Games you DEMAND a sequel for.

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Okay the idea of this thread is simple. Name a game that has been released that you enjoyed a lot but that game never saw a sequel to continue the story or to continue the use of either a great concept or a great location. Explain any changes you would like to make to the sequel if you could. I'll go first (obviously :lmao:)


Now THAT is one under-rated game. Out of all my friends, I was the only person who bought this masterpiece and loved every second of it. What a truly fantastic gaming experience this was. The location was so well realised and designed and it made going to school the most interesting thing I've ever done in a sandbox game. Jimmy Hopkins was a captivating main character and the story was really well done. This remains my favourite title ever created by Rockstar.

And I'm amazed that, nearly 5 years since the original was released, there hasn't been a sequel. I'm DYING for one. L.A Noire has got this new motion tracking device which creates the most insane facial animations I've ever seen, now add that gaming engine and motion tracking, you've already made one gigantic lead forward on the original. Secondly, have the same boarding school idea but have a new location to explore. Perhaps go back 50 years to a British boarding school, that would be one unique location for a sandbox game. Especially if the developers were too include nearby towns into the mix.
Also include the same combat system from GTAIV and Red Dead Dedemption but obviously tone down the violence to make the game realistic to the setting. I don't remember any British boarding schools having violent stabbings during the 50's.

One thing Bully didn't really have was enough out of class activites to take part in whilst in the school grounds. Sure, the classes were fun enough and some were actually quite challenging, but there was no option to play American Football or Basketball or whatever for the school itself. How about letting your character play Football of Rugby for the school, or even have options were you can play Chess or do Drama or whatever, all of which helps increase your stats with the group that activity is associated with.
There's only 3 franchises I would demand a sequel from: Shenmue 3, Shadow Man 3, and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 3. These games are from some of my most favorite franchises of all time and what's ridiculous is, is that NOT ONE of these moved on to become a trilogy. If none of you knows about any of these franchises, check them out. Shenmue, Shadow Man, and Soul Reaver are very atmospheric games.
My pick is Heavy Rain

Why? Well first off, it could have easily won Game of the Year if it wasn't for Red Dead Redemption being so awesome.

Secondly, it was really innovative. Literally every move you made effected something. I've played it about 6 times and I've never played it all the way through exactly the same.

Imagine a new killer, focusing on a new guy. With an Ethan Mars cameo.
My pick is Heavy Rain

Why? Well first off, it could have easily won Game of the Year if it wasn't for Red Dead Redemption being so awesome.

Secondly, it was really innovative. Literally every move you made effected something. I've played it about 6 times and I've never played it all the way through exactly the same.

Imagine a new killer, focusing on a new guy. With an Ethan Mars cameo.

While I love Heavy Rain to death, and would gladly play a sequel, I don't think it needs a sequel. All the characters' stories came to a satisfying conclusion, regardless of how you played through it. The endings would be fantastic and I think it would do them injustice to have a sequel. Without trying to give away too many spoilers for those who have yet to play it, the killer had no potential successor, so it wouldn't make much sense. It was as perfect as it could be, and I say let that particular game be.

But, I want a sequel for the spiritual predecessor of Heavy Rain, Fahrenheit (known as Indigo Prophecy in USA). Regardless of what ending you got, the story was left wide open for a sequel. Carla was pregnant with the next Indigo Child, and Lucas implies the war between the Mayans, the AI and the humans was still going on. If there was a sequel made to this game, it could be incredible, especially story-wise.
They did it with GTA Vice city and as few times with GTA 3, So I'm going to say GTA San Andreas. It was by far the best one of the lot, (Even better then the fourth one imo) I would love to see them bring out a second one, that goes with todays consoles, the first one was extremely popular so I don't see how a second one could be anything but beneficial to Rockstar and the fans.
I would say that there are only two games series that I demand a sequel for and both of the series have already announced their latest offering, so I am a pretty happy person at this point. However, for the purposes of discussion, I guess it would make sense for me to go ahead and explain what I would change about one of them and such. We can't have a mod not follow the rules, can we?

Gears Of War

Since Gears of War was first released, I have been a mega-fan. I remember rushing home from high school to slap on my Live headset and play Gears Of War for the full night until around 3AM before going to bed and doing the exact same thing the next day. It was the first multi-player experience that really captivated my imagination and I would play it from dusk to dawn, not caring that I had been doing the same thing for the last 12 hours.

The second game was a marked improvement on the first one and the only place where it failed to deliver was in the multi-player mode. However, that is not down to the game itself. Rather, I was becoming more and more disenchanted playing multi-player games and having annoying trolls clog up the cyberspace. So, I was annoyed at that. The game was not at fault though, rather it was the people who trolled and cheated that put me off of the series. The campaign was incredible though and is still the best campaign I have ever played through. There was so many twists and turns that you were always kept on the edge of your seat.

The upcoming sequel should only be a couple of months from my door but Epic decided to postpone the game's release so that it would beef up the line up later in the year, which I can possibly understand. The only thing that I ask for from this game is that it continues to be the best damn campaign in gaming and gives me the same feeling of exhilaration when I play it. I'd also hope for more on Marcus' back story instead of Dom. That was fine for the second one but if this is to be last game, then I want the full story. Another hope of mine is that they manage to work out the kinks of the multi-player mode and allow for less cheating.

It really isn't a lot to ask from a development team that has thrilled me for the better part of 6 years. If they can do what I ask of them, then I will be quite content with the way the series has panned out and it will likely go down in history as one of the best series in Microsoft's and Epic's history.
There is only one game I want and need a sequel for and it’s Legends of WrestleMania!! This time however, I would like to see the venues from all 26 WMs. I want to see all the different Title Belts from Hogan’s WWE Title Belt that he wore at WM I all the way to Cena’s WWE Title Belt at WM XXVI and all the other Belts in-between, IC / US, European / Hardcore, Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight, Tag Teams, Women’s / Divas, etc and all their respective designs. I’d like to see all the Wrestlers who wrestled at every WM (and remove the ones who never set foot on the Grandest Stage of the All) along with all their different attire. I’d like to see them change the Create-A-Team section to a Create-A-Stable and make it 5 members instead of just 2. I’m sure there are more things I’d like to add and subtract, but I can’t think of anymore right now.
I Would have to go with Cronker's Bad fur day.It seems this game was ahead of its time and its in well need of a sequel or remake.but NOT ON WII!!!!!! I want to see this game on Ps3 or as much I hate it the Xbox 360.The story ending on the N64 when cronker drunkly walks down the street.I'd love to see where he ended up. :)

Demon's Crest! This series was a spin-off of the extremely awesome Ghost N Goblins series (known as Makaimura in Japan). The spin-off started on Game Boy with Gargoyle's Quest, then Gargoyle's Quest II on NES, then finally this masterpiece on the SNES. While the game did not sell well do to marketing, this game was AMAZING. Not too many games I've played warrant themselves a perfect score but I know this game surely does.
Chrono Trigger - Yes, I know there was a sequel 'Chrono Cross', but it was one of the worst pieces of crap I've ever played. I haven't touched this game in a decade, so I'm going completely off of memory. Far too many playable characters where I felt no connection to any of them and it was so much different than the original game, it felt completely different. I'd kill for a real sequel to Chrono Trigger.
One game that I really want to see having a sequel is Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. The Sands of Time trilogy of games are probably my favorite series of games. I thought that the series was done after Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones got released in 2005 and in 2008 a new Prince of Persia game called Relevations was released which had no connection with the Sands of Time storyline but I was pleasanly surprised when POP: The Forgotten Sands got released.

If you have never played the Sands of Time trilogy I would recommend you to give it a try. The combat system was really cool and the puzzles were rather intriguing. The storyline was very good as well.

Also I hated Prince of Persia: Relevations that got released in 2008. The storyline was too complex but what I really hated was the way in which the combat system was changed. In the Sands of Time trilogy you could battle a number of enemies at a time and kill them by using really cool acrobatic moves. In Relevations the combat system got a radical overhaul and while the acrobatics remained somewhat, you could only have one on one battles now. Also the graphics were rather cartoonish when you compare them to the graphics of the Sands of Time trilogy.

Now it looks that after the arrival of POP: The Forgotten Sands the series is done for good but I would sincerely hope that that is not the case.
I agree with the OP: I'd love to see a sequel for Bully.

That being said, I seem to be the sole WZ member here who LOVES survival horror and horror-themed shooters. I'm quite displeased with the fact that the Fatal Frame/Project Zero franchise didn't continue into this generation of consoles (yes, I'm aware that there's a Fatal Frame 4 for Wii, but it was only released in Japan and I'm not a hardcore gamer so I don't plan on importing a Japanese Wii and somehow getting a patch to translate the game for me). If there's any survival horror game that deserved to be just as big as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, it was this one.

I would also like to see sequels to Siren/Forbidden Siren in the US but it seems as if the first one never got enough attention here to warrant Siren 2/Forbidden Siren 2 getting a release here. Oh, well, I guess I'll just wait until PCs are able to properly emulate PS2 games.
I agree with del rio....Bully was amazing and it definitly needs a sequel but I'd like to see a manhunt 3. The story was good for the 1st one but then parents got all freaky and almost banned the second one so a 3rd prob wont happen but other than tht i say a bully 2. maybe a new guy or jimmy in college lol
I've said this before, but my answer to any "gaming sequel" threads remains the same. LEGEND OF DRAGOON! I'll add a little more to my answer this time though.

Legend of Dragoon, as I've stated before in numerous other threads, set itself up PERFECTLY for a sequel/prequel. The sequel would take place before the first one (thus making it a prequel in the plot, but still a sequel as far as release dates are concerned) and it would star a cast that you were introduced to during cut-scenes and optional quests of the first. The setting would be an ancient war that you heard about countless times in the original. The reason we probably never saw a second game in the series was likely due to the battle system. That was a problem many had with the original.

The only thing I would change about the gameplay if I were making the sequel would be to revamp the battle system, as that was the only major issue with the first game. Traditional turn-based combat is not really used as much anymore. I would make it more action-based, similar to Dragon Age. Anything else would remain the same, you could still turn into Dragoons and use similar items or abilities to those of the first game.

Had it not been for the backlash the battle system received in the first game, I definitely think we could have had the opportunity to enjoy a second game in this series. The story was epic enough to warrant a second game, and if they had not been so concerned with potentially low sales, I bet they would have made another game. I suppose we will never know.
The same game I put in the underrated game thread...

Comix Zone

Hopefully they would keep it 2D and not mess with it's comic book page look..or at least keep the background 2D. I don't actually mind if they never release a sequal because I could play the original over and over 'til I'm blue in the face but it would be interesting to see what they would do with it. There wasn't much wrong with the original so as far as gameplay goes I wouldn't change much.. maybe include more save points and take out the fact you lost health just from hitting objects.

Dear God this game was some kind of awesome. It had everything you look for in games: Likeable characters(Lazarus paved the way for Nathan Drake),good graphics, great atmosphere, great enemies and even little bits of humour mixed in. Every level stood out and the gameplay was very fun especially the use of the grenade to capture the ghosts(And the subsequential torture you may later bestow upon them through the steam room. While the action and horror aspects predominate throughout, some sections of the game - such as the "Redneck" aspects - are more comedic, while others - such as the later prison plotline - are dramatic and sometimes even rather tragic. Certain sections, such as Mrs. de Montford's mansion, contain highly surreal elements. Ghosthunter is also a relatively rare example of a game including the cinematic convention of the false ending

Why Sony didn't make a sequel to this epiome of awesomeness is beyond me as there actually quite a few plot holes in the game that were never explained. For example at one point Hawksmoor(The protagonist ghost) is seen in a completely dark area talking to a bunch of random voices telling him what to do. Is this ever explained? No. Though the game ends in typical fashion with Lazarus saving the day and all ghosts going there could still be a sequel with more ghosts. Either way Sony really missed the boat with a sequel for this game.
I haven't heard anyone say Fable yet! Lemme hear it...

As much as almost everyone pisses and moans about Peter Molyneau and his "unfulfilled promises," everyone forgets that every video game ever made sacrifices huge content to the chopping block because of time constraints or because, simply put, adding it would make the game stink.

As far as Fable 1, 2 and 3, I might be the only human alive that enjoyed all three.

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