General Summerslam 2009 Discussion


Pre-Show Stalwart
Randy Orton defends the WWE Championship against United States Champion MVP and Mr. Kennedy in a Triple-Threat Match
This'll be soooo refreshing. If all goes well, this may be the time for one of the young ones to win it!! Perhaps Kennedy for now..

Matt Hardy -vs- Shawn Michaels
Matt must convince me he can put off a truly great match first. But why not? Refreshing. Plus HBK has a way of making other guys look good.

Rey Mysterio defends the Intercontinental Championship against John Morrison
If they don't have a title match at NOC or GAB, this should be it! They work so well together! Maybe this could be the culmination of a good feud with them, coming of off one of two gimmick matches this could be the one to truly showcase their athletisism. with perhaps Morrison winning the title.

Those are the only three I have personally locked in for now. But maybe a Jeff Hardy/Cena feud? That seems kinda random right now, but who knows. Maybe Edge -vs- Jericho? Too bad they already did that on SD, But hopefully by this time mostly everyone will have forgotten about that. Plus this is a much bigger stage anyway. DiBiase jr. should be stepping up to challenge for the US title around this time, so maybe a mid-card match for him on this card? Hart Trilogy defending the titles? I'm hoping they'll already have them by this time ^_^ Taker -vs- Umaga? title match Edge -vs- Punk? Or Edge, Jericho, Punk? hmm

Lemme know what you think of these matches.

And what do you think would be good matches?
i gotta go with the following super-card (based on current champs):

title matches:

WWE Title: Orton vs Kennedy (long shot, especially w/ Ken's injury past and possibly present, but man does this guy deserve a push!)

World Heavyweight Title: Edge vs 'Taker vs CM Punk vs Jericho(haven't really seen a fatal 4 way in awhile, and this gives Punk some legit time to work with one of the two WWE lifers (Taker and Michaels).

IC Title: Rey vs Morrison. I'd like to see Rey put Morrison over as a legit face and do the whole mutual-respect thing/hand him the title blah blah blah. If they build this up right, it could steal the show.

US Title: MVP vs Kofi vs Hardy vs Regal in a ladder match. With all the money in the bank experience, and Hardy's history w/ the ladder, I mean this one would be sweet.

Tag Titles: (yes...I'm actually predicting that WWE will do something w/ the division and give it some PPV time on one of the bg 4)

Colons vs Haas/Benjamin vs Cryme Tyme vs Kendrick and oh, I dunno, Jamie Noble in a tag team termoil match. Again, long shot, but this would be a decent one.

Ugh, the women's titles. I could care less here. Dark matches all around.

The undercard? Well, let's have Cena vs The Miz in a cage match, winner gets a shot at the WWE title. Triple H vs Batista w/ Ric Flair as the ref. Shawn Michaels vs Ted Jr. and oh yeah! The ECW belt...geez...again, this is pointless but Christian vs Evan Bourne.

and i also know that a 9 match card is almost unheard of since we started getting the PG crap we're getting these days. But whatever, a guy can dream amen? :)
I would like to see:

WWE TITLE - Randy Orton vs MVP - When MVP has saved Batista and that he just fit as a main eventer

WORLD TITLE - Edge vs CM Punk (Ladder Match) - CM Punk and Edge could create a quality Ladder match

ECW TITLE - Christian vs Jack Swagger - This feud has been ace and hope it continues

TAG TITLES - Hart Trilogy vs Priceless vs The Colons -all great tag teams

US TITLE - Matt Hardy vs Kofi Kingston - These two are very underrated

IC TITLE - John Morrison vs Chris Jericho - A feud between these two must be coming in the future

Undertaker vs HBK - One More Please

The Miz vs John Cena - Miz wins because he needs it whereas cena doesnt
Orton vs. Batista vs. HHH w/ special guest referee RIC FLAIR

We're probably going to see this. And to be honest, I want to. Not so much the actual match, but the build up. This has never happened. All four members of Evolution five years after they officially broke up. Like I said, the build up to this can be great if done properly. I know MVP and Kennedy are right behind pushing for a title shot but this match IS BOUND TO HAPPEN, especially now that Flair has been incorporated into the storyline.

Edge vs. CM Punk

Have Punk announce he's cashing it in at Summerslam. This guys can put on a good match.

Undertaker vs. Jericho

Everyone wants to see it. This can be Takers return feud when he comes back from injury.

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

I can't see Cena getting into the title picture until this whole Evolution thing is overwith. That's why they're feuding him with Big Show, but that wont last past the Great American Bash IMO. I know they've already faced earlier this year but what else can Cena do out of the title picture?
WWE Championship
Hell in a Cell
Randy Orton vs Triple H
Triple H comes back demanding his title back, they brawl week in week out until Vickie has had enough and decided the best way to end the fued will be inside the cell

The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho
Taker returns to a massive pop because hes one of the messiahs of Smackdown, Jericho comes out and is still saying hes the top man, Setting up a match for summerlslam, Jericho demands that the winner will be get a World title shot

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs CM Punk
Punk cashes in Money in the Bank and says he wants to do it on a big stage, Setting up the Summerlslam match

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs John Morrison
2 Out of 3 Falls
These have a great match at The Bash and rey knicks it, Morrison is still a face and sets up a match with Rey at Summerlslam, and says lets see hes best in 3 Falls

John Cena vs Batista
Number One Contenders for the WWE Championship

U.S Championship
Ladder Match Triple Threat
M.V.P vs Matt Hardy vs Kofi Kingston
These 3 have been at it for the U.S Championship for abit and the three would put a great show in a ladder match.

ECW Championship
Hardcore Fetal Four Way Elimination
Tommy Dreamer vs Christian vs Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne
The challangers have qualifying matches for the Hardcore four way, which would be cool as they are fighting to be at Summerslam

Tag Team Championship
Raw ChampionsCody Rhodes and Ted Diabase vs Smackdown ChampionsShelton Benjamin and Charlie Hass
Both teams are at it saying there the best tag champions in the WWE, which annoys both teams, they both set up a match at Summerslam to define the undisputed tag team champions

Thoughts please :)
Ahhh the missteps of the WWE... well theres two way to go about it.
what i want to happen, and what prolly will happen... So im gonna go with what i want to happen while still being logically possible.

WWE title- Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Triple H vs Batista
is there any other way to make this a remotely interesting match? they all suck. this would be watchable.

World Title- CM Punk (c) vs Edge -Cage Match-
I got punk cashing in the money in the bank at Extreme Rules after Hardy wins and only gets to be champ for 2 minutes.

Rey vs Jericho -Falls count anywhere-
I bet rey loses the title by then... on Smackdown cause of jericho. which keeps the feud goin. I do like the idea of 2 outa 3 falls tho. Hope ur right.

Undertaker vs Umaga
bound to happens sometime and id rather it be here than at WM. Plus i whole heartedly believe that we are going to see Jericho vs Taker at WM, so that would start after Summerslam, Probably after Royal Rumble.

ECW title- Christian (c) vs Evan Bourne

Us title- MVP (c) vs Kennedy
someone is turning heel, i bet on kennedy.

Shawn Michaels vs Big Show

Smackdown vs Raw- Matt Hardy vs John Morrison (ic champion)

This whole card is under the assumption Jeff Hardy will no longer be with us... which blows, but im a huge morrison mark, and i think if Jeff is still there, he takes the Morrison spot against Matt. that feud is still going on apparently.

its an ok card, id watch it, not terrific tho. Anyway, i think its realistically as good as it can get.
Wow....Summerslam, this is gonna be fun.

Main Event, I have got a few ideas.

I think a Legacy explosion would be a good choice. To be honest, that's the only way we can bring back HHH without it being too much of a re-run. I wanna see a 3-way in a cell, or find a way of incorporating last man standing into a 3 other words it has to be brutal. Here is how I wanna see this thing go. Orton/Batista/HHH. Orton gets a clean win after a really intense match...I'm talking really intense, blood, sweat, everything. From here there are two options. Either HHH attacks Orton after the match and Batista makes the save (now we have our Game/Beast Feud set up and Randy is more credible, they have been making him kind of a puss as of late). Or we have priceless attack Orton after the match, with the "we want out of the shadow" angle, then Batista and HHH make the save and we have the poster close to the show with Evolution standing in the ring (no reunion necessary, It would just make a sweet close to the show). If you do it the second way then you can have HHH turn heel the next night on raw.

Smackdown Main Event is a bit cluttered. That is why I like Smackdown, I'm not really sure what to expect, but it seems like they are trying to mess that up. I want a surprise. I'm kinda expecting to see punk cash in MITB before summerslam, probably after extreme rules (if he cashes it in on Hardy we might see a heel turn). I don't know what to do with Hardy at that point, just find him a feud or something. Edge or Jericho will be part of this match, defending on where Jericho is with his Mysterio issue. I would love to see a heel Punk champion vs Morisson, but I doubt they will push Morisson that fast (but how awesome would that be?). My Final Verdict is probably gonna be Punk/Edge in a ladder match.

ECW Title, I wanna see Evan Bourne again. Have him and Christian put on a show.

Tag Titles, Fatal Four Way. Colons (or assholes, however you look at it). Then you put in a revitalized Shelton/Haas team (give em a manager or something), Priceless (gotta find a way to make them matter) and the Hart foundation. Oh yeah, maybe Kendrick with a London return.

Cena/MVP for the US title, I'm sorry It just works for me. Give MVP the ambiguous win and have Cena freak out, thinking he got screwed. We got a weird ending to a match where Cena might actually get interesting. We could set up an MVP/Cena feud, cena could start rapping again, who knows.

Rey/Morrison, as long as the Jericho thing is over by then. This will just be an awesome match. I would rather see Morrison in the main event against punk, but that doesn't seem likely (wait, why did punk even get a push in the first place?...I'm serious, why?) Give this a stipulation, they will do the rest. After Morrison wins, have Kane come out and take off mysterios mask, no kane and mysterio feud, just have Kane come out monday and tell Mysterio to stop hiding behind it. Or even better, have Kane come out masked and take Rey's off and bring back the Big Red Monster. This will give Undertaker long enough to recover so he can come back at Wrestlemania, beat Kane and retire.

Kennedy Needs to stop getting injured. So yeah, he's not involved. Shawn Micheals return is also not likely since HHH is already returning, unless it's for a save or just a talk.

No Matter what happens, it can't be worse than Wrestlemania
Okay, I'm gonna give two different seven match cards here.
The first is what I hope I will see, and the second is what I believe we will all see. So......

SUMMERSLAM "09" in Finite's own little fantasy world.

WWE TITLE, Fatal Four way elimination style

Randy Orton (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. MVP vs. Mr. kennedy (if healthy)

Reasoning: This would be a much more gripping match than any evolution based match or a title bout with Cena. We haven't really seen Orton/Micheals and being the HBK is retiring soon, I would love to see him headline this one and give one more great summerslam showcase, and maybe even one last title run, maybe. Would also give MVP the main event rub they are looking for.


Chris Jericho(c) Vs. CM Punk vs. Edge

Reasoning: I think Edge and Punk should be done about this time and I think Jericho's history of "stealing" the world title out from under Punk could be built into an enormous feud for these three to culminate with this match. Great match had, Punk finally wins the belt legitamitely and we have a million different directions to go in from here.

Last Man Standing match

Batista vs. Triple H

Reasoning: If i have to watch Batista, I'd rather watch him go at it with H then take up space in a title match. These two can put on a pretty good show, turn batista Heel and the stage is set.

I-C title, Fatal four way ladder match

Rey Mysterio (c) vs. John Morrison vs. Shelton benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy

Reasoning: Can't think of a better way to have Morrison grab the gold here. Would be great to watch, no question in my mind.

Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Miz

Reasoning: I am finally dying to see a Cena match for once. If this feud builds properly, this could be a great match and win or lose, would sky rocket the Miz to new heights.

ECW title

Jack Swagger (c) vs. Evan Bourne

Reasoning: Tired of seeing bourne get ignored even on ECW. Bourne needs proper build, I think Swagger and his styles could be really interesting to watch in the ring an I think this could end up being a dynamite match to watch.

Tag title match

Carlito and Primo (c) Vs. The new hart Foundation

Reasoning: Have a solid match for the two young stars , let them job to Carlito and primo. I'd just be happy to see A tag title match on ppv instead of another HOG PEN match.

Now heres for what we will more than likely see at summerslam sadly.

WWE Title, Fatal four way

Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Triple H vs. John cena or Ric Flair

Reasoning: I just see this happening, they're building to evolution having amatch and if Ric Flair doesnt decide to unretire and wrestle here, then I see cena being plugged in here.

World Title: Edge Vs. CM Punk

Reasoning: I wouldn't be shocked if i'm wrong here, but I think this will al culminate here for Punk and I feel they probably will have him win the title.

US Title

MVP (c) vs. The Miz

Reasoning: If they dont snuff out the feud with Cena (which I expect them to, and thats a shame if they do), I look for the Miz to capture the gold here and MVP to begin his main event pursuit.

I-C title:

Chris Jericho (c) vs. John Morrison

Reasoning: This just makes sense to me, I expect Jericho to win the I-C title from Mysterio and I suspect Mysterio will take time off after he does. Morrison wins here, and he enjoys a nice long build up to the main event push in the winter months.

ECW title match

Christian (c) Vs. Vladamir Kozlov

Reasoning: Okay nobody really wants to see this, but I think this is what they are building to and we will be subjected to a long and very boring Kozlov title reign.

Tag team Titles

Kendrick and ??? vs. The Colons vs. The new Hart foundation

reasoning: maybe i'm hoping against hope here, but this is one i'm going out on a limb for. I'm probably wrong and we will end up seeing Santina vs/ Vickie in a hell in the cell match or some thing (cringe).

Grudge match

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff hardy

Reasoning: If jeff is still with the company at this point, I see this being what rounds out the ppv, yawn. It's either this or If Kennedy is still healthy, I wouldn't be shocked to see him thrown into a program with the Big show or something to help get him over, Maybe even a U.S. title match.
WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Batista w/ Ric Flair

One night Legacy was interrupted by Evolution and Raw woud never be the same, however the reunion was short-lived as the next week, Vickie Guerrero announced that Randy Orton would be defending his title against Hunter and Batista, thus creating Summerslam's main event.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Edge

CM Punk comes out after The Bash's main event and suprises everyone by saying that he will wait until Summerslam to cash in his Money in The Bank briefcase. He says he wants to prove to the world that he can win without his opponent being down and out. In the events leading up to the PPV, Edge tries many tactics to get under Punk's skin, including pouring a bottle of vodka down Punk's throat, but who will come out on top in the end?

ECW Championship
Christian vs. Evan Bourne vs. Vladmir Kozlov vs. Jack Swagger (Tommy Dreamer as Special Referee)

Dreamer announces that as Special Referee, he wil make it as hardcore as possible. Bourne, Swagger, and Kozlov all have qualifying matches to determine who will take place in the match.

The Rebirth of HBK
Mr. Kennedy vs. Shawn Michaels

After losing to the likes of Matt Hardy, The Miz, and even Brian Kendrick, Shawn Michaels announces he is retiring from wrestling. However Mr. Kennedy comes out and convinces Michaels to another match, saying that he wants the old Shawn Michaels back. However, will Michaels be able to raise his morale?

Chick Magnet vs. Chain Gang Commander
John Cena vs. The Miz (No Disqualification Match)

With The Miz talking trash for months, Cena has enough. but will The Miz outsmart the determined and dedicated Cena?

A True Legend
Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker

Chris Jericho says that he has defeated all of the legends in the business, but as he rambles on, the lights go off, and the familiar entrance of the Deadman hits the stereo, the fans erupt as The Undertaker issues the challenge for Summerslam and the match is set.

United States Championship
MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy vs Santino Marella (Ladder Match)

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga vs. John Morrison

Diva's Championship
Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Pheonix vs. Mickie James

Smackdown vs. Raw vs. ECW
Kane vs. Big Show vs. Finlay

Unified Tag Team Championships
The Colons vs. Priceless vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme vs. World's Greatest Tag Team (Tag Team Battle Royal)

Women's Championship
Melina vs. Michelle McCool vs. Maria vs. Layla vs. Gail Kim vs. Eve vs. Candice Michelle vs. Alicia Fox
Heh what about ECW?
Pretty good card btw!

I'd like to see this:

WHC Edge (c) vs. CM Punk: Punk cashing in and pulling an RVD!
WWE title Orton (c) vs. Kennedy: C'mon who doesn't wanna see this?
ECW title match: Christian (c) vs. Bourne vs. Kidd vs. Swagger: This should be a great 4 way bout for the title!
U.S title M.V.P.(c) vs. Ted Dibiease Jr. vs. Cody Rhodes: This could be interesting perhaps the end of the Legacy maybe? :eek:
IC Title match Jericho (c) vs. Mysterio vs. Morrison: This should be a match focusing on Morrison and letting him steal the lime light and the IC title because Y2J and Mysterio aren't gonna be here for ever right? they need to pass the torch!
Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy (re-uninion) vs. The Colons for #1 contendership for tag titles!
and the final match of the card HBK and HHH vs. Batista and Cena HAHA IDK but I jsut wanna see HBK and HHH kick Cenas and Roidtista's ass!
Summerslam it's to early to tell, tho by rumors Orton/HHH in hell in a cell, I could see Batista taking a heel turn or if he's still face facing Big Show.

ECW I generally think Bourne will be the one to dethrone Christian, so I could see Bourne/Christian, along with The Hart Trilogy against whom ever the tag champions are.

Morrison and Jericho I think will be on here as well, and the something special for Undertaker I wouldn't be shocked if they have Undertaker/HBK main event the show.. since 2005 who ever Undertaker has wrestle at Mania he's faced at Summer Slam minus Mark Henry and in 2007 he was injured at Summerslam so faced Batista at Survivor Series so I could definitely see HBK and Undertaker doing something.. maybe even Tag teaming up?
This isn't what i think the card will be but one i'd enjoy

WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton vs MVP.
It seems that MVP will be moving up the ranks but i doubt he'll win the title on this night

World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk
Punk will cash it in at Summerslam but will be the first ever man to not win the title with the briefcase

ECW title
Christian vs Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne should get his 15 mins of fame on this night cus we know he'll never win one of the big ones

Triple H vs Batista
this would be a good time to have Triple H Batista 4 with a heel HHH finally defeating boretista

John Cena vs Miz
they should hold off these 2 having a match until Summerslam cus it would be better buildup and they should actually make this a competive and at least let Cena put over Miz like he did Swagger the night of the draft

Shawn Micheals vs Undertaker rematch from wrestlemania
This probabaly wouldnt be as good as their classic at Wrestlemania but i'd still pay to see these 2 to go at it again. Let HBK have the win in this one though

IC title match
Chris Jericho vs Edge(face)
Can you imagine how much cred this would bring back to the ic belt?
i cant but this would be a great match and every one wants to see this feud so let hopefully it'll happen

U.S. Championship
Kofi Kingston( hopefully he can keep it this long) vs Ted Dibiase
I think they should start pushing Dibiase as a singles compettior and a victory for the U.S. title at the 2nd biggest ppv of the year would help.

Tag Championship
The Colons vs The Hart Trilogy
give the belts to the Hart Trilogy

Damn I'd but that PPV :)
hbk wont come back for a while, i would like him to but i think maybe survivor series might be a possibility, I also am not sure when taker is coming back but i wouldnt mind him fueding with a heel cm punk that could be interesting
I have no idea what batisa will do or john cena they will probably hold that of till wrestlemania 26 and same with taker and jericho should be held of until then. I think edge is in for a longer title run then what we are used to normally seeing but i see punk maybe cashing the belt in sooner if not later.

Wwe title orton vs triple H hell in the cell
world Edge vs cm punk
inc Rey vs jericho i think this fued will end at summerslam
United states I dont really care about this title but maybe ill change my minds since moving to raw
as for other people im not sure right now.
This is what i'd like to see happen


Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Batista

The special referee to be Ric Flair. I think have Orton beat Batista at extreme rules with help from legacy, setting up a rematch at the Bash, in that rematch have Triple H return and accidently cost Batista the match...setting up a number 1 contenders match between HHH and Batista at NOC when they fight to some kind of draw. So they make it a 3 way match. In the match have Orton retain when Flair turns heel and joins Legacy.


Chris Jericho vs. Edge

I think Jericho should win the title at NOC in some sort of fatal four way involving Mysterio and if hes still around Jeff Hardy, without actually pinning Jericho. I think they should turn Edge face, however Jericho should win here setting up a potential fued with The Undertaker


The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

A good way to build this up would be to have Randy Orton be told he would be facing a mystery oppenant at NOC, in the weeks that lead up to it though Orton gets mysterious messages from The Undertaker, however when the mysetry opponant comes out its HBK, Orton beats Shawn, but the next night on Raw Shawn challenges The Undertaker to a rematch at Summerslam
well i cant really think of a full card i want to see without changing many things around, but heres a few matches i think would work:
Triple H v Batista: not a fan of batista but i do kinda like seeing HHH. This match could work easily as a face v face, they could be fighting for no. contnder, or whose the biggest guy on raw (similar to cena and batista last year). However wat id rather see is HHH go heel by turning on batista, i think we all agree that HHH is quite an awesome force as a heel. It could start out easily by HHH attacking batista in sum championship match, possibly costing him to lose the title etc, or we can originally have batista win the title with HHH's help and then have HHH turn on batista making this match a championship match. Either way i think HHH v batitsta could be a good match for summerslam 2009.

now there are a few matches ive thought of for shawn michaels:
1) Shawn Michaels v The Undertaker: WM rematch, Shawn could admit to losing to the streak, but then say that doesnt make Taker greater the michaels. Michaels has had wins over taker in the past and although he may not be able to defeat the streak, he could say he can defeat taker anywhere else.

2)Shawn Michaels v Matt Hardy: Im a fan of the Hardys, so i would really like to see matt go main event, and I know michaels could help him give the performance of his life pushing him up there. This would be very simple to start, Matt hardy is injured he is constantly complaining about being forced to compete (despite having multiple title matches with his cast), Shawn has had time off. Matt hardy can start to moan about how Shawn has been given all these months off while matt has been forced to work while recovering. Throw in a few cheap attacks by matt, and we got a feud.

Theres also Shawn Michaels v John Morrison that we all want to see, but i cant really think of a way to do this without John being a heel.

Jeff Hardy v John Cena: I think i may have seen sum1 already post this on this thread, if so im sorry. But very simply Baby Face v Baby face. these two prolly have the biggest fan bases in the busness. It could start to become a little personal, maybe if John went on about Jeff's slack ways and drug abuse. And Maybe have jeff Mock cena about his fan base being 8 year olds and under, either way this could work.

Thats pretty much the biggest matches i oculd think of that would work.
This is my dream Summerslam card though most won't come true, but here it is.
The big man deserves to be in the spot light one more time and become champion. BigShow would have ability to sell more feuds then Randy Orton.

WWE Championship
Cm Punk(c)-Vs-Chris Jericho
This match has potential to steal the show as two great wrestlers lock horns, let the best man win.

Us Championship
Kingston(c)-Vs-The Great Kholi
A make it or break match for Kingston

Last Man standing match
Unsettled business needs to be finished

Now in order for the tag match to be set up Orton needs to fire Rhodes from Legacy and hire Mike Knox, imagine how much more heat and credibility Know would bring to Legacy. Cody Rhodes just doesn't fill the bill in Legacy honestly he doesn't have the look to be in legacy.
Tag team championship
The Colons(c)-Vs-The Runnels Cody & gold dust

Edge-Vs-Rey Mysterio-Vs-The Undertaker in number one contenders match
WWE title match: Batista(c) vs John Cena
I'm thinking that they'll be building up to the rematch at this years SummerSlam. I'm cool with that because I LOVED their first match. Besides that, these where the two "chosen ones" a few years back. So it's very interesting to see them wrestle each other. Hopefully this time John Cena would come out on top.

No D.Q. match for the World Heavyweight title: CM Punk(c) vs Jeff Hardy
If they built the feud right it would be awesome. With Jeff coming close to regaining the world title but then having CM Punk use dirty tactics to keep it. That's why they'd have a no d.q match. So they could basically beat the shit outta each other and Punk couldnt cheat to win. I think the fans would really love the match and it wouldnt really matter who won the match.

Hell in a Cell: Randy Orton vs Triple H
This match is inevitable. They've wrestled in every match BUT H.I.A.C, so it just makes sense that they finish their feud in that match. I figure that it'd be a damn good match. But the sad thing is that I gurantee that Triple H would win to get his "revenge" But if Triple H put Orton over I would honestly probably cry tears of joy.

Edge vs Bigshow
This match has been a longggggg time coming. I expect that it'll suck technical wise but be okay story wise.....Actually it'll be terrible. Just for the fact that Vickie Guererro's fat screeching ass will be involved.

WWE tag titles: The Colons vs Priceless vs Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme
It'd be a good crossbrand match. They could set it up by saying that The Colons havent been defending the titles on all three brands, so they give all three brands their shot at once. It'd probably be filled with fast paced action that the live crowd wouldnt give a fuck about. But it'd still be a fun match.

2 out of 3 falls: Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio
Cause it'd be fucking awesome.

ECW title: Vladamir Kozlov(c) vs Christian
Cause people love Christian and hate Kozlov. People would nearly be a riot after Kozlov pinned Christian. It'd be a shit match, but I'd want to see it for the laughs.
I know this thread has been done before but its been awhile since it's been discussed, so I figured I'd post this one. Anyways with the recent injury of Edge, and the possibilitie (sp?) that Hardy wont resign with the company, WWE could be in a jam with making a nice card. Heres what I'd make the card if I was one of their writers:

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs John Cena

I'd rather not see this match, but i'd rather see it then, HHH vs Orton 464. Orton wins. Cena beats him for the title a month later at Unforgiven.

World Championship:
CM Punk vs John Morrison

I don't know why, but I just don't see Hardy resigning with the WWE. Hardy has a life outside of wrestling and many other passions, such as Art and Music. I know its to soon to stick Morrison in the title hunt, but who else is there for Punk to face? The Great Khali? God I seriously hope not :nugget:. CM Punk wins as Morrison isn't quite ready yet

I would love to see so much, HBK at NOC, causing The Game the championship thus turning himself heel. It would be fresh, and nice for a change nice to see HHH not chasing Orton over the title. HHH wins

ECW Championship:
Christian vs Shelton Benjamin

By this time hopefully Christian will have the title back and we can see an awesome matchup by 2 great performers. This would potentially be the best match on the card. Christian could retain on this night, Benjamin could win the title soon afterwards.

Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker
The feud everyone wants to see. Personally I would prefer for this match to happen at Wrestlemania 26, but it may need to be rushed due to the Smackdown! roster falling apart. They should do viggentes of Taker returning at Summerslam, and Jericho could come out and say he's the only savoir in the WWE and then Taker can play mind game with Jericho without ever showing up until Summerslam. Much like he did Kane in their feud in 2004 leading up to Mania 20.

US and IC Championship tag match:
Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio vs The Miz and Dolph Ziggler

Ok. This idea is a little unrealstic lol, but I think this match would be a great idea. Mysterio could face The Miz or Ziggler could face Kofi on Superstars in which something happens to start a feud with all 4 men. If Mysterio and Kofi lose they lose thier titles to Miz and Ziggler. I'd have Ziggler and Miz win.

MVP vs Jack Swagger
Well judging from tonight these to 2 men are starting a feud, and its obvious they wont face each other at NOC due to them neither have titles, so why not have it at Summerslam. Would be a good match with contrasting styles. Swagger wins.

Either Mickie James vs Gail Kim for the Diva's title or Michelle Mcool vs Natyla Neidhart for the Womens Championship
Either would be excellent women's matches imo

So theres my card. What matches do you see being booked for Summerslam?
Interesting...could work a LOT of different ways. You could do it as a 'possibles' with people who could be involved or you could do it with those in contention at this very moment. Ill go with the latter.

WWE Title
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs HHH

World Title
CM Punk vs Undertaker (if he returns, otherwise have no idea!)

Kane vs The Great Khali

ECW Title
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs Christian vs Shelton Benjamin

Intercontinental Title
Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho

Carlito vs Primo

Unified Tag Titles
Legacy (c) (due to Edge injury) vs The Hart Dynasty

US Title
Kofi Kingston (c) vs MVP

Womens Title
Michelle McCool (c) vs Melina

Divas Title - Scramble Match
Maryese vs Gail Kim vs Mickie James vs Kelly Kelly vs Beth Pheonix vs Rosa Mendes

I like to see every title defended where possible, but tbh the roster is spread so thin now at present its going to be a struggle.
I'm thinking they should Have Cena win at NOC, and End the Triple H/Orton feud once and for all. Fortunately I think that feud is cooling down, and Triple H isn't that intent on revenge. But Cena should win the title at NOC, I remember last year Triple H and Cena were fighting for that same title, except now were adding Orton to the picture.
WWE Champ - Randy Orton (C) Vs. Shawn Micheals - Orton Retains

World Champ - CM Punk (C) Vs. Jeff Hardy in a LADDER MATCH - Jeff Hardy finnaly beats Punk IF he resigns by this time which i truly believe his stock just skyrocketed with Egde on the shelf now...they need him

Chris Jericho Vs. The Undertaker - Undertaker wins

Triple H Vs. John Cena - HHH wins after turning heel and hitting Cena with the sledgehammer

US Title - Big Show (C) Vs. The Miz - The Miz is awesome! and new champ!

Intercontinental - Rey Mysterio (C) Vs. John Morrison - Morrison gets his first of many big singles titles

ECW Title - Christian (C) Vs. Shelton Benjamin - Christian retains

Tag Title - Legacy (C) Vs. Hart Dynasty - Legacy retains
WWE Champ - Randy Orton (C) Vs. Shawn Micheals - Orton Retains

World Champ - CM Punk (C) Vs. Jeff Hardy in a LADDER MATCH - Jeff Hardy finnaly beats Punk IF he resigns by this time which i truly believe his stock just skyrocketed with Egde on the shelf now...they need him

Chris Jericho Vs. The Undertaker - Undertaker wins

Triple H Vs. John Cena - HHH wins after turning heel and hitting Cena with the sledgehammer

US Title - Big Show (C) Vs. The Miz - The Miz is awesome! and new champ!

Intercontinental - Rey Mysterio (C) Vs. John Morrison - Morrison gets his first of many big singles titles

ECW Title - Christian (C) Vs. Shelton Benjamin - Christian retains

Tag Title - Legacy (C) Vs. Hart Dynasty - Legacy retains

The "Card" above may be the best yet!....

BUT, I really hope that if Jericho/Taker is held at Summerslam, that Jericho wins! He could use the win more at first to propel the feud into a lengthy feud!

If Hardy is still with WWE then, hopefully he wins the belt at least by this time. Then after Taker/Jericho wraps up, I want Jericho/Hardy for the belt!!

Shelton Benjamin is due for a world title!

I want CENA to turn heel, and the fans go CRAZY!!!!! He's WAY past due for a heel turn!!!

The Big Show deserves more than the US Title in my opinion!
WWE Championship - John Cena v The Miz (Cena to retain)

Randy Orton v Triple H (Hell in a Cell - blow off match - HBK returns to help HHH win and takes over fued with Orton)

WH Championship - CM Punk v John Morrison v Jeff Hardy (if still with company) (Punk to retain but Undertaker returns to declare he wants the belt back)

ECW Championship - Christian v Shelton Benjamin (Christian to retain)

IC Championship - Rey Mysterio v Dolph Ziggler (Dolph Ziggler - new IC Champion)

US Championship - Kofi Kingston v Big Show (Big Show - new US Champion)

Tag Team Championship - Legacy v Hart Dynasty (Legacy retain)

Carlito v Primo (Carlito wins)

MVP v Jack Swagger (Jack Swagger wins)
The Carlitos vs Cryme Tyme

Cryme Tyme wins. Carlito finally turns on Primo, beats him up. Cryme Tyme returns and steals Primo's tights and all the stuff in it.

MVT vs Jack Shwigger for the Intercontinental Championship

MVT beats Jack with a musclebuster. People get suspicious. Someone is debuting soon.

Backstage promo; Batman appears and delivers a promo about cleaning up crime in the WWE. He is the "The Dark Knight" Batman with the turning neck and armor.

Vince McMahon comes out, but is attacked from behind by Mark Henry before he can do anything. Mark Henry brawls with him out in the crowd, then delivers a 50 foot elbow drop from the titan tron onto McMahon.

The Big Show vs Captain Kangaroo

Captain Kangaroo wins by disqualification after Big Show kicks him in the nuts after 4.2 seconds.

Submission Match: Chavo Guerrero vs Jushin Thunder Liger

Chavo wins after 3 minutes with a frog splash. Don't question these things.

Hell in a Cell, Rage in a Cage, Painus in your Anus Match: Rikishi Phatu vs AJ Styles

Rikishi wins because he's big. That is WWE logic. Also, AJ is buried and not allowed any offense, because he is TNA's biggest guy.

World Heavyweight Championship: The Undertaker vs Doink the Clown vs Jeff Harvey

The Undertaker wins, but loses the title when CM Funk cashes in his monkey in the bank, because it turns out that Kennedy Kennedy had given his money in the bank to Punk as a gift, but before he could do it, Edge snatched it, but now that Kennedy Kennedy was fired, they found the card he bought to give to Punk with the briefcase, so they retroactively give Funk another briefcase, and fire Edge for being "injury prone" and stealing briefcases.

Punk wins again. Stone Cold Steve Austin offers Punk a beer. Jeff Hardy offers Punk a syringe.

Batman comes out, and his opponent is revealed. Samoa Joe! Crowd erupts.

WWE Championship: Triple H vs Randy Orton vs Batman vs Samoa Joe

No contest, after Samoa Joe and Batman eliminate the two deadweights, and go on to a 60 minute draw. Match of the year, match of the decade, match of the CENTURY! I can't really remember the specifics of the match, but I do believe the whole world was destroyed.
why not have kane take on cm punk morrison is thwe future but no main event yet kane vs punk at s s

hhh vs orton with no tittle at stake might be the way they go!! if cena is champ i quit

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