General No Mercy Discussion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Please don't list cards. Give reasons.

Jeff Hardy is on the poster. It probably doesn't mean anything. But he's my pick to win the WWE championship Scramble at Unforgiven. So it could be possible that he'll be in the main event. If that's so I'd guess it'll be him vs. one of the other wrestlers in the scramble. But I'd not go for Triple H. I suspect that might be a Rumble match.
World Heavyweight Championship Match - John Cena(c) vs Batista in a Last Mand Standing Match. I think Cena will win the scramble by pinning Batista and this match will end there fued, for now atleast.

WWE championship Match - Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP in a ladder match. Jeff will pin HHH to win, HHH will fued with the Undertaker and MVP will claim he is still better since Jeff never Pinned him.

IC Title match - Kofi Kingston vs Santino Marrella(c) vs D-Lo Brown. Marrella has had some matches with Brown and Kofi will want another rematch. Santino won't retain.

Undertaker vs HHH in a street fight. HHH will move on to fued with The Phenom. Edge will return and cause HHH to win.

Womens title match - Beth Phoenix vs Candice Michelle(c). After Candice returns at Unforgiven and wins the title the Glamazon will want her rematch.

Rey Mysterio vs Kane in an inferno match or a cage match - Mysterio screws Kane in the Championship Scramble and Kane will take out his anger on Rey in this match.

Those are all I can think of.
Way too early to take an educated look at this, so i'll take one hell of a shot in the dark.

Wold Heavyweight Championship

(c) C.M. Punk vs Jericho.
Punk escape the scramble somehow to solidify his title reign. Batista will be tied up with kane i think. Anyways, Jericho gets a title shot coming off a big win in whatever gimmick him and michaels have. I hope and pray that Jericho takes the title here.

WWE Championship

(c) HHH vs MVP
I hope HHH walks out of the scramble as the champion for one reason alone. I think that jeff hardy finally winning the world title is going to be one of the biggest moments the company has seen in the past couple years. I only say this because of the fanfare and reactions he will get. Not from a money or success standpoint. So i dont think hardy should get the title at Unforgiven. A rumble win and a WM match would be perfect imo. But i digress, HHH will win the Scramble by pinning shelton in the last seconds i believe, setting up a decent little month long fued here. MVP gets his first real taste of headlining a PPV.
Prediction- HHH cleanly retains.

Undertaker vs Umaga.
No reason here, just another taker-v-monster match. could be alot better than the usual taker slaughterhouse though. Not sure if umaga will be back yet though
Winner- Taker.

ECW Championship

Matt Hardy vs The Miz
Only reason i say the miz, is because i don't think they'll delve right into the morrison hardy fued that everyone wants to see quite yet. That'll probably happen at survivor series. But i think this has the potential to be a good match, as i feel the miz has vastly improved.
Prediction-Hardy Retains.

Kane vs Batista

I think this is when rey will make his return, but i say they'll still go with kane batista here. Kind of a through away match i feel, but they both need a match here. Can't see kane losing here, or batista for that matter, it would make kane look too weak against mysterio and kill all momentum batista has going.
Predition- Batista wins vis DQ, rey makes the save.

Tag Match
Big Show and Jeff Hardy vs The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel
Maybe after the fall out of the battle royal and just trying to get a spot on the card for jeff and kendrick. Could be a decent match here. Solidifying Kendrick as a true midcarder.

U.S. Title
Shelton Benjamin vs R-Truth
I see this as Truth's starting feud in WWE, as i feel he can carry shelton through on the mic. I'd actually like to see shelton cheat to retain so that his momentum keeps going and they could vault truth up the ranks and have a program with MVP.
Winner- Shelton, somehow illegally.

Six Man Tag

Cryme Tyme and Cena vs JBL and Simply Priceless.
Once again, just because i don't know where else to put Cena at this point. and you know he is not going to ge left off any PPV.
Prediction- CTC
Since nobody happened to read the first post saying not to make this into a predictions card, I will make a prediction myself.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

I have been waiting for this match to happen for a long time. CM Punk will have proved himself as a champion by winning the Scramble at Unforgiven and Jericho would be done with HBK after a very big win at Unforgiven. Eventhough these two have faced off before, two or three times. They both have wins over eachother. They can also put on one hell of a match that I think are Main Event worthy.
winner: CM Punk

WWE Championship
Jeff Hardy vs Big Show

I think this will happen if Jeff Hardy wins the WWE Scramble. HHH will have gotten "injured" in the Scramble so, he can take time off with his baby. Then, Big Show will say that Jeff Hardy wouldn't have won that match if he (Big Show) was in the match.
winner: Jeff Hardy by DQ

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy vs The Miz

I think this will happen because they (WWE) don't want to use any really good opponents yet (Evan Bourne, John Morrison, Finlay).
winner: Matt Hardy

Intercontinental Championship
Santino Marella vs Kofi Kingston vs D-Lo Brown

I think this will happen because Marella doesn't deserve to be the champion for very long. Kofi will want his title back and D-Lo will have a clean victory over Marella by this time.
winner: D-Lo Brown

Grudge Match
Rey Mysterio w/ Batista vs Kane

I think Rey Mysterio will have returned by now, probably at Unforgiven in the Scramble match. That will give this rivalry enough time to boil over into a match. I think this rivalry could be very good. Especially if Batista turned on Rey Mysterio after a little while making him a heel.
winner: Rey Mysterio

Belfast Brawl
Finlay w/ Hornswoggle vs Mike Knox

I think this rivalry will have built up enough to have a PPV match by now (hopefully). This match, I beleive, could be a very good and physical match. Both are brawlers and both have mean streaks.
winner: Finlay w/ Hornswoggle

Women's Championship
Beth Pheonix vs Mickie James

I think this match will happen so, Mickie James gets her title rematch. I think this could be the time that Gail Kim returns if she does. That would be so awesome.
winner: Beth Pheonix
No Mercy is always one of the best PPVs of the year, for some reason. Anyway. I can see the card shaping up already, if only the smallest of possible outlines.

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship
Triple H (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy became the "interim" champion for 15 minutes in the Championship Scramble, but ultimately lost the championship back to Triple H after MVP teamed up with Hunter. Same great momentum for Hardy that he had in early 2008. The Last Man Standing match of last year was my favourite match of the year, and this will be even better. A 35 minute battle, leading to Jeff Hardy finally winning the WWE Championship.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena

A newly heel-turned CM Punk has had Cena's number ever since Unforgiven. CM Punk will utterly and completely bury John Cena in this match, putting CM Punk over as one of the greatest heels in the business, once again.

Extreme Rules match for the ECW Championship
Matt Hardy (c) vs. John Morrison

Matt Hardy defeated the Spandex King Mark Henry at Unforgiven to finally win the ECW Championship. Before he had the chance to celebrate though, one John Morrison appeared and pressed his rights for Number One Contender status. He eventually gained it by cheating to win in a match against Finlay. A pretty even match, with lots of great spots and bumps throughout, like a true Extreme Rules match should. However, Morrison manages to moonsault a ladder into Hardy's chest. John Morrison pins Hardy to become a two-time ECW Champion.

Street Fight
Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

The ultimate blow-off match, the Street Fight was eventually announced. Continuing their great feud, Chris Jericho and Michaels eventually end up putting on this five-star classic. Shawn Michaels manages to defeat Chris Jericho after a hard-fought battle.

The card is so perfect right now, at least to me, so I'm not gonna bother with the undercard. Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James (Mickie loses, duh) and The Brian Kendrick vs. Shelton Benjamin for the US Championship maybe. But I'm not gonna bother to extroplate right now.
WWE Championship
Triple H (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

I think it's pretty obvious that Trips will be leaving Unforgiven as champion, but I can see something in there setting up a feud and I think Hardy is the most over and ready for a world title program right now, so he is the guy to get the nod. It'll be a good match to get Hardy back in the title picture which could result in him winning it as early as Survivor Series.
Winner: Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship
C.M. Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho

I think Punk gets a pin in the final minute of the Scramble and Jericho beats Michaels in a Street Fight at Unforgiven to end their feud. Jericho then comes back and says how he beat Punk on Raw, then Michaels so he is #1 contender. I think this will be the first in a series of matches, that could see Jericho win, but likely Punk on the first time out.
Winner: C.M. Punk

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy (c) vs. John Morrison

Hardy finally wins the title from Henry and then Morrison beats Finlay and Miz to become #1 contender. This one is a match fans have been wanting to see and I don't think it'll disappoint. Hardy's first good program as champ and Morrison getting back into singles title picture.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Kane vs Batista

Kane continues his monster run and dominates Mysterio at Unforgiven, pissing off Batista and igniting this feud. Maybe even put Kane over and give him some build to a possible title run.
Winner: Batista

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston vs Santino vs D-Lo Brown

I can see D-Lo getting into this feud after his wins over Santino and it also makes the match a bit more interesting with three worthy contenders.
Winner: Kofi Kingston

U.S. Championship

Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. R-Truth vs. MVP

Shelton and MVP get into it over something in Scramble and then R-Truth debuts and takes both out setting up this 3-way rivalry and triple threat match.
Winner: Shelton
I abosolutly love this poster and think its one of the best in a while. I think at Unforgiven Triple H will retain in the Championship scramble becasue SD moves networks on 3rd Oct and no offence to any other superstar but Triple H as champ is what WWE will probably want to kick off thier new home. So based on that here is my card...
winners in boldtype

Triple H(c) vs Jeff Hardy
(Hardy beat MVP to become No.1 Contender, MVP interferes costing Jeff the title at Cyber Sunday Triple Threat Match where Jeff finally becomes Champ pinning MVP thus taking nothing away from HH - but im getting ahead of myself here)

JBL(c) vs Batista vs John Cena
(Cena and Batista come to blows - Cena FU's batista JBL gets rid of Cena and covers The Animal - batista/cena feud rolls on to Cyber Sunday JBL retains.)

Rey Mysterio vs Kane - This match is clear cut, if it doesnt happen at Unforgiven it certainly will at No Mercy and even if it does happen at Unforgiven the return match will take place here with some sort of gimmick.

thats as far as i go - i can see some sort of Taker/La Familia match taking place but again i see a Taker/Chavo match at Unforgiven so a handicap match with Bam Neely added cant be ruled out.
WWE Championship Match
Triple H (c) vs Jeff Hardy

Since Triple H won tonight in the WWE Championship scramble and Jeff Hardy had the title right before Triple H won it in the final seconds then I think it will be Triple H vs Jeff Hardy at No Mercy for the WWE Championship. Triple H will retain because he put Hardy over at Armageddon last year.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs CM Punk

It's funny most people thought this would be the WHC match at No Mercy but I don't think anyone expected Jericho to be the defending champion. It all makes sense now. Why Jericho beat Punk clean on Raw in Chicago and wasn't put in the scramble match at Unforgiven. So this could happen. I like it. Punk doesn't lose his title and Jericho becomes champion in a great swerve. I expect Jericho to retain because this is just a filler until the Orton/Punk and Jericho/HBK feuds can continue.

ECW Championship Match
Matt Hardy (c) vs Mark Henry

Mark Henry will get a rematch and Hardy will retain. Morrison will win a no.1 contendor match of some sort and face Matt Hardy at Cyber Sunday. It won't be at No Mercy.

Undertaker vs Big Show

This feud started at Unforgiven last night with a somewhat predictable swerve that wasn't predictable until the segment started. I like the heel turn for Show as I feel it creates options for Triple H and Undertaker. I see a dusty finish here this match could go either way.

World Tag Team Championship
Priceless w/Manu vs Cryme Time w/Kofi Kingston

I see Priceless retaining clean here to continue to impress their new mentor Randy Orton. Which will end the Cryme Time/Priceless feud for now. It may not be fair to Cryme Time but creative never liked them very much and Priceless is in the bigger picture. I don't know where Orton fits in. Either in this match or the WHC match.

Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) vs Candice Michelle

I hope to god Beth retains here because Candice isn't ready yet to get the title back. She botches too much and she was much better before two collarbone injuries. Beth will retain and Beth will keep the gold for when Melina returns.

Thats all I can think of right now.
No Mercy should be interseting with what has happened at Unforgiven

CM Punk v Jericho (World Title)
Makes sense logically, Punk lost the title without being involved so deserves a rematch. Match could go either way with Jericho keeping the title before resuming the feud with HBK, but I feel that Punk wins the title with an assist from HBK.
Helps resume Jerciho/HBK and lets Punk get ready for the return of Orton and there feud.

HHH V Jeff Hardy (WWE Title)
Jeff was so close to leaving Unforgiven as champ but HHH just got the win. I see them having an even match up at No Mercy with HHH just coming out on top by the narrowest of margins.

Big Show V Undertaker (Casket Match)
I see Big Show coming out on top here via an assist from La Familia. With the Casket being at ringside for the segment at Unforgiven I feel that this is a subtle hint that Big Show and Undertaker will face off in a Casket match during there feud. If not a Casket Match then it will be no DQ, with the Casket Match being the end of the feud.

Matt Hardy V Mark Henry (ECW Title)
If Big Show/Taker is Casket match then I see an extreme rules match between these 2. If it is a no DQ Taker then Hardy/Henry will be a regular match where Hardy comes out on top before going onto feud with John Morrison.

Candice V Beth (Womens Title)
WWE seem to have womens match from Raw/Smackdown in alternative months. With Smackdown having went at Unforgiven it means it is time for Raw. Candice needs get revenge for her injury, but I just can't see them taking the title of Beth clean. So I feel that Santino gets involved and either costs Beth the title causing the end of there relationship or allows Beth to keep the tilte and hopefully allows her to feud Mickie until Melina is back from injury.

Shelton V The Brian Kendrick V R-Truth (US TItle)
Kendrick shone at Unforgiven, Shelton looked good. R-Truth looks to be getting a push to start his time off in WWE. I see big Zeke getting involved and costing Shelton the title by allowing Kendrick to get the pin on R-Truth, thus setting up a feud between Kendrick and R-Truth.

Team Priceless V Cryme Tyme and Kofi
I see Cryme Tyme and Kofi getting the win here by Kofi pinning Manu. Priceless and Cryme Tyme have unfinished business, so a rematch makes sense and with Kofi getting involved when Priceless attacked Punk it makes sense for him the be the 3rd man on Cryme Tyme's team.
The other possible outcome would be Randy Orton getting involved giving Priceless the win and setting up an old school Survival match up for Survivor Series between Priceless and Otron against Cryme Tyme, Kofi and Punk.
I dont know if im the only one who was upset with the unforgiven result as jericho bein the champ, but oh well lets go into No Mercy, which will be the in-ring return of my man Randy Orton.

Orton Vs Punk
thw way they had C.M. Punk get 'injured' there is no doubght in my mind that these two are clashing heads come No Mercy

HHH vs Jeff Hardy
I really see this coming seein taht hunter has already stated on, that he respects jeff and that he has earned a title shot, although i agree jeff wont get it...yet

Show vs Taker
this is jsut the begginning of their fued so i expect thist to just be a regular match with a indecisive dq as la familia will all jump taker and try to injure him, in turn waking up the dark warrier, and just plain pissin him off

Crime Tyme vs Priceless
These guys deserve the titles, and i think that kofi will be in their corner, while sikas son?? will be on team pricelss

Others will be added but for now that is all i can think of that is almost definites
After Unforgiven & just finished watching RAW, here's my NM Card Predicts:

Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Punk's getting his title match inside a steel cage next week where of course most likely Orton will get involved costing him the match. Since Punk/Orton looks like a match or a different challenge of some sort is brewing up for the PPV then this will leave Jericho out. Batiata & JBL cross paths & had it out on RAW still in the hunt for the title so a 3 Way is possible.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Like I said, the fued is brewing but considering Orton is still not medicly cleared, this could not be a match but I'll be surprised if it is a match, but could possibly be a some type of other challenge of some sort. We'll See!!

Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

There having a challenge match on Raw next week but this is likely to continue to this PPV & maybe end on Cyber Sunday where maybe one of the match choices could be an Inferno match.

Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle

This match is official

Triple H vs. The Big Show

It was said in the news that Both Edge & Taker had sore knees or something & they quckly had Taker come back early & main event the HIAC at SSlam. After whats happened to Taker at the hands of the Big Show, Taker could take the rest of the month off to heal up some more including his knees. Meanwhile Vickie Guererro could grant Big Show this Title match as a reward & Triple H will have another huge challenge. When this PPV comes about, the Game retains & there will be NO MERCY for Show/Vickie & it won't be because of a Triple H. BONG!!!

Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. The Brian Kendrick

They all had a shot at the WWE Title where HHH saved his belt. Now is Benjamin's turn to save his. I would like this match to happen, should be cool.

Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry

Henry puts in his rematch claws & for once they should make ECW mean something like uh this match.
Might as well make some predictions of what the card will be. I have nothing better to do at the moment lol.

WWE Championship: HHH vs MVP
--I don't think we'll be having Hardy challenge yet. I still think they're saving it for a Royal Rumble win and a WrestleMania challenge/win for Hardy. I don't think they'll bring Khali into it, either. Big Show will be with Undertaker. Edge is out. So I guess MVP or Shelton, and if I had to pick between those two, MVP is the more likely to challenge HHH.

World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
--Likely to happen after Jericho retains by cheating next week in the cage match. Jericho still retains at No Mercy. Man, I'm really hoping that they're building towards HBK being champion again lol. But until then, I'm glad we have Jericho.

ECW Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry
--Hardy retains. Henry loses Atlas and drifts back into nothingness. Sad. We're treated to a boring reign from Matt.

Undertaker vs. Big Show
--Love for it to be a casket match, but it won't be. It'll be a standard match that Taker gets screwed out of in the end. Lazy on the job of creative.

Women's Championship: Blah blah blah
--Beth retains, I'm bored, etc etc. No use typing more.

I don't know about the rest. They're too generic. We might get Kane/Mysterio, we might get Priceless/Kofi & CT. We might get Batista/JBL. Idk.
WWE Championship
HHH vs Jeff Hardy after coming so close in the scramble at Unforgiven, and HHH's video on wwe mobile, I think we will be seeing this match at No Mercy, with a possible gimmick match of some type. maybe a tlc or falls count anywhere. or they could continue with the more pinfalls in a match is a good idea and have it be an iron man match. i'm not sure, but i think its been a couple of years since we had one.
Hardy wins his first wwe championship

Y2J vs HBK not sure who else they could put in this match, as Punk and Batista should have other matches. Plus I think they will want more out of the feud these 2 have going on, as it been one of the best feuds this year.
Y2J retains

Punk vs OrtonThey seem to be setting this up and Orton might be back in the ring by No Mercy. This could be a real good match andi'd say make it a street fight or last man standing. punk wasnt a very good champ, so maybe they can make him look better on raw in a match like that with Orton.
Orton wins after punting Punk in the head

Undertaker vs Big Show After what happened at Unforgiven, I can see Vickie making this match as a Handicap match adding Chavo, Neely and Hawkins and Rider after the match has started, with Edge coming down and saving the Undertaker, setting up a face turn for Edge or being fired on the next episode of Smackdown

ECW Championhip
Matt Hardy vs John Morrison this could be an outstanding match, especially if its even close to some of the matches morrison had with Jeff. these 2 could work well together, and maybe bring a little credibility back to the ECW title. Make it a ECW rules match, and this might be one of the best matches of the night.
Hardy wins

I am not sure about the rest of the card, and am probably wrong on these.
I just hope that we are treated to some good matches for the PPV.
No Mercy doesn't look like it'll be half as intresting as Unforgiven. We've got the average looking Women's match. We'll probably see a piss poor Undertaker vs. Big Show match, I don't see how this will be any good. And a couple of other. I'm not expecting WWE to capitalize on the good performance that Kendrick put it at Unforgiven. He was the focal point of the match until Triple H came in, but even still he didn't get a great reaction. I'm thinking that Kendrick is just too small and skinny for WWE fans to take him seriously. I hope he faces Hardy, But I'm guessing it'll probably be a Jeff/HHH main event.

Along with that we'll get Orton vs. Punk. Which should at least be solid. This will be Punk's first big feud. With a wrestler who is a genuine main event star. I don't count JBL, he's just filling space.

Really it's just a question of who Jericho will face. I haven't seen Raw yet, but I guess you've got to assume Batista. Boring if you ask me.
WWE Championship: Triple H v Jeff Hardy
I think Jeff will get a shot at the title as there is no-one else on Smackdown good enough or ready enough to be champion and I can see Jeff winning the WWE title. I hope this is the match as I don't want Khali in the match as he is awful

World Championship: Chris Jericho v CM Punk
I can't see anyone else challenging as Punk just lost the title and it would make sense for him to get a rematch. I think Jericho will win due to Orton interfering

World Tag Team Championships: Team Priceless v Cryme Tyme
I'm enjoying this fued as both are great tag teams and are giving the tag division some creditibilty. I think Cryme Tyme will win the belts and Team Pricless will probably start some sort of second generation stable with Orton

ECW Championship: Matt Hardy v Mark Henry
This is practically a given and it will probably be the last time they face off for the ECW title and I think Matt win retain

Kane v Rey Mysterio
These two need to be in a match to try and hype their fued and I think Rey will win

Batista v JBL
Neither has anything to do at the moment so why not pit them against each other as I think it could a good match as both are all about power

Undertaker v Big Show
This match is almost certainly going to happen after what went down at Unforgiven and I think Taker will win

Women's Championship: Beth Pheonix v Candice Michelle
I think Candice is going to win as there is no point in her being thrown into a title match just after returning from injury if she isn't going to win
HHH (c) vs jeff hardy wwe championship match
i see this match taking place because jeff hardy took hhh out during lumber jack match and was the interm champ for awhile before mvp and hhh teamed up give jeff hardy a shot at hhh

winner: hhh

chris jericho (c) vs cm punk
cm punk was robbed out of his title at unforgiven he will use his rematch on raw and get a count out or disc victory giving him another chance to win the title on a ppv which in turn i think randy orton will stop cm punk from beating jericho

winner: chris jericho

undertaker vs big show
pretty straight forward big show stopped undertaker from getting his hands on vickie and also took a beat down from big show at unforgiven this will fuel the anger of undertaker and squash bigshow

winner: undertaker

batista vs masked kane
kane has taken rey mysterio out again and regains his old mask and his old ways batista want to take kane out for revenge for his friend rey


matt hardy (c) vs miz ecw championship
miz will make an arguement that he was champion for longest and if he get another shot he will be ecw champ

winner:matt hardy

beth phoenix (c) vs candice
candice is back and she wants her title back she also pinned beth in a 6 wemon tag match on raw giving her a shot

winner:beth phoenix

side note: any1 else notice that all the raw champions are heels? just wondering
WWE Title: HHH vs. Jeff Hardy Seems most obvious especially with the comments HHH made after the match. I see Jeff losing here. He will lose and then start chasing the title leading up to a victory at RR to challenge HHH at Wrestlemania.

WHC Title: Y2J vs. Batista He screwed Batista out of the title at Unforgiven so it seems fitting he would be the next challenger. I see Y2J retaining until Cena returns setting that feud up since Cena "retired" Y2J years ago.

ECW Title: Matt Hardy vs. The Miz Miz is angry about losing the scramble and wants a shot. Miz loses which starts a feud between Hardy and Morrison.

Women's Title: Beth vs.Candice Announced. I see Beth retaining seeing as how Candice is too much of a liability health-wise.

Inferno Match: Kane vs. Mysterio A rematch from next week's match match on RAW. Rey wins because he's Rey and Kane is Kane.

Taker vs. Big Slow After the events of Unforgiven I assume this match will happen, maybe a casket match but I doubt it. Big Show wins due to La Familia running interferance.

Tag Title Match: Hawkins and Ryder vs. Jesse and Festus I put this last because it most likely won't happen but c'mon when was the last time they defended the titles? Edgeheads win since Jesse have done little to nothing lately.
TheOneBigWill's early predictions on No Mercy 2008:

W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. (c) v. Jeff Hardy: I can't say it's much of a spoiler, I mean it was bound to happen sooner or later. This will be Hardy's second Championship match in less than a year, and with Triple H's run borderlining stale.. one could argue Hardy taking the title here, only to drop it at Survivor Series or the Royal Rumble.

In the end, on the opposite side of things, Triple H. last lost to Jeff Hardy at Armageddon, then defeated him very last to win the Elimination Chamber for Raw at No Way Out. H.H.H. could pick-up the victory in one last attempt to freshen up his Championship run, but in the end I think people just aren't into it. I still believe H.H.H. retains here though, just to feud with Big Show in the end, and possibly the Undertaker.

World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho v. C.M. Punk: Believe it or not, I actually think Punk will either win the match on Raw, or something will happen that will cause the title to be held up and a rematch between Jericho and Punk will take place at No Mercy, to decide the Champion.

A ladder match might be just what Punk needs to regain some type of worthy-ness in being a World Heavyweight Champion. Meanwhile, anything but Jericho remaining Champion until at least Survivor Series or longer would be disappointing for the best heel of Raw. I'm not currently sure who'd win, but like I said anything less than Jericho remaining Champion until Survivor Series or longer would be a disappointment.

However, if they're serious about Punk being Championship worthy, having him finally win something other than a match against J.B.L. might be just what he needs.

Number One Contender's Match: Big Show v. The Undertaker: I guarantee that it's almost assured Show sided with Vickie, against Taker, because he was finally promised a title shot. But then again, rumors claimed Vickie were going to give Taker one too. So why not just put a Survivor Series title shot up for grabs?

Big Show against the Undertaker won't be any better than Show against Khali, Kane, or Mark Henry.. in my opinion, but I do recall their 2003 fight at No Way Out and I still think it was a very good showing.. so here's hoping that if they do meet, it'll be similar to that one.

E.C.W. Championship: Matt Hardy (c) v. Mark Henry: It's already being pushed, and because of Henry not technically losing yet losing.. I'm sure he'll gain a rematch. I'd rather it be on television than on Pay per view, and furthermore I'd rather it be Hardy v. Morrison in what could only be a match of the night caliber set-up.. but that could be saved for Survivor Series. Hardy retains.

Batista v. J.B.L.: After Raw, I'm almost sure this will happen. Do I wanna see it? NO. Do I think it'll be worth seeing? Not really. Will it happen on p.p.v. Most likely. I have no opinion of this, and in the end I'm sure it'll be J.B.L. racking up one more loss and Batista one more (pointless) victory.

United States Championship: Shelton Benjamin (c) v. M.V.P./R-Truth: It could go either way. I doubt M.V.P. will be the guy, but I don't know if they'll push Killings this quick. I can't honestly see Benjamin retaining, and he's had the title now for going on 3 monthes. He needs to either become something with it, or drop it. If Killings gets the match, I feel a new Champion is on it's way.
World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs Batista
reason : On Raw jericho and Batista's match got cut short, at Unforgiven they played the fact that Batista was so close to the title and Jericho slithered in and stole it.

WWE Championship
Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
reason : These 2 were the guys that were going back and forth in the scramble, and in an interview on Triple H said Jeff Hardy could have the shot when he wanted and the fact that Jeff Hardy is on the poster.

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy vs Mark Henry
reason: after ECW this week it looks like they are going to continue this feud maybe this time with a stipulation match like Extreme Rules.

Womens Championship
Beth vs Candice
this one was already announced I'm not to into the divas wrestling matches but candice looks a little rusty in the ring but ya never know these 2 could pull off a good match.

I can't really think of any other matches, if i guessed on more they would just be wild guesses.
Beth vs Candice
WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy vs Triple H (c)
This one was played at by HHH's comments after the Scramble and the back and forth title changes between these two in the match itself. Hardy is being pushed back to the ME like before his suspension. I see Hardy coming close, and maybe even hitting a Swanton, but Trips gets the win in this one. As long as he stays clean, this feud could continue and really push Hardy as a legit ME again.

World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk vs Chris Jericho (c)
Jericho will win the cage match on Raw, but Punk will of course get a rematch and I think they have a mini-feud here until Orton gets back. I could see Orton interfering or Team Priceless/Manu doing so on Orton's behalf and Jericho retains.

ECW Championship: Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy (c)
Henry gets his return match here since Hardy hasn't pinned him yet. Probably in some kind of gimmick match, most likely Extreme Rules. I see Hardy taking out Atlas and hitting a couple big spots on Henry before going over clean so he can move on to John Morrison or Miz.

Big Show vs Undertaker
This one will obviously go down, and I'd imagine maybe a #1 contender stip to be put on either this one or a rematch at Survivor Series/Cyber Sunday. This one probably ends in DQ as Big Show beats Taker with a chair and puts him through a table or something.

Batista vs JBL
Hinted at on Raw, and I think for the upteenth time we will see a singles match with these two. Should be short-lived as I see Batista moving on to a program with Jericho in the near future while Punk feuds with Orton.

U.S. Championship: R-Truth vs MVP vs Shelton vs The Brian Kendrick
All guys that are currently getting a push. Think it's a bit too soon to give it to Truth so either Shelton retains or maybe The Brian Kendrick wins his first singles title with the help of Ezekial Jackson to continue his push.

6-man Tag: Team Priceless & Manu vs Kofi Kingston & Cryme Time
This one is hard to say. Maybe Orton comes out and interferes to help his future stable or maybe they get a cheap win. I could also see Kofi getting the pinfall victory on Cody Rhodes.

Kane vs Rey Mysterio
I think Rey gets alot of offense in, but Kane eventually destroys him and the match is thrown out. Raw seemed to hint that either Kane will be returning to his mask, maybe by as early as No Mercy; or Kane is trying to take Rey's mask off, which might also happen here.

Women's Championship: Candice Michelle vs Beth Phoenix (c)
Beginning of a couple month feud here assuming Candice Michelle doesn't pull another Kevin Nash and get hurt right after returning from injury. I'd say Santino helps Beth to win this one, but Candice will likely get the title at Survivor Series.

WWE Championship: HHH vs. Jeff Hardy
--Sucks they're doing this so early when you know that Hardy is going to end up losing. I still think they'd be better suited to have HHH turn heel around the Royal Rumble and have Hardy win the RR, beating a heel HHH at Mania. I don't expect Hardy to come out the winner here...which brings up the question...if he's not winning, but they want him to look like he might win, why are they just continually having him come close and lose? Is it just to stroke HHH's ego, or is it because they DON'T want him to win, or is it because they're just idiots? Lol.

Women's Championship: Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle
--Come on, everyone. Sing the song with me. You all know the words. I don't caaaaare. Snooooooze. Booooring. Pisssss breaaaak. Beth retains in a piece of garbage 4 minute botchfest, Cole and Lawler try to make me feel bad for Candice's lack of anything useful, and I die a little inside haha.


World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
--I don't think they'll move onto Batista just yet. I think it'll be Batista vs Jericho at Survivor Series instead. Plus, with Orton not fully recovered, they'll stall the feud between him and Punk. Jericho retains.

Big Show vs. Undertaker
--Standard match. They have a rematch at Cyber Sunday where the fans get to pick the stipulation (hopefully Casket Match as we haven't seen it in a while). Big Show wins this one, but loses the gimmick rematch at Cyber Sunday.

Batista vs. JBL
--Most likely, they'll do this just to get Batista on the card. Batista wins.

Kane vs. Rey Mysterio
--Boring, bad match. Not looking forward to it...nor am I going to be looking forward to the inevitable tag team main event match on the Raw beforehand that has Batista/Mysterio against Kane/JBL.

ECW Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry
--Almost forgot about this until the last second. That's about how much I care about Hardy being champion haha. He retains, obviously.

That's 7 matches already. If they have any more, it'll only be one more match, and I don't know what it would be.
WWE Championship-Triple H (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
-This match is confirmed. I see Triple H winning, in a match where Hardy puts on a great show, only to come up short. I see Triple H showing some respect at the end of the match, and we get a handshake to end No Mercy.
Winner-Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship-Chris Jericho (c) vs. Batista vs. JBL
-After watching Raw, I felt this was the match they were going to go with. I see Orton somehow getting involved with Punk/Jericho's cage match, to further his feud with Punk. And in this match, I see Shawn Michaels getting involved, ultimately costing Jericho the world title.

ECW Championship-Matt Hardy (c) vs. Mark Henry
-Henry uses his rematch clause for the title. Him and Hardy have a semi-interesting match. I see Atlas getting involved, but it will do no good, as Hardy is poised for a big title run.
Winner-Matt Hardy

US Championship-Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. MVP vs. The Brian Kendrick
-I see these three having a triple threat match, since neither of them are involved in the WWE Championship match. I think this could be a good match between 3 heels. TBK could win with the help of Big Zeke, but I think they hold off until later.
Winner-Shelton Benjamin

Team Priceless (DiBiase, Rhodes, Manu) vs. Kofi Kingston and Cryme Time
-Orton will be with Priceless at ringside, and I'd expect him to get involved, and Punk comes out and doesn't allow Orton to involve himself in the match. This furthers the feud setting up a classic Survivor Series match between the 8 of them.
Winners-Kofi and Cryme Tyme

Women's Championship-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Candice Michelle
-The other confirmed match at No Mercy. Somehow Santino will get involved in the match, costing Candice, and allowing Beth to retain.
Winner-Beth Phoenix

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
-I think this will be some sort of gimmick match, but I have no idea what kind. Rey comes out on top, and then the feud continues.
Winner-Rey Mysterio

And then something involving Vickie Guerrero, The Big Show, Undertaker, and the rest of La Familia. Setting something up for the next PPV.
WWE Championship
Triple H (c) v.s Jeff Hardy

Triple H respects Jeff and Jeff earns his shot. I think Jeff gets the clean win here but like Trips, will respect him and give him a shot at Survivor Series. I know kinda lame, but these two could make something happen here.

Winner- Jeff Hardy

World Heavywieght Championship
Chris Jericho (c) v.s CM Punk

Orton screws Punk over on Raw in the Steel Cage Match, but at No Mercy, HBK screws over Y2J and Punk wins the title back, even if it is just to drop it to Orton before the years over. Survivor Series will be 8 Man Tag.

Winner- CM Punk

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy (c) v.s Mark Henry

Henry uses rematch clause, but in a hard fought battle, Hardy retains and waits to celebrate with Jeff at the end of the night! Punk may even come out and we'd have 3 young champions.

Winner-Matt Hardy

Women's Championship
Beth Pheonix (c) v.s Candice Michelle

Plain and simple, Candice is too risky at the moment, so Beth will retain and may even dominate the match, but Santino may cause a distraction and this fued may continue.

Winner- Beth Pheonix

6 Man Tag Team Match

Kofi Kingston, Cryme Tyme v.s Simply Priceless

6 Man Tag Match here, with Orton in Priceless' side. Orton helps his boys win the match, but Punk chases Orton off, again to set up the 8 Man Tag at Survivor Series.

Winners- Simply Priceless

United States Championship
Fatal 4 Way

Shelton Benjamin (c) v.s M.V.P v.s The Brian Kendrick v.s Big Show

Why Big Show in this match? Big Show will be mad he's not chasing the WWE Title and since he thinks Taker's out, he'll just go after the U.S Title instead. Taker will show up at some point in the match, phasing out Show and Shelton will retain pinning one of the other two guys.

Winner- Shelton Benjamin

Inferno Match

Kane v.s Rey Mysterio

Okay maybe not Inferno but some Gimmick Match will be in place where Rey will come close to winning, but Kane will prevail this round.

Winner- Kane
Instead of HHH vs. Jeff Hardy I was hoping they would have a Triple H vs. Shelton/MVP/Kendrick match. One of the three. It's something new. And I think the outcome of the HHH/Hardy match is an easy prediction anyway. They may as well have Triple H defeat somebody else instead.

But as that's not happening I hope they'll have a triple threat U.S. Title match. All of those heels against each other. If WWE are serious about pushing Kendrick they really need to try and get him on PPV as much as possible. Shelton also needs to get on the show. He's had an undistinguished title run as of yet.
This PPV could shape up to be pretty interesting if done right. Here is what would be a perfect match card for No Mercy 2008:

WWE Championship
Triple H (C) vs Jeff Hardy
This match will hopefully steal the show. We've seen these two face off before but, never for the title. When they faced the first time, Jeff Hardy came out on top. With that said, I see Triple being the victor in this match so they boh have singles victories over eachother
Winner: Triple H

World Hewavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho (C) vs Batista vs JBL
I think Jericho will beat CM Punk in the steel cage match this Monday and go on to face Batista and JBL at No Mercy. This match will be okay at best. The match will probably consist of Jericho and Batista fighting most of the match. In the end Jericho will probably hit the Codebreaker on JBL for the win.
Winner: Chris Jericho

ECW World Championship
Matt Hardy (C) vs Mark Henry
Hopefully they end this match pretty soon because I personally am getting kind of bored with it now. I see Matt Hardy finally winning cleanly over Mark Henry after a Twist Of Fate. Maybe, this will finally set up a Hardy/Morrison or Hardy/Finlay feud. These feuds would be something to see IMO.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Grudge Match
Undertaker vs Big Show w/ Vickie Guerrero
This match will no doubt happen. They started to build it up at Unforgiven and last weeks SD! so, I think this week they will announce this match for No Mercy. If this happens, the match will probably end in some kind of draw.
Match ends in a draw

6-Man Tag Team Match
Simply Priceless (Rhodes, DiBiase, & Manu) vs Cryme Tyme (Shad & JTG) & Kofi Kingston
This match could be what the WWE has been looking for in having two factions team up. They could have this good all the way to Survivor Series and have an 8-Man Tag Match with Randy Orton added to Simply Priceless and CM Punk added on to the Cryme Tyem & Kofi team. If this happens then, I see Cryme Tyme and Kofi picking up the victory.
Winner: Cryme Tyme & Kofi Kingston

Grudge Match
Kane vs Rey Mysterio
I'm pretty sure that everyone knows this match is going to happen. They have been building this rivalry for quite a while now and this is the time to have a good match between the two. I see Mysterio picking uo the victory here to keep this rivalry "burning" if you catch my drift.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

U.S. Championship
Shelton Benjamin (C) vs MVP vs THE Brian Kendrick
I think the WWE will put these three in a match after what happened at Unforgiven. Shelton hasn't really defended the title very much since winning it so, I think they should finally book him into a title defense and MVP and THE Brian Kendrick are the perfect guys to put him in a match with. This match would probably end with Shelton retaining to strengthen him as a champion.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Women's Championship
Beth Pheonix (C) vs Candice Michelle
This will be a normal dumb divas match. Beth will get the win in like 5 minutes.
Winner: Beth Pheonix

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