Getting Heels Over 1: Alberto Del Rio


I Had Sex With The
Recently CM Punk has turned heel because, while Cena has a death grip on the #1 face role, Punk says he can be the #1 heel. About two weeks later Orton comes out and says he wants to turn because he can be the #1 bad guy. Why is this? Because WWE's top heels absolutely suck! They can't get over. Because of this I'm starting my first thread series. I'm gonna take WWE's top heels and one by one strap them with a new gimmick and story, and we can discuss if you think this will help them get over.

My first guy is very controversial on this site. Half of you think he sucks, the other half sees potential, but everyone realizes he's not quite there yet.

My gimmick for ADR is have him play the role of a crime lord. I see all kinds of movies and T.V. shows portraying mobsters and they all seem to remind me of Del Rio. I would start by having Del Rio take the strap off of Sheamus. Del Rio needs power to get this rolling, this is a good first step.

Next, have Del Rio play a big part in getting Booker T fired. Of course Otunga will be trying to take Booker's spot, so have Del Rio "help" Otunga, but in reality he's making a play at the job himself.

Del Rio is loaded in WWE land, so have it come out that Del Rio payed off board members to get the GM spot. Now in charge of Smackdown have Del Rio play favorites, have referees on his payroll that wont count for Del Rio's opponents. (Making it virtually impossible for him to loose the strap). If someone is giving Del Rio problems, he'll have his own "hitman" to take them out. (Could give Tensai a new gimmick?). Just have Smackdown be a really shady place.

I think this will get major heat on Del Rio, until eventually a big name face some how stops him. (Ziggler with Flair?).

I think this would be a good way to get Del Rio over as a big time heel, give Smackdown a main story line to focus the show around, and at the end help create a big time face.

Thoughts? Tweaks? Opinions?

*Disclaimer* I'm not always the best at putting my thoughts into type, I actually thought about making a Youtube video and posting it instead, so if any of this is confusing hit me up and I'll try to clear it up. *Disclaimer*
This was posted on another form, except it said that he should be a drug lord. It makes sense when you think about it. How does he have so much money? The fancy cars? Suits? There's no reason for his wealth, which is hardly even used kayfabe-wise. The storyline possibilities for him to spend money on are endless, it would get him over as a despicable villain(something the WWE lacks right now), and it'll give the product an edge to it. A Mexican drug lord hasn't been done yet and I believe it could work as long as ADR wasn't treated like a typical dumbass heel.
That could work and for the "hitman" part it would be a perfect way to exploit Wades "open for business"

I'm one of the few who actually like Del Rio but his destiny gimmick has really run its course. Being a lord of some kind will definitely give his character that edginess always as give some credit to Ricardo to take more seriously as a future mid-card competitor.

The opportunities for ADRs character is endless and gives chances to other heels to get over as well.
This was posted on another form, except it said that he should be a drug lord. It makes sense when you think about it. How does he have so much money? The fancy cars? Suits? There's no reason for his wealth, which is hardly even used kayfabe-wise. The storyline possibilities for him to spend money on are endless, it would get him over as a despicable villain(something the WWE lacks right now), and it'll give the product an edge to it. A Mexican drug lord hasn't been done yet and I believe it could work as long as ADR wasn't treated like a typical dumbass heel.

I was actually thinking drug lord would be an awesome idea to fit in with this. If he was using his GM job as a front or something, but in PG WWE, it's not even a remote possibility.
I was actually thinking drug lord would be an awesome idea to fit in with this. If he was using his GM job as a front or something, but in PG WWE, it's not even a remote possibility.

The PG rating means jack. This isn't Sesame Street or some Qubo/Nick Jr. crap. They could get away with this today if they wanted to, just like other PG shows and movies did(recently Tintin). The FCC wouldn't be able to do anything about it since it's cable TV. As long as USA okayed it, and as long as Vince doesn't back down to sponsors who don't know anything about pro wrestling/sports entertainment, it can be done. Linda doesn't work for them either.

Go balls out. Have him sell pain killers and amphetamines. Time for this company to find itself and show a set.
In a perfect WWE universe, this would be a great way to get him over. I've always wondered why this Mexican "aristocrat" acquired enough money to drive a different luxury car EVERY TIME he fights. Hell, JBL was a rich guy and all he did was have a limo with horns drive him in.

Idk why he hasnt used his money on people other than for a personal ring announcer, a bodyguard, and a lawyer. Why wouldnt this arrogant millionaire be investing in things that will help him win?

Ted Dibiase Sr was great because he knew "everybody has a price" and he'd use his money to buy anybody and everybody that could help him. JBL had an entire cabinet of helpers. What does Del Rio have? Otunga and Rodriguez.....

Make him more ruthless and not as cowardly, give him an entire Cartel (not a full blown faction, but a bunch of relevant mid-card guys or even Superstars mainstays). I think it could absolutely work in this era and heres why. Kids are supposed to boo the bad guys. The bad guys should not be role models in any way. What kind of people are the farthest things from role models? Ruthless drug king pins
There is potential there. My guess is the new era WWE might be hesitant to cast anyone, especially a Mexican as a "drug lord," but the more vague "crime lord" could work. I kind of wish the Hurricane's mild-mannered reporter persona was still around. He could investigate ADR's background and source of his wealth. Then, when he uncovered some secrets that got him in hot water ADR's boys could "make him disappear." At any rate, destroying someone stupid but well-meaning could be a nice way to slow-walk the new crime boss character into being.

The notion of crime is important to the scenario, though. Otherwise, he's too Million Dollar Man, John Bradshaw Layfield. The people who mentioned Barrett as his hired gun have a good point, too. This incarnation of Barrett could possibly get over as a monster heel. Lots of guys on here coming up with new ideas for characters... this one I actually like.
This was posted on another form, except it said that he should be a drug lord. It makes sense when you think about it. How does he have so much money? The fancy cars? Suits? There's no reason for his wealth, which is hardly even used kayfabe-wise. The storyline possibilities for him to spend money on are endless, it would get him over as a despicable villain(something the WWE lacks right now), and it'll give the product an edge to it. A Mexican drug lord hasn't been done yet and I believe it could work as long as ADR wasn't treated like a typical dumbass heel.

Wow, a drug lord. Too bad CM Punk has turned heel if not that's a natural feud to be made right there, straight edge vs drug lord would be interesting for sure.

The character is somewhat dangerous though, if he's selling painkillers and the likes it's still okay but if he goes on to sell steroids and such it would be bad for the WWE image because people already thought WWE wrestlers as roid monkeys.
I think the Mexican Aristrocrat thing for him is good. It's not his gimmick that is causing him problems. His biggest problems are his english language speaking skills are horrible and his style of wrestling, while good, is not typical WWE wrestling. He needs a manager. Someone, say Million Dollar Man, who understands his lifestyle but has the ability to get him over verbally. And he needs a finishing manuever. The arm breaker is great but he needs more than just a submission move to finish a match.
Del Rio is a millionaire in no sense. He drives fancy cars and that sums it up. Just Like JBL but Mexican and that already gives you your biggest heel fuel right there. Use the fact he is Mexican, second have him get dirty, I don't mean getting the brogue kick banded. Something like costing all the face champions the title. Have him interfere in the IC match, the WWE Champ match, Divas. Everything make him ruin it for Cena....for no reason. This leads to Cena wanting to feud with Del Rio but Del Rio ignoring the attempts Del rio still chase the world title.

This take Cena out of the CM Punk light and allowing him to pretend to be the #1 heel with the super cena. Del rio ignoring insults would force cena to show some dark side. Even though Del rio is feuding with sheamus or another face he can still be a pest to cena.

When Cena finally does attack the two bodyguards of del Rio show up Henry and Zeke. This shows how he can buy people and even american heroes like Henry all bow to his money.

Have him buy a title shot from someone, whoever would be next to face sheamus.
Have him Buy a referee job for one night to ref John cena's match. This would cause cena to attack the ref, leading to a fine and suspension.
Have him buy a 30 spot at the rumble and have him win it. (30 has only been the winning number 2 cena, taker) To even throw a bigger twist have zeke and henry clear the ring...even though they were previously eliminated or never were in.
I don't like the drug lord idea, but I do think that he should use his wealth more aggressively. And Cole has stated numerous times that ADR is a descendant of royalty, which explains where his money comes from.
I think it would be cool if Del Rio had some type of gang around him to make people regret dissing him, But this isn't Attitude Era anymore hell this isn't even what the the WWE was in 2007 anymore so I don't think the WWE would go with it.

Also I think the Del Rio character died when Cena mentioned his cars are most likely rented, See kids thats why you don't break kayfabe or when you do try not to bury another guys character.
first of all son. the 69 in your name ? lol you know what 69 stands for kid....something you will never get. and to add to this form. del rio is over as a heel. people hate him. he doesnt need people around him as a stable. hes goodd enough

Del Rio is over as a heel? Yeah sure he is those crickets in the crowd go nuts when he comes out. Del Rio is as you would say "goodd enough" but he has been looked like a joke these past few months mostly due to the fact the guy looks like coward and a punk. Del Rio is nothing more than the typical WWE heel that is booked like a coward and then we are expected to care about him.
I feel like the drug lord would be a really interesting concept, I just don't see how it could be pulled off in today's WWE. This character could have been great in the middle of the attitude era, but now of days? I don't think drug dealers and PG will mix good, especially with their substance abuse policy and Linda's campaign. Having a drug dealer as one of your top heels doesn't sound to appealing to voters because WWE is attatched to Linda McMahon. If they did do this however, I would love to see how they would have done this and pulled this character off... Like how would they bring up the fact that he is a drug lord? how would he use this character every week to make us remind us that he is one? would the commentators just be like "Del Rio has been openly known to possibly being linked to the Mexican Drug Cartel and that's how he gets his money"
Del Rio is over as a heel? Yeah sure he is those crickets in the crowd go nuts when he comes out. Del Rio is as you would say "goodd enough" but he has been looked like a joke these past few months mostly due to the fact the guy looks like coward and a punk. Del Rio is nothing more than the typical WWE heel that is booked like a coward and then we are expected to care about him.

ok kid clearly you dont know what the meaning of being over in wrestling means. he does all the little things which makes people hate him. the way he talks on the mic. how he winks and smiles. theres a reason hes been near the top for 2 years now. because he is over with the people in the back. and he is over as a heel with the fans. maybe not all the fans. but the fans who have been trained to boo him and the smart fans who have wrestling logic. heels are booked to be cowards and run from the babyfaces. look back at forever in wrestling and in movies. the bad guys run and hide. :worship: me
ok kid clearly you dont know what the meaning of being over in wrestling means. he does all the little things which makes people hate him. the way he talks on the mic. how he winks and smiles. theres a reason hes been near the top for 2 years now. because he is over with the people in the back. and he is over as a heel with the fans. maybe not all the fans. but the fans who have been trained to boo him and the smart fans who have wrestling logic. heels are booked to be cowards and run from the babyfaces. look back at forever in wrestling and in movies. the bad guys run and hide. :worship: me

I'm sorry but I just went to a WWE event a few weeks ago and guess what nobody cared about him. He barely got any heat, hell more people care about what care he drives in than what he does in the ring. And why should I care that he is over in the back? the only people that matter is the crowd and they just don't care for the guy as a heel right now. Sure maybe on Smackdown it sounds like he heat but that is just piped in heat.

If the WWE wants to get Del Rio over why not have him have a decent run with one of the main titles?
I can't believe so many people are on board with this! ADR is no where near relevant, nor do I ever see him being relevant. It's not even his character. It's just him. He should go back to Mexico where he may have been considered decent at that show he puts on that he thinks is wrestling.
They didn't do nothing with the money too make people hate him like Dibiase. He needs to really start using his money to buy his way to the strap.

ADR is good on the mic and a good wrestler how can he not be relevant

Del Rio needs a good title run to get him over. Who will hate him when he keeps losing
The problem is unless they actually have him do things relevent to the gimmick it doesn't matter whether he's a Mexican aristocrat, a drug lord, or hell even The Duke of Paducah. Have him actually do things like use his money and connections to bribe refs, pay guys to take dives for him, or put a hit on opponents to soften them up before a match or eliminate them from the top contender spot.

Outside of driving to the ring in rented cars, wearing a dopey scarf, and having his own ring announcer (who pretty much does the same things any normal manager does) what does he do that say The Miz or Dolph Ziggler don't do?

Remember it's show don't tell. No character works just by telling the fans about it. We have to actually see it playing out.
In all honesty if WWE wants heels to get over they need to do one simple thing that they have not done since Triple H in Evolution. Make the heel dominate. Let's be honest what heels feels like a legit threat at this point? Well let's look at them...

Del Rio--Constantly losing match after match, can't seem to make any non-jobber mid carder tap out. His "help" in Otunga and Ricardo is a joke. In general he is simply not threatening enough to be a heel.

CM Punk--Love the guy to death but he spent forever being a fighting champion who won clean and even made people tap out. Now that he is heel that's going out the window with finishes like having Cena effectively pin himself with Punk's body. He can cheat much like Triple H but make him feel like he dominates like he is the best in the world. Cena should take a straight 1-2-3 from him, even if it's achieved through cheating methods like Triple H did over many. Just because he's heel doesn't mean everything he built up as a baby face has to go out the window.

Dolph Ziggler--He has the MiTB briefcase and all he does is keep taking finishers from all the baby faces. I mean really yeah he sells like a boss but why in the hell are people not dropping to Zig-Zags why is he not getting some wins to build to his eventual cash in. Give him something beside a list of moves to sell every night

I could go on but you get the point. Every heel in WWE suffers from the "faces can't lose" mentality that WWE seems to go with as of late. At this rate it doesn't matter how you repackage them. Imagine if JBL broke away from Farooq and then came out and started losing match after match, would it made him seem like a very legit or threaten heel that people really hate? No it would of buried his character and made him irrelevent.

Heels have to be threatening, either because they are physical imposing or mentally supperior, end of story and right now no single heel in the WWE comes off as threatening.
He needs to really start using his money to buy his way to the strap.

Good point. Up to now, the only indication of his wealth has been the cars, which is a gimmick that has long since lost it's luster. He's got the bucks but does nothing with them. Instead of just reminding us he has money, he needs to start using it to buy his way to the summit.

The crime boss or drug lord ideas could work, but as usual, the specter of political correctness rears it's ugly head; would there be a backlash from Latinos who protest their nationality being depicted in such manner? In today's society, anything that's done is bound to outrage someone, somewhere.

But I do like the idea of Del Rio expanding his scope. So far he's been concerned only with the opponent standing in front of him. He's great at working a match and has been working hard lately to inspire hatred, doing more with out-of-ring behavior (interviews) to vent his rage. Still, he needs to widen his sphere of influence, perhaps using his wealth to take over a segment of WWE instead of just one opponent. His initial promos from the hacienda seemed to indicate he might be headed that way, but it never came off.

He's got the goods to bring it off.
Sadly I don't think Del Rio can't get over as a heel for multiple reasons. His first two title reigns were an absolute flop, his first reign cashing in MITB and holding the belt for 35 days and losing at the next PPV, not a very good way to push him. Then his second title reign which lasted 49 days with a weak win at a PPV, it's not his fault the reigns were weak but why wouldn't WWE creative leave the strap on him longer and make him into a fantastic heel champ? Secondly his feud with Sheamus has totally destroyed any credibility he has been chasing the belt since April and hasn't won anything in 5 months, that shows WWE has zero faith in him. And lastly, his character is just stale. He hasn't changed his character at all since his arrival and doesn't draw enough reaction from crowds. He might be better off placed into the mid cards and hold one of those belts and see if he get some meaningful feuds to help push him into a legit heel.
Okay, my nine-year-old has fallen in love with the idea of the criminal ADR since I bounced it off of him to get his take. Today, he blew my mind with something that might not work, but was pretty damned thoughtful for a little guy.

We were talking about Legacy and how many of the guys with wrestling "heritage" have been played as heels. But my nine-year-old wants Cody Rhodes to turn face. So he, in a much more roundabout way, lays out a plan where the face faction that opposes ADR's mafia is started by Cody Rhodes and is made up of people like Rhodes, Natalya, Rey and the Usos whose family backgrounds have been played up. They fight against what ADR is doing because while they all understand dirty tricks are part of the game, ADR's criminal tactics go too far. They join together to honor their fathers by driving the criminals out of power. I offer that they should lose at first until Orton joins them. He hates that idea and has no problem telling me so. He says that's how they should use the Rock. He comes in and teaches them how to fight fire with fire.

Now, imagine this conversation taking thirty minutes and put it in nine-year-old terms (you know, like I usually write on here!) At any rate, I was impressed by how much thought he was able to put into it.

Now, as I look at this, much of the story would be buried in the mid-card since there are a lot of mid-card people mentioned here. Whatever upper card guy comes in to lead them could end up feuding with ADR and Barrett. To me the appeal is the way this could give some of the mid-card guys an angle with some staying power. I don't know that it would do much for the headliners in the end.
Oh, I forgot. He wants Hornswoggle to be in the good guy faction as a spy. Why? Because my son is nine and thinks Hornswoggle is funny as hell.

I offered up Little Jimmy as a spy, since he's invisible. My son looks at me like I'm an idiot, I figure he's about to say "you know he's not real, right?" Instead he says... "Dad! How would they film that? You can't see invisible people. It wouldn't work."
He doesn't need a new gimmick or character. What he needs is to be developed. It's why he has been stagnant for so long. He hasn't developed his character into anything special. "Destiny blah blah blah" I see people talk about using his money. Sure, why not? Be the Mexican version of DiBiase or JBL. Go for it, but commit to it and don't back out if at first it doesn't work. Things take time. That would probably be the easiest way to develop and grow into his character. Add more aggression to his game. It's always surpising how just a little aggression or anger could do for a character. Look at Kofi when he had his thing with Orton. He was doing a damn fine job until they stalled him out.

Develop Del Rio and go from there. Give him a new angle to the Mexican aristocrat deal. I mean I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but try it out first. Who knows, it could actually work.

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