Funniest Nirvana cover ever

Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness


That is just too funny. At 1:12 you will burst out laughing! Tell me that isn't funny as hell. If there is a worse cover of this song I haven't heard.
its a plan to take over the world, by making us stupid folk, curious enough to watch it, therefore deafening the fuck out of us, Rendering us useless. like puppies.
I disagree my good man. Although its a very good nirvana cover, I think this one is better. Watch as I use the youtubing skills you taught me!


Oh yeah!/no!.
I watched 20 seconds and couldn't watch anymore. I'll have to take your word for it about 1:12 being funny.
The poor guitarist doesn't even have a distortion pedal so the singer is trying to rock out to a clean version of Smells Like Teen Spirit...
Good god that was terrible. I hate those people and everyone like them. Pretty much anyone who wears those baggy "goth" cargo pants should eat a sandwich full of hot lead.
C'mon guys, they did alright, I mean they are young and for their age they did....

No point in making any argument, they are just fuckin' horrible. I'd have gotten up and walked out, as my ears would have began to bleed. Belting out the chorus, thats just stupid. There is no rhythm or harmony in her voice, the guitar sucks, the drums are awful as well.

I hope they were told never to perform again.
...Why the fuck are you stealing Harthan's gimmick UP? You're not nearly intelligent enough or cool enough to rock the Strummer theme. Strummer is rolling over in his grave.
...Why the fuck are you stealing Harthan's gimmick UP? You're not nearly intelligent enough or cool enough to rock the Strummer theme. Strummer is rolling over in his grave.

It's not really stealing, didn't know two people couldn't have similiar interests.
It's rather coincidental that the second Harthan asks for a Strummer avatar (and has one made specifically for him) all of a sudden you're this big Strummerholic?

It's just common courtesy man.
I wasn't even aware he asked for it, honestly. I was just scrolling through the new av's trying to find a good one, and came across that.

It's a damn wrestling forum, common courtesy? Is he going to cry and have a hissy fit because someone else has the same avatar and overall theme as him? Get over it, seriously, it's no big deal.
It's not a big deal, you're right. People are going to think you're a douche though. Considering the state of your rep right now though, I guess that isn't news.
Yeah, but I don't care what the perception of me is. People are going to hate regardless of what I do, so why not embrace it and just say fuck it, right?
[QUOTE="THE" U.P.;1236521]Yeah, but I don't care what the perception of me is. People are going to hate regardless of what I do, so why not embrace it and just say fuck it, right?[/QUOTE]

Okay dude. We understand. You don't give a shit. I gotcha. You can stop trying so hard.

Edit: And that Nirvana cover was shit. I listened to 10 seconds of it, before the shitty guitar ruined for me. Oh, and that singer is in those pants while trying to channel Nirvana? Really?
Ellis is a better poster though. Which says quite a bit about UP's post quality.

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