Fuck you, Carson Palmer. Right in your goddamn eyesocket!

You shouldn't think to much of it, Dewey.

He's just getting a tryout that happens to be the day of their public open house. All it is is a publicity stunt, and judging by the fact that some ABC affiliate picked up the story, it worked.

He will most likely suck, and it will last one day (again, the day of the public open house). If it lasts longer, then it's likely because he was better then some random other guy on the team.
Seems like a good chance of not being a real article, just like the whole midget Gordon Ramsay thing
How do you know he isn't a good hockey player?
Because. It's Carson Palmer. Do I need a reason other than that?
You shouldn't think to much of it, Dewey.

He's just getting a tryout that happens to be the day of their public open house. All it is is a publicity stunt, and judging by the fact that some ABC affiliate picked up the story, it worked.

He will most likely suck, and it will last one day (again, the day of the public open house). If it lasts longer, then it's likely because he was better then some random other guy on the team.
Hope you're right. It's just that the 'Clones are the only team I can enjoy every season. This won't stop me from attending games, but if it comes to pass he gets a deal, I will NOT don the face paint, nor will I purchase his jersey...
Seems like a good chance of not being a real article, just like the whole midget Gordon Ramsay thing

Oh, it's real. Coach even tweeted about it earlier today.

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