Games Magazines

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Do you read any?

Personally, I get both GamesTM and Official Xbox 360 magazine. Recently, I've come to realise that OXM is complete and utter garbage. When there's a slow flow of news OXM produces an 8 page special on what they like to eat when gaming. What's next - what they like to wear when gaming? How they like to sit?

GamesTM, on the other hand, I would recommend to any gamer. I have recently subscribed to what is a fantastic magazine. Not only does it do everything every other magazine does - reviews, previews, etc. - it does them fantastically well and without bias, giving the harsh criticisms on stuff they even like. In addition to this, it reports on actual industry news as well as publishing massively long articles on things like whether gaming is a new artistic medium through which you can tell story or something that'll be developed into casual stuff like Wii Fit. Or both. Some people say it's biased against the PS3. That's bullshit, it just states the facts. It's even projected that this may well be the PS3's year, thus proving all that to be bullshit.

So yea, I'm going to stop getting the crap that is OXM and have subscribed to GamesTM.

What do you read?
I read 2 magazines-Gamemaster(Irregular) And NGamer(Regular)

Gamemaster is brillant covering every gaming consle and brillant one line zingers!The letters page is brill as well and the reviews aren,t bad.Lately I haven,t picked on up cause Its not really appealing to me no more(I only play Wii and DS but it only covers it a little.)

NGamer is just the best.They have either a DVD or Tip book EVERY issue and have kickass reviews and the funniest writers.I recommend if you own a Nintendo console to please pick it up.
The only game magazine I get is GameInformer. It started here in Minnesota and was eventually bought by GameStop which now sells it at their retail locations. If you are a GameStop member (a membership you pay for and get discounts later; I got mine for free) you get a "free" subscription. I have been getting mine for a few years and I really enjoy it. My favorite part is that every issue in the front has a part about all of the contributors, so you can get to know their personal tastes. That way you can factor in those tastes when they give their reviews. For example they gave Assassin's Creed a 9 but the reviewer was one who favored longer games. Seeing as I don't play very often I knew Assassin's Creed was the best possible game for me to buy. If I had just gone by the scores I would have gotten Mass Effect which the same reviewer gave a 9.75 because it take 70 hours to beat, I'd never see the end of that game.

I highly recommend everyone check out GameInformer.
GamesTM is superb, though a little too serious for my liking.

I subscribe to GamesMaster as i have loved that for years. My gaming life started with GM when i got my N64 back in the day.

I got the former incarnations of NGamer when it was N64 and the cube version. It has actually got better over time.

I wish i could say the same about the PS2 version, all the quality got sucked out of that at Xmas. Probably due to PS3 also.
Only games magazine I read is OPS2 (Official Playstation 2 Magazine). Been getting it every month now for 4 years, shame it costs so much (£5.99) and the new layout looks abit crappy. But hey, I'm still reading it.

It has alot of things to read and there is quite alot where readers can get involved and interact with the magazine (letters, competitions, reader reviews etc), and in my opinion the little jokes made during previews and reviews really make them worth reading.

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