Funnniest/Most memorable reactions you ever had!


Getting Noticed By Management
(Not sure if this should be in this category, so please move it if needed.)

So, since I read some fun topic earlier, here is another one. Post your funniest/most memorable/whatever reaction you or any of your friends ever had watching WWE programming. It can be anything.

What comes to mind is I was watching Elimination Chamber 3 months ago, at around 4am, with headphones on and my girlfriend sleeping and Bryan got hit with the RKO. Everyone thought that it would be over right there, but Bryan kicked out and we all thought that it was Bryan's moment. Bryan hits his finisher, gets screwed and Orton eventually picks up the win. I shouted "son of a bitch, come on". It felt so real and my girlfriend instantly popped up and she was like "what is going on?" I'm like "uhmmm what do I say now?". The awkward moment when you mark out for pro wrestling.....
I can still remember watching No Mercy 2000 with five friends. Three of us (inc. me) were total Angle marks and three were hugely against him/pro-The Rock. When Angle got the title there was this simultaneous "YES!" and "NO!", either one of which would have been loud enough to wake the neighbours (it was approx 4am), followed by one of the Rock marks stomping out angrily to drive home and get ready for work.

I also remember yelling "TAP YOU FUCK, TAP!" at WMXXX this year, so little has changed.
Going back a ways, but the one moment that stands out to me was the "McMahon in the Hospital" bit, when Austin was dressed as the doctor and attacked him. The bed pan to the head, the defibrillator, the "enema", me and 2 of my friends were IN STITCHES. Haven't laughed that hard during a wrestling program since.

More recently, my biggest mark out moment was Lesnar's return the night after WM in 2012. We all knew he had re-signed, but to actually hear that music again and see him on WWE TV again was great. And him kicking Cena's stupid green hat after the F-5 was the cherry on top to the segment.
I haven't really had that many "Mark out" moments at wrestling, but I can remember The Rock beating HHH for the WWF Title in around 2000 (no idea which show or match it was), and me and my brother jumping up cheering and high-fiving each other.

Seeing Raven finally win the NWA World Heavyweight Title in the King of the Mountain match in TNA was a great moment for me, I'd been a fan of his for a long while and had been hoping to see him "fulfil his destiny" in TNA of becoming Champion.

However, being in a packed sports bar in Manchester for WrestleMania 30 and going crazy when The Rock and Austin came out, the stunned silence after Lesnar pinned Undertaker and the massive crazy reaction from everyone in the place when Daniel Bryan finally won the belt is easily the most fun I have had watching a wrestling show. The beers were flying through the air, hundreds of people doing the "YES! YES!" chant, and with me dressed as Bret Hart, my friend as Roddy Piper and others dressed as La Parka, The Shield, Cesaro and more it was a crazy atmosphere!
The oldest funny moment for me is Kurt Angle getting into a diva's locker room with high expectations while she was taking a shower, but ultimately ended up getting beaten up by Big Show I think (that was probably a SmackDown from 2002-03)
A recent funny moment would be CM Punk getting mad at an obese fan for booing him! I still remember most of the lines, the most memorable being- "stand up and be a man, or sit down like a bitch and shut your mouth!"
Other funny moments would be the ones featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin; whether its beating up Vince McMahon back during their feud, or grabbing his tie and asking him "Do I have your attention now?" or shaving his head during McMahon's feud with Donald Trump, or soaking Santino and Maria completely in beer- Stone Cold delivered some of the best moments in WWE history.
One of my biggest markout moments was when Mankind made his debut after Mania 12. Undertaker was about to put Bradshaw away after a Tombstone, and Mankind just pearl harbored him. I forgot that my parents were in the house and blurted out as my jaw dropped "YOU CAN'T DO THAT" and some obscenities as Mick dropped the elbow and then applied the Claw. I look back on it now and laugh, but that was a time when I was totally serious about it.
I remember my first ever wrestling experience. It was January 1st, 2004. I was an 8 year old kid flipping channels and for some reason I stopped on UPN. Then boom! Out pops Rey Mysterio! He beat Tajiri for the Cruiserweight title. I also remember Cena dissing Heyman, who put him and a partner of his choice against the F.B.I, with the winners getting spots in the rumble. Cena went out and didn't have a partner, and then Chris Benoit came out. Now, looking back I realize that it was like the equivalent of something like Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler vs. 3MB and that the FBI didn't stand a chance. But as an 8 year old who had never seen wrestling before, I completely bought into it. I'll always remember fondly how much simpler of a time it was. It's still real to me dammit!
The recent moment atWM 30 involving a Mr. Lesner comes to mind. I was sitting with some friends and my brother watching the match. It got kinda dull for me after a while and i wasnt really paying attention. I was on the couch on my phone, not looking at the TV. I figured there would be the final tombstone sooner or later. Suddenly my brother yells out "Oh my God Lesner won!" and i look up and sure enough theres Paul Heyman on screen shouting brock You did it! i recall just saying to myself,"Jesus we just saw history". My buds and i had to have another 6 pack to wash away the spectacle.
Three moments come to mind for me:

1) Cyber Sunday 2006: DX were talking about their match they had against Rated RKO and Triple H saying that Bischoff said DX doesn't know the meaning of controversy. Shawn was flipping out and then he runs into a guy and goes "What's your name?" "Stan." "Stan.." WHAP!! "See?! I JUST KICKED STAN!!" And then he goes down the hall ranting and kicking everyone he sees, still makes me laugh.

2) Orton and Cena backstage at Backlash 2007 when Orton was trying to get Cena to team up with him in the 4-way and Cena turns everything Orton says around on him to make it sound like Orton's gay. Then Cena walks away and Orton says "The only pose you're gonna be doing tonight is lying on your back in the ring with me on top!" Then Ron Simmons comes up behind Orton and then.... "DAMN!"

3) Undertaker in the ring with Ric Flair and the fans keep saying "What?" and then 'Taker goes "Tell you what, why don't you say What if you sleep with your sister?" Then the fans start to say "What" but then they go "OOOOOHHHH"

Anyway there are a lot more moments but those are the top 3 that I remember.
Oh something else I just remember, it was back in WM22, Cena vs HHH. One friend was a Cena fan, I didn't care much back then, so my friends was like "look at that cheater HHH. Disqualify him for god's sake! He is a freaking cheater!" and he was screaming in from of the screen. This reaction has been going around my friends, everytime we watch some big match and someone cheats, we are like "wow the cheater, son of a bitch!".
Funniest moment I can remember the whole night of SummerSlam 91,the aftermath of the NYC jailhouse match,The Mountie had to spend a night in a NYC jailhouse...
But 2 moments stand out:
1. Fingerprinting,The cops are trying to get his prints,
"You want my finger..Here's my finger!!!" First bird flipped on a WWF/E PPV that I can remember.
2. Buddy in the cell,A drunk comes up to mountie in the cell.
You wanna fight my buddy?..there's my buddy...A big,burly looking biker guy comes right up to mountie and says(in a feminine voice) Don't you just love the way leather feels against your body?
Piper had best follow-up ever!!
"I think the Mountie has found a new friend"

But as of recent....
The time DX lampooned Nation of Domination..the guy doing Owen had me in tears!!
And more recent...HBK dancing around as Shane...I still can't look at Shane without laughing!!

Someone please find these on youtube of you could!!
My most recent memorable wrestling reactions would probably

-My mouth being wide open for about 5 minutes due to the broken streak

-WeeLC Match. For a proposed rib, this was epic on it's own scale.

- Dolph Ziggler cashing in his briefcase, every hair shot up on my body and I just yelled in excitement.(waking the kids in the process,lol)

Had to be Undertaker Vs Shawn at Wrestlemaina 25 their first match at maina, when it got into the later stages of the match and shawn was hitting the kicks and everything, thought that was it, group of friends was going crazy, best match iv ever seen!
There was an old episode of RAW a while back that I honestly can't place as there's apparently no record of it on the internet. I was watching with my Dad who, bless his soul, is pretty deep into Christianity.

It was during the budding Goldust vs Razor Ramon feud and to put it mildly Goldust made my Dad pretty uncomfortable with letting his 14 year old son watch that kind of programming. Goldust had just finished his match and was motioning for the camera man to leer in closer with a kind of "come hither" motion. Goldust unzips the top part of his leotard and seductively gestures toward a "Razor" decal on his right bosom.

Me and My Dad turn heads and look at each other with "What in the fuck did I just see!?" looks on our faces. I cracked up immediately and was laughing for weeks over the incident, my Dad would occasionally quip "Yeah, I don't like that one guy in gold".
The day after Wrestlemania 17, I was discussing the PPV with another student at school. He had stayed up to watch it but I didn't. I had asked him about who won between Rock and Austin, I wasn't suprised when he told me it was Austin, but when he told me about how he won, I just stared at him in pure shock. I didn't believe him at first and I thought he was just ribbing me, but later I went and checked for myself on Austin turning heel was my Hogan Bash At The Beach 1996 moment as I wasn't watching wrestling in 96. I was shocked to my very core and I was is in complete disbelief. It just felt fuckin' crazy for me at the time.

I came over to a friend's house one time to return a tape I had borrowed from him, he had Smackdown on, so I sat down to watch the rest of the episode with him. It was the go home show for Fully Loaded 2000, the main event was Rock & Jericho vs. Triple H & Benoit in a tag team match, and we both started going nuts when Jericho put Triple H in the Walls Of Jericho and Rock put Benoit in the Crippler Crossface to end the show. It was a mad ending to Smackdown and it made us look forward to Fully Loaded so much.

Around 3.50am, I woke up and snuck down the stairs to catch the last 10 minutes of the 6-Man Hell in a Cell from Armageddon 2000. I couldn't stay up late to watch the PPV live as I had school the next day, had to record it. As soon as I switched on the TV to Channel 4, my jaws dropped because the first thing I saw was Rikishi getting chokeslammed off the top of the Cell onto the back of a truck.

At school, during break, I went online on and when I saw on their main page that Eddie Guerrero had passed away, I shouted "Eddie's dead" out loud in shock, and everybody just started looking at me like I was insane. Very awkward moment for me especially as they had no clue what I was talking about, lol.

Like everybody else, I sat on my couch stunned in silence for about 5 minutes when Brock ended The Undertaker's streak. I hadn't been shocked like that in years.

I marked out a little for Carlito's debut on Smackdown. I really enjoyed his vignettes and the mark in me came out a bit when he interrupted Cena.
My first memorable moment is the Hell in the Cell match between Mankind and the Undertaker. Back then I didn't watch ECW or any other hardcore matches other than WWF. So seeing Mick Foley fall from the cage, onto the tables below was like WTH!! Then he got back up, went through the cage, and fell to the ring. Mick Foley is awesome!

Another moment is when Hulk Hogan used a big diesel truck to ram into an ambulance, which had the Rock in it. I remember my heart dropped as I felt the Rock was truly dead. I was like "NO!!! HOGAN HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ROCKY!" Also, I had to go to bed after that and I was so upset about the Rock being attacked.

The death of Own Hart was a very sad moment. I remember watching Over the Edge live and they cut to the audience during after Owen's accident. So you never knew what happened. J.R. kept repeating that this was unscripted which I didn't understand at that time. When they mentioned to the viewers at home that Owen died as a result I was upset. Owen was a great performer and character. I liked watching him entertain the crowd.
The obvious ones that spring to mind are the biggest moments of WMXXX. For me, watching 'Taker vs Lesnar, I expected 'Taker to go over without a doubt. I was one of those who thought Lesnar does not deserve to end it, though it should end. When the ref's hand came down a third time to end the match, I thought it was a mistake. The audience fell silent, bell ringing slightly delayed (iirc), no music/announcement of winner, Heyman looking genuinely surprised, and me sitting in front of the TV with my jaw dropping. It was devastating. I took to Twitter quickly to see if anyone else thought it was a mistake. I said to my dad, "I can't believe it's over... It's done...." Then DB winning the title. I knew from the moment HHH screwed DB that he would get that title eventually. After feuding with the Wyatt's, I thought that chance was gone (good job WWE). So when I saw him win the title I did my own YES! chant in my living room with no shame. It was nearly the same reaction I gave to Benoit when he won his first world heavyweight title. I was so happy he did because I knew he worked hard for it.
I always enjoyed when SSCA would beat the living crap out of Eric Bischoff. I laughed so hard when they had their match at No Way Out and Austin would prevent the ref from counting to three to do more damage. Always enjoyed some SSCA. Goldust also comes to mind when talking about funny memorable moments.
During the Royal Rumble where Rick Rude and the Ultimate Warrior had a muscle pose down. Rude attacked Warrior and left him down in the ring. A bunch of referees and road agents came in to help Warrior up. Warrior just went nuts and started beating everybody up. Anybody that tried to run, Warrior caught them and threw them out of the ring. Oh man the scene was so hilarious! We had taped the show and we must of re watched that part 20 times. We laughed so hard every time! I still crack up today just thinking about it.
When The Ultimate Warrior beat Hogan at Mania 6 I was about 11, and I screamed noooooo and took a swing at my cousin who was an Ultimate Warrior fan. I did this in front of his parents and mine, and they were completely shocked at my behavior. Probably the biggest most emotional reaction I ever had to wrestling.

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