Fucking Bees! (or a Vevuzela Horn?)


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Like many Americans did on Saturday afternoon, I cozied up to the television (with my new baby kitten playing gleefully on the floor) to watch what for many of us may be the first and only full soccer ("football") match we ever watch. USA vs England. Ah the emotion.

"Please mute that." My wife said. I assumed she felt the commentators were scaring the kitten.

"The kitten seems okay with it, babe." I replied.

"No, that noise is awful. It's like...fucking bees." I had no retort. Rare, I know.

The obnoxious noise coming from our TV was not, in fact, a million and one killer bees - but rather thousands of Vevuzela Horns being blown by the South African fans. Apparently, it is tradition down there.

The FIFA president, approached with complaints of how that noise hinders TV translation and enjoyment, defended the rights of the spectators at the stadium to use the horns.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter said:
"Would you want to see a ban on the fan traditions in your country?"

Hmmm...no waving those thingies behind a visitors net while they shoot free throws? No wave? No chants of "De-Fense!" No ECW assholes chatning rubbish at everything?

Maybe not - but those things never made me mute - or worse - shut off a sporting event the way people are turning away from the World Cup as a result of the annoying buzzing noise.

'Tis a simple question - should the Vevuzela horns not be allowed? Should the fact that FIFA is supporting the tens of thousands of spectators over the millions and millions of TV viewers (who generate the advertising revenue) be looked at as the governing body failing to properly promote the sport?
Those horns should definitely be banned. They take a near unwatchable sporting event (for me) and make it absolutely unwatchable. I don't like watching any sporting event without commentary (even Taz and Tenay!) so I don't want to mute the TV. But I feel like I'm being attacked by killer bees when the TV is on during a World Cup game, and it's incredibly distracting.
The vuvuzelas have not really bothered me at all and I have watched every minute of the World Cup so far. If I was in South Africa I am certain I would feel much differently. The noise at the game could be distracting. IF YOU HAVE PAID TO WATCH THE GAME... WATCH THE GAME!

Some players have complained about not being able to hear each other on the pitch, but I think the worst thing is the blowing of the vuvuzelas at 6am... SHUT UP
As you quoted yourself IC, FIFA has been discussing a banning of the horns, and I definitely think they should be banned, there's no need to create such a buzz over a game for the sake of being noticed.

When you in the end realize the fact that it's annoying the players, I saw multiple times someone pointing to his ears, or putting a finger across his mouth wanting the crowd to stop the buzzing from the horns, and I definitely think it should be stopped due to the respect of the players.

Also what someone might not realize is that it could very well throw them off course, I had some speculations whether the horns could've affected Green in the USA game, or some of the burns on the goal in big chances, whether the Vuvuzula's were a reason to it.

The hatred for them is growing, and it will culminate in something "large" eventually, some kind of riot perhaps not, but it will definitely cause someone to take action, and I really really hope they ban it.
I think it adds to the atmosphere of the game and makes it feel unique. Its better to have the horns then silence. It shows the fans passion for it and is something that the SA fans do. If FIFA were really going to do something about it then they would have after the confederations cup.
I hated the horns on the first day, but now I can't imagine watching the game without them. I don't think they should be banned unless it can be proven that they are a distraction. Football players and coaches are notoriously sensitive to explaining away loses and errors on outside sources, at least it seems to me in the short time I've followed the sport. As a newer viewer, I don't really have much of a base of reference for how football crowds should behave. Are they encouraged to be silent?

Also what someone might not realize is that it could very well throw them off course, I had some speculations whether the horns could've affected Green in the USA game, or some of the burns on the goal in big chances, whether the Vuvuzula's were a reason to it.

Sadly, Green was distracted by horns; he just blew his moment. He has no one and nothing else to blame.

EDIT: That was supposed to be "Green wasn't distracted", fuck me.
Sadly, Green was distracted by horns; he just blew his moment. He has no one and nothing else to blame.

I could've imagined that, the horns are a royal pain in the ass, and turns off the joy in watching the world cup really, while it's still a treat to watch, it's obviously not the same thing because half of the time your ears have to be hearing a damn horn instead of the commentators.

I enjoy listening to the commentators throughout a match, cause I can't always make out who's holding the ball, or who scored, until the close-up, sometimes I like to look away and write on the computer, the commentators keeps me knowing "someone scored!!" but the horns kills it a bit for me.
I'm not the biggest fan of the horns but, as an Englishman, I can't complain about them. Let's face it, how many teams have played a match at Wembley and had their fans thinking "why is that bloody band playing the great escape over and over again?"
Honestly, I tried to watch a game here and there, but I can't put up with that buzzing sound for more than a few minutes. It's unbearable. Though, if this were an American football tournament with the best teams in the NFL, then maybe I would be able to. Who knows...

But with all that said, they can't and shouldn't ban it. It's a tradition in South Africa, and the fact of the matter is, the FIFA committee or whoever decided they wanted this year's World Cup to be in South Africa, and now they have to live with that decision. Don't go ruining the experience for THOSE people because you made the mistake of picking that country the place to play. This is South Africa's World Cup more so than it is anybody else's, and their fun shouldn't be ruined by us spoiled brats who can't put up with a little bit of buzzing on a television screen.

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