GAB: C.M. Punk vs. Batista


SmackDown! is MY Show
World Heavyweight Championship Match
C.M. Punk (c) vs Batista​

Well in less that two weeks at the Great American Bash will CM Punk reign as champ come to an end? I think so. We all know Punk is a transitional champion and I think this be a perfect time to put the strap on Batista. With Kane going insane and turning heel I can see a Kane vs Batista Match for the gold at Summerslam. Now on to the match itself it will be a disaster waiting to happen as Punk and Batista do not look they will have any chemistry in the ring. I be surprised to see Punk retain, but he could retain prolly by interfering from someone like JBL maybe. But I just see this as the best time to put the strap on Batista as he dont have anything really going on RAW or storyline wise and he is way more over than Punk anyways. Again, this match be a disaster due to the different style but I see Batista winning, but I be kinda shock to see Punk retain.
I have to agree. I see Punk dropping the title here to Batista. I had originally thought that Batista would be turning heel, but since Kane had his little "breakdown", Batista may very well have to face Kane at SummerSlam for the gold. I still hope this doesn't do anything to my hopes of seeing Orton and Batista reforming Evolution. The other thing is that Dave might have a long title reign, since I think WWE may go Batista vs. Cena at WM25 for the WHC. I'll be rooting for a Punk retention, but I have a feeling Big Dave will walk away a 4 Time World Champion.
I can't see Kane/Batista at Summerslam being a draw...but also, isn't Batista supposed to be turning heel soon and teaming with Orton? I really hope that they don't switch it up and have Batista stay face and Kane turn heel, as I'm bored to tears with Batista. He might be tolerable as a I'd like to see Punk retain here and that piss Batista off.

What's frustrating is that I'm not really a fan of Punk, Batista, JBL, Cena, Mysterio, or Kane (as he's nowhere near as cool/good as he used to be). So even though I see some potential in some storylines, I just don't care one way or the other with most of the main event stars on Raw right now. HBK and Jericho are the only saving grace, unless the Undertaker comes over. So even though I don't think Punk is ready for a world title, and I don't think he's nearly as talented as many people claim, I feel at least its a change of pace, and because of that, I sure as hell would rather see him retain than just to have another boring Batista reign.
This is going to be one of the worst match's in history at the GAB. After watching Batista destroy people like MVP, Morrison etc. it is going to be wierd watching somebody like CM punk who is the same size and wrestling ability as them put up a decent match, against batista. but any ME'er will make Cm Punk look like a push over on raw. Most of the ME'ers are huge compared to CM Punk. I can see one of three things happening here. either Batista will win in a squash match, There will be a rd smaller person added to it, Rey or somebody so Cm Punk can pin him. or Somebody will run in and cause a dq or assist punk for the win. no matter how much i cant stand Batista i really hope he wins at the GAB.
I'm gonna be one in few here, but if WWE wants people to take them serious, i believe that they should put CM Punk over here, either that or we will see Batista vs Kane, JBL, which we have seen many times b4, and wont be exciting, or good, we will see him vs Cena, Orton, which could be good, but then again, i dont want to see either of those three in the main event scene, because it feels so damn stale, so put i can see CM Punk winning here, and facing John Cena at Summerslam
Firstly, I never watch smackdown, so as far as my perception goes Batista's only been around for 2 weeks...and im already bored with him. I just dont get it. He's like Cena, but without the charisma. He's just such a boring wrestler to me; I dont understand how he can be any kind of draw.

Second of all, I am also a HUGE CM Punk mark. I have been since he was in ROH, so of course
I'm rooting for him to retain. I think WWE should build him like a Chris Jericho or Shawn Micheals or to a lesser extent Rey Misterio, you know the little guy who can hang with the big men. Speaking of Shawn Micheals, Chris Jericho, and Rey Misterio, i think they would all be great candidates to feud with Punk. They can all (with the possible exception of Rey) have engaging promo wars, a skill Punk has, but hasnt really shown off in WWE yet. They can also all have a good 'small man' style match with Punk, because as the above posters have said, Punk vs Batista is a styles clash.

Also if they bring up Colt Cabana and Ace steel to Raw, and reform the Second City Saints, Punk could have a gang war with the newly named CTC, which i can only assume means 'Cryme Tyme & Cena (JBL is Poopy)'
It'll be interesting to see how this match goes considering the different styles of these men. I was hoping Batista would turn heel too since his Face character is getting really stale. It doesn't look like that's going to happen with Kane's apparent heel turn.

I think CM Punk is going to lose the title here as it's quite obvious that he's just a transitional champion. The fact that he had a title defense against Snitsky showed me that WWE has no intention of making him a long term champion. With Summer Slam around the corner, WWE needs a big name superstar to be in one of the main events and CM Punk just isn't on Batista's level yet in terms of drawing ability.
As much of a Punk fan as I cam, I can't see him retaining here. He's really just a transitional champion until they can get it back on Batista or Cena. The only chance I could see would be him holding onto it somehow at the Bash and then losing it the next night or in a multi-man match at Summerslam. There's no way he gets out of there as champion though, unless the ratings are absolutely through the roof for the next two raws. Batista isn't my first choice, but he's a proven main event contender, and it's been a decent while since he was the champion, so as much as I hate to admit it, I see the Animal leaving with the gold.
Geesh what is this like the 17th time Batista has had a title shot? In my opinion I want to see Punk win but if Batista would be the animal again then he might steal the gold at GBA. All I know this is gonna be a hell of a boring match.
I do understand the clash of styles that this match up may bring. And though I'm a punk mark, I do see the reality of punk dropping the title to batista. But from a drawing stand point, i don't think WWE has anything to lose here if they let punk retain while at the same time show how his style can defend well against the fighting styles of the likes of a batista. To think that the GAB is actually known to be one of the stinker pay per views that the WWE has had, wouldn't an upset like punk retaining against batista be good for the WWE and the seeming curse of this PPV? From a marketing standpoint it may be a risk. But if the risk pays off, it may just actually make a big difference for the WWE. Oh well, it's just an opinion though...does anyone know who punk wrestled besides kane during their tour of panama and el salvador?
This will be awful. Batista currently seems to have people on his side again. Probably because Undertaker & Edge had decent matches with him a year ago. That's the only reason I can think of. He's still terrible in my eyes. Punks title reign was never going to be greatr anyway. But there's a sure fire way to make it worse. Have him with a more popular, immobile, face opponent. Terrible idea by WWE. They should have put him in a tag match this month, and waited for Jericho to finish his feud with HBK. Y2J made Cena look impressive in the summer of 2005, I'm sure he could do it again.
Come on guys we all been moaning its the same old main eventers.Lets go c.m punk win and just wait for a y2j to save us.i have got a feeling batista will win but wwe been keeping up the shock vale for few weeks so i would like to see a quick pin and dont make batisa look weak or maybe a dq.

But in the future i wanna see chris jericho title run
i can see a punk win her, maybe with the debut of colt cabana to continue the building of factions within wwe...colt comes in, helps punk to the win, punk retains and can build a decent title reign and batista can move onto a feud with the newly turned kane who attacks batista for costing him his title shot...
if colt doesnt debut then i can see kanes attack happening here
i dont get why everyone thinks batista will win and once again wwe will follow the formula everyones predicting. are these the same people that predicted the whole NOC card and Taker defeating edge in TLC? my opinion, cm punk will fight a very competitive match and will somehow come out on top. wwe is building punk with the strap on and this match might be the match to put him over. i think batista will eventually win it and face cena at wrestlemania, but he wont win it this quick...maybe at summerslam. either way, im interested as hell for this match since it will be a clash of styles, it could actually turn out very entertaining. picture this: near the end of the match...orton comes in through the crowd and RKO's batista. he then goes for the RKO on punk but punk pushes him off and connects with a high kick to the head. he then looks at batista on the ground and pins him, acting sort of like the face version of the ultimate opportunist.

also do u really think kane will be immediately fighting for the title? he seems to be embroiled in a storyline that will keep him sidetracked for the time being, perhaps they are planning a fued with the undertaker. im not sure, but every time kane is going through one of these deep storylines its never to make a title contender...its to make him fight people like shane mcmahon and the undertaker.
maybe they should have kane run in that match and anhilate batista or do some type of a hardcore move that kayfabe injures batista so kane can step into the picture and probably have a hardcore type of match with cm punk (to make odds better for cm punk)
at summerslam that main event will at least be fresh no cena no batista no triple h no ortan
If CM Punk lost it would kill his credibility as a main-eventer I think a big win over Batista would be just what he needs to solidify himself in the ME. He might be a transitional champion but why Batista? If they wanted Batista to have the belt they should have had him go over at NOC and let CM Punk work his way up over the year before cashing in. CM Punk goes over Batista at GAB, JBL or Kane at Summerslam and loses to Cena at Survivor Series
I can't believe I'm about to say this, and I personally dispise each one of you Punk Bastards for making me say it.. however.. C.M. Punk will retain.

As much as "I" personally want anyone to defeat Punk for the Championship right now and just get it the hell off of the guy, the fact is it wouldn't make sense to allow him to suddenly drop it now, without a major storyline behind it that won't turn his Championship run into the fluke "I" personally see it to be.

If everyone wants Punk to succeed in being a Champion that'll be remembered for more than just a transition, then he needs to win this match. Sadly, I have no idea how they'll let Punk win this match without hurting Batista in a major way. The only thing I could see happening here is a Disqualification that gives Batista the win, but lets Punk retain. Or Punk could get knocked out, along with the official and Kane could come out and destroy Batista, allowing Punk to pick up the victory without knowing what happned.

Off Topic/Related: Finally, I really believe this is building to one of two matches for Summerslam. And in saying this, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing either.

World Title: Kane v. C.M. Punk: If Kane is becoming this dominate monster I believe he is, and if they somehow sign James Mitchell to manage Kane.. he could become a very great favorite to become the new heel Champion for Raw, and be very good at it. Punk dropping the title to Kane in that fashion wouldn't hurt him.

World Title: Batista v. John Cena: You want ratings, match-up the two people that have been rumored at fighting since both became huge at the same time.

Having Batista win the Championship from Punk now would kill Punk's Main Event run almost instantly. I'm willing to let that happen. :lmao: However if it does, I'm almost demanding that this become the Summerslam Main Event.. because it has Big Time Pay Per View written all over it, and would be such a great Main Event for the amount of shear lack-luster ones they've recently had. Especially for one of the top two p.p.v.'s, and to promote the release of the Summerslam Anthology.

Back On-Topic: Honestly, I just don't see Punk losing even if thats what I want more than anything. It'd make no sense to completely waste him away in that manner, and having him drop the Championship this soon, this suddenly would completely kill anything hes ever become, or ever will become. He'll be seen for what I definately believe he is.. a loser that doesn't deserve his spot.

So that, if for nothing else, is exactly why it'd be the worst thing to happen. Because while "I" want it to.. it wouldn't benefit the company to do so. Not without a very great explanation to cause no damage toward it, anyways.
ok whoever says cm punk is gunna loose is crazy? cmon would they make him win the title with the money in the bank just too loose it like 3 weeks later...the point of the money in the bank winner is to cash it in and have a long reign with the title it would be so pointless just to waste the money in the bank on cm punk and too make him loose it 3 weeks later that would be stupid so i expect cm punk to win somehow or someway but this match will be intresting at best
I just don't see how you guys are coming to the conclusion of Batista winning the belt at the Great American Bash. What is this all based off of? Seriously. You can no longer apply the principal root of "well, he's over and this is what WWE wants". Okay, given the past 2 weeks -- obviously not.

1) CM Punk, transitional champion or not. Is over. The overrun of the June 30th RAW did what, a 4.2 rating? I assure you that's not because people were tuning it to see JBL, or waiting for Law and Order to come on. Was it for the unpredictability of another champion 'biting it' again that night? Maybe. Yet every segment in which Punk was involved, was highly touted.

2) This week's RAW ratings will more-than-likely tell the tale: If the Ratings stay the same as last week or even increase. Chances are very good that Punk goes from being a "transitional champion" to somebody they consider keeping the belt on for a lengthy period of time. Why were ratings tanking to begin with? Probably because people were tired of Randy Orton, JBL, John Cena, Triple H, and the like constantly being in the spotlight. If I'm not mistaken, the Jeff Hardy - Randy Orton fued brought in some pretty good ratings. I think the same will happen with Punk.

3) The fatal fourway match on RAW last night set everybody in their general direction: JBL and Cena, once again -- in a "what time did the pizza delivery guy say he'd be here?" match. Batista taking on Punk (good god, please let Punk summon the capability to carry Dave) and Kane, well... he went completely apeshit and will probably take everybody out systematically. I just can't see these fueds ending in 2-4 weeks time -- again, not building up long term fueds may have been one of the big reasons as to why the ratings found themselves in the shatter. I don't think CM Punk vs Dave Batista as a program goes on longer than GAB -- I just also don't think this becomes a revolving door of opponents and champions

4) You made your bed, now lay in it: Whether it was in the name of transition or not, WWE has to accept that they made CM Punk the tippy top dog. That might not translate to a damn thing in the back (where he's probably still hated) but in the "world" of WWE -- CM Punk is the World Champion. Needless to say this was a bit of a risk, but now they have no choice but to run with it, or sacrifice the career of the Punker. To make him a "transitional champion" and have him look incredibly weak after cashing in MITB would be career manslaughter. How would you ever take him, or the World Title seriously after that? With that said -- WWE almost has to give Punk a little bit of a title run, to establish himself as not only a legitimate Champion, but a legitimate future contender...

example: Jeff Hardy once defeated Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship on Smackdown via interference from Matt. The storyline worked, but HHH decimated Hardy a few weeks later. For a while Jeff Hardy was never taken seriously, and it took nearly 7 years for him to become "legitimate" despite that.

example: Shelton Benjamin's IC Title reign. I rest my case.

Granted, both examples were with the IC Title -- which means Punk being World Champion is magnified much higher. This is exactly why they cannot afford to just have Batista, or Cena, or Kane lay waste to him, in the name of ending a transitional period.

With all that said: I think Punk's title run will go on longer than most speculate. I'd personally like to see him hold onto the belt until Randy Orton comes back, setting up a program between the two of them. As it has been said in other posts -- CM Punk needs the belt right now, unlike Cena, HBK, Y2J, Batista or Mysterio -- CM Punk isn't "above" the belt. Not yet. I think a title run to Survivor Series, and then a long term program with Randy Orton would remedy that situation, however.
Just because I love debating. :lmao:

ok whoever says cm punk is gunna loose is crazy? cmon would they make him win the title with the money in the bank just too loose it like 3 weeks later...

Edge lost 3 weeks after he cashed in his first Money in the Bank case. He lost to the same guy he won it from as well. John Cena.

So it wouldn't be impossible for this to happen, but the difference is Edge wasn't going into being Heavyweight Champion at that time without people believing he could be. Punk is holding a Championship that many believe he shouldn't hold, because he hasn't done anything to prove he deserves it.

(prove he deserves it, meaning: Who has he beat? What has he accomplished to show he can?)

the point of the money in the bank winner is to cash it in and have a long reign with the title

Actually, the point of the Money in the Bank case is to show that you can win a Championship in fluke fashion off of an opportunistic decision. Punk already proved that better than anyone, but Edge still proved it first. lol

it would be so pointless just to waste the money in the bank on cm punk and too make him loose it 3 weeks later that would be stupid

If you didn't want to take my statement about Edge doing it, then how about Rob Van Dam? Because Van Dam won the Championship, only to drop it roughly a month, if not sooner, to Edge.

So neither Edge, nor R.V.D. had very successful first runs with the Money in the Bank case. So once again, it wouldn't be impossible to think he couldn't lose the title.. especially basing it off saying the only reason is because MITB is "designed" to make long title reigns happen, as thats bogus.

so i expect cm punk to win somehow or someway but this match will be intresting at best

How exactly would you see it as being interesting? Its going to be worse than Khali v. Mysterio. This match will level out under some of the all-time worst match-ups in history. Batista is too heavy for Punk to lift. And Punk is too shitty, for Batista to carry through a meaningful/entertaining match.

Its match-ups like this, that make Mark Henry actually look like a decent World Champion. :lmao: I'm just loving the fact that its shit like this people also seemed so die-hard to wanna see, and I can't wait for it to happen, so I can see the amount of criticism the match will take afterward for being so awkward.
Im a huge CM Punk fan and this is my first post. I have followed the guy since his Indy days, and Im glad to see him a Champion on the number one brand.

Last night on that ring I saw way to many baby faces. My prediction is CM Punk retains at the Bash and turns heel. You see if there is ever a chance for Colt Cabana to get called up it is now. I could see Cabana causing some type of interference and helping Punk win. The next night on Raw the whole StraightEdge means Im better then You gimmick debuts on Raw. With CM Punk, JBL, Kane and Jericho as your top heels. Then you have Batista, Cena, Mysterio and Michaels as you Baby faces. This will balance things out and help CM Punk shine big time. Rumors have been for a while the CM Punk might turn heel and lead a stable. Now is the time turn to make it happen, you guys have no idea how good heel Punk plays. You guys will be hating him in no time.
My main thoughts on this match actually echo a lot of what BigOneWill already said, it just looks like he beat me to the punch. Although I am more of a Punk fan than him (don't love the guy, but he is a solid in-ring worker).

Similarly, I can't see either punk or batista losing this match cleanly without them losing a lot of credibility. Which means that there will probably be some outside interference that allows one of them to pick up a win, and based on RAW last night, that person is likely to be kane. Also thinking ahead to summerslam, I would be willing to bet just about anything that the title match for RAW will be cena vs. current champion.

Taken together, I would predict the following:

1. Batista vs. Punk, Kane interferes.
2. Winner (or retainer) of the batista/punk match vs. Cena at summerslam.
3. Loser of the batista/punk match vs. Kane at summerslam.

As far as who will be the title holder by summerslam, that is more difficult to predict. Batista vs. Cena would probably be a bigger draw, and I don't believe those 2 have feuded before. Also the WWE likes putting batista in the main event at PPVs.

On the other hand, punk and cena haven't feuded yet either. Also I think that a punk vs. cena match would easily be more entertaining and interesting to watch than cena vs. batista. And WWE also likes putting big guys together, so a batista vs. kane match is something that would be right up that alley.

So I think at this point it is hard to predict who will win the punk vs. batista match, but I think it's pretty much a given that it will end up being a disappointing ending due to interference from kane.
1) CM Punk, transitional champion or not. Is over. The overrun of the June 30th RAW did what, a 4.2 rating? I assure you that's not because people were tuning it to see JBL, or waiting for Law and Order to come on. Was it for the unpredictability of another champion 'biting it' again that night? Maybe. Yet every segment in which Punk was involved, was highly touted.

2) This week's RAW ratings will more-than-likely tell the tale: If the Ratings stay the same as last week or even increase. Chances are very good that Punk goes from being a "transitional champion" to somebody they consider keeping the belt on for a lengthy period of time.

Are you fucking kidding me? I was waiting for the first Punk Bastard to try and claim this week's ratings were all because of Punk. Please, enlighten me on why exactly the ratings, good, bad or indifferent, for this week's show.. would be because of a guy who had 10 minutes of fucking airtime?!

He fought Snitsky. And was in a ring filled with Cena, Batista, J.B.L., Kane, and Vickie Guerrero. If anything, he was lucky to have a role against Snitsky. But I most definately assure you.. if the ratings go up more, or stay the same.. its because of the Main Event and the chaos on Raw.

But it is not, IS FUCKING NOT because of some Punk Bastard named Indy Punk, who barely delivered a squash match correctly, against a guy that hasn't been seen regularly for over half a year.

Why were ratings tanking to begin with? Probably because people were tired of Randy Orton, JBL, John Cena, Triple H, and the like constantly being in the spotlight. If I'm not mistaken, the Jeff Hardy - Randy Orton fued brought in some pretty good ratings. I think the same will happen with Punk.

I'm really growing tired of this theory. So people are tired of guys like Triple H., (not on Raw) Randy Orton, (injured) J.B.L., (still in the Main Event) and John Cena (also still in the Main Event) being in the spotlight. Thats why Punk became Champion??

So if thats correct.. then lets breakdown all the things wrong with that picture.

A.) That proves instantly Punk is only a Champion, not because of talent, but instead because of lack of other options. Congrats. You proved what I figured all along.

B.) Cena is the highest rated Star in the W.W.E., even though I don't like the guy.. he still makes them the most amount of money, and people continue to buy his shit.. so clearly, they WANT him in the Main Event. And obviously, hes staying there.

C.) I admire your hatred for H.H.H., but I fail to understand how he had anything to do with Indy Punk's success or failure since they're on two different brands, and H.H.H. is STILL a Heavyweight Champion where he is.

3) The fatal fourway match on RAW last night set everybody in their general direction: JBL and Cena, once again -- in a "what time did the pizza delivery guy say he'd be here?" match. Batista taking on Punk (good god, please let Punk summon the capability to carry Dave) and Kane, well... he went completely apeshit and will probably take everybody out systematically. I just can't see these fueds ending in 2-4 weeks time -- again, not building up long term fueds may have been one of the big reasons as to why the ratings found themselves in the shatter. I don't think CM Punk vs Dave Batista as a program goes on longer than GAB -- I just also don't think this becomes a revolving door of opponents and champions

This proves you're just not capable of thinking properly. If I have to believe Punk is responsible for carrying a match, then the match will downright suck beyond anything known to man.

J.B.L. v. Cena will get more hype and attention than Punk being World Champion. I promise you.

Kane being a monster, will get more attention and airtime than Punk being a World Champion. I promise you.

Batista continuing to be around in the Main Event longer than Punk is. I promise you.

4) You made your bed, now lay in it: Whether it was in the name of transition or not, WWE has to accept that they made CM Punk the tippy top dog. That might not translate to a damn thing in the back (where he's probably still hated) but in the "world" of WWE -- CM Punk is the World Champion. Needless to say this was a bit of a risk, but now they have no choice but to run with it, or sacrifice the career of the Punker. To make him a "transitional champion" and have him look incredibly weak after cashing in MITB would be career manslaughter.

I know, believe me I know. Wouldn't it be great? :icon_smile:

How would you ever take him, or the World Title seriously after that? With that said -- WWE almost has to give Punk a little bit of a title run, to establish himself as not only a legitimate Champion, but a legitimate future contender...

How am I suppose to take a World Heavyweight Championship seriously now, when its being held by a guy that just last night was billed at 222lbs. Do you realize the Big Show has taken shits that weighed more than Punk billed in at last night?

The idea is for a World Heavyweight Championship (please notice what word I continue to point out) is for the title to be seen as the top Championship, held only by those capable of holding it. Punk is proving single handedly why flukes are possible. He won a title, not by defeating anyone properly.. but by pinning a guy that was already laid out. "I" could've done that. So from now on.. call me your Champion. Seriously.

example: Jeff Hardy once defeated Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship on Smackdown via interference from Matt. The storyline worked, but HHH decimated Hardy a few weeks later. For a while Jeff Hardy was never taken seriously, and it took nearly 7 years for him to become "legitimate" despite that.

Jeff Hardy wasn't taken seriously for a long time because he was a Tag Team wrestler. Not because he got squashed a couple days later in a rematch. If anything, that victory and squash made him responsible for being as famous as he is today.

example: Shelton Benjamin's IC Title reign. I rest my case.

Don't rest your case too much. You might need to explain how Benjamin's midcard reign has anything to do with Punk being a worthy Champion, or being a fluke?

Benjamin held that title for over half a year, I'd say that was pretty impressive. And the only reason Benjamin never got a Heavyweight push, was because he didn't have all the skills needed to get one. (mic skills are a must, something Benjamin still doesn't have)
TheONEBIGWIll that is a lot of hostility towards CM Punk. The guy is a legend in the indies and has climbed up the ladder of success in the WWE . He has come up a very long way, I think you should stop insulting him after all he beat Edge at his own game and I think that is what bothers you the most.

I know you love Edge as a heel, but if the WWE chooses to turn Punk Heel you will soon see he can be just as good a your boy Edge or maybe even better.
TheONEBIGWIll that is a lot of hostility towards CM Punk. The guy is a legend in the indies

Then maybe INDY PUNK should return to the fucking INDIES! Because this isn't the minor leagues. Holy crap, how many more people am I gonna have to explain this to?!

and has climbed up the ladder of success in the WWE.

Unless it was a step-ladder, Punk hasn't even reached the second rung.

The guy won Money in the Bank, on a fluke because Jeff Hardy was suspended and they needed a replacement. The guy won the E.C.W. Championship, on a fluke because John Morrison was suspended.

The guy became World Heavyweight Champion because they needed a reason to get a Championship back over to Raw. Why don't you explain to me what hes done, thats made him so successful? Outside of being very opportunistic on flukes.

He has come up a very long way, I think you should stop insulting him after all he beat Edge at his own game and I think that is what bothers you the most.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVED the fact that someone defeated Edge at his own game. But for a face to do it, since its a heel tactic, makes absolutely no sense and is simply ******ed.

Furthermore, Punk didn't come a long way. Why do people keep saying that, where did he come from? He was a jobber a week or so before winning. If by long way you mean hes no longer jobbing, then thats only half correct. Because he defeated J.B.L. due to a fluke (shockingly :rolleyes:) then he defeated Snitsky (a jobber) regularly.

Until Indy Punk defeats someone without it being mirrored in controversy, he won't get any respect from me as being a worthy Champion.

And to think I originally came into this thread to defend the guy and claim that he shouldn't lose the title, if they had any hope of building him. Thats the last time I try to defend you little Punk Bastards and your hero.

I know you love Edge as a heel, but if the WWE chooses to turn Punk Heel you will soon see he can be just as good a your boy Edge or maybe even better.

Once again, the only fallback you people have is that because I'm an Edge fan, thats why I dispise Punk. Oh noes.. I guess you got me. No way could it have anything to do with the fact that I don't see an ounce of talent within Punk that makes him worthy enough to be anything more than a midcard Champion.

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