Get Rid of Salinas/Will Hates LAX

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
If there's one thing that I ever agreed on with Konnan during his time here, it's that Salinas is useless and has no right being in LAX.

Hector Guerrero, I understand - he helps take them away from that Militant Thug gimmick they used as heels and more towards the Latino Pride one which they need to be realistic faces.

However, what role does Salinas play? I think it's the one that Konnan predicted - a slag. She just stands in the background rubbing her massive tits, scrunching up her disgusting face and yelling in her annoying voice. So you've got a manager who does work and a valet that's just ridiculous.

What to do?
Whenever I see a Diva/Knockout thats paired off with a Wrestler/Tag Team, I often think its because the company believes on their own, that Superstar(s) won't make it without "eye candy."

In this case, while some would disagree, I highly believe this candy has gone sour. Salinas at this point is nothing more than a Mexican version of Christy Hemme. All she does is stand around, showing her breasts off, and waving a mexican flag every now and then. She contributes nothing to the group, especially since there isn't any "male on female violence" in T.N.A.. so whats the point of her even being with them, other than to assume they couldn't survive as a Tag Team without her?

In my opinion, I don't like L.A.X.. never have. I just can't stand racially created Tag Teams. And thats all L.A.X. are. You can only use that so much before it just gets old. But the fact is, I see talent within them AS a team, so Salinas is basically a slap in their face.. claiming that they need her, to draw a pop.
In this case, while some would disagree, I highly believe this candy has gone sour. Salinas at this point is nothing more than a Mexican version of Christy Hemme. All she does is stand around, showing her breasts off, and waving a mexican flag every now and then. She contributes nothing to the group, especially since there isn't any "male on female violence" in T.N.A.. so whats the point of her even being with them, other than to assume they couldn't survive as a Tag Team without her?

In my opinion, I don't like L.A.X.. never have.

Don't make me angry Will, you won't like me when I'm angry...

I just can't stand racially created Tag Teams. And thats all L.A.X. are.

Dear God... ARRRGH! See what you've done!? You've turned me into the Incredible Wes (with better arguments).

1) Their gimmick was genius and it was gritty, something rare which TNA captured and hasn't been able to capture since. They came in and they lay waste to TNA's greatest tag teams, spelling the end for both America's Most Wanted and AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels, not to mention putting a fork in the head of anyone who got in their way. To label them as a "racially created tag team" does them a disservice. Firstly, you make it sound like a common thing, which I suppose you can say it is... if you group in all teams of foreign heels. There is/was a whole new level with LAX, they were militant thugs and yeah, they said a lot of words, but they backed them up in the ring and fucked people up.

2) Labelling them as such also ignores how good they really are. They are hands down one of the most versatile teams to step in any kind of ring, and are exciting to watch. One minute Homicide'll be flying over the ropes, the next Hernandez will be tossing someone over them to meet him, the next, yup, someone will have a fork in their head. Like Kurt Angle, they weren't afraid to use high impact moves even though they were heels and, again like him, they used brutal tactics and so still claimed an impressive heel reaction.

3) LAX are responsible for some of the most entertaining matches in TNA history, having stolen the show on countless occasions, and have stole the show at Bound For Glory two years running.

4) William Regal sucks, The Rock... erm, rocks.

You can only use that so much before it just gets old. But the fact is, I see talent within them AS a team, so Salinas is basically a slap in their face.. claiming that they need her, to draw a pop.

Like I said, they've evolved. They're no longer militant thugs that'll fuck everyone up, they're representatives of the Latino nation, bringing pride back to their side, as evidenced by all that rainbow coloured shit and Hector Guerrero.
Here the thing, Sure Salinas is pretty much eye candy right now but the fact is that she isn'T worthless. The FAct is that a lot of heel tag team in TNA use Knockout as their valet and since there is a no male on female violence, she pretty much use to help the feud along by fighting counteract the other team'S valet. Sometime like we saw on a recent edition of Impact she can even wrestle again the opposing team'S valet. So yes her main purpose is to be eye candy and for some people this might be a bad thing for LAX but for what i'm seeing she's more then just eye candy and can advance storylines without necessarily having the teams being involve every week.
Don't make me angry Will, you won't like me when I'm angry...

Whatever you say, Incredible Sam. :p Hopefully your post is better looking than the first remake of the Hulk, with the crappy computer graphics.

Dear God... ARRRGH! See what you've done!? You've turned me into the Incredible Wes (with better arguments).

So you're.. :headscratch: me?

1) Their gimmick was genius and it was gritty, something rare which TNA captured and hasn't been able to capture since. They came in and they lay waste to TNA's greatest tag teams, spelling the end for both America's Most Wanted and AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels, not to mention putting a fork in the head of anyone who got in their way. To label them as a "racially created tag team" does them a disservice. Firstly, you make it sound like a common thing, which I suppose you can say it is... if you group in all teams of foreign heels. There is/was a whole new level with LAX, they were militant thugs and yeah, they said a lot of words, but they backed them up in the ring and fucked people up.

The point I'm making, is wasn't L.A.X. founded by Konnan, after leaving 3 Live Kru, in which he went back to his "blood" to people he could trust? Which makes L.A.X. nothing more than created by racial bounds.

Konnan created the group in part to play a racial role. While it doesn't bother me (I did like the Nation) it just effects me that you can only do so much with that storyline. They're heel (thugs) or faces. (representatives)

2) Labelling them as such also ignores how good they really are. They are hands down one of the most versatile teams to step in any kind of ring, and are exciting to watch. One minute Homicide'll be flying over the ropes, the next Hernandez will be tossing someone over them to meet him, the next, yup, someone will have a fork in their head. Like Kurt Angle, they weren't afraid to use high impact moves even though they were heels and, again like him, they used brutal tactics and so still claimed an impressive heel reaction.

Just because they're a racially created group shouldn't/doesn't take away their talent. L.A.X. ARE one of the few teams left in T.N.A. that have a tremendous amount of talent, especially mixed.

Homicide is the speed and quickness. Hernandez is the power and strength, and both have agility. This is honestly though, the mexican version of A.J. Styles and Tomko.

3) LAX are responsible for some of the most entertaining matches in TNA history, having stolen the show on countless occasions, and have stole the show at Bound For Glory two years running.

While I'd have to resee the line-ups and remember the completeness of the matches, I wouldn't be blindly in position to disagree with that either. Again, I'm not and never were discounting the talent and abilities Homicide and Hernandez have.

To me, however, its their characters, their origin, their "being" in which you can only do so much with them through those characters. I guarantee you'll never see either involved in a Gothic storyline. Neither will be involved with the Preppy Beautiful People (except barring Salinas) and neither would be allowed near the Booker T. - Royal T gimmick, unless he went to them.. because their origin doesn't explain why they'd be involved in random events like that.

4) William Regal sucks, The Rock... erm, rocks.

How dare you. Hes one of your own..

Like I said, they've evolved. They're no longer militant thugs that'll fuck everyone up, they're representatives of the Latino nation, bringing pride back to their side, as evidenced by all that rainbow coloured shit and Hector Guerrero.

But isn't it a Guerrero Family tagline to.. Lie? How do you know they're trying to be representatives for good? In a heartbeat, they could swerve us all and say it was due to their traditional tagline of lying.
So you're.. :headscratch: me?

From a parallel universe.

The point I'm making, is wasn't L.A.X. founded by Konnan, after leaving 3 Live Kru, in which he went back to his "blood" to people he could trust? Which makes L.A.X. nothing more than created by racial bounds.

People emerge from their mother's vaginas, but I don't think of absolutely everyone as cunts. I just needed an excuse to type that sentence.

Anyway, origins, smorigins - it was edgy, gritty and yet kind of cool. I also don't get how they're "nothing more than created by racial bounds". I don't get the point you're trying to make, as it takes nothing away from the resultant tag team.

Konnan created the group in part to play a racial role. While it doesn't bother me (I did like the Nation) it just effects me that you can only do so much with that storyline. They're heel (thugs) or faces. (representatives)

You're oversimplifying, like I was merely to show the difference between the two. And in North America, two foreigners have no choice but to be bound by a facial gimmick of some sort, LAX have at least made it interesting. I mean, AMW were bound to the same gimmick. Triple X were. Just because they weren't racial. And I still believe it can evolve beyond the racial background, not that there's any need to - they don't want to hang around too much longer anyway.

Just because they're a racially created group shouldn't/doesn't take away their talent. L.A.X. ARE one of the few teams left in T.N.A. that have a tremendous amount of talent, especially mixed.


Homicide is the speed and quickness. Hernandez is the power and strength, and both have agility. This is honestly though, the mexican version of A.J. Styles and Tomko.

Firstly, if anything, Styles and Tomko are the American version of LAX. Secondly, you're oversimplifying again. The big man/little man dynamic is an ancient one, and one which has had new life brought to it with Homicide and Hernandez.

While I'd have to resee the line-ups and remember the completeness of the matches, I wouldn't be blindly in position to disagree with that either. Again, I'm not and never were discounting the talent and abilities Homicide and Hernandez have.


To me, however, its their characters, their origin, their "being" in which you can only do so much with them through those characters. I guarantee you'll never see either involved in a Gothic storyline. Neither will be involved with the Preppy Beautiful People (except barring Salinas) and neither would be allowed near the Booker T. - Royal T gimmick, unless he went to them.. because their origin doesn't explain why they'd be involved in random events like that.

So you're saying their gimmick limits them? C'mon, Will, this is TNA. Has TNA ever been bound by what makes sense?

How dare you. Hes one of your own..


But isn't it a Guerrero Family tagline to.. Lie? How do you know they're trying to be representatives for good? In a heartbeat, they could swerve us all and say it was due to their traditional tagline of lying.

So... they're not limited now?
Could she not be in there simply because she LOOKS kind of gritty and Mexican? She may be lighter skinned, but her background especially makes her gritty to that point.

And she is used in Wrestling, but personally I think its a waste of talent if she is a decent enough Wrestler.

A faction needs a "ho" in the mix... not a tag team. But thinking of a gimmick for a Porn Star, Model and Wrestler is pretty hard... unless they play a Porn Star, Model Wrestler with absolutely no direction in character, apart from to get killed by Kong every few weeks.

Same with Christy Hemme. Although she is someone I would NOT kick out of bed, I think they dont really use her right. Shes a good wrestler, and has a lot going for her in the way of looks and so on.

Still, if she keeps wearing those stockings, boots and keeps the rock chick thing going on, Im not complaining... :D
I love LAX I think they personally are the best tag team in the indusdry today but I agree Salinas does nothing for them. Ive never seen her carry a promo for them or even look part of team as Homicide and Hernandez barely ever take notice of her. She is just there because she looks good. I think TNA realised this as they have now put Hector as there kind of manager. I think this is a better move for them but I think now they have Hector they should let Salinas go elsewhere in the company.
Here are my thoughts on Salinas. She was brought in when TNA wanted to have a wide variety of females to have for the wrestling division. Salinas was know from being Kevin Thorn's valet in ECW as well as her stink on the reality show where she was trying to be the new Elvira. She still adds a demographic to the TNA product that TNA will need in order to expand the Spanish audience and when they do tours. She may not be the prettiest girl that they could have gotten with latino heritage, but it certain doesn't hurt that she has a huge pair of knockers to squeeze around during matches and when she walks her team down. Hopefully, they will either find another wrestler to put her with or expand her role a little to let her show her true range a bit. But you do gotta love th interactions that she has with Christy Hemmi. Kinda reminds me of the old cat fights between Dawn Marie and Francine, except neither is anorexic and god awful ****ish looking.
While Salinas has no right being involved with LAX, she needs to stay. Her tits are massive and without them, Salinas wouldnt be in TNA, bank on it. I havent seen her wrestle much so I cant completely judge her on her in ring ability. I remember her when she was Ariel in the WWE. I hated her vampire gimmick, I really did.

So I think, Salinas should ditch LAX and compete in the Womens division, after a hell of a lot of training of course. LAX dont need her. Its as simple as that. Shes eye candy and nothing else at the moment. Her face is not the greatest either, and thats not a good thing from a chick thats supposed to be eye candy.
While Salinas has no right being involved with LAX, she needs to stay. Her tits are massive and without them, Salinas wouldnt be in TNA, bank on it. I havent seen her wrestle much so I cant completely judge her on her in ring ability. I remember her when she was Ariel in the WWE. I hated her vampire gimmick, I really did.

So I think, Salinas should ditch LAX and compete in the Womens division, after a hell of a lot of training of course. LAX dont need her. Its as simple as that. Shes eye candy and nothing else at the moment. Her face is the greatest either, and thats not a good thing from a chick thats supposed to be eye candy.

Actually, this may be the reason WHY they don't have her wrestling much. She may be training behind the scenes to get better in the ring. Alot of times they do this with valets so that they can later break away and become their own entity. Either she will be good, or they will have a legit reason to let her go. She's still kinda nice to look at though.
They should split them up, only because both guys could go over so well on there own.

Hernandez -With a slight repackage could have some awesome, aweosme big man feuds in TNA. Who here wouldnt want to see a match between Hernandez/Abyss (when he's back for good that is)?

Homicide - The guys amazing, and has a great character something the X-Division really needs at the minuite. A real, gritty gimmick, not just an assortment of 80's wwe rip-offs and 1-dimensional cruserweights. The guy could become the next x-division stand out if he was pushed right.

Salinas - Imagine if they dedicated 5 minuites of impact solely to her tits?! I think TNA would finally do 1.3 in the ratings.
If there's one thing that I ever agreed on with Konnan during his time here, it's that Salinas is useless and has no right being in LAX.

Hector Guerrero, I understand - he helps take them away from that Militant Thug gimmick they used as heels and more towards the Latino Pride one which they need to be realistic faces.

However, what role does Salinas play? I think it's the one that Konnan predicted - a slag. She just stands in the background rubbing her massive tits, scrunching up her disgusting face and yelling in her annoying voice. So you've got a manager who does work and a valet that's just ridiculous.

What to do?

I think it's more a point of what role did she play. When they were heels Salinas got involved in matches quite a bit, now she is just eye candy until they can find a reason to break her off and get her a push for the knockout title. Blame Spike TV for the no violance against women rule that is limiting her involvment.

As far as Hector goes, IMO he cannot cut a promo. I get it, they are latino. Is it just assumed that all the wrestlers (Roode & Storm) in TNA are bi-lingual? The fact that they are using Hector as a way to help them get over as faces to me shows lack of writing ability backstage. It was cheap and easy. If they want to get away from the militant heel image then change your ring attire a bit or maybe drop the Hommicide name for a week. The name Hommicide really dosen't scream face to the casual fan, in my opinion.
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