George Bush, Sr. The Forgotten President?

Evan Snow-Wolf

Running On Diesel Fuel!
Political debates regarding the values of Presidents seems to have shot up radically in the last 18 months all across the country. I've also seemed to notice a trend.

The lionization/complaint list for Presidents seems to go:

Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush (Jr)
Barack Obama

... hey wait, a second. Wasn't there a President in there between Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton?

Seems like almost no one has anything to say about ol' Dubya's pappy... good OR bad. What do you think? Did our 41st Presidency enter and vanish without anything worth mentioning? Was his list of accomplishments too minor to credit? Was his list of flaws and sins too minute to warrant attention?
I think his term in office usually goes overlooked because he was a one-termer and really didn't have the time to do what a lot of those who came before him and after him did. Most Presidents really don't do to much their first terms, except try to keep favor to get elected again, then they really push their agenda. However Bush did accomplish a few things of note. He did work hard to and get the country on track to help get out of debt. And he did sign a bunch of laws into effect. He's not forgotten perse, he just gets lost in the shuffle, because he really didn't have any major events he had to address or deal with. His biggest thing was the national debt, which every president for the past however many years has had to deal with.
Other than 'read my lips....' and getting Iraq out of Quwait he didn't do anything.

He was a moderate republican and NOT my choice in the primary.

Carter was a 1 term pres and he almost distroyed the economy and let Iran hold our embassy hostage for 2+ years. carter=worst president ever(so far)

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