Genuinely, please read this


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name

This is a picture I posted before of a wedding of my future brother in law. At present, the brunette is in ICU on life support following a car accident over the weekend. Her name is Laura and she is 19. Last night, her family were told that there's pretty much no brain activity, despite this, there has been some signs she's still alive.

I'm basically asking you to pray for this girl. Some of you may not believe there's anything to pray to... that's fine. But please, if you believe in prayer, pray for her.

I'm not asking to raise a debate or start a theological argument. This is a genuine request to you all from me.

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My father is a Deacon, so I will ask him as well. Polley, if you need me, PM me. Thoughts are with you, my friend.
seven plus years ago my 16 yr old cousin was killed in a car accident. The driver was being an idiot, went to fast around the bend and tailed off the side of the road. I know what it is like to lose someone close.

Hopefully she pulls through this. No one deserves this.
I shall add her to my daily prayer. My thoughts are with you my friend and I hope she pulls through.
seven plus years ago my 16 yr old cousin was killed in a car accident. The driver was being an idiot, went to fast around the bend and tailed off the side of the road. I know what it is like to lose someone close.

Hopefully she pulls through this. No one deserves this.

Where was this accident?? April of '00 I had a friend pass in a car accident the same way. He was 17, there was another kid that passed that was 16, and there was another seriously brain damaged, and he was 16. The driver was 18, and only got 4 years in prison...

I hope everything comes out OK for your friend Polley
this was in Fauquier(sp) County Virginia. Happened on the night of Oct 16, 2001. She was the only one wearing her seat belt and she was the only one killed.
In high school I had a good friend in my class. He was out drinking with a few of his friends. They raced. I get a call from his mom at like 1 in the morning to find out he crashed while racing... I know how this feels, and like i've said I hope your ok Polley, and that she pulls through.
I'll definately make sure to keep your friend in my prayers. I hope the lord will watch over her and help her recover
I'm a huge believer that positive energy can do wonderful things. I will be sending positive thoughts and keep her in my prayers.
While I don't pray, I will be thinking about her, and you. Everything will be fine babe, I'm here if you need me.
Polley, I lost a roommate in a similar accident. All you can do is be thankful for the good, and hopeful that the bad will turn around.

I'll pray for her, and for you, for clarity to be the rock for everyone else around her.
This June will be 10 years since one of my best friends died in a car accident. He was also on life support for about 2 weeks before his family decided to let him go because there was nothing else the doctors could do. It's a very helpless and empty feeling. I will make sure I say a prayer for this girl. Best wishes for your situation, Polly. If you need to talk....

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