General Discussion About Suicide


No End in Sight
So I was on the TNA/IW site, and I saw Suicide on the roster page and, to be honest, I thought they had canned the character. I checked Wikipedia, and saw that he was jobbing on Xplosion. This shocked me. I know he is a video game character and probably not meant for anything other than to get people interested in the game (which sucked BTW), but was X-Division Champion at one point!
So, my questions are:

1. Do you think Suicide should be put back on iMPACT! instead of Xplosion?
2. If given the chance, do you think he could be TNA WHC or in the ME scene?

IMO, I think he should be back on the main show, purely for the fact the he's good in the ring (and why wouldn't he? he's Chris Daniels.) and he, when he was on the mic, could cut a decent promo. And after awhile in the mid-card, I think he could main event and if he is over, then why not give him the title? test the waters abit, and if it fails, he could be one of the top X Division guys.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


1. He's named after the act of taking one's own life. Even to a non-PG rated program this is just not appropriate.

2. He's based off a FAILED video game. Why continue to bring attention to the fact the game was a hot mess by refusing to bury the only remnants of it left? The game failed, which by default means so too did Suicide, regardless of ring talent (depending on who's beneath the mask).

3. What exactly is it that says "main event" to you about a fledgling X Division character who's only real claim to fame is rappelling to the ring via zip line?

The character is trash, bro. Trash.

Just let it die already.
No. His character is completely inappropriate. (No, not the first or last inappropriate character in wrestling, btw.)

That's LMFAO for a guy whos pseudonym is V Russo!! :lmao:

You actually spoke something that's sensible..

BTW, both him and It's Damn Real are correct in pronouncing that we don't need a guy like him on the roster!! The name itself bugs me off.. And even though he had good in-ring skills (daniels, what else you could expect), his character is utter froot (Anyone else Jericho's second book, its fab)... :worship:
I don't see why everyone's so upset that he's named "Suicide." TNA had Homicide, named after taking someone else's life and he was portrayed more or less as a thug.

I think he should be brought back. It's always nice to have lightweight wrestlers with masks. He could be like Doink and be a dark, evil cruiserweight to scare the kids. Have him come back with Shark Boy and feud...a good vs bad thing. But who would play him? Kazarian and Daniels are both on the main roster so it'd have to be someone new.
But who would play him? Kazarian and Daniels are both on the main roster so it'd have to be someone new.

Daniels is playing him now, but if he did come back to the main roster, and Daniels didn't want to work twice a night, the I suppose they would have to. Maybe bring back Kiyoshi to play him again?
Well first off i dont really had a problem with him because of his name.Its like rokuma said they had homicide plus they also had rellik and all that is is killer spelled backwards.Anyway back tot he subject.If we was to come back to the main roster the only thing i would like him to do is be in the x division.No matter who was playing him i just dont see it as a world champion but the x division champion would be fine with me
Ah damn!

I thought this was going to be a fun discussion ABOUT the act of suicide, but it's only the wrestler.

Dont really care for him too much.

I do think he should be on iMPACT! though because I'm sick of people being with TNA and NOT being on iMPACT! how the fuck do you not get on iMPACT! and stay in TNA happy?

Where the hell is So Cal Val? I dont understand why she cant be put on iMPACT! and doesnt do TV on Thursdays

Of course I want everyone on iMPACT!

Main Event scene, I guess whats stopping him, the main event scene doesnt impress me. Unless it's Kurt, Sting, Anderson, or RVD I dont care. I just cant care about the younger talent because no one has characters that really stand out as larger than life stars

AJ is talented, but he has no personality

Beer Money I cant get behind

I really only like the Rejects as they're called

suicide maybe needs to take a hint from his name and commit himself on his career if he's not on iMPACT!
Ah damn!

I thought this was going to be a fun discussion ABOUT the act of suicide, but it's only the wrestler.

Hahaha! That's what I thought too. I didn't even realize he was still on the roster. By no means should he be in the main event scene. I guess he could come back to the X division.
So I was on the TNA/IW site, and I saw Suicide on the roster page and, to be honest, I thought they had canned the character. I checked Wikipedia, and saw that he was jobbing on Xplosion. This shocked me. I know he is a video game character and probably not meant for anything other than to get people interested in the game (which sucked BTW), but was X-Division Champion at one point!
So, my questions are:

1. Do you think Suicide should be put back on iMPACT! instead of Xplosion?
2. If given the chance, do you think he could be TNA WHC or in the ME scene?

IMO, I think he should be back on the main show, purely for the fact the he's good in the ring (and why wouldn't he? he's Chris Daniels.) and he, when he was on the mic, could cut a decent promo. And after awhile in the mid-card, I think he could main event and if he is over, then why not give him the title? test the waters abit, and if it fails, he could be one of the top X Division guys.

(It's da Booker Man talkin' to ya) Whoa Whoa hold on dere, yo tag is Straight Edge but yo pic is Jeff Hardy. What Da Hell!

Back to topic.

No, Hell no, F no. What does anyone see in the most overrated gimmick in wrestling history I will never know. Before you can dream of Suicide getting a title first you have to get a full time Suicide.

And the X division has been dead since 1/4/10 the powers that be made sure of that. All that talent wasted.
1. Do you think Suicide should be put back on iMPACT! instead of Xplosion?
2. If given the chance, do you think he could be TNA WHC or in the ME scene?

Yes on both counts. He has a unique good look that people like. He could be a poor man's Sin Cara for TNA if given the right push. Considering some of the guys who have been in the "Main Event scene" for TNA this past year (Bully Ray? Matt Morgan?) I think Suicide would be an upgrade. Maybe when Jeff Hardy OD's TNA will bring back Suicide and act like it might be Hardy under the mask.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


Take you Ritalin, bro.
Yes on both counts. He has a unique good look that people like. He could be a poor man's Sin Cara for TNA if given the right push.

...what? A poor man's Sin Cara? THAT'S who should be brought on to Impact? Why? They already tried that with a character who Amazing Red played and it ended poorly, no reason to repeat a mistake with a character like Suicide who was invented to sell a game 2 years ago or so. Plus IDR already mentioned the negativity surrounding his name, so just no.
Considering some of the guys who have been in the "Main Event scene" for TNA this past year (Bully Ray? Matt Morgan?) I think Suicide would be an upgrade. Maybe when Jeff Hardy OD's TNA will bring back Suicide and act like it might be Hardy under the mask.

Bully Ray has been doing his best work for quite some time, perhaps even ever. He cut a lot of weight (over 300 pounds if you include Devon), showed he can cut great promos, wrestle very good matches and get over as a ME heel. Granted, Morgan has had a stop-start year, but he is a big guy who moves well around the ring and is still improving. Suicide was an excuse for guys not doing much (Daniels, Kiyoshi and Kazarian) to keep ring rust at bay.
I don't see why everyone's so upset that he's named "Suicide." TNA had Homicide, named after taking someone else's life...

Man, so glad somebody had the sense to draw this comparison. You can't stand on a soapbox about "Suicide" when just about every other sin is a regular part of the product. If Abyss can mutilate backstage workers, Winter acts like she's drinking blood, or Bischoff and Traci can allude to having had sex then what's the difference?

If the guy's gimmick actually involved the act of suicide, such as cuts down his arms or a rope around his neck, then that'd be one thing. But the name is just another way of saying "Daredevil" or "Death-Defying" in the context of this character.
I don't see Suicide ever winning the world title bt I really enjoyed the character. TNA should bring him back and keep him as a permanent part of the X Division. Multiple guys have played the character such as Daniels and Kaz, so why not more? TNA have something unique with this character and the video game background. Sure the game sucked and he has no hope of ever winning the world title, but I would want to see Suicide return permanently to the X Division because he is a cool character unique to TNA that multiple guys could play as long as they all share similar styles. If one gets injured, someome else can be Suicide. The character could then be used at every show and add some attention to a division that needs it. He doesn't have to win, he can just be there for spots if anything, and his awesome entrance.

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