Fuck you Christy Hemme!

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Christy Hemme was awakened by burglars searching her home early Saturday morning.

"Just woke up to fucking druggy burglars in my house, chased them out and my hubby is not here... I'm so freaked!" she wrote on Twitter. "I'm ok, just scared and hoping to go back to sleep!"

The TNA Knockout later noted that she filed a police report.

I find it offensive she would label me as a "druggy". I was only trying to remove her vocal chords so she could no longer ring announce, was there anything seriously wrong with that? Hurt my feelings is what she has done. And through Twitter, this day just gets worse.
Hubby: Is that what I paid you for you fucking dicks!!!! You had to slit her thorat!!!
It's been too long that burglars have gone without out a voice to protect them from labels like "druggy." Bigots like Christie Hemme should learn tolerance and understanding.

I've got the ACLU on the line, could someone contact Al Sharpton and Gloria Allred? It's time to speak up and take action.
She chased them out. :lmao: I'm just picturing her chasing after them with a a rolling pin while wearing slippers and a bathrobe.
Burglar1: Cheez it! The jig is up, she's got a rolling pin.
Burglar 2 Oh Nooooo! Run for the hills!
Yeah her husband wasn't there, but Jeremy Borash was, the old dog.

The burglers shit it when JB came flying across the room at them, tallywacker flapping in the wind.....

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