FunKay's Look at Villains

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
Welcome to what I hope will be the start of a new series here in the potluck forum. Essentially the idea is that with each week I'll take a look at a villain (or villainous group) from TV, film, video games, comics, manga etc... and see just how evil they are. To start things out I've decided to go with the head of the arch villains of the Pokémon series; Team Rocket's Giovanni.

Giovanni of Team Rocket

In the video games, the TV show and the manga, Team Rocket has one goal; to use Pokémon to take over the world. And on top of the Team Rocket ladder is their leader and leader of the Viridian City Gym; Giovanni. Giovanni's back-story varies depending on which series you’re using as a reference, but for the most part he's shrouded in mystery. Something’s that all the versions agree with though is that Giovanni is ruthless and he's powerful. His reach can be felt across the Pokémon universe, in particular in the Kanto region, where the Generation 1 games take place and the first series of the TV show takes place.

Giovanni's most infamous deed could well be his creation and enslaving of the exceptionally powerful Mewtwo, who features in all versions as a pet project of Giovanni (though in the manga it's more to do with Blaine than Giovanni). Giovanni attempts to tamper with God's creations, the mark of a true dastardly genius.

So just how evil is Giovanni? Well let's take a look at the facts:

Evil Traits:
- Leader of an Evil Organisation
- Aims for World Domination
- Cold, calculating and ruthless
- Kidnaps and enslaves Pokémon
- Plays God (Creating Mewtwo)

Those are some pretty nasty things. BUT, there also some things that hold Giovanni back from his aims. He's smart enough to know when to quit, he's held back by his faith in idiotic underlings and he's dominated by his emotions when it comes to family (manga only). So on my 'Diabolical Scale' (which makes it's debut here) where does Giovanni rank?


So what are your thoughts, where would you say Giovanni and Team Rocket on a whole rank? Was I too harsh with my grade? Too lenient? Share your thoughts here. Also, which evil doer would you like to see me talk about next. Post your requests in here.
First off, AWESOME thread concept, FunKay. This should provide for many a good read.

As for Giovanni, I might even bump him down to a 6. I only know him through his video game appearances, but he turns out to be kind of a softy after you beat him in the 8th gym. It turns out that, as ruthless as he is, he still has a very sensitive side, and while this is great character building, it definitely takes away from his dastardliness. He even disbands Team Rocket when he's gone instead of simply promoting one of his lackeys to his position. Then again, his lackeys are worthless grunts, so he didn't exactly have the cream of the crop to choose from, but still. After seeing Ash/Red/Whatever you named your character defeat him because of raising his pokemon with love and care, he decides his dream was all for naught and he disappears forever. Once again, good story telling, but it definitely hurt Giovanni on the evil scale.
Great thread, FunKay.

I agree with a lot that JGlass has to say. It may just be because of how things work in the Pokemon universe, but once you defeat Giovanni's Pokemon, that's it, he surrenders. I know that Pokemon is all about care and kindness, but if he were truly evil I'd imagine he'd want to have one last shot and go crazy rather than just let all of his hard work and plans fall to smithereens.

Also, in all iterations, he cares for something, whether it be family, sometimes his henchmen, or his Pokemon. A really evil villain wouldn't care, and he wouldn't surrender so quickly.

His motives may be evil, as well as his means, but I think the man himself is only a SIX out of TEN.
Giovanni is just the CEO of Team Rocket. He is their leader. He sits comfortably in his gym while others do his dastardly deeds. Kind of like Hitler.

But I want to change the topic to another villain. Idk if you've played Heavy Rain, but I choose the Origami Killer. This guy killed quite a few children. And put 4 characters (one is the killer but I won't say who) on an adventure to find the killer. Great story, greater villain. Mostly because you have no idea who it is. And he makes Ethan Mars jump the fire to get his son back.
I always thought Giovanni absolutely sucked for an antagonist. I'm not that high on the manga, but basing on the games and series, he absolutely sucked. The fact that he never even directly antagonized the Pokemon characters makes it more astounding. In the games, his plans seemed a bit too ridiculous. Yeah, I know. Nitpicking kids programs and games. But it just seems really damn stupid to wanna take over the world with lethal creatures and instead of using them for such, he takes over a radio station and gloats while you're annoyed about not being able to face the final gym leader. With the series, it was a bit better. He did make Mewtwo. But that was it. Cyrus and N seem like much bigger bad guys than he does.
A decent response for the first villain, but I've gone for a more main stream character here for the second edition. Some may know him as The Green Goblin, others may recall him as the mastermind behind the clone saga or even as the Iron Patriot more recently, but to everyone he's Norman Osborn:

Norman Osborn

Debuting in Amazing Spider-Man #14, the Green Goblin was a menace to Spider-Man, and continued to be so throughout the Lee/Ditko era on Spider-Man, with his identity being hid in secrecy. It was the biggest mystery in comics for some time. Killing two birds with one stone, Norman Osborn both discovered Peter Parker was Spider-Man and revealed himself to be the costumed nemesis at the same time. That meeting didn't work out too well for Norman who lost his memory to amnesia and was back as plain old Norman Osborn. The Goblin would resurface twice more before the fateful Amazing Spider-Man #121-122 where Gwen Stacy died at the Goblin's hands before killing himself with his own glider.

Osborn's legacy was felt for a further two decades with his shadow looming over his son and his persona an inspiration for Roderick Kingsley (the first HobGoblin), but when all was said and done, Norman was the best Goblin, and that's why he resurfaced in the concluding arc of the Clone Saga, revealed to be the mastermind of the whole situation. Norman's return saw him kill the clone of Peter Parker, Ben Reilly, but it also marked a turning point in Spidey's history. Osborn was never revealed to the public as the Goblin and he continued to mess with Peter's head for years to come until finally he went so far off the deep end he began killing people in his office at OsCorp and was found out.

Osborn would get out of prison following the Civil War where he became the leader of the Thunderbolts (which also happened to feature Mac Gargan's Venom and Bullseye, so a pretty formidable alliance) before saving the planet (no, really) by killing the Skrull Queen during the Secret Invasion and subsequently replaced Tony Stark as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers. Osborn replaced his Goblin persona with a new, more appealing one as the Iron Patriot and went unspeakably mad with power, even bringing down Asgard itself during his final days as head of H.A.M.M.E.R (which was S.H.I.E.L.D's new name) before being thrown in the loony bin.

The Facts:
- First villain to discover Peter Parker was Spider-Man
- Killed Gwen Stacy
- Influenced the lives of Peter Parker, Ben Reilly, Aunt May, Harry Osborn, Miles Warren and others whilst hiding in Europe
- Killed Ben Reilly
- Caused Flash Thompson brain damage
- Responsible for the deaths of hundreds, possibly more as head of H.A.M.M.E.R
- Impregnated both Gwen Stacy (Peter Parker's firs true love) and Lily Hollister (Harry Osborn's fiancé)

Now despite these evil traits, Osborn has got a few things that restrain his ability to be the best. He's so mad that it hinders him, so his fragile psyche can actually derail him. He's also got a soft spot for his son and even Peter at points, practically considering him family. He suffered from amnesia not once, not twice, but three times. Oh and he actually saved the world once.


So what are your thoughts?
How does Norman Osbourn get all this pussy? Have you seen his hair? In addition to being a member of The Hellfire Club, he's also a member of Hair Club for Men!

But I shouldn't make fun of Osbourn's hair, that's Deadpool's territory.

I don't know how you get much more sinister than Green Goblin. I'd give him a solid 18/10, that's how evil he is. He could very well be one of the most evil villains in the Marvel Universe... I can't think of a single time he did anything good for anyone other than himself. Seriously, he knocked up his own son's fiance? And not only did he knock up Gwen Stacy, he raised the children to blame Spider-Man for their mother's death, and then trained them to kill Spidey! Not only that, HE FUCKING MUTATED THEM SO THEY AGED FASTER! These are his own fucking children!

Furthermore, when he took over America, he basically did everything in his power to ruin the country, including waging war with Asgard. If my father taught me anything, it's that you don't FUCK with Norse gods! I wouldn't be surprised if he sent Osama Bin Laden gift baskets filled with homemade pasta, jams, and fragrant soaps.

Seriously, Norman Osbourn is as bad as they get. I'd hate to meet the bastard that you give a full 10/10 to Funkay, because Ozzie is one evil dude.
One of the most evil men in the Marvel universe for sure. I can only think of 3 or 4 others who would top old Norman (one being the REAL big red machine in my sig) Osborne was the first real TRUE evil incarnate in Marvel comics, and to this day is still one of Spiderman's wost enemies. Not only does Parker fear him, but so does the normally iron willed Triple J. I mean.. How evil do you have to be to turn the stoner James Franco into a sadistic killing machine?? And from the grave even! That's a true villain
Norman Osborn is the Vince McMahon of the Marvel universe, in fact I think he may be more evil, self centered, and maniacal, than Vinny Mac, Vince prolly picked up a Spidey comic saw how evil Norman was asn said to himself "that's the type of shit I need to do to becmoe the most hated heel in wrestling" and then did it. I think the only other villain in world of comics that could match Norman in "Evilocity" (yeah that's right I invented a new word to measure evilness) is The Joker, and that's because he's the type of guy that just doesn't care about anybody or anything, the scariest type of villian is always going to be the guy who fears nothing, including losing his own life

Without Norman Osborn the Spidey-verse would not be nearly as entertaining as it has become over the years, I mean shit how can you not hate the guy behind the fucking whole Clone Saga?:shrug:
We've seen men who lurk behind goons and dudes with carpet hair, and now for something totally and utterly different. This week’s villain(s) is:

The Xenomorphs

In 1979, Ridley Scott's vision of terror burst (pardon the pun) forth onto the screen in Alien. Alien saw the crew of the Nostromo pick up a distress signal on a barren planet. The crew investigates and discovers a crash site. One of the crew becomes infected as a parasite (later known as a Facehugger) attaches itself to the man's face. It eventually detaches itself and the crew believe everything is fine until an alien creature bursts from the man's chest. The first Xenomorph on screen is shown and it escapes into the dark depths of the ship where it grows in a rapid rate. It picks off each member of the Nostromo bit by bit until it is eventually destroyed by Ellen Ripley.

Ripley would later face the Xenomorphs on LV-426, attempting to free the planet of an infestation of Xenomorphs, including their queen. She would succeed, only in part though as a facehugger managed to sneak aboard her escape ship, implanting an egg inside her, along with a separate facehugger which implanted an egg inside a dog which plagued her final days on the prison planet of Fiorina 161. Eventually Ripley thought she had taken the aliens down with her, killing the dog-Xenomorph hybrid and killing herself, thus destroying the alien growing inside her.

The Xenomorphs would return in Alien Resurrection and would once again bother Ripley, but she was a changed women. A clone with alien DNA, Ripley was far more sympathetic to the Xenomorphs, but that didn't stop her from whipping them out. Meanwhile the Xenomorphs were engaging in war with the Predator species and in the expanded universe, even Batman, Superman and The Terminator. The Xenomorphs, whether alone or in a group are terrifying as hell itself.

The Facts:
- Killed the crew of the Nostromo
- Killed the colony on LV-426, and the majority of the Colonial Marines who attempted to rescue the colony
- Killed the majority of the population of the prison planet Fiorina 161
- Murdered countless other species and terrorized various planets including several Predator worlds and Earth itself.

The Xenomorphs were cold, heartless killing machines and are always dangerous. They show no remorse and even have acid for blood. These things are pure evil from their lack of eyes to their murderous intent on survival. I can't think of a single good deed these beasts have done and that's why this week you’re going to see me hand out my first:

Giovanni, While I love pokemon games and the Tv show. I never fully understood this man, he has bumbling idiots for leaders in the Tv show, and pretty good underlings in the game. He is a man who has built himself up over the years into a criminal mastermind. Now to be honest, if I was him I would have let Jessie and James go along time ago. They are bad for business, but did make a pretty cool duo.

The way I see Giovanni is he was a trainer just like the whole world. But he got into some bad things, and got really sucked into it. It's his life now, but I do believe he wanted to get out of it. But with the backstory you can get in soul silver it tells a way better story. You get to face Gio three years after he was beaten, it also tells some of your rivals back story in it to. But basically Gio wants to bring back team rocket, and is on his way to do it, and your rival meets him. Just take a look at the vid.


My rating for Giovanni is a 6/10

The Xenomorphs

They are one of the baddest of the bad, but lets look at it this way. In the typical Villain way they aren't villains, they are an extraterrestrial life form that are bent on killing everything. They don't fight fair, they group up sometimes for attack. They aren't human, so you can't bill them in the tipical Villain way. They are a life form sent to fight with the Preds and kill everything that stands in their way.

Being the way that they are, they are programed to do that. They don't have another option to do. It's kill, kill, kill again, and then die. That is the perfect Villain, but they can't do anything else. To me they aren't villains, they are killing machines.

That’s why I am giving the Xenomorphs on the Villain scale a 0/10. IF this were a mad monster killing contest they would get a 10/10 or first place. In all the things I've seen Xenomorphs in they are just in it to kill. That's all, no future gain to be seen. If they reach their final objective what do they have to do? Kill a few humans that stumble upon them, or just die. They have no other objective than to fight the preds and kill. If they had a sub story ware they killed, and evolved into something that can function a human thought and take over the world. They would get a 10/10 on this scale, but they can only kill. They aren't allowed to have the typical scheming like Osborn and Gio have. They are just a large group of killing machines, and that's all they will ever be.

I don't know if that makes any sort of sense to you, and I'm sorry for giving them a 0/10 on your scale. But I just don't see them as anything more than a killer.
So today, after visiting an evil criminal overlord/Pokémon trainer, a psychotic man in spandex and the ultimate killer, we take a look at one of the greatest comedy villains of modern times. Devilishly voiced by Kelsey Grammer, it can only be:

Sideshow Bob

First debuting in the first season episode the Telltale Head, one would've never have suspected Sideshow Bob would become the evil and sinister villain of the Simpsons series. In this first, non-speaking role, Bob was merely Krusty the Clown's sidekick. It was a role he resented, as we discovered in Bob's first main role in the episode Krusty Gets Busted. Bob frames Krusty for a crime he didn't commit in order to become the star of the show. Bob is found out by Krusty's biggest fan; Bart Simpson. From the moment Bart reveals Bob's grotesquely large feet, the two are enemies.

Bob first attempts at revenge also double for an attempt of murder. In Black Widower, Bob attempts to murder Bart's Aunt Selma. This of course fails when Bart foils Bob's plot. The dastardly fiend vows revenge and his first shot comes in Cape Feare, a take on the movie(s); Cape Fear. Bob even goes as far as to tattoo various things showing his hatred for Bart. Bob's plot once again ultimately fails. He is voted into office in the episode Sideshow Bob Roberts, planning on destroying Bart's life, but is ultimately exposed and is revealed to have rigged the election.

Bob would return every other season or so with varied plots, including stopping production of all television, blowing up Springfield Dam (though that's his brother's idea, and not not Bob'), hypnotising Bart into murdering Krusty, faking his own death and having plastic surgery. All of these ploys fall flat, and even Bob's attempts at good ultimately fails. Bob remains Bart's arch-enemy and also holds grudges against the rest of the Simpson family, Krusty the Clown and of course, rakes.

The Facts:

- Robbed the Kwik E' Mart
- Attempted to Murder Selma Bouvier
- Attempted to Murder Bart Simpson (Multiple Occasions)
- Attempted to Murder Krusty the Clown (Multiple Occasions)
- Became Mayor of Springfield by rigging the election
- Threatened to nuke Springfield

As entertaining as Bob is, and as good (or evil) as his intentions are, it can't be denied that he ALWAYS ultimately fails. It doesn't matter if it's for good, or for bad, Bob fails to get his desired result. Bob has been in and out of prison so many times it's scary. His intentions are good, but that's really it:


Next time: 1...2...3...He's Coming for YOU!
I don't think the Xenomorphs should be a 10 in the evil scale as they are are not killing for fun but rather to ensure their survival. They are a pure form of existence in the sense that they only live to survive and nothing else. A person manipulating them might be considered 10/10 evil but not the alien beings themselves.

Can you do one on Kerrigan of Starcraft or the Lich King of Warcraft? I think Kerrigan could be either very evil for her relentless slaughter of her enemies or gain sympathy vote for being a pawn in a larger conflict. The Lich King should be pure evil IMO though. :D
Great thread I must say so I was a little surprised when this man has not been mentioned...


The Joker. Quite simply the most sadistic, evil, fucked up, psychotic, man on the planet. He's not Osborn, who has billions of dollars worth of resources, he isn't Lex Luther, the evil genius. Neither is he the villans of Dragon Ball Z that shatter the universe with one blow. He isn't any of them. He's simply man that is completely apatheic to moral code. Though he has many incarnations his eventual evolution into the apatheic criminal is universal.

Its quite simple. A man who has vowed to kill goes again goes on crusade to fight crime against a nihilistic and apathetic man that does it just for the fun of it.

Here's the thing with Joker. He can't be in cartoon because of the children :)shrug: :banghead: ).

BUT. Joker shone through in Batman: The Killing Joke.

Here's the synopsis:

The plot revolves around a largely psychological battle between Batman and his archnemesis, the Joker, who has escaped from Arkham Asylum. The Joker intends to drive Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon insane to prove that the most upstanding citizen can go mad after having "one bad day". Along the way, the Joker has flashbacks to his early life, gradually explaining his possible origin.

The Joker, before his accident, with his pregnant wife; by Brian Bolland.
The man who will become the Joker, an unnamed engineer, quits his job at a chemical company to become a stand-up comedian, only to fail miserably. Desperate to support his pregnant wife, Jeannie, he agrees to guide two criminals through the plant so that they can rob the card company next door. During the planning, the police inform him that his wife has died in a household accident. Grief-stricken, the engineer tries to withdraw from the plan, but the criminals strong-arm him into keeping his commitment to them.
At the plant, the criminals make him don a special mask to become the infamous Red Hood. Unknown to the engineer, the criminals plan to use this disguise to implicate any accomplice as the mastermind and to divert attention from themselves. Once inside, they almost immediately blunder into security personnel, and a shootout ensues. The criminals are gunned down and the engineer finds himself confronted by Batman, who is investigating the disturbance.

The Joker, after emerging from the canal of chemical-waste.
Terrified, the engineer jumps into the chemical plant's waste pound lock to escape Batman, and is swept through a pipe leading to the outside. Once outside, he discovers, to his horror, that the chemicals have permanently bleached his skin chalk white, stained his lips ruby red and dyed his hair bright green. This revelation, compounding the man's misfortunes of that one day, drives him completely insane and marks the birth of the Joker.
In the present day, the Joker kidnaps Gordon and imprisons him in a run-down amusement park, and shoots and paralyzes his daughter Barbara (a.k.a. Batgirl). His henchmen then strip Gordon naked and cage him in the park's freak show. He chains Gordon to one of the park's rides and forces him to view giant pictures of his wounded daughter in various states of undress. Once Gordon has run the maddening gauntlet, the Joker puts him on display in the freak show, ridiculing him as "the average man", a naïve weakling doomed to insanity.

Batman arrives to save Gordon, and the Joker retreats into the funhouse. Though traumatized by the ordeal, Gordon retains his sanity and moral code, and he insists that Batman capture the Joker "by the book" in order to "show him that our way works." Batman enters the funhouse and faces the Joker's traps while the Joker tries to persuade his old foe that the world is "a black, awful joke", and thus not worth fighting for. Batman tracks down and subdues the Joker, and tells him that Gordon survived everything he suffered at the Joker's hands; he then suggests that the Joker is alone in his madness. Batman then attempts to reach out to his old foe to give up crime and put a stop to their years-long war; otherwise, the two will be eternally locked on a course that will one day result in a fight to the death.
The Joker declines, however, ruefully saying "It's too late for that...far too late." He then tells Batman a joke that was started earlier in the comic. When the joke is finished, Batman's stoic exterior breaks down, and he laughingly strangles the Joker. As the comic ends, their shadows converge and the police sirens approach.

With this in mind I give Joker a


And here's a classic quote from the Joker:

"See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum... and one night, one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape! So, like, they get up onto the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in the moon light... stretching away to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend didn't dare make the leap. Y'see... Y'see, he's afraid of falling. So then, the first guy has an idea... He says 'Hey! I have my flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!' B-but the second guy just shakes his head. He suh-says... He says 'Wh-what do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was half way across!"
This week on FunKay’s look at villains, we take a look at someone who defines the very word terror. Created by Wes Craven in 1984, the star of his own hit horror franchise, it can only be...

Freddy Kruger

Freddy Kruger is a child murderer who was lucky enough to escape of a technicality, but wasn’t lucky enough to escape mob vengeance. Following his release from police custody, Kruger was burned to death inside his own home by the vast majority of the townspeople of Springwood. Kruger however swore revenge and of course, a good villain never disappoints.

Freddy returned not to kill the people who murdered him, but their offspring. Freddy was somehow gifted powers of darkness and not even the bonds of hell could hold him as he plagued the teenage population of Springwood where they thought they were safest; their dreams. It’s here where Kruger is at his most dangerous, stalking his victims before reaping them of their souls and subsequently their lives.

Appearing over the course of 9 films (the most recent of which is a remake of the original) Kruger kills various people in various ways, whether it be via blood geezer (Johnny Depp) or by being dragged kicking and screaming into a mirror, Kruger has a kill for every occasion. He was portrayed in the first 8 films by Robert Englund and it has become his trademark character. Jackie Earle Haley was the most recent Kruger in the remake.

The Facts:
- Responsible for several child murders
- Became enriched with ancient abilities that allowed him to stalk dreams
- Slaughtered hundreds of people via dreams
- Fought Jason Voorhees to a potential draw
- May in fact be real (based on the murders of various people whilst they were having terrifying dreams)

Freddy Kruger is one scary man. This cannot be denied. His entire look is freaking out there with the old fedora, trademark green and red jumper, burned face and of course the hand scythes, Kruger’s look is a unique one. His killing method is also very creative. However we can safely say Kruger, like most horror villains did eventually fall to defeat, and did so at various times. He wasn’t the unstoppable killing machine like Michael Myers or even the brutal psychopath like Leatherface, Kruger was a comic character as well as a scary one. For this reason I have to give Kruger:


Next time: From white to black and back again.
Okay so we're taking on a different sort of enemy this time. The first female villain to grace the pages of FunKay's Look at Villains in fact. A seductive feline with a bad-ass attitude and a crappy Halle Berry performance to her name:


NOTE: DC have made their own universe exceptionally difficult to grasp. I'm not even going to talk about the Crisis', let alone the alternate versions of all the characters in the DC U. This version of Catwoman is the one most are used too.

Debuting in Batman #1 all the way back in Spring of 1940, Selina Kyle was always going to be a character close to Bob Kane's heart. After all she was based on his second cousin. Catwoman is someone who Batman has a complex relationship with. She's been both a tough as nails adversary and his lover. In fact many believe she is his greatest love. She was also the figure of many a teenage boys fantasy following Batman Returns and Michelle Pfeiffer in leather...oh yes.

A cat-burglar most of the time, Kyle debuted under the name; The Cat. Her premise was basic, she was a jewel thief with a Cat motif, but Batman had the hots for her. She was a classic femme fetal and over the years has become a classic example of one. She's got a mean streak a mile long, even killing the original Black Mask. However she's also a kind, caring woman. She's shown to have concerns for both Bruce Wayne and various others within Batman's inner circle. She also has a daughter; Helena. It's not 100% certain who the father is (though Bruce is the most likely suspect seeing as a daughter of the same name exists in the Earth-Two DC Universe.

The Facts:
- A highly skilled jewel thief
- Manipulative/Uses her looks to her advantage
- Proven to be a cold blooded killer
- Is an excellent strategist
- Razzie award winner

Catwoman's a terrific villain, of that there is no doubt. She's got an amazing ability to wrap Bruce Wayne around her little finger, despite what he may think. She's also the best at what she does. However, she's got a conscience and it holds her back at points. She's had a child and shows great concern over it and the others within her inner circle. She's not really diabolical as such as she is dastardly. And for that reason I have to give her a score of:


Next Time: Die Zeit ist gekommen. Er wird steigen und sein Gesicht wird Angst in alle streiken, dass ihn weiß.
Like a real woman Catwoman's greatest asset his her ability to manipulate Bruce Wayne. I watched the original Adam West Batman last night and even back then she was a manipulative bitch. Hot as hell though, I'd give it to her, though judging by her outfit she's probably into some stuff that I'm not too comfortable with. Five out of ten is an appropriate ranking in my book. She can be one helluva and enemy, but she's got some good in her as well.

As for next week's clue... something about someone coming back and his face will strike fear in all... Voldemort?
I've never really thought of Catwoman as a villain so much, but more of an anti-hero, or at least that's what I've seen her character has evolved into, she started out as a villainous bitch that manipulated men to get what she ultimately wanted, and now she uses that ability for her own evil deeds about as often as she does for good, I've Catwoman on the side of Batman almost as often as I see her opposing him, Catwoman is very middle of the road as far as villains go so a 5/10 seems pretty fair
So last week I left you all with some German, based on that and some other clues, two people managed to figure out just who I was planning on doing this week. Needles to say he's one evil, diabolical and twisted bastard. With three incarnations and a symbolic mask that will strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest, it can only be Adolf Hitler's personal favourite:

Johann Schmidt - The Red Skull

The Red Skull was designed initially as nothing more than a generic Nazi villain with a scary looking outfit to face Captain America & Bucky Barnes. Little did the creators realise they were creating one of the most insanely evil villains to ever grace the pages of a comic book. Johann Schmidt is the Red Skull we know best and he has a dark backstory to say the least. His mother died in childbirth with his father attempting to murder him because of it. His father was stopped but would later kill himself. Johann was left on the streets. A beggar child with a growing hatred for humanity, the final straw may well have been when Johann was turned down by a Jewish girl. She would live (or not in this case) to regret that decision as Johann killed her, and first blood was drawn. With the Third Reich firmly in power in Germany, a chance encounter with Adolf Hitler (Schmidt was a bell-hop and present when Hitler was dismissing a soldier, claiming he could 'Make a better National Socialist out of the bell-hop') led Schmidt to being trained under Hitler himself and under completion of his training, Schmidt was rewarded with the symbolic Red Skull mask. It would become the Nazi's greatest weapon of intimidation.

Oddly enough, the Skull's creation inspired the American's to do something similar and bizarley led to the creation of Captain America. The two clashed throughout the war, however there deciding battle occurred in 1945 when Skull was defeated, trapped under a pile of rubble, exposed to gas that left him in suspended animation. In Schmidt's absence, Albert Malik, a communist agent, stepped up to take the mantle as it still held a fearsome reputation. Malik was eventually killed on the returning Schmidt's orders. AIM were responsible for the resurrection of Schmidt into the modern day and he's left a trail of devastation since his return.

Schmidt's plans throughout the 60's, 70's and much of the 80's and 90's have involved the Cosmic Cube. The Cosmic Cube is a device that grants it's holder any wish they want. Such a device is dangerous in anyone's hands so with Skull's mind the device becomes twice as dangerous. Skull's quest for the Cube saw him cross paths with other supervillains such as Dr. Doom and the Kingpin, coming into conflict with them over the Cube and other matters (Kingpin despised Skull for his Nazi ideology amongst other things). Skull died due to an effect of the gas that had brought him to the modern era, but it did not last long. He returned in the body of a Captain America clone through the assistance of Arnim Zola. Calling himself John Smith, the Skull ditched his Nazi ideology in favour of the American Dream, or at the least his twisted interpretation of it.

He managed to gain a foothold within the government, from which he attempted to manipulate John F. Walker into killing Captain America and taking up the mantle as 'America's defender'. Walker failed and his incompetence caused Skull to suffer physical disfigurement, resulting in he himself taking on the appearance of a living red skull. Skull would dance with death a few times before being assassinated by the Winter Soldier, however the man who had ordered the hit, Aleksander Lukin, ended up with the Skull plaguing him as he had transferred his consciousness into Lukin's body. Using Lukin's power and wealth, Skull managed to have a final victory over Captain America. Aligning himself with Dr. Faustus, Skull was able to have Sharon Carter, Cap's lover, assassinate him while he was facing trial for his actions in the Superhero Civil War. By killing Cap, Skull was able to launch his assault on Washington, using a puppet politician in order to gain control of the United States. Steve Rogers returned however, teaming with Bucky Barnes (the new Captain America) and they, along with Sharon Carter and Faustus' betrayal killed Skull.

The Facts:
- Top ranking Nazi (Hitler's right hand man basically)
- Many have died at his hands
- He's responsible for the deaths of probably hundreds of thousands of people
- Master manipulator
- Attempted to become president of the United States on more than one occasion
- Has a poster named after him on this very message board

The Red Skull is one of the most recognisable faces in comic book history. He's simply a great villain and is a terrifying sight for any hero to face. Johann Schmidt is arguably the most evil villain at Marvel with no exceptions. The guy's so evil that even villains like Dr. Doom and the Kingpin refuse to work with him. Anything less than top marks wouldn’t do the man justice:


Next week (Once I've recovered from writing that): 'OH CHILDREN!'
Being a Nazi immediately knocks you up to 8/10 in my book, but Skull does everything to deserve those 2 extra points. Not only does he want to take away lives, but also liberty and the pursuit of happiness from all that are unfortunate enough to fall under his umbrella of hate... and that's one big freaking umbrella.

It's funny, as I read your recap I realized that his bio sort of reads like a professional wrestling bio. He started as a young, angry Nazi with no direction, then was taken under the wing of the mega-heel. He then started his feud with American faces, culminating in a feud with Captain America, which he lost. He took some time off to recover from injuries before returning to desperately seek an object that he thought would bring him happiness, but this often put him at odds with other faces and heels alike. Eventually, he went into a kayfabe retirement, but simply came back with a new gimmick; he went from being anti-American to a twisted American. He started a heel stable and manipulated his minions into taking out Captain America, but Cap would later come back with a face stable of his own and finish off Red Skull and his heel stable, sending Skull into real retirement... for now anyway. Something tells me Red Skull is going to get that itch and come back.

I have no idea who you're talking about for next week. Ohio children? They are pretty evil, look at Doc, Phatso, other poster on here from Ohio. Evil I tell you, pure evil.
So as many of you might be aware, a companion series has been made to this thread and can be found here:

The surprise inclusion of this means I was left a little out in the cold this week and as such I had to pull the top name off of my 'rainy day' list. What does that mean? It means that no one's teeth are safe (...unless you use Crest)! It means it's time for:

The Cavity Creeps

Oh yes, this week we're talking about the master's of plaque and the kings of tooth destruction. Cavity Creeps are essentially the main villains of a person’s teeth and were introduced by Procter & Gamble as a way of selling tooth paste to younger kids. A cartoon advert would air, with the Creeps destroying teeth before Crest toothpaste would save the day, ending the evil tyranny of the creeps (and no, I'm not bullshitting you). There were several commercials with the Creeps attempting to storm Toothopolis. They would do so, declaring that they 'Make Holes in Teeth'.

The Facts:
- Just look at these adverts:




So there you have it. Cavity Creeps. Not exactly the most evil of forces but still pretty nasty. They warrant a:


I hope JGlass is happy as I'll be returning to my list of scum and tyranny next week with a man and his moustache. CURSE YOU HEDGEHOG!
The Cavity Creeps are clearly much worse than a mere 2 on the dastardly scale. Certainly, there are many things that are more troubling in our world then some cavities, but in the universe that the Cavity Creeps occupy, teeth are everything. If they take down those teeth, all of civilization will crumble. Basically, they just want to destroy all humanity without remorse. I'm a Colgate man myself, but thank goodness for Crest, for without them the Cavity Creeps would make holes in teeth, and therefore humanity.

*NOTE: I apologise for the lateness of this edition. This was due to my internet being cut for 'faulty wiring' which later emerged to be bullshit. Please send all complaints to Virgin Media and ask for Antonio. Thank you.*

Okay, so we arrive to find ourselves face-to-face with an evil being whose very name strikes fear into every and all creatures in Mobius. His presence can be felt the world over and his plans are more complicated than his dress sense. I can only be talking about one man & his moustache...

Dr. Eggman - Ivo Robotnik


With an IQ of 300, Eggman is nothing short of a genius. He's smart for sure, but he's also sinister. He's selfish and immature, but deadly and very creative. Eggman's history dates back to the early 1990's when Sega was looking to rival Nintendo and needed to create a new mascot character. Amongst these designs was a caricature of former United States president Theodore Roosevelt crossed with an egg. The design was turned down for the position of lead character as Sonic the Hedgehog was chosen, but something about the design struck a chord with the developers of the first Sonic video-game; he was the total opposite to the Hedgehog. Eggman was large, slow and above all, he represented new technology.

Featured as the franchise's primary villain, Robotnik (which was the name he was given in the English version of Sonic the Hedgehog while Eggman is the Japanese version) would develop several devious plans throughout the Sonic franchise. In the videogames, most of these involve transforming the inhabitants of wherever the game is set into robots or collecting the chaos emeralds (sometimes both at the same time). He built himself various means of destruction such as his Death Egg (five points for what that's an obvious homage to) in Sonic 2 and in Sonic CD, his Metal Sonic, essentially a technologically superior version of our favourite blue hedgehog. In Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, Eggman meets Knuckles shortly after crashing his Death Egg and attempts to manipulate him into bringing the Chaos Emeralds into his possession, however this ultimately fails.

Eggman's next major plot takes place in Sonic Adventure where he discovers the Master Emerald. He smashes the emerald to release a monster trapped inside; Chaos. Chaos is a being who is deeply sad with the negative energies of the chaos emeralds flowing through him. Eggman attempts to take control of that power and use it to take over the world. Chaos rebels against Eggman and defeats him. Eggman revives Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventures 2 (where he's also a playable character for the very first time). Eggman's plans look set to come to fruition as he has Shadow take control of the Eclipse Cannon on the Space Colony ARK. This cannon would allow him to take control of the Earth, however when his own grandfather's (Gerald Robotnik) failsafe activates, attempting to send the ARK plummeting into the Earth, Eggman is forced into working with his arch-foe to prevent that from happening. This occurs on several other occasions such as in Sonic Heroes and the 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog game where Eggman's attempts to control time go awry.

The Facts:
- IQ of 300
- Inventor of various creations (including robots, artificial life forms and multiple weapons of destruction)
- Manipulative manner
- Attempts to take control of the Chaos Emeralds on multiple occasions
- Has appeared in all but one Sonic game

Robotnik/Eggman is as dastardly as they come. He's even got a moustache to twirl. He's a rotten, good-for-nothing who imprisons small creatures inside robots and has attempted to take over the world on numerous occasions. He's evil to his very fowl core. Very few can rival Eggman's villainous intentions, but the fact remains, he's yet to actually record a victory and usually looks like a fool at the end.


Next time: Making the world a better place, one letter at a time.
Great thread I must say so I was a little surprised when this man has not been mentioned...


I see your Joker and I raise you

Kefka Palazzo

You want to talk about a bad motherfucker, this is where you start. This guy is no "agent of chaos", he's not trying to break down society and he's not going to give you a chance if sell out your principles.
Kefka is the purest form of nihilism, seeing all life as meaningless and ruthlessly killing anyone he comes across once they're no use to him and sometimes before. After Terra escapes his kidnap, he burns the castle of Figaro to the ground for the hell of it. When under siege King Leo takes a little too long to hand over control of Doma to Kefka, Kefka simply poisons the water supply and kills everyone.
It's no surprise that upon essentially becoming Godlike his ego doesn't diminish. From his floating island in the sky, he breaks up the continents and burns anywhere that refuse to worship him. Eventually when the heroes of the story dare to contradict Kefka's nihilistic philosophy, Kefka simply decides to destroy everything like that bratty little child who can't get what he wants.
"You people make me sick! You sound like lines from a self-help book! If that's how it's going to be... I'll snuff them all out! Every last one of your sickening, happy little reasons for living!"

He may have managed to take over the world but childlike might actually be the best way to describe him, as an ego out of control who'd kill you and your family just for not cooking his eggs properly. Infamously when one of his followers betrays him, he goes on a rant screaming "I hate you" about 20 times (in the Japanese version it was actually "Fuck you!")
I want to preface this by saying that Robotnik may be my favorite villain of all time, just because he's so much fun.

Now, old Ivo is a strange one to rate. While he does make tons of machines to try and kill Sonic, he's not exactly a very successful villain. He is a brilliant inventor, and his machines are deadly and dangerous, but he also seems to give up easily and is constantly defeated by the Blue Blur. Not exactly the scariest of villains out there!

However, that isn't to say he's never successful. In Sonic CD, he manages to take over the futures of the planet and lead it into chaos unless Sonic can go back to the past and fix it all. The fact that these Bad Futures are the default setting for the planet's future is enough for me to say that sometimes even Robotnik can win. The Bad Futures are also fairly scary in a way, as they take what was once beautiful and turn it into a dingy, machine-run land of chaos. It's a glimpse of what can happen if Robotnik succeeds, and so in bad intentions I would definitely rate him a 10.

However, he's also a very comical villain. From the way he's usually easily defeated, to his voice, to his general character design, Robotnik is hard to take seriously. I think that really gives him an endearing quality which is part of the reason I like him so much. If Robotnik were a "serious" villain, he wouldn't be Robotnik. He's even sympathetic on occasion, such as in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie where he asks Sonic to help him defeat Metal Robotnik and Sonic agrees. So, in the Seriousness category, I'd have to give him a 2.

However, he's very crafty. As I said before, the man has a genius intellect and that means more than just good machines. He can think several steps ahead of Sonic, such as in the aforementioned Sonic movie. I mentioned that he came off as sympathetic when talking about Metal Robotnik, but later in the movie it's revealed that it was all a setup to get Sonic to the Land Of Darkness so Robotnik could steal his DNA and create Metal Sonic - very nefarious and definitely one of his most evil deeds, considering he technically threatened to blow up a generator and destroy an entire dimension if Sonic didn't stop "Metal Robotnik's" plan. So in Craftiness, Robotnik is definitely a 10

Overall, I think that Robotnik is a silly villain in design and attitude, but is also a very dangerous one due to his intellect and desire to destroy Sonic through any means possible. However, the fact that he's usually pretty easy to defeat makes him a lot more harmless than he should be. His motives are clear, his means are sinister, and he has the mind to create chaos. However, he's too much fun to really be scary or evil. However, it all just makes for one hell of an entertaining villain.


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