From my gathering....


Dark Match Jobber
I've established several things, thus far here at the WZ Forum.

-The website alone was solid, why such the shitty forum? The traffic is terrible, the only threads being moved are ones the staff throws in awkward sarcastic love remarks?

-Holy Hell! Why such a diverse MOD staff?

-I feel terrible for RVDGurl, because she is so unaware of the fact that she is swimming in a sea of pending jail bait, and drives the staff crazy for being not male.

-The admin is awesome, and it drives the staff fucking crazy. How many power teats do you have for your staff?

-I like the rep system, because it means so much to the people.

-You're under the assumption that if I use a proxy server that I will do something to violate terms and services of the server, that is sweet that you trust me, and I do indeed love you people.

-England still sucks.

-Typical dumb American? Yes.

-Can I say fuck without the worry of cruel and unusual punishment? Yes.

-Our healthcare sucks in America, so congrats.

-I've learned that people assume (...) instead of (...etc) here at the WZ Forum. I will conform...

-Why do all sites use the same board format as you all? Free?

-Why has one dude made the post, "Who is CoreyDavis?" over 7 times now and no one will fucking answer the dude, cut him some damn slack!

-I'm from America, and I hate people not from America despite the fact I've never seen you, heard of you, or know of you. I hope your cool with that, if not, please do your worst. Bash me, rep me down, ban me it's all the same.

-If you want to be pissy, be pissy. I like the confident ones better, though.

-If you want to hate Kentucky, please do so.

-If you are pissed about being young, that is not my problem. I'm just stating what I see and you all take it as the insult. Think about that one...

-I love the 14yr mod, because he feels like he can "grind gears" (own words). I like Family Guy as well, sir. Your damage is done by text, as is mine, and if you want to argue via it...why? Outback Steakhouse is the shit.

-This site has been around for a long time, and I've used for it years. I decided on using the forum on the fact it would be solid as the site itself, I figured more people would use it, disappointing.

-Fucking Cena.

-TNA/WWE, wrestling as the whole has lost popularity, think about it. Ratings back in the day were pulling 5.8+ on Raw and Nitro was pulling around 3.4+, so rounding around wrestling was pulling twice the amount of fans as Raw/TNA combined, currently.

-Jeff Jarrett is coming back, nice.

-I will not argue with you, and it drives you C-R-A-Z-Y
-You're under the assumption that if I use a proxy server that I will do something to violate terms and services of the server, that is sweet that you trust me, and I do indeed love you people.

Actually there is no such assumption. If you want to use a proxy server thats up to you, however if you were to do it to register another account and start posting you would then be breaking our rules... repeatedly using a Proxy to circumvent Rules of various websites/forums is against their Terms of Service. Along with that constantly breaking our rules will be a violation of your own Internet Terms of Service which if reported in severe cases will result in your Internet provider cutting off your Internet.

Since you were bumping so many threads you should know that apart from the long winded sentences you are actually no different to any 12 year old that comes on here gets thrown in the Prison and then goes on about how much this place sucks. So in your attempts in insult this place for apparently having poor traffic, pre-teen mods or whatever you are looking exactly like the a 12 year old kid. Your becoming tiresome, last night you were funny but this routine has got boring, your stale and you need a gimmick change.
-Your becoming tiresome, last night you were funny but this routine has got boring, your stale and you need a gimmick change.

So, I was right. Corey is John Cena himself. Dang! I cant believe it! :lol2:

and ther's some points I want to remark:

The website alone was solid, why such the shitty forum? The traffic is terrible, the only threads being moved are ones the staff throws in awkward sarcastic love remarks?
Surely, you are a reject from SES. That would be really sad.

-I feel terrible for RVDGurl, because she is so unaware of the fact that she is swimming in a sea of pending jail bait, and drives the staff crazy for being not male.
Yeah, she must be feeling terrible in Vegas right now..
And she also drives the entire forum community crazy, not only the staff: She's an amazing wrestling poster, and a beauty among others posters, and some other things that you can't find in Kentucky.

-The admin is awesome, and it drives the staff fucking crazy. How many power teats do you have for your staff?
power teats....what an illustrative, smart, and funny concept.
and when you say admin, you are talking about Jake, Jonny or Admin? Damn, 3 times the power teats..

-I like the rep system, because it means so much to the people.
rep:something that you'll never see.

-England still sucks.
Sometimes the wheater sucks, yes.

-Typical dumb American? Yes.

-Can I say fuck without the worry of cruel and unusual punishment? Yes.
Then, go fuck yourself. :)

-Our healthcare sucks in America, so congrats

-Why do all sites use the same board format as you all? Free?
How do you know that? Have you ever pay to post in a forum?? What a dumbass.

-Why has one dude made the post, "Who is CoreyDavis?" over 7 times now and no one will fucking answer the dude, cut him some damn slack!
Because nobody knows you. I wonder why...have you ever posted something outside the Prison?

I'm from America, and I hate people not from America despite the fact I've never seen you, heard of you, or know of you. I hope your cool with that, if not, please do your worst. Bash me, rep me down, ban me it's all the same.
-Typical dumb American? Yes.
-If you want to hate Kentucky, please do so.
I dont want to hate Kentucky, actually i'm against discrimination, specially on mentally handicaped people...from Kentucky.

-I love the 14yr mod, because he feels like he can "grind gears" (own words). I like Family Guy as well, sir. Your damage is done by text, as is mine, and if you want to argue via it...why? Outback Steakhouse is the shit.
That 14 year old mod can own you anyday of the week.
Family guy is cool, agree on that.
Outback is pretty good actually, you start to sound reasonable!

-Fucking Cena.
See? Is not that hard to be a reasonable person.

-I will not argue with you, and it drives you C-R-A-Z-Y
Please do so, Jonny needs some amusement since Snyper, so does Jake.
-Why has one dude made the post, "Who is CoreyDavis?" over 7 times now and no one will fucking answer the dude, cut him some damn slack!

Indeed. That is all I want answered. If this Corey could help me himself I would be very happy. I can then continue with my life. Selling sex merch and watching wrestling. I thank you.
he should be banned or improssined for being a racist.
lol...i was but i actually meant Corey but towards u i was kidding...CoreyDavis was funny but not anymore i know i mentioned the racist thing...i was kidding...lets forget i even posted that lol can someone like delete that post plz./
lol it's alright I just know how people can be online, and how people *cough* corey *cough* blow stuff out of the water, and go on rants about nothing so no probs here man
-I'm from America, and I hate people not from America despite the fact I've never seen you, heard of you, or know of you. I hope your cool with that, if not, please do your worst. Bash me, rep me down, ban me it's all the same.

OK. You're a bellend. Is that one word or two? No matter, you won't argue back meaning the UK is victorious over your puny Yank arse. :shooter:

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

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