[Genesis] Morgan & Ryan v. Guerrero & Hernandez [TNA World Tag Team Championships]

Who wins?

  • Morgan & Ryan

  • Guerrero & Hernandez

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Genesis 2013
Morgan & Ryan v. Guerrero & Hernandez (C)
TNA World Tag Team Championships




All discussion here.​
The only way I can see Morgan and Ryan coming out victorious here is if they drop the titles back to Chavo/Hernandez at the London tapings, just to give that crowd a big title change.

Either way Chavo and Hernandez MUST be the champions heading into Lockdown with the event being held in San Antonio. San Antonio is one of the only cities in America where Chavo and Hernandez may actually qualify as draws, and it seems foolish to not have them wear the straps into the event.

The only other logical thing would be to have Chavo/Hernandez retain here at Genesis only to drop the titles to Bad Influence and go into Lockdown as the chasers against the company's best and most over heel team. However it is booked though, the Lockdown tag title match should definitely be Daniels/Kaz facing Chavo/Hernandez.

Also I hope to god that this program ends here. If I never see another Morgan versus Hernandez program it will be too soon. Especially if it ends at Lockdown where these two would drag down the event with another abysmal cage match.

Hernandez against Morgan is the anti-Daniels/Styles feud. No matter how sick you are of Daniels and Styles, atleast you know the match will deliver. With Morgan and Hernandez, we've seen it thousands of times and every time is more eye-gougingly unwatchable than the last.
While it looks like Morgan and Ryan will win based on the build, I believe Chavo and Hernandez will hold onto the straps. Morgan still has some kinda story yet to unfold with Hogan, and thus far Joey Ryan has been a joke since being teamed with Morgan. If they do win, I don't see the reign lasting long. My pick is Chavo and Hernandez.
I agree with Lowdown that build wise it looks like Ryan and Morgan will take the belts, but I really hope that Chavo and Hernandez keep them. I haven't liked Morgan and Ryan as a team. I like both guys on their own, but they just haven't worked for me together. Morgan has the seeds planted to do something with Hogan and I think Ryan is better suited for the X division. My pick is Chavo and Hernandez to win and hopefully go on to face Kaz and Daniels.
I want Morgan and Ryan to win more than they deserve it at this point. Morgan looks forced to like Joey Ryan and his character as a whole is looking to me anyways, really seems forced. I could only think of one way they would let Morgan and Joey win here and that's if they let Chavo and Hernandez win at the next PPV. Don't see that happening, but it's the only hope I got.
This may be the lowest point for tag team wrestling in TNA history....apart from Mexican America's long ass reign. Chavo and Hernadez are dull as watching paint dry, and as every else has already stated, Ryan and Morgan don't really jel as a team on any particular level.

Chavo and Hernadez to win, everyone watching to lose.
Originally I thought Ryan & Morgan were gonna pick up the victory and the belts here, Now i'm not so sure. They probably need the win but like someone said already, Chavo & Hernandez being champs for Lockdown makes sense. Right now i'm gonna go with Chavo & Hernandez but that may change again before the PPV.
I'm actually looking forward to this match.

I feel like I should be waiting for more... but much like I expect out of this contest, I doubt I'm going to be satisfied.

Basically put, I need Ryan & Morgan to win here. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez aren't worth anything more than a random team thrown together because of their Mexican heritage, and the name sake of "Guerrero". At least Joey Ryan has my attention and I'm curious where Matt Morgan is going with the Hogan BS. (if anywhere)

Ryan and Morgan have more to offer to the Tag Team division than Guerrero & Hernandez. This isn't L.A.X.-lite, it's just a hopelessly thrown together Tag Team that TNA wants people to believe work well together. When in reality, they've barely shown any team-work at all. There is very little chemistry between the two, and frankly, Ryan & Morgan have been hot. More like a single's star and his bodyguard, but hey - it worked for HBK & Nash.
I think it might depend on who comes out with the upper hand tomorrow night on IW. Right now, Morgan & Ryan have the momentum as they've been getting the better of Chavo & Hernandez. If the champs come out on top in some sort of confrontation Thursday night, it might put things a bit more even.

I think that Chavo & Hernandez will retain, especially if they're able to get Morgan out of the way. Ryan is someone with potential but he hasn't looked remotely like a threat since coming to TNA, not with Morgan having to interfere in every match he's had. Morgan looks like the threat while Ryan comes off more like his little buddy.

No matter who wins or loses, I don't think it will mean much of anything as the tag team division in TNA is pretty much DOA at this point.
I could see Morgan & Ryan winning the belts and then facing Chavo & Hernandez in a title rematch at Lockdown but this time with Hogan backing Chavo & Hernandez or against some new team recruited by Hogan to take the belts off of them. With Morgan & Hogan in some kind of feud with each other, I don't expect Hogan to face Morgan himself but I expect someone representing Hogan will face Morgan instead. It might be good for the titles if it they were involved in their storyline with Hogan & Morgan fighting over the belts, the tag team titles and it's division aren't exactly glowing on their own right now.

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