Getting Back Into It


Testicles. That is all.
Man. I've been gone for awhile! For some reason, I just lost my love for posting. Lot of crap going on in my life, and I'm getting back into the swing of things as far as wrestling is concerned. How's everyone doing? :)
Heh. Most people might not. Was shocked my account was still good. I've still been watching wrestling, but for some reason lost my will to write. Nice to be back. I see some changes here I like as far as the board layout is. Cool as ever. Guess you can thank the guys at VOW. I listened for the first time the other night, and they sparked my "creative talents." :D
There...can'!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! !?!?!?!?!?!!?!

(Head Explosion)
I've been trying to go back to all the old forums I first started posting at as a teen, but most of them are either gone or my username for some reason isn't allowed to post anymore. I'm looking at you Official Halloween Message Boards and you as well Ganja Talk forums.

And yes actually my head did explode while watching the new Trek, but that was probably from it's awesomeness.
:O A few days ago I saw one of your old posts and I realized you stopped posting. I like you. Hi.
Thanks. Didn't see the new Star Trek yet, because it looks to me like they've totally abandoned the original concept. I'm going to see Taking of Pelham 123 Friday. Cannot WAIT! :D:D
The new Trek movie is must see material for any Trek fan, its probably the most viscerally enjoyable Trek film ever made.

The original Pelham is freakin' amazing (How often do you get to see Wilson from Home Improvement as a violent criminal?) but I have low expectations for the remake. With all of the advents in technology, it just seems weird to me.
Completely. They let you know everything you need to, just the basics. There are subtle nods here and there that only the fans will pick up, but it's enjoyable just as a great summer sci-fi/action film if you're not a Trek fan.
The new Trek film was awesome, and the subtle referances Xfear means is stuff like the concept of the guys in the red shirt from the original series.

NYSandman : I'm Chris fairly new around here and i'm about to rep you for having Hugh Laurie in your sig.
I didn't even know Hugh Lauire was English until I heard him do an interview not to long ago

Yeah he is an english comedy great. His early work as part of Fry and Laurie (with Stephan Fry) and his work on Blackadder stand out as some of the funniest comedy performances I've ever seen. The guy deserves every bit of success that House is having at the moment.

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