Generation Me as Heels

Was the decision to turn Generation Me heel a good move?

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Formerly drewpost, Human Pop Can
So TNA has made the decision to make Generation Me a Heel tag team. This decision has sprung them into the Tag Team title picture and gotten them immediate heat.

I think that this is a great move! The tag team division needed a pick me up, and was getting a little stale. I loved the MCMG feud with Beer Money, and their series of 5 matches, but the MCMG needed a new rivalry.

By turning Generation Me heel, TNA is now able to put these two exciting teams in the ring together for a long term program. The MCMG are good face champs, but they need good heel opponents. I can now think of 3 great heel teams that the MCMG can feud with (Beer Money, Magnus & Wolf, and Generation Me).

This heel turn will strengthen the tag team division in TNA.

What do you think?

Was turning Generation Me heel a good move?
I agree, but haven't they turned them into a a "Christain Heel Team"? COuld this lead to them being cheered in middle American and boo'ed elsewhere, like the Harts in the WWE (mid-late 90s)?
It would have been a good move if someone would have given them acting lessons in the face, their smirk just looks faker than anything in the ring.
Anything to get these guys on TV has to be viewed as a positive. They may not have the personality yet, but they have great in ring abilities and should be given every chance, and turning them heel gives them that chance so I'm all for it. Heel/Face, does it really matter in the long run. If they are successful, they'll turn face down the line.
I don't think it was a good move to turn Generation Me heel not yet at least,imo i think they could've worked an angle in which MCMG and GEN ME feuded as babyfaces,then after failed attempts of capturing the titles then have GEN ME turn heel.
It's far too early to tell at this point. One thing that GenMe needs if TNA wants to get them over as heels and for them to be taken seriously is a good deal of consistent mic time. GenMe is going to have to be able to convince fans that they're the "real deal" on the mic because they don't have the physical looks or presence to do so otherwise. I thought their first promo was ok for what it was. It wasn't great by any means, but it could have been a lot worse and the only way they're going to improve is by getting chances to talk.

I'm not saying it to be a dick, but these two look as though they're a couple of 14 year old kids hangin' out at the mall trying to scam on girls they've got homeroom with. They can't even attempt to rely on the intimidation factor because they're about as threatening as a cloudy day. Without being able to deliver promos, GenMe aren't going to be effective heels in the long run.
i'm not really buying into them as heels. The thing I don't get is the week before the turn they were the "impact player of the week" on Reaction. They talked about how they were Christians and how they wanted to bring honor to the tag division, etc. Then the next week they were coming out as heels. It makes no sense and it's like they changed their plans for them within a matter of days. I personally think Sabin and Shelly could pull off the arrogant heel gimmick much better as they have both done in the past.

If GenMe is going to be legitimate as heels, they need some rub from someone. Without Flair, AJ would have never been believable as a heel. They need someone to help them out.
I think it was a pretty bad choice. For one, they haven't gotten any consistent TV time as faces, so they can't gauge whether or not it was working. You have to be on TV a lot and see if you're making any connection with the fans. Another thing, they don't have the "heel look". They're fairly small, and they really really don't look vicious or anything as a matter of fact. They pretty much have blank facial reactions most of the time. Heels have to be really emotional in the ring, it's what makes them hated and loathed by the crowd. Also, I definitely agree with Jack-Hammer... they need some serious mic time. Let them do whatever they can to get over as heels, because at this point I don't think it'll work.
I like it. They're kinda doing the whole young spoiled rich kids from Southern Cal thing. I like them as heels. They needed something new. Before the turn they were just kind of X-Division Jobbers with no real drawing power or appeal. Having them get the best of MCMG the last few weeks is a great way to build heat for these guys being that MCMG are prolly one of the top faces of the company.
I like the potential of the heel turn. I know people have questioned their mic work so I thought it was interesting when the mouth of the south put them over on a recent spin cycle. He certainly does not fit in with their gimmick per se, but it might be an interesting backup plan. They are doing better with the character side of it than I thought they would, so I would give them a chance to do it on their own first. Bischoff brought them in so I guess tying them in with Hart could make sense if EB/Hogan go heel.
I love it! Talk about crossing the line! Christian heels FTW!!

I say have them start coming out with bibles and using them to knock people out. Then after they lay out MCMG in the ring one can quote scripture afterwards, "Leviticus 18:22 reads 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination' so let the church say amen" while the other screams "Hallelujah!"
It's probably the best scenario heading into Bound For Glory. On those grounds alone it should say it was a good move. It gives them more air time and gives The Gun's great opponents in the biggest show of the year with a much better scenario to with. However, if they are to face larger guys like Team 3D, they're gonna be reduced to being cowards having to back off.

The turn can be called a double edged sword. it's good to feud with The Guns and probably Ink Inc. But probably won't look so efficiently if the face Team 3D or Beer Money.
I think it was the best thing to do for Gen Me as faces they were boring and weren't getting much TV time now as Heels they are in feud with the best Tag team MCMG, they have been consistently on TV and they are more interesting to me. I would still like to see them get more mic. I think that turning them Heel was a very good decision

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