[Genesis] Bully Ray v. Abyss [Monster's Ball Match]

Who wins?

  • Bully Ray

  • Abyss

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Genesis 2012
Bully Ray v. Abyss
Monster's Ball Match






All discussion here.​
When Abyss left Immortal he could've used months and months of frustration and gone of a tear as they say. He had a lot of fuel and what did they do? They roped him into this silly storyline about whether he is actually indeed in or out of Immortal. It was unnecessary.

If Bully Ray wins this match, we've gone full circle. There will have been no point in doing this story about him breaking away and all the months building to it will have been wasted time. So this is what I want to see happen: I want this to be a back and forth match, good 15 minute deal and Abyss is going for the win. Then, naturally, Immortal interferes. First Steiner comes down and gets mauled by Abyss, then Gunner, he wipes all of them out and then goes for the win on Ray putting him over as a huge monster.

That'll put him back where he ought to have been after initially breaking from Immortal months ago.
I'm sorry to see Bully Ray in this match as I felt that he was building a pretty good head of steam as a singles competitor. Scotty or Gunnar would have been far better collateral damage as the victim of 'the Monster', who is as close to a sure thing for the win here as you can really get in prowrestling. Everything about this angle, thus far, has been to re-establish Abyss as the Undertaker/ Kane of TNA and poor Ray has obviously been picked to make him look as unstoppable as possible (although, given the dearth of top line heels in TNA at the moment, it is hard to see were Mrs Park's baby boy goes from here).
Realistically, Immortal really hasn't been much of anything since Hogan turned face. The only one that has been of any relevance is Ray. Abyss at one point made a good enforcer for the stable but once he left or was ousted, it just made the stable weaker. Abyss should pull out the win in this one, but Ray needs to branch out a little more and break away from Immortal.
I can't stand Abyss but he's almost certain to win here even though I'd rather see Bully Ray destroy him and continue on with his excellent heel work.

The truth is Abyss is irrelevant as he's well down the pecking order of faces in the company and Ray is the second top heel, but TNA wont let common sense get in the way of the crash test dummy going over for his 853rd pointless push.
im gonna go with Abyss to pick up the victory here even though he really doesnt win many monsters ball matches (has he won 1 yet?) and at first i thought this match would be total shit but then i thought about it and abyss is at his best in street fights and bully ray is a good street fighter as well and if this doesnt even attempt to be a techicial wrestling match this could be a good match bully ray winning wouldnt make any sense....btw does anybody else rember when the competitors were locked in a room for 24 hours with no food,no water and no sleep? man i miss those days!
I honestly think Bully Ray will get the win here. I know the storyline wouldn't make much sense but I just have this slight feeling that it will be like a John Cena and nexus storyline or HBK and JBL were it will just go on for a little longer before turning into a monster. Everything is suggesting Abyss should win so thats why I am going Bully Ray.

If you keep Abyss in immortal for a little while longer they could really set him up for a world title run in which they seem to be doing. Having him go crazy after being with immortal for too long and then finally getting out of the alliance and then going on a tear capturing the world title from Rhoode. I hope that isn't the case because I really think Abyss is only getting a gig at the moment because of how long he has been with the company, but a battle of the giants would be refreshing for TNA.

Bully Ray with the win.
I can't think of a sensible, logical reason for Abyss to lose here. Immortal is pretty much a lame duck since Hulk Hogan left the group, which is how Immortal has been booked for the most part. While Immortal, in my view, was never that great to begin due to so many low level thugs & scrubs making up much of its membership, it's currently all but irrelevant. Having Abyss return to them just so he can ultimately destroy them from the inside out drags out this entire angle longer than it needs to.

I think it's a waste of Bully Ray, quite frankly. I'm not all that wild about him inside the ring, but he's delivered consistently on the mic and I just think that someone like Scott Steiner, who isn't or hasn't been particularly hot since his return to TNA, would make better use as fodder for Abyss.

A Monster's Ball is really the only way to go here. Neither man is particularly strong inside the ring, so having a hardcore style match is a good way of covering that up, delivering some blood and putting them both in an environment where they're comfortable.

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