Fuck facebook


Master of the Aussie kiss

So, I right click save as my photo of my dogs and I for the other thread off of facebook, and as I'm uploading the picture to photobucket for some reason, it saved every bodies fucking profile picture. all 382 of them.

Why the fuck would you have that happen.
I just realized I'm doing a TM... I have the photo's of at least 20 WZer's saved on my computer.

Shit, maybe I shouldn't of said that bit out loud...
How did that even happen? Every single one of your friends profile pictures got saved...that's kinda odd. Like...I don;t understand how it'd be able to automatically save each one of those that fast.
I just counted it wasn't all of them as I thought. there is 45 in there plus a bit of random shit that I'm not sure if I want to click on or not...

Just deleted it.

I have no idea how it happened but I tried it on my other laptop and it did the same thing. it must be google chrome.
I suppose next you'll be warranting a rep gate plan.

I'll start:

"Awesome post"

It was spam actually, but they won't figure it out.
I don't get it.

And hey! Leave Google Chrome alone. It's my current date so far..I think we're starting to go steady soon. She knows I've been through a lot with other browsers...Internet Explorer is full of STDs, Firefox started acting all crazy on me, then refused to see me, she was my fiancée too...then the bitch left me at the alter. Opera started getting slow in bed.

Google Chrome is all I have left...all though..don't tell her..but when I leave the house, or have nothing but my Ipod..I sometimes cheat on her with Safari.
Yeah! Fuck Facebook!..Fuck facebook in the ear!, I haven't use facebook in years, everybody I know is obsessed with the site..I told myself I wasn't going to become a facebook drone. Can't say I regret that decision.
I can't believe you made this thread because the same thing just happened to me. It saved them all in a folder entitled with the name I named a SINGLE picture.
Seems like someone has to go to the trouble of shooting Mark Zuckerberg.

Not Shocky. If it'd happened to Justin however...

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