmick. Maybe the new "AJ Styles" character could fit Kofi , that silent loner who knows that he can out perform you.

Drew McIntyre- I have always been a fan of McIntyre and I believe he has what it takes to be a player in the company. This is a stretch I know,but I would love to see Drew become a Heyman guy.During a Mahal/Slater tag match have Heyman walk out and give Drew his card tell him he is better than this and walk away.

Shames- I have always felt Shames' best work has came as a heel, a guy who doesn't say much. The "monster" heel (ala Mark Henry)

John Cena [- I almost didn't go here because I know everybody has a Cena opinion.I will keep mine short and to the point, WWE doesn't need Cena to be "the face" of the company anymore.Guys like Punk,Bryan and Ziggler can do it if they let them. A Cena heel turn if done right could be just as big if not bigger then the Hogan heel turn.With the current Vince/HHH feud going where it looks like Vince is going to be the heel, this could be the perfect time for Cena to attack HHH and align himself with Vince.He could say it is because of his "loyalty" to Vince and the WWE that he helped usher in. If they felt they needed to they could even bring back the Corporation adding more guys that would be loyal to Vince and acknowledge Cena as the "True" face of the company not a HHH guy (ala Punk/Bryan)

Let me know what you guys think.

Okay, Randy Orton as a heel is something I can agree on. It looks like a heel turn is in his near future.

Kofi Kingston would SUCK as anything other than a true babyface. It's a relief to have some of those instead of that overused anti-hero shit. And a "talent in the ring?" He doesn't have much technical skill, is a little small to be a brawler, and for a high-flyer he isn't very agile. Shit, I could work better than Kofi.

I would love to see McIntyre do ANYTHING other than the 3MB thing. He has WAY too much talent to be sitting on the lower card like he is. I don't think he needs a manager, as I think his look and in-ring ability can carry him until he develops more on the mic (which I believe he can do).

Sheamus works better as a heel, but it would be nice for him to stay as a babyface for a little bit longer and (even though it will never happen) help some heels get off the midcard and into the main event.

Sorry, but a Cena heel turn is not going to happen anytime soon. About once a year, we all prophesize (I think I spelled that right) a Cena heel turn and about once a year we are wrong. And if they do it, mixing it up with the McMahon show will turn this HHH/Vince feud into the main storyline. The last thing I want is them trotting out ever single McMahon like they did in the early 2000s.
Santino Marella : The crowd has a soft spot for Santino, he obviously has a brain on the microphone (it's childish, but talented).. I would like to see the WWE turn him into a legit wrestler similar to a Tazz or Kurt Angle.

How: Have Santino lose on a weekly basis every time the 'cobra' makes an appearance. Eventually during a high profile match have Santino snap, ignore the cobra, suplex, pound and pin clean a decent heel. Instant shock from him, crowd goes nuts.. A couple of weeks with similar win/loss scenarios they would eventually turn him into Santino Marella, wrestling machine who parts ways with the cobra.

Outcome: Stays face, gets credibility for legit matches, and the midcard gains an instant mid/lower card face who is already over with the crowd.. His promos will still remain goofy and childish, but they can now have a more targeted approach similar to The Rock.. Because Santino is no longer 'a joke', after he is done making people look stupid Santino can go about laying the smack a down on their candy asses.

Camacho (yes, Camacho): I have absolutely no idea what they're doing with Camacho these days. But I do know he is the son of Haku.. I liked Haku, so that means I think I could like Camacho.

How: I would base him on an MMA fighter (without an actual MMA gimic), to me Cain Velasquez/James Te Huna.. A worker, warrior with a bit of heritage and pride about him. They do not have to make him a star, they just have to let him "fight" and see if he has the ability to gain some intrest from the crowd. Make him a badass because he has some heart and venom about him, not because "I'm a gangsta with sunglasses, so that instantly makes me badass".

Outcome: Not all heels have to be cheats, liars or gimic based.. Sometimes it's best to give a superstar a neutral blank canvas and see what they can do with it.. "I have pride", I will give it 110%, I am a heel and I don't want you to cheer for me.. Use him with Hunico, but keep Hunico the more "sinister" and sleazy of the two and develope the story that way.. Comacho has a babyface look about him, maybe oneday the straight laced "worker" vibe may make somebody cheer for him.. And then the sky is the limit
The title pretty much says it all, I want to know who you think needs a change in WWE. This doesn't mean it has to be the classic face/heel turn, because some gimmicks just need tweaked. So give me , let's say, five WWE gimmicks or characters you would like to see changed and a new idea for them.

Randy Orton - This is a no-brainer Orton definitely needs to be a heel and WWE needs Orton as a heel, he is just more entertaining as a heel. And PLEASE lose the viper thing.

Kofi Kingston-Kofi is such a talent in the ring that it kills me that he hasn't received a better gimmick. Maybe the new "AJ Styles" character could fit Kofi , that silent loner who knows that he can out perform you.

Drew McIntyre- I have always been a fan of McIntyre and I believe he has what it takes to be a player in the company. This is a stretch I know,but I would love to see Drew become a Heyman guy.During a Mahal/Slater tag match have Heyman walk out and give Drew his card tell him he is better than this and walk away.

Shames- I have always felt Shames' best work has came as a heel, a guy who doesn't say much. The "monster" heel (ala Mark Henry)

John Cena [- I almost didn't go here because I know everybody has a Cena opinion.I will keep mine short and to the point, WWE doesn't need Cena to be "the face" of the company anymore.Guys like Punk,Bryan and Ziggler can do it if they let them. A Cena heel turn if done right could be just as big if not bigger then the Hogan heel turn.With the current Vince/HHH feud going where it looks like Vince is going to be the heel, this could be the perfect time for Cena to attack HHH and align himself with Vince.He could say it is because of his "loyalty" to Vince and the WWE that he helped usher in. If they felt they needed to they could even bring back the Corporation adding more guys that would be loyal to Vince and acknowledge Cena as the "True" face of the company not a HHH guy (ala Punk/Bryan)

Let me know what you guys think.

Randy Orton I agree he is best as a heel even more so as the psychotic heel he was when he lead Legacy.

Kofi Kingston honestly never seen much into him he is entertaining in the ring but when he grabs a mic he makes himself look like a low mid carder and his entrance omg change it for him to get anywhere furthur he needs be heel with a manager that can do his promos for him.

Drew McIntyre I agree should join Heyman the guy is talented in the ring he would over shine Curtis Axel is the only problem with this

Sheamus i agree is best as a heel his joking side i don't like if they want him to remain a face they need to change him into a always serious no joking around face this is the guy that should have had the ryback gimmick he is good and could have pulled it off

John Cena
ok This is a tough one but he needs to remain a face too many merch sales to turn him heel so the only change without making him heel is make him use his Thuganomic gimmick again only way he might get over with other fans he is over he no longer needs to be Main Eventing as much as people wont like it or agree he is at a Undertaker level he don't need a championship or wins to look strong or be Main Eventing

The Miz like him or not he has done well in his career the only thing that has gone wrong for him is his face turn he could be a top heel as a face he has been lowered to mid card at best but as a heel could be a threat to the WWE or World champion his run as WWE champion was good I really enjoyed him then
Randy Orton: Everyone is saying he needs to turn heel, I dont think he does.. I know his current face run has become stale, but the crowd ALWAYS goes nuts for him and they will continue to whether he is face or heel, and I personally think he will have more success with battling for the WHC as a face, I'm not saying keep him as a face BUT he shouldn't be heel either, he should play a tweener role, where he has the cocky attitude thats fans will still cheer for but doesnt neccessarily need to be facing a heel opponent. Defiantly lose the viper thing though.

Kofi Kingston: He defiantly needs a change, but change him to what? I think his chance at being a main eventer a long gone, he is going to be the Christian of this era in my opinion, the main stay of the mid card, and may eventually get a run with the title at the back end of his career, but seriously what else can he be? I dont think he will suit being a heel, and if he were to change his gimmick.. the first thing he needs to do is lose the dreads, thats the only thing that I can really see that would cement a change for him to start off with.

Sheamus: I'm not a fan of him at all, in any way.. but its kinda lame having him play to the kids as a face, he needs to turn back heel and just be a wrecking machine, or his career is gonna go no where fast.

John Cena: Yes we all know he needs a change, but it's not going to happen until someone steps up and takes his place as the main face, and people can say CM Punk is good enough, but at the end of the day Punk isn't as big of a sell as Cena, I may get flamed for saying that but its true, he may have the quality to take over, but the fans just do not buy into him as much as they do Cena, end of story. So until someone else can achieve what Cena has, he won't change anytime soon.

The Miz: I don't know what they can do with him.. but he is gonna fade into oblivion if they don't come up with something for him soon.

I'm happy with DB where he is at the moment, he just needs to lose the beard.

Same with Rhodes, he just needs to lose the moustache and break away into a tweener kind of role where all he is focused on is his in ring ability, i could see him evolving into a big character if he has a gimmick where he tries each and every week to not only beat but outshine his oppponents in terms of mat wrestling ability, and each week tries to better himself and claim that nobody can beat him, he defiantly needs a serious persona to advance to the next stage, I can only hope that in about 5-6 years we see a Wrestlemania main event of a heel Cody Rhodes taking on a face Dolph Ziggler for the WWE championship !! That would be epic, they both need to evolve and become majoy players and cement their status as main event players first though, obviously.
Orton does need to go heel in my opinion. Going heel could add a spark to Orton that, for the most part, I think he's been missing for a while now. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, he's reportedly due to turn heel sometime this year. Unless the planned turn has been scrapped altogether, maybe the next opportunity for it would be to turn Orton heel in order to feud with Dolph Ziggler over the World Heavyweight Championship a little bit later. I'd say Ziggler will win the title SummerSlam at the most and enter into a feud in the latter part of the year against Orton.

As for Kofi Kingston, I think a character change could be needed. With him having taken time off to undergo surgery and t spend time with his new son, after having been written off television after his beating at the hands of Ryback, it's a good opportunity to change Kofi. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to happen because, according to reports, Kingston is being advertised for WWE shows in Australia at the end of this month going up against Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship. Personally, I think Kofi has a lot of untapped potential and could go much further in WWE than he has, but it doesn't look as though WWE officials think so.

I've always liked McIntyre. I always liked him during "The Chosen One" angle because he showed promise even though he was put into a spot he wasn't ready for. Since then, he's gotten MUCH better in the ring and while 3MB is a joke, McIntyre is doing his best with what he's been given. He's only 28 years old and, if nothing else, McIntyre can be a very solid mid-card or tag team wrestler. I think there's much better use for him than 3MB.

I like Sheamus much more as a heel than as a babyface. He was just far more interesting as a heel than as a jovial, fairly laid back stereotypical Irish lug, at least in my opinion. At the very least, I do think his babyface character could be much better if he toned down on the laid back, joking aspect of it.

John Cena probably isn't going heel as long as he continues to rake in money for WWE with his current character. Even though Cena does get a LOT of unjustified hate from the IWC, his babyface character can be too much sometimes. When Cena is in a more serious mode during promos, like we've seen MUCH more from him than usual over the course of this year; then he's damn good in my estimation. His feud with The Rock, in my eyes, was an overall improvement because he & Rock weren't ripping into each other with juvenile jokes and comments, resulting in things coming off as more serious. We've seen the same from his feuds with Ryback and Mark Henry, thus far. Cena selling that he's intimidated by Henry, for instance, is FAR more preferable than him trying to make light of him by cracking lame jokes or impersonations. If they keep the serious mode in his, alleged, feud with Daniel Bryan; then it'll definitely be entertaining.
Wade Barrett: A bare knuckle brawler who comes out wearing a coat with a rose? He should have a Fight Club type gimmick, as in the promos hyping his return.

This is Foreign Heel Booking 101: Whatever nationality the heel is, make him as much a nationality as possible. If he's English, make him English as fuck. If he's French, make him French as fuck.

Won't even bother with John Cena. He can retire already.

Right......retire the company's biggest draw who actually stays with the company. Not to mention people get their names out there just by feuding with the guy. CM Punk can drop all the pipe bombs he wants and wrestle the most indy-riffic matches ever, but if it wasn't for his 2011 feud with Cena he would be GTS'ing on the midcard still.
OK. First off I will agree Orton should be a heel. I, in my personal opinion believe the Kofi could use a more serious gimmick, for instance the Kofi/Orton feud had the best Kofi I've ever seen. I'd like to see him(Kofi) as a heel. Miz should turn heel, cena should obviously turn heel, ziggler for me is too soon to tell how he will do as a face. Whats with the ziggler face turn anyway? At least they got it right wit Del Rio by turning him heel again, he was a terrible face. Rhodes needs a gimmick fix. Tons of funk? Tons of trash. The shield is spot on for me, except at some point I'd like to see ambrose take his craziness a step further and get some Joker face paint his facial expressions and features scream the joker at least heath ledgers version...
I'm going to go somewhere else with this one instead of using the same 4 or 5 guys everyone else did.

Kane - I think Kane needs to say to hell with the comedy monster thing and just go full blown ape shit on everyone. He needs to just be an unstoppable evil monster like before but with the added twist that he still likes Daniel Bryan even going as far as destroying all Bryan's opponents for him while Bryan is creeped out and begging Kane to just leave him alone. I for one, miss the days when opponents looked absolutely terrified when his music began to play. I think with his career winding down, he needs to be back in the upper ranks sooner or later so he can go out big as a thanks for all he has done for WWE given that he's been there since the early-mid 90's.

Alberto Del Rio - I mentioned this in an earlier thread about Ziggler being a face. Anyways I was speculating that Big E Langston may turn on Ziggler soon and as such would be a better fit as Del Rio's bodyguard like Brodus Clay used to be when he was Del Rio's NXT rookie. Del Rio just needs something a little extra to get his latest heel run and title win off the ground. Since Ricardo is going to be gone for awhile, Del Rio is going to be missing something and I think adding someone like Big E Langston or maybe add some cronies like Hunico and Camacho to the fold sort of like how JBL had the Basham Brothers when he had his Cabinet stable. I think with having Ricardo as his mouth piece, maybe start flaunting his money a little to get some help/knock around guys, etc. it could be a good way to take Del Rio in a different direction this time around so he can be taken seriously.
Right now he is down Ricardo who gets all the response anyway so therefore, he needs some big and quick or he is going to fall flat again.
Randy Orton: Yes he needs to go heel and go heel ASAP! He still is a nine time world champion nothing to be ashamed of but orton needs to go heel. Hell we were teased at the thought at WM,Then yes he will at ER,most certainly turn heel at payback. It will be a complete breath of fresh air for Orton,and fresh air for the WWE as it will open up new and older feuds for the A-Pex Predator.

Kofi: I would love to see Kofi get a change of character as i dont think its out of the realm for him to be more edgy. We have seen glimpses of that have we not? His i guess tapping into the dark side,Kofi was brilliant. Just ultra aggressive and beat the shit out of you. I dont like this Kofi i want the edgier Kofi someone i could get behind someone almost everyone could get behind. Kofi is very talented. I like the idea of him walking his own path ala AJ Styles does. This whole Lone Wolf Gimmick would fit Kofi just fine.

Kane: He is not the Devils Favorite son and hasnt been in quite some time. He belongs as a heel a destroyer and the monster we all know he can be. Kane doesnt hug he breaks arms,sets people on fire. Ok maybe not those last two since its PG but Kane needs to get his Mask back the full mask and have some sort of accident where he loses his voice. Remember it took a force of God to knock Kane off his feet? That Kane needs to return.

Sheamus: Ahh Fella,we need you to go heel. This jolly Tough Irishman routine just is not cutting it. Remember King Sheamus? The Sheamus that destroyed HHH some years ago? That Sheamus instilled fear,and terror into everyone he faced! I have never liked this jolly side of Sheamus he is more believable as a heel.

John Cena: Yah Cena going heel isnt going to happen and quite frankly i dont want it too unless it was going to go all the way. Cena has granted what 300 plus wishes for Make A Wish? Cena is the WWE the face of the company. If he goes Heel who takes his place as the Face of the company? Cena makes too much money for the WWE for them to even think of switching him. Not gonna happen
John Cena. Yes I'm going to keep bringing it up even though it'll probably never happen because it just needs to happen. Not even the real Superman can be on top for so long (hence the reason Batman is whooping that ass in movie sales)

Wade Barrett. This bare knuckle thing is just not working. Nexus Barret was cool, smooth and backhandedly vicious. This new Barrett is just a vanilla heel with a British accent.

Cody Rhodes. And this hurts me to say because Rhodes tends to excel with any gimmick they give him, but to take him from UnDashing (which was the best gimmick in a long time imo) to a parody of himself via a "lovestache" is just uncalled for.

Drew McIntyre. At first I was happy he was even getting screen time as part of 3MB, but it's almost painfully obvious he could be doing so much better. Just let him be him and come out to Future-Shock the shit out of everyone.
Wade Barrett desperately. He is at his best talking his way out of fights, or mocking the face he is feuding with. I would like a change to maybe him being the 'big boss' henchman #1 and use his mic skills against the top face. It can be 'it is nothing personal it is just business' type of heel ala his time in Nexus. Don't need anything special and a welcome change. This guy needs to have more time on the mic.
Randy Orton: Yes he needs to go heel and go heel ASAP! He still is a nine time world champion nothing to be ashamed of but orton needs to go heel. Hell we were teased at the thought at WM,Then yes he will at ER,most certainly turn heel at payback. It will be a complete breath of fresh air for Orton,and fresh air for the WWE as it will open up new and older feuds for the A-Pex Predator.

Kofi: I would love to see Kofi get a change of character as i dont think its out of the realm for him to be more edgy. We have seen glimpses of that have we not? His i guess tapping into the dark side,Kofi was brilliant. Just ultra aggressive and beat the shit out of you. I dont like this Kofi i want the edgier Kofi someone i could get behind someone almost everyone could get behind. Kofi is very talented. I like the idea of him walking his own path ala AJ Styles does. This whole Lone Wolf Gimmick would fit Kofi just fine.

Kane: He is not the Devils Favorite son and hasnt been in quite some time. He belongs as a heel a destroyer and the monster we all know he can be. Kane doesnt hug he breaks arms,sets people on fire. Ok maybe not those last two since its PG but Kane needs to get his Mask back the full mask and have some sort of accident where he loses his voice. Remember it took a force of God to knock Kane off his feet? That Kane needs to return.

Sheamus: Ahh Fella,we need you to go heel. This jolly Tough Irishman routine just is not cutting it. Remember King Sheamus? The Sheamus that destroyed HHH some years ago? That Sheamus instilled fear,and terror into everyone he faced! I have never liked this jolly side of Sheamus he is more believable as a heel.

John Cena: Yah Cena going heel isnt going to happen and quite frankly i dont want it too unless it was going to go all the way. Cena has granted what 300 plus wishes for Make A Wish? Cena is the WWE the face of the company. If he goes Heel who takes his place as the Face of the company? Cena makes too much money for the WWE for them to even think of switching him. Not gonna happen

I love this..... His basic idea was..... Hmmmmm lets turn everybody HEEL.... Crude but effective I guess....

I know this is hard 2 believe but U just can't do that. There has to be CLEAR CUT good guys in the world.... PERIOD.... See in the end its suppose to be good beats evil....

Some ppl are suppose to be good guys.... PERIOD.... U couldnt change the 2 x 4 weilding Hacksaw Jim Duggan bad... It just wasnt him...

Ric Flair was a Face... just doesnt quite fit... He is a NATURAL HEEL...

This edgier tweener stuff is what older ppl want ut it doesnt work with kids...

That is why RYBACK'S done right now.... Kids loved him... Even when he was over U guyus hated him... So he turned heel and now NOBODY cares... PERIOD... He wasn't over enough to get really BOOED... Matter of fact the E had 2 change his music because fans still wanted 2 chant 4 him... HE JUST DOESNT WORK AS A HEEL...

Kofi will not be a good heel..... That is like Tito Santana becoming a heel... He just doesn't fit the mold.... I also notice U didn't want any heels to turn FACE.... LOL...

Yeah lets just make everyone heels or tweeners... See how that works 4 U...

The shield is spot on for me, except at some point I'd like to see ambrose take his craziness a step further and get some Joker face paint his facial expressions and features scream the joker at least heath ledgers version...

So, we're going to take the leader of a stable that (in my opinion) is one of the freshest and more creative things the WWE has done in a while, and we're going to basically have his gimmick be that of the most stale, overrated comic book character in history (even though Heath Ledger DID give a good performance as that character)?

This is so gimmicky that Attitude era fanboys everywhere are jizzing their pants.
The Wyatt's seem promising in their gimmick, hell, the WWE production team should be given an award for their promo's.

My ideal heel; Orton turns heel by joining the Shield..The only issue with that is tht it might turn into another Nexus group...inevitably facing the Wyatt's or a WWE "supergroup" until they are dismantled (giving Ambrose the push he needs!)
The Wyatt's seem promising in their gimmick, hell, the WWE production team should be given an award for their promo's.

My ideal heel; Orton turns heel by joining the Shield..The only issue with that is tht it might turn into another Nexus group...inevitably facing the Wyatt's or a WWE "supergroup" until they are dismantled (giving Ambrose the push he needs!)

Orton as a Shield member could be cool. I think having someone as well-known as him could give the group some legitimacy. Not to mention adding one more member would turn them to a legit stable (four is ALWAYS the magic number for stables).

The only way that they would turn into the new Nexus would be if their numbers were too big. That makes your stable look less like a threat.

And I might catch some heat for this, but am I the only one who is not that impressed with the Wyatt family and find it too be creepy in that "fast-forward on TIVO" or "flip the channel" sort of way?
Wish people wouldn't just copy the OP's picks and pick their own choices. Also the OP said who do YOU want to have a character or gimmick change not speculate on what WWE will continue doing for 'business' anyways I'm going to be a fan and say I'd like a Cena character change to a more realistic gimmick matching his status in the WWE much like how Triple H acts. He should act like he knows he's the best and Vince's favorite and no one can touch him. Also acknowledge the haters and get gritty with them. Tell them they can kiss his ass because he's still taking their money. Next I'd have Punk be more aggressive and piss off the brass and sarcastically downplay other top stars like Cena, Sheamus and Orton. Also I'd like to have Del Rio become like a Mexican Godfather and have people take care if his issues. Go back to driving cars, wearing suits, give him a special ring for his cronies to kiss and have his buddies beat down his opponents prior to his matches. Next I'd have Miz pick up a boxer like character like when he had to box Ortiz for Tough Enough and he can train with fighters and apply his fighting skills in his matches. I honestly don't know if it would help him but would make him seem more legit. Lastly please just let Kane be a monster again and go out on a dominant note. End
I'm going a little away from what everyone else has been saying, but

Brodus Clay- at some point in time needs to turn on " Sweet T" and become the monster and go into singles wrestling. Not necessarily right away but probably before 2014 starts. His character during NXT was entertaining but also a monster heel

The Miz- He needs to go back to being a heel just like he was when he was champ the other year. Him as a face is painful to watch, his movie flunked just like other WWE films so now that's over, make him a heel again.

Tensai- If Brodus Clay turns on him and destroys him, have him go away for a while and come back as Albert, please!

Titus O'Neill- Dude has high potential, one of my favorites on the mic. He needs to seperate away from Darren Young, maybe have them win the tag titles down the line, then have O'Neill become a tweener of sorts after destroying Young after losing the tag titles. Also, Rufus Pancake Patterson should make more appearances.
Orton as a Shield member could be cool. I think having someone as well-known as him could give the group some legitimacy. Not to mention adding one more member would turn them to a legit stable (four is ALWAYS the magic number for stables).

The only way that they would turn into the new Nexus would be if their numbers were too big. That makes your stable look less like a threat.

And I might catch some heat for this, but am I the only one who is not that impressed with the Wyatt family and find it too be creepy in that "fast-forward on TIVO" or "flip the channel" sort of way?

Here's hoping WWE scan these forums for GENUIS ideas? :worship:

Orton of all people for me needs this character change. The impact Punk made when he suddenly became the leader of Nexus was huge; I think Orton would draw similar heat from joining the Shield.
Santino Marella : The crowd has a soft spot for Santino, he obviously has a brain on the microphone (it's childish, but talented).. I would like to see the WWE turn him into a legit wrestler similar to a Tazz or Kurt Angle.

How: Have Santino lose on a weekly basis every time the 'cobra' makes an appearance. Eventually during a high profile match have Santino snap, ignore the cobra, suplex, pound and pin clean a decent heel. Instant shock from him, crowd goes nuts.. A couple of weeks with similar win/loss scenarios they would eventually turn him into Santino Marella, wrestling machine who parts ways with the cobra.

Outcome: Stays face, gets credibility for legit matches, and the midcard gains an instant mid/lower card face who is already over with the crowd.. His promos will still remain goofy and childish, but they can now have a more targeted approach similar to The Rock.. Because Santino is no longer 'a joke', after he is done making people look stupid Santino can go about laying the smack a down on their candy asses.

I buy the Cobra as a legit finisher. It's pretty much a jab to the throat. He just needs to get rid of that stupid sock.
Alex Riley. If he catches on as a commentator, fine, but the guy's a good talker, has the look, and acquits himself nicely in the ring. All he needs is a hook, something to get people invested in him. The whole "missing person" gimmick they had for him sucked. They found fun gimmicks for Brodus Clay and Johnny Curtis, I'm sure they could whip up something for The Miz's old sidekick.
Alex Riley. If he catches on as a commentator, fine, but the guy's a good talker, has the look, and acquits himself nicely in the ring. All he needs is a hook, something to get people invested in him. The whole "missing person" gimmick they had for him sucked. They found fun gimmicks for Brodus Clay and Johnny Curtis, I'm sure they could whip up something for The Miz's old sidekick.

When he first came back (from his hiatus from being Miz' bitch!); I saw one of his first appearances at a WWE Live show in Manchester. The crowd popped big because he still had that association with Miz whom at the time was huge.

If they can somehow bring him back, avoiding Miz (it's too obvious a feud) then I'm all for it! I even like his theme music too :guitar:
Alex Riley. If he catches on as a commentator, fine, but the guy's a good talker, has the look, and acquits himself nicely in the ring. All he needs is a hook, something to get people invested in him. The whole "missing person" gimmick they had for him sucked. They found fun gimmicks for Brodus Clay and Johnny Curtis, I'm sure they could whip up something for The Miz's old sidekick.

I don't think he needs a huge gimmick the way that Brodus or Curtis did, since he's already over with the fans and gets reactions. He just needs a story, and some solid matches with the right opponent. The commentator thing could easily transition into a feud for him. I can easily see Riley getting antagonized by some heel until he just decides to fight back.

If you put him on RAW, SmackDown or even Main Event in a match against someone "important" and Riley gets to look strong and competitive even in a loss, it would be a good way to rebuild him. Riley is fine in his role as a jobber, but he should be jobbing to higher profile opponents, in a role similar to Kofi Kingston's. He should be one of the guys who can be relied upon to put on solid matches with the upper level heels week in and week out.

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