Fuck Goldeneye


2-Time WZCW Mayhem Champion
It's an overrated, overhyped clunker of a shooter. It didn't revolutionize dick, it just put the already-established genre of first-person shooters on the console instead of the computer. That's it.

It is by no means "the best FPS ever", under any definition of the term. Perfect Dark did it better. Bioshock did it better. Half-Life did it better. By calling Goldeneye better than these games, you're essentially saying that the FPS genre made no progress since then, and that is just flat out wrong.

The only reason one would call Goldeneye the best ever is nostalgia. It was the first multiplayer FPS for a lot of people growing up, and people still look back on it fondly. Either that, or they're voting for it because it's popular.

Vote for a game that's better than Goldeneye in every way. One that's better in terms of story, gameplay, characters, art design, sound, music, and more.

Vote Okami.
Putting the FPS on the console is a pretty big deal. Before Goldeneye it didn't seem possible. And the multiplayer is still fun even today.

Okami is beautiful, yeah, and awesome, but you're fucking wrong.
It's the nature of the FPS, they're all "The best shooter ever" until the next one comes along with extra stuff. It's been the same old crap for 20 years, ever since Wolfenstein was followed by Doom was followed by Quake and so on.
It's the nature of the FPS, they're all "The best shooter ever" until the next one comes along with extra stuff. It's been the same old crap for 20 years, ever since Wolfenstein was followed by Doom was followed by Quake and so on.

You really have called Sephiroth "Sephy" in your sig...

Come the fuck on man...
Putting the FPS on the console is a pretty big deal. Before Goldeneye it didn't seem possible. And the multiplayer is still fun even today.

Of course the multiplayer is still fun. I dare you to find me an FPS that doesn't have fun multiplayer. That's practically a requirement for a game in that genre. And I'm willing to bet that if Quake or Doom or any other game in the genre got the exposure on the N64 that Goldeneye got, it would've done just as well.

"First" doesn't equal "best".
What an unbelievably stupid thread Zero. Not because of your opinion on Goldeneye, but because the way in which you've expressed that opinion is inevitably going to lead to more people voting for Goldeneye just because you're throwing a temper tantrum about it.

Fuck I want to go vote for Goldeneye now just from reading this thread for 5 seconds. I imagine many other people will come to the same conclusion.
Well, look at it this way. Everyone was going to vote Goldeneye anyway, so I figured I may as well have a thread in place for when it wins so I can call everyone idiots for letting nostalgia rule their actions.

Or you can assume the above was bullshit. Either or.
Little known Coco fact: My favorite Brosnan era Bond film was Tomorrow Never Dies. I'm a renegade, aren't I?
How do you feel about Die Another Day? Now how do you feel about Die Another Day if you take out the invisible car?
The fact that those two are justifiably two separate questions tells you all you need to know. Even I didn't buy Brosnan('s stunt guy) surfing at that age. He's more of a Gary Busey than a Keanu Reeves.
"He's going for the bombs." [/stunned]

I love the opening to TND. The fact that it was my first Bond film ever may bias me.
Contra shouldn't be in this tournament because we all know this tournament should be "the Best Game not Called Contra" Tournament.
Well it's because contra was never released in Europe (thank you germany) so that's why it shouldn't be in.

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