Gifs with jmt225

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Global Moderator
I've always really dug gifs. Why? Don't know, but I just have. In other forums I've frequented, I usually used a gif as my avatar (sometimes sig if too big). They're just fucking cool.

But, they are hard to find, especially the ones that you really want, which is a real bitch. I always said if I ever figured out how to make them without shitty Gimp (their gifs are terrible), then I would make some for others. Well, here I am. Request away and I'll gladly hook you up. Clips from Youtube, Dailymotion, whatever... I'll do anything. Just make sure you include what size you want it, and the time of the locations in the video you wish to have a gif of.

Now, of course, here at WZ you can't use gifs as your signature image, so please don't put anything I make in your sig, otherwise you'll get in trouble, and I might get bitched at by Sly for doing this in the first place.

Also, to please everyone and so this thread won't take 30 minutes to load every time someone opens it, I'll only post links to the gifs I make, instead of the actual image.

So, with that said, here's one gif I recently made just to show you guys what I can do. I thought I'd feature none other than the lovely Velvet Sky:

That gif is 150 x 113 in size, but with that video, I could get up to as large as a 300 width if I wanted to and still have very good quality within the gif (though it would have taken forever to upload, since it most likely would have ended up around being above 4 MB). And that's another thing... if you want the gif to look good, make sure you request a video with decent quality, otherwise there's nothing I can do.

If nobody request anything, then I just might come in here every once and a while to post my own shit that I made.
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