Gasoline to the Puppies?!?!?

Crimson Bonez

Been a peep since 2004
I go outside to feed my two puppies (Brea and Sasha is their names )and as i open the door, i smell Gasoline real bad. And Sasha is loose runing around, and Brea runs up to me and i smell gas on her, and then on Sasha. I immediately clean them off and i just happen to walk past Brea's water bowl...AND THERES GAS IN THERE! My cousin (who had told me about them being sold, he bought a pup too) had told me to give them alot of milk and keep an eye on them. I dont have papers for them yet, i just got them 2 months ago, and was told id be $100 for each of them, so taking to the vet is out of the question.

Now, i have bad tendacy of snapping at work, and a history of anger out burst and anger problems. I was kicked out my moms house 4 days after i grad high school because of my ange. And i havent snaped in a long time, about 3 months. Now when i found that out, i was mad but more concerned about my dogs, but they seem to be doing alright now, so my anger is slowly rising agin on who did it.

I have a suspect of 3 guys that walk up and down the street and they would constantly ask about them when i had them out side. "Are you selling them" "Come'on man, how much," and so on and so forth. I told them when they get older that me and dad are breeding them with our other dog, and I'd get "Man you dont need two dogs for that, let me get 1." Ihavent seen them in 2 days and they seemed real bent on getting them. They couldnt take them b/c everybody here knows we got them and what they look like. So what better way than to say "If i cant have them nobody can," and tyr and poisin them.

So my thing is do i go down to there house, and asks, Go there and just snap, go there and just start swinging, or just let it go? Im pretty sure this thread belongs in here, but i could be wrong.
I know someone who's had two of their cats shot. One got a pellet or some shit in their face, but lived with it for years before the vet noticed it. The other was barely older than a kitten and got shot, and was hurt really bad. Some people just like to hurt animals, I guess.
People who do shit like that to animals are bastards. If you do find out who it is, you should make them swallow gasoline, then drop in a fucking match.
I live out in the country. The land I live on is family land. The house next door to me is the house i use to live in (and next to that is woods)but moved out, nobodys lived there since. The house across the street, is another family member land and all that lives there is my great grand Aunt (and next the her is woods). A house up the street is my Uncle i think or something related to me, those are my immediate neighbors. Everyone here knows each other because theyve lived here for so long and have had generations of family here. Atleast 15 min walking distance, i know who everybody is, except for 2 of the 3 guys that i just saw walking. 1 of the guys worked with for maybe 2 weeks and we had an altercation about my sister there. He didnt know it was me until he saw me with my Wendy's hat on. But now that i think about it, since everybody does know everybody i could ask around, and see if anybody saw them down my round road, or walking slow past my house.

But im an animal lover, i get mad when i see or hear about animal cruelty. I can't even watch those shows like Animal Presinct because how the animals are treated. But the "beat their ass hardcore style" and the gasoline idea are sounding oh-so good right now.

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