Funniest Moments in WWE


The Machinist
We all know that the WWE is notorious for its Comedy right? It is unbelievable at producing the funniest moments on television and the writers of the comedy are really top notch. Right? Ill stop. In my opinion, a lot of the comedy that is shown on WWE, whether it be Raw or Smackdown is really...not that funny.

However there are the times where the WWE has really made me laugh. Whether it be the E&C skits, the older DX promos, The Rock and recently certain Santino moments such as this one:
"misrespect", "lili bita fun", "shutupa ur face" and "John chena"...which john cena really cracks up.

What I would like to know is what do you think is the funniest moment in your opinion? Not necessarily the funniest but a moment that really did make you laugh out loud. If you can find a youtube link that would be awesome because I think we all do appreciate a real dose of laughter.
I remember a long time ago on raw or smackdown there was a match between william regal and big show. WHen the ref wasnt looking william regal used the brass knucks and big show fell backwards, bounced off the ropes, and then fell on william regal and hewas pinned because william regal could get big show off of him :lmao: i was a little kid and i thought it was halarious.

thats just oen of many comedic moments of the WWE
I also remember that match ending between Regal and Big Show i remember laughing to it a lot :lmao: But one of the funniest that i remember was Eddie stealing Ric Flairs Royal Rumble entry number and wallet.

that is hilarious, one of the rocks greatest promos in my opinion and that is saying something. THEY DIDNT KEEP YOU AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR ROODY-POO FRIENDS IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, no, the rock says they kept you at the bottom of the barrell BECAUSE YOU ABSOLUTELY SUCK!! awesome. i challenge anyone to find a funnier rock promo than that.
Well when it comes to comedy in the WWE i have to go with Santino's stuff. its just fuuny. Like the stuff he did when freddy prince jr was the guest host, or when y2j came back and santino cut a promo with him, or after he lost the ic title to william regal and did his little rap...
My Name is Santino,
and i'm from Europe,
I like my pancakes,
with maple syrup.

I lost my title to William Regal,
his knee to my head,
should have been illegal,
now I'm healthy and it is vital,
I wan't back my IC Title....

Wicky..Whoop..Whoop YES!!!!!!
william regal your not even in a restraunt but you just got served, haha that was so funny

SCSA provided the viewers with many a funny moment in wrestling, as has the Rock, Jericho, DX, etc... But I still crack up everytime I watch the Steph/Stone Cold clip. She about loses it, and he is all the way in it. Each "WHAT" is blowing her hair back. And The King's commentary is hilarious also. Might not be the funniest ever, but the first one that came to my mind when I read the thread. And there you have it.
revising for an exam, this thread made me smile so much, the promo with the Rock has to go down as one of the best, with Trips looking more and more angry in the ring and the Rock playing the crowd in the palm of his hand, as for SCSA, the 'WHAT?!' chants rule.. sometimes the big 'E' bombs with its comedy segments, this new PG era doesn't seem to have personalities who can do so well in these segments with Cena's "the champ is here" and Jericho's arrogance, but i'm hoping (as others are) that the Miz steps up to the plate to deliver promos which have the same impact... here's to waiting
how has nobody mentioned the DX parody of the Nation of Domination? that was one of the funniest things i've ever seen in or out of wrestling.

of course some great Rock promos:
Rocky singing about beating Test in a match in New Orleans to the sort of tune of "12 Days of Christmas". dunno why but that one always made me laugh.
Rocky making out a Christmas gift list to the Radicalz; Benoit - wolverine testicles, Malenko - 6 inches, Saturn - uncrooked eyes, Eddie - donkey and sombrero. just funny stuff all the way around.
Rocky impersonating the other 5 members of the Hell in a Cell match at Armageddon. his best was Kurt Angle.
Rocky making fun of Triple H, Angle, Regal and the McMahon family. just pick one. pretty classic stuff.

and of course, the most hilarious (though not meant to be) has got to be the debut of the Shockmaster.
In my opinion, some of the funniest moments came from:

the bantering of the heel'ish Rock and the Hurricane going at it...

Any number of the Golddust Booker T promo's..

The story line of The Big Show (I think) tries to get Spike Dudley a girlfriend..

Stone Cold Steve Austin beating Vince in a hospital bed in the head with a bed pan was great..

And one of the best is when Rowdy Roddy Piper (with Sean O'Hare) introduced, berated, beat down and pulled off Zach Gowan's prostetic leg. The look on both Piper and O'Hare's faces was pricesless and hilarious!

I know its not part of the thread but I think some of the skits TNA is doing with Hogan and Black Machismo Jay Lethal are worth watching.
and of course, the most hilarious (though not meant to be) has got to be the debut of the Shockmaster.

Yet that was in WCW, not WWE.

As for the funniest moments, I always will rank a moment by The Rock (Austin or Jericho) as my top favourite moments because he simply could say whatever he wants and gets away with it. But if I had to name three of them right now, the first that springs to mind is.....


Couldn't find the whole scene on youtube, but this is just purely one of THEEEE best moments, the contributions from Rock, Vince, JR and Rikishi make this a classic moment.


This segment shows that Jericho can actually hang with the big boys, much like his debut with The Rock. These two basically could go toe to toe and it would never get dull, if you want to find the best on the mic, look no further than these two.

Which leads me to this...

Just simply can't get any better than this! Unfortunately I can't find the full version with the THOMAS JEFFERSON SUCKAH! See below for it (Moment #1)
Enjoying the replies so far. We are all unanimous in agreeing that The Rock was awesome at making fun of whoever he was around, whether it be announcers, reporters, hell even the microphone guy as Phoenix reminded us all about.

Here's another one. The birth of the "You Suck!" chants with Edge and Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle sold it so well it was hilarious.
I couldn't find a clip, but one of my favorites was a backstage segment with The Rock and Michael Cole.

The Rock was being interviewed by Cole and was being especially nice and friendly to him. He then asked Cole to do the Charleston (dance). He let Cole dance for a few seconds, and just watched with an uncomfortable glare. Rock then began to absolutely berate, humiliate, and mock Cole before pushing him off camera.

I just remember laughing uncontrollably until I had tears in my eyes...Classic.

Just had to edit this because I just tried looking it up and I believe it was The Coach, not Michael Cole. Sorry!
GreAt thread lol.. My favorite has to be when the Rock was makin fun of Saturn.. He said suthin like " Saturn the next time the Rock sees u in the ring he hopes that one of ur eyes is lookin that way(points).. Cuz the rock's hand is gonna come this way and smack that crooked eye straight!" lololol
Ok Ok... I could think of quite a few classic funny moments in WWE history but one that sticks in my mind actually occured recently enough for people to remember if they watched it.

Shaquille O' Neal's confrontation with Big Show and Chris Jericho had me in stitches. Especially Jericho's involvement in the whole segment. Whether you like him or not Jericho is comedy gold, his mannerisms, facial expressions, one-liners or whatnot, he is funny.

I remember the verbal exchange at the beginning and Shaq calling him "Christina" and kissed Jericho on the forehead... the look on his face alone sold the segment but it got funnier to me Jericho tried to stand up to Shaq but Shaq would just pet his head.

Big Show was pretty funny too (which he always seems to be, when he wants).

But the part to me that stood out was when Show and Shaq were arguing over a confrontation and Show said out fear of NBA retaliation he didn't want to fight Shaq, but Jericho slowly meandered his way in between the two giants and smugly told Shaq "Yeah, and I'm not gonna fight you either"... standing up to Shaq like the weak kid who puffed chest out because he got the big school bully protecting his butt behind him.

It's something that definitely doesn't stand out in the pantheon of WWE history... but it was funny as hell in the moment and it obviously stuck out to me.

Take a look... (don't know how to post video, so here is the link)
Trips and Shawn imitating Vince and Shane was hilarious. Basically, most of the funny moments were from DX.

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