Fuck AJ Styles Dead in His Ass


Mid-Card Championship Winner
You gotta’ have em’ or you can’t build up for the next big match. So, we all agree that you gotta’ have those storylines, but you gotta’ pick and choose which ones you’re gonna’ go after because people still want to see that wrestling. I know in Canada, they cut out most of the talking because they only have, I think they only have an hour of TV? I’m not sure exactly on that, but I know they cut out on a lot of the promos, but they’re watching all wrestling. You know, the Canadian fans are some of the hottest fans that we’ve got. So, we must be doing something right in that ring.
Think you can tell lies about Canada and just get away with it? Well think again, buster! Consider my admiration of you revoked.
C'mon now. A.J. is seriously racist right here. Everyone knows Canadians get 2 hours of TV a week.

I kid I kid.
I love AJ more than is right but he doesn't have the best rep when it comes to speaking and representing the company.
Good grief. No wonder they never pushed him as the top guy. He's made himself look like an idiot every chance he gets.

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