
Dark Match Winner
Watching videos on youtube on some great gimmicks. Gimmicks of all kinds. Gimmick matches gimmick ppvs and gimmick characters. So i decided to make this thread to appreciate all the gimmicks we love. I want all posters to name at least 1 if not more gimmicks they love or enjoy watching from each category


GIMMICK CHARACTER Favorite superstar gimmick

GIMMICK RETURN OF ANY KIND Now this could be any of the 1st 3 Everyone have atleast 1 of each and would like to see atleast 1 old gimmick return

Gimmick match......... ChampionshipScramble. I love this match even though the wwe only used it maybe 3 or 4 times i believe it was a great match and concept

Gimmick ppv....... King of the ring........ Im talking about before it was a special it was a ppv in the 90's and another favorite. The whole ppv being an elimination tournament

Gimmick Return........ Championship Scramble.....see gimmick match

Gimmick character......... The Undertaker American Badass Gimmick..... i loved the music the attitude the motorcycle and the music was amazing. keep rolling rolling rolling
Gimmick match: Royal Rumble

Gimmick PPV/Return:Survivor Series, back when it was elimination style tag matches

Gimmick Character: Undertaker - deadman, back when he cut promos where he was carving coffins for his opponents. The best gimmick ever. Sorry, ABA Taker was garbage.
GIMMICK MATCH/PPV: Classic Survivor Series elimination matches. I especially liked the bonus "Sole Survivors Match" that took place at the end of the first PPV, in which all the night's winners competed in one last face vs heel match. The way the WWE is booked today, these matches would serve almost no purpose, so I say give the sole survivors automatic berths into the Royal Rumble (a match that should have qualifying matches to get into anyway).

GIMMICK PPV: King of the Ring. Great midcard elevation tool; the concept works best, in my opinion, as a one-night tournament.

GIMMICK CHARACTER: I was always partial to both Papa Shango, and his offspring, The Boogeyman.
Gimmick match -Royal Rumble. Not just for the history the match is entertaining mixed with humour and the fact we are going to see the man main-eventing WrestleMania.

Gimmick ppv - Royal Rumble/Money In the Bank. The former is obvious. The MITB ppv's have been fantastic since its inception and I'm glad they made into a ppv. Not only do we get two MITB's which are obviously entertaining, unpredictable and it the fact we are seeing a future world champ crowned. Moreover, they have backed it up with good matches elsewhere such as Punk/Cena.

Gimmick Return - Championship Scramble is a good shout. The few matches we did see they were very entertaining and it allows different superstars to be involved in the title scene. For example, they could use it for the WHC and have four guys to fight Del Rio.

Gimmick character - The Undertaker is the king of the gimmick. The "deadman" think has been brilliant and it has worked for 20 years which is impressive.
Gimmick match- Definitely the RR, with the Elimination Chamber and MITB in a close second.

Gimmick PPV- MITB its like we get 4 main events on one card. We get 2 MITB matches and then the WHC and the WWE title matches,

Gimmick Return- Idk if this would count but RR returns always made me jump, like Diesel a couple years ago or when Cena came back from injury in 08 Triple Hs return in 04

Character Gimmick- Undertaker obviously. The Brood is up there. always a fan of the APA gimmick. I enjoyed Cenas rap gimmick.
Gimmick match: wouldn't mind seeing another bodybag match, or Kane continuing the casket matches. was fun to see another inferno match

Gimmick PPV: either war games or world war 3? the one with the 3 rings each with a 20 man battle royal.

Gimmick return: Vader crushing Slater, nice to see leon white again. white masked undertaker after mabel crushed his orbital socket. That was a really sweet period for taker's appearance

Gimmick role: top is of course any version of undertaker, but i also liked some of the oddballs, like aldo montoya portugeuse man of war, el matador tito santana, Gangrel and the Brood, and later Kurgan and the Oddities. Taker is #1, and i'd have to say #2 best gimmick, Barry Horowitz.
Gimmick Match - gotta be the Rumble for previously stated reasons.

Gimmick PPV - The original Survivor Series concept and/or War Games. Great way to make and end feuds in one match.

Gimmick Return - Sting vs NWO with the "Crow". He went from a legend to "the icon" for me. Though I did like Y2J coming back for a month and saying nothing.

Gimmick Role - Taker's Deadman may be the best, but for variety I will say Dibiase as the Million Dollar Man. Just loved it.
#2 best gimmick, Barry Horowitz.

I concur!

The man turned himself from a jobber to a midcarder just on a pat on the back! It was great!

King of the Ring is a PPV that should make a comeback. Yes, wer have MITB as the new mid->main elevator. But, KotR was a great PPV to see. A guy could/would have to wrestle up to 3 times in a night!

(and no...the sarcasm is not lost on me)
MATCH/PPV — King of the Ring

CHARACTER — Late 90's Kane. No talking, can take a chair shot on not budge..

RETURN — Has to be Triple H's return after his torn quad. Biggest return to me.
Character- Chavo and Pepe in WCW = hilarious
PPV - TNA's Lockdown, every match in a cage because its easier to just leave the darn thing up all night.
Return- Well not really a return but Jericho's first appearance on Raw with the countdown and cutting off the Rock is still the best first appearance ever.
Character- Chavo and Pepe in WCW = hilarious
PPV - TNA's Lockdown, every match in a cage because its easier to just leave the darn thing up all night.
Return- Well not really a return but Jericho's first appearance on Raw with the countdown and cutting off the Rock is still the best first appearance ever.

Not even close.
Best 1st appearance was at Survivor Series 90: Million Dollar Man's mystery partner, managed by Brother Love.... The Undertaker!
2nd: 1st Hell in the Cell: Kane, it has to be Kane, OMG he's ripped the door off the cell.

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